
Saturday, April 03, 2021

Arau MP Shahidan Kassim just showed which party he is loyal to


As Shahidan breaks rank, other leaders demand Umno MPs to toe the line

Just last Sunday, the Umno annual general assembly agreed to let the party's supreme council decide when to sever ties with Bersatu and exit the ruling Perikatan Nasional (PN) government.

Three days later, in breaking rank with the party's decision, Arau MP Shahidan Kassim (above) said ultimately, the decision to leave the PN government lies in the hands of the individual parliamentarians and not the supreme council.

Several Umno leaders, however, disagreed with the Perlis Umno chief, who is also a supreme council member.

Instead, they demand that all the party MPs respect the general assembly’s decision or face the music. One leader called for those who are against the decision to quit Umno.

Johor Bahru Umno chief Shahrir Samad

"Shahidan can reject the party's decision but he has to bear whatever consequences from his decision. Taking full responsibility is one of the important aspects in our maturity," Johor Bahru Umno chief Shahrir Samad told Malaysiakini.

The former Johor Bahru MP stressed that all MPs who won their seats under the Umno banner should respect whatever decision that the party makes.

Those who decline to toe the line should not offer themselves to contest for Umno in the next election, he added.

"One respectable way to protest or reject the party decision is by refraining from being a candidate in the next election."

'So stupid'

Tajuddin Abdul Rahman, another supreme council member, did not mince words when asked for a response to Shahidan's remarks.

The Pasir Salak MP questioned Shahidan's statement, which he regarded as "stupid".

"These MPs... which party they belong to? They are members of which party? Of course, it is Umno and BN. How come Shahidan is so stupid?" he fumed.

Tajuddin went on to call other Umno MPs who disagree with the party decision on exiting PN to make up their mind on whether they want to stay with Umno.

Umno supreme council member Tajuddin Abdul Rahman

He said disloyalty against the party is a major offence and should any MPs refuse to quit the PN government, they are disobeying the decision that has been made at the annual general assembly - the party's highest decision-making body.

"These kind of people, are they any good if they stay with the party? These are 'gunting dalam lipatan' and 'musuh dalam selimut' (snake in the grass).

"The time has come for us to just say it to their face. I am tired of trying to be discreet. They should make a decision now - whether they want to stay with the party or not.

"The Umno general assembly has made a decision. This is not the party president's decision, it is the general assembly's," he stressed.

Meanwhile, Umno vice-president Khaled Nordin when contacted said Shahidan's statement was only "his personal view".

When asked what would happen if Umno MPs decide to stay with PN in their personal capacity against the party’s decision, the party leader said "the party will decide when the time comes".

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