
Wednesday, April 07, 2021

'Alleged Zahid-Anwar recording brings back memories of Najib's leaked calls'


'Alleged Zahid-Anwar recording brings back memories of Najib's leaked calls'

Umno supreme council member Mohd Puad Zarkashi drew parallels between an alleged leaked phone conversation between Umno president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi and opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim and how Najib Abdul Razak's phone conversations as the prime minister were leaked.

"Who was responsible? Is Malaysia still safe when a private conversation can be recorded and made viral? There was surely political motives.

"Is this a conspiracy at the highest level? This is not the work of ordinary people.

"We still remember former MACC commissioner Latheefa Koya revealing Najib's conversation with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) crown prince," Puad (above) said in a statement.

According to the recording, which authenticity has yet to be verified, Zahid and Anwar had discussed the recently concluded Umno annual general assembly.

They appeared satisfied at the outcome of the Umno AGM which decided to sever ties with Perikatan Nasional and Bersatu in the 15th general election.

A voice resembling Anwar had also said Umno ministers should have used the Umno AGM as an excuse to resign immediately to build momentum against the PN government.

However, he said none dared to do so.

The other voice resembling Zahid had also assured what was said during the Umno AGM was only "tactical" while the man on the other side said it was okay.

Zahid denied any such conversation took place.

The Bagan Datuk MP had during the Umno AGM declared that Umno won't cooperate with either Anwar, DAP or Bersatu.

Puad believed the recording was made with specialised equipment.

"The details of the conversation was clear and high quality. It must have used high tech equipment that ordinary people cannot obtain.

"Have we not learnt from our mistakes?" he said.

Puad said when the recording between Najib and the UAE crown prince was revealed, it angered UAE which has snubbed Malaysia for investments.

He said MPs should demand a royal commission of inquiry (RCI) and an investigation by the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) but noted that Parliament was suspended.

In the conversation between Najib and the UAE crown prince, the ex-prime minister had sought help to get his step-son out of the 1MDB scandal as US investigators closed in on him.

The MACC also released other conversations, including between Najib and his wife, Rosmah Mansor.

In that recording, an irate Rosmah scolded her husband for allowing the MACC to make him appear "like a villain".


kt notes:

Amazing - a PM of Malaysia could have his conversation with a foreign dignitary recorded?

Outrageous - the MACC Head (Latheefa Koya) had the audacity and impunity to expose such a recording (already a breach of national security) publicly without fear (of course Atuk was then PM, the Tefloniser).

Amazing again - no action was taken about above incidents (the covert recording of a PM's telephone conversation with a foreign dignitary, and its audacious public exposure)

Most outrageous - the indiscreet exposure of the secretly recorded conversation happened under the Pakatan Harapan government.

The secret (obviously unauthorised recording) happened under BN - who was the minister (or the power behind him/her) responsible?


  1. But KT has no problem playing and re-playing a secretly recorded video of two consenting adults in a Sandakan hotel room?

    1. Sorry I didn't realise you have classified that gay sex clip as pertaining to national security wakakaka

    2. What national security issue was discussed between Jibby and the foreign official? I didn’t realize Riza Aziz’s Hollywood movie was one....ha ha ha....that was what they discussed.

    3. Using KT’s logic if it had been Jibby as PM being “jabbed” from behind and someone secretly recorded it, that recording would have been a classified national security secret, but since it was Azmin it is alright to replay it publicly. Sounds like double standards to me.

    4. just because you dislike Najib, doesn't mean he was not the then PM - secretly recording a PM's tele-conversation whether private or otherwise breached/breaches national security

    5. The phone recording was as much evidence of possible criminality as the Sandakan video.
      Ktemoc appears prejudiced and biased in favour of Najib.

  2. There is a difference between official conversations between leaders of countries and personal conversations.

    There was nothing official about the topic of conversation between Jibby and the foreign leader. Nothing about state-to-state relations, investments, trade or international cooperation. It was all about personal favours and possible cover up of an embarrassing situation.

    And for the record Anwar and Zahid (not that I support him) have both denied having that conversation. Jibby has yet to deny that conversation with the foreign leader.

    1. so it's OK to eavesdrop and record the private conversation of a PM?

    2. How do we know who recorded it? It could have been Jibby himself who recorded it but it fell into the “wrong” hands. Focus on the message, not the messenger.

  3. Who dares to be a whistle-blower in Malaysia, when we shoot the messenger, not the message.
