
Thursday, March 25, 2021

Why are Chinese Uighurs the ONLY Muslims in the World loved by the West?


Russia and China push for UN summit, lash out at West

Russia and China said on Tuesday they wanted a summit of permanent members of the UN Security Council amid what they called heightened political turbulence, with Moscow saying they believed the United States was acting in a destructive way.

The two allies, whose relations with the West are under increasing strain, made the call for a UN summit in a joint statement after talks between the two countries' foreign ministers.

"At a time of increasing global political turbulence, a summit of the permanent members of the UN Security Council is particularly necessary to establish a direct dialogue about ways to resolve humankind's common problems in the interests of maintaining global stability," the statement, published on the Russian foreign ministry's website, said.

Moscow has long been unilaterally pushing for such a summit.

The statement did not mention the United States by name. But Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov was cited by the Tass news agency as telling a news conference after talks with his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi that Moscow and Washington were both unhappy with US behaviour.

Washington, Tass cited him as saying, was relying on Cold war-era military and political alliances to try to destroy international legal architecture.

Both countries' ties with Washington are strained.

US and Chinese officials on Friday concluded what Washington called "tough and direct" talks in Alaska, while Russia's ambassador is back in Moscow for talks after US President Joe Biden said he believed President Vladimir Putin was a killer.

Kicking off his two-day China trip on Monday, Lavrov issued a call for Moscow and Beijing to reduce their dependence on the US dollar.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Chinas State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi

Tuesday's joint statement urged other countries to refrain from interfering in the domestic affairs of Russia and China.

Lavrov said Russia and China regarded European and Western sanctions as unacceptable.

On Monday, the United States, European Union, Britain and Canada imposed sanctions on a handful of Chinese officials for alleged human rights abuses in Xinjiang.

Russia too is braced for a new round of US sanctions over what Washington says was its meddling in the 2020 US presidential election, which Moscow denies.

Lavrov, according to TASS, also took a swipe at the European Union, accusing Brussels of destroying Russia-EU ties and saying that Moscow only has relations with individual EU nations now.


  1. USA... (previously) World's biggest donor to UNRWA. UN Palestinian Aid Agency

    USA + Europe ... overwhelming majority of financial , personnel, food and medical aid to Muslim SubSaharan Africa ( no profits to be made, so CCP ain't interested)

    Libya... misguided, but Obama thought he was protecting Libyan civilians...

    1. obama is useless, biden is obama 2.0

    2. Wakakakakaka…

      "USA... (previously) World's biggest donor to UNRWA. UN Palestinian Aid Agency"

      What a shameless lie!

      World biggest lousy donor with the worst payment record.

      U mfers really believing in lies repeating thousand times become truth.

    3. When Trump took over. Obama had already repaid the entire UN current + arrears.
      Trump refused to pay, of course.
      USA is the most unrecognised contributor to international aid, 2nd to none.

    4. Mfer, goes & check with the financial reports of UN before u fart!

      Maybe u don't know what shamelessness is to upstage yr Yankee uncle as the most unrecognised contributor to international aid, 2nd to none in contribution backlogs!

  2. history repeat itself. reread ccp 1949 to 1976.

  3. Don't forget USA went to fight for the Bosnian Muslims

    1. US went to whack Serbia, Russia's ally and kinfolk

    2. US went to free Bosnian Muslims, from Russia's Karadzic, Milo-something and what-not gang of ethnic cleansers.

    3. Regardless what may have been the dislikes of the US Foreign Policy elite, there was No public support for any US intervention in the Yugoslavian Civil War until the horrors of Srebrenica and Sarajevo were exposed for all to see.
      This was primarily seen earlier as a problem for Europr to solve.

      When the US Military finally intervened , the public support was clearly to stop the Genocide against the Bosnians.

    4. Blurred mfers reading only western press on Balkan genocides.

      Balkan genocides happened within every splited states of the Yugoslavia. There were no single victims!

      Yet, out of the multi states created after the fall of Yugoslavia, WHY the muslims of Bosnia Herzegovina were exclusively been tagged as victims?

      Why not Serbia, Croatia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Slovenia?

      Why the muslims r so love by the islamophobia west?

      U people r truly meme-ed demoNcratic dickheads of the f*cked kind.

  4. Not true.

    ICC now NOT investigating 5000 Bully but investigating Israel over Palestine. So ICC loves 5000 Bully and Palestine, not Uighurs or Israeli Jews. Very confusing.

    West also love Rohingyas, they took away Nobel Peace Prize from Aung Sang Suu Kyi.

    Millions of Muslim refugees from Middle East eg Syria welcomed by European countries, eg Germany alone took in 1 million. Sudanese, Libyans, Afghans etc were grated refuge in Australia, US, Canada etc.

    1. usa oso welcome china born, 6%, perhaps more than muslim.

    2. Here r the truths that mfers buat tak tau!

      "Millions of Muslim refugees from Middle East eg Syria welcomed by European countries"

      According to Deutsche Welle, "between 2014 and 2015, the number of crimes committed by refugees increased by 79 percent. Over the same period, the number of refugees in Germany increased by 440 percent."

      The statistics show that the asylum-group is highly overrepresented for some types of crime. They account for 14.3 percent of all suspects in crimes against life (which include murder, manslaughter and involuntary manslaughter), 12.2 percent of sexual offences, 11.4 percent of thefts and 9.7 percent of body injuries The report also shows differences between the origin of migrants. Syrians are underrepresented as suspects, whereas citizens from most African countries, especially northern Africans are strongly overerrepresented. Afghans and Pakistanis are particularly overerrepresented in sexual offenses.

      The 2019 "Criminality in the context of immigration" report showed an increase of 102% in the number of Germans who were victims of a crime committed by a member of the immigrants group (including all those who came via the asylum system to Germany) than vice versa.

      The first quarter 2019 BKA report stated that no other group is as strongly overrepresented as crime suspects in Germany as asylum seekers, refugees and individuals without residency who cannot be deported (German: Geduldete). This group numbers about 1.6 million people and the great majority arrived in 2015 and later. They represent 2% of the population in Germany but 11% of suspects in cases of grievous bodily harm, 15% of suspects in cases of deadly violence and 12% of suspects in cases of rape and sexual assault. This was attributed by criminologists to the subgroup consisting of men aged 16-29 is disproportionately large at 34% of the total and that young males are overrepresented as criminals in all parts of the world, rather than to their ethnic origin. Also, the young male immigrants also have high unemployment, low education and experiences of violence, factors which are associated with higher crime rates also among Germans.

      According to statistics collected by BKA, the number of asylum seekers suspected of sexual offences in Germany went up in absolute numbers in the 2012-2016 period, whereas the number of German perpetrators remained the same or fell.

      Meanwhile the hate crimes committed by German residents against refugees also increased exponentially.

      In a 2016 study, there were 1,645 instances of anti-refugee violence and social unrest in Germany during the years 2014 and 2015.

      According to the German Federal Criminal Office, there were 797 attacks against residences of refugees or migrants from January to October 2016.

      A 2018 paper by the Institute of Labor Economics found that xenophobic violence during the 1990s in Germany reduced the integration and well-being of immigrants. Another 2018 report, by the VBRG, a victim support group, showed an 8% increase in the number of violent far-right attacks in eastern Germany during the year, with a total of 1,200 such attacks having taken place in the regions of Berlin, Brandenburg, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia.

      Vigilantism against immigrants is considered to have become more widespread after the sexual assaults by migrants in Cologne and other German cities on New Year's Eve 2015.

      These violent crimes committed by asylum seekers, created significant political pressure for changes in the Angela Merkel administration policy of welcoming refugees.

      Just a sample from the acceptance champion of Muslim refugees!

      There r equally horror reports/findings in many other countries which were too 'timid' to be showcased to the public as in the German.

      Karma is a hell freezing bitch!

    3. Germany definitely gave the Syrian refugees a warm and generous welcome.

      The only thing your post argues is that some of the Syrian refugees have abused their welcome.

    4. Wakakakakaka…

      Denial & blurred.

      Fact check whether NOW untie Merkel is still game to open the Germany border to all refugees lah. Instead, she wants the distribution of refugees to other EU component nations - which have seen a deadlocks of silences & outcries!

      Mfer, no need to look so far away into Syrian refugees. Open yr house to the rohingya closer at bolihland.

      Don't fart! Just do what u say. OK?

  5. "Why are Chinese Uighurs the ONLY Muslims in the World loved by the West? "

    If these Chinese Uyghurs were to live anywhere else but Xinjiang, they would promptly be unloved by the West. To the West, especially the US, Uyghurs in Xinjiang are now to be 'loved and be very concerned about' so as to be used to destabilize China, to contain China. The US and UK have failed miserably in the recent color revolution in Hong Kong, their 1600 spies having their covers blown and all had to flee Hong Kong. This is the last gambit to halt the rise of China, and the Biden administration is determined to get all their few allies together ( Biden's definition of 'multilateralism' ) as the US is simply not confident enough to go it alone.

    Biden is making a huge mistake using this outmoded method in its containment drive. The genocide story is not going to fly, no matter that he managed to get the EU into his 5-Eyes & Quad clubs this time to bleat in tandem " we officially condemn that China is abusing the human rights of the Uyghurs and committing genocide ". Sanctions followed and immediately China gave back tit-for-tat.

    In almost the same breath, Biden calls out Putin 'a killer'. Putin, with his usual cool, suave style, offers Biden a live, unedited public debate. My guess is that Joe Biden turned down Putin's offer since there was a very good chance Putin would point out American hypocrisy very much like the Chinese did in Alaska this past week. It's all about avoiding embarrassment at a crucial stage when the US is trying to re-establish itself as a global leader in the west. The US is currently in a very weak position, while alliances are starting to form between Iran, Iraq, China and Russia.

    Antony Blinken got more than he bargained for in Alaska. China's top diplomat Yang Jiechi took the floor for more than 16 minutes with a blistering of broadsides against a Washington he denounced as bullying, racist and hypocritical. The US Sec of State felt compelled to respond, and THEN as he asked the journalists to leave, the Chinese counterparts attacked the US commitment to free press as they responded to his response.

    Yes, the Chinese actually wanted the media to stay in the room. Why is that ?

    Isn't it usually argued that the Chinese censor their own press ? But here we literally have the US side asking the press to leave the room and the Chinese saying, " No, we want our people and your people to see this ".

    This is yet another clear example the US government deliberately lies to reporters and this video clearly demonstrates this fact :

    And no debate....Biden have no balls to face Putin in an open debate. Putin was a top former intelligence officer in the KGB and would run circles around Biden in any debate. The Russians have too much dirt on the US, as they said in a thriller novel, hehe. Putin regularly embarrass western journalists when he answers about accusations levelled at Russia, mostly because the western journalists are mostly misinformed by their own governments, being used either willingly or unwillingly.

    But there are other 'risk' in having such an open debate. Counterintelligence is big in Russia and there is a footage on YouTube where they caught Navalny's right-hand man colluding with M16 in a restaurant, basically selling Russia for UK funding. Obviously this was reported on RT, which is a Russian state-controlled international TV network. These are the sort of things Biden might not want the western world to hear on a live debate, especially not while the US is trying its very best to re-establish itself as the leader of the "democratic" west.

    ( this video is billed as Explosive Video Exposes M16 link to Alexei Navalny )

    1. Jerky Jerk is definitely gone mentally unhinged by spending too much time in conspiracy theorist sites.

    2. Or r those paranoid katak so jumpy about the future trends of their demoNcracy that all sopo postulations, whether backed with factual & in-depth analysis or katak-ised farts turned turtle, r conspiracies?

      Unable to understand. Unwilling to accept facts. Leading to these mfers r building a tributary of denial inside that fart filled well!
