
Sunday, March 28, 2021

Trump wanted to imitate China's Great Wall, now Biden wants to imitate China's ‘Belt and Road’ initiative


Biden suggests rival plan to China’s ‘Belt and Road’

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi signs a strategic cooperation agreement between China and Iran in Tehran today. (AP pic)

WASHINGTON: US President Joe Biden has suggested founding an initiative from “democratic” countries to rival China’s trillion-dollar Belt and Road infrastructure initiative as tensions spike between the Asian power and Western nations.

Biden said late Friday that he floated the proposal in a call with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson amid a row over sanctions against abuses targeting the Uighur minority in China’s northwestern Xinjiang region.

“I suggested we should have, essentially, a similar initiative coming from the democratic states, helping those communities around the world that, in fact, need help,” Biden told reporters, referring to Belt and Road.

Beijing’s influence has grown in some nations in recent years through loans and projects under the initiative, raising concerns among regional powers and Western nations.

China has helped scores of countries build or develop roads, railways, dams and ports.

President Xi Jingping has promised to “pursue open, green and clean co-operation” under Belt and Road, yet Chinese banks have continued to finance coal projects as Beijing uses the initiative to make an overseas coal play.

Between 2000 and 2018, 23.1% of the US$251 billion invested by China’s two biggest policy banks on overseas energy projects was spent on coal projects, according to Boston University’s database on China’s global energy financing.

London, in its readout of the call between Biden and Johnson, did not mention the US president’s proposal for a Western response to Belt and Road, but did note that the two leaders discussed “significant action” to impose sanctions on “human rights violators” in Xinjiang.

The European Union, Britain, Canada and the US sanctioned several members of Xinjiang’s political and economic hierarchy this week in coordinated action over the rights allegations, prompting retaliation from Beijing in the form of sanctions on individuals from the EU and UK.

Beijing, which insists the situation in Xinjiang is an “internal affair”, announced sanctions Friday against nine British individuals and four entities, saying they had “maliciously spread lies and disinformation” over the treatment of the Uighurs.

At least 1 million Uighurs and people from other mostly Muslim groups have been held in camps in Xinjiang, according to rights groups, who accuse authorities of forcibly sterilising women and imposing forced labour.


  1. When it comes to dealing with 5000 yo Bullyland, Trump and Biden sama sama lah. Talk now of Indo-Pacific instead of Sino-Pacific....was Trump-ism...Biden will ikut.

    Here are the Facts:

    Fact 1:
    Following the end of World War II, the Chinese Communists gained control of Manchuria as well as the Inner Mongolian Communists with decisive Soviet support and established the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region in 1947.

    Fact 2:
    The annexation of Tibet by the People's Republic of China in 1950-1951, called the "Peaceful Liberation of Tibet" by the Chinese government and the "Chinese invasion of Tibet" by the Central Tibetan Administration and the Tibetan people, was the process by which the People's Republic of China (PRC) gained control of Tibet.

    Fact 3:
    The People’s Republic of China annexed Xinjiang in 1949. At this time, it was estimated the Uyghur numbered around 76% of the region’s population. Han Chinese – the country’s majority ethnic group – accounted for just 6.2%, with other minority groups making up the remaining total.

    Fact 4:
    Xinjiang covers 1.665 million sqkm or 17.3% of the total Bullyland area
    Tibet covers 1.228 million sqkm or 12.8% of Bullyland area
    Inner Mongolia 1.183 million sqkm or 12.3% of Bullyland area

    Meaning Bullyland has increased their land mass by 42% since the Communist Party came into power - the last 70 years or so.

    Now they want to Rampas the sea resources:
    East Sea - 1.249 million sqkm
    South Sea - 3.5 million sqkm

    Bullyland's version of the German "Lebensraum" Living Space of the 1890s-1940s (50 years) which the Nazis exploited to the extreme limit.
    The Nazis used Guns and Bombs, Bullyland use Money and Economic Might. And both cleverly use TIPU-ing language.

    Bullyland must be stopped before they morph into Bully-Monster.

    1. Blurred mfer, when did u learn to state farts as facts?

      So good at c&p Lego news, why no sources labelling? R yr sources pure self imaginations or cesspool collectables from fart filled well?

      Truly a dimoNcratic cur par excellent!

    2. Aisehman, not facts lah, just your fiction of untrue :

      Ever learned of the Yuan Dynasty? When Mongolian was emperor of China, how is it that Mongolia is not part of China?

      And then the Qing Dynasty already rule Xinjiang as part of its territory. Older English-language reference works often refer to Xinjiang as Chinese Turkestan. There was a famous Qing emperor's concubine "Heong-heong princess" (香香公主) from Xinjiang whose grave is still maintained in Xinjiang today. Please check your history properly man !!! Wakakakaka

    3. The TipuMan is the true AutaMan, wa ka ka ka. There's no necessity to even correct'll be casting pearls before the swine. Cinababi betul, LOL

  2. People make such a fuss when Israel ask for 22,145 sqkm, the size equivalent to Perak as their homeland. Since the late 1940s.

    But when Bullyland has amassed millions of sqkm, Tibet, Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, also since the late 1940s, displacing millions of locals there is no poop or peep, want to support their ridiculous claim over the East and South Seas pulak. Is Israel claiming the Aegean Sea?

    1. Farts of self imagination!

      Is real didn't ask BUT was given that piece of land by yr auntie pommie!

      Nobody gave Tibet, Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia to China! They were/are Chinese territories since u eons ago with recorded history.

      Unless it's yr his-story from that fart filled well!

    2. Why waste time to correct this TipuIgnoramus ? Buang masa je...

  3. Put another Lobster on the Barbie...and have a slice of pineapple and a glass of Penfolds to go with it too....ha ha Aussies give Bullyland the middle finger like the Taiwanese over pineapples.

    #FreedomLobster, #FreedomPineapple: new food alliance driven by China’s trade wars
    Eryk Bagshaw
    March 27, 2021

    Sashimi lobster, deep-fried lobster, Singapore chilli lobster. Never has so much lobster been so widely carved, picked and pulled. In Perth, it’s paired with prosciutto, in Sydney, it’s filling dumplings, in Melbourne, it’s going in eggs benedict.

    Domestic sale volumes out of Geraldton Fishermen’s Co-operative, Australia’s largest lobster processor, are up 2000 per cent as falling prices driven by a trade dispute with China allow more families to put the elegant sea-floor dweller on the weekend lunch table.

    “When they stopped the exports to China, the price started crashing,” says The Paddington’s executive chef Ben Greeno. “What we found was because people have a little bit more disposable income, they’re going for it.

    “Now they can come to a pub for a pint and a lobster.”

    And it is not the only economy dealing with a domestic rush of an unusual commodity over international trade tensions.

    The lobster farmers of Australia have more in common with the pineapple growers of Taiwan than they realise.

    In Taipei, President Tsai Ing-wen’s government remains untouchable in the polls. It wants to remain separate from Beijing despite the growing military, economic and political threats from the superpower, which views it as an “inalienable part” of the mainland.

    Frustrated by the lack of public and political appetite for its One-China policy, Beijing sent dozens of warplanes towards its island neighbour in the first months of this year. Then it banned Taiwan’s pineapple exports.

    Like Australia, the official reason given by Chinese customs was for technical infringements. Authorities said pests were found in exports or enhanced COVID-19 testing was blamed. But both the Australian and the Taiwan governments deny these claims and say they are part of a pattern of economic intimidation.

    “Taiwanese have spontaneously purchased domestic pineapples to reaffirm our solidarity,” says the mayor of Tainan City Council, Huang Wei-che. The area is home to the second-largest number of pineapple exporters in Taiwan.

    There is pineapple in soup, pineapple wine, pineapple tarts and #FreedomPineapple, the hashtag used on Twitter by Taiwan’s Foreign Minister Joseph Wu to whip up a surge of consumer nationalism.

    “I urge like-minded friends around the globe to stand with #Taiwan & rally behind the #FreedomPineapple,” he said on Twitter in February.

    The hashtag was itself taken from the fourth Australian export out of half-a-dozen last year to be hit by Chinese trade restrictions:

    #Freedomwine. Australia’s $2 billion-a-year wine trade with China was knocked out last year by tariffs of between 100 and 200 per cent over allegations it had been dumped at discount prices in the Chinese market. The Australian industry and the government have refuted those claims.

    This weekend, China extended tariffs on some Australian wines for another five years.Chinese officials said the taxes - expected to be up to 220 per cent - were an anti-dumping measures.

    Huang says it is time to trade more Penfolds and lobster for pineapple. “In my opinion, it will certainly be a win-win situation if countries with a common vision can share with each other’s signature products,” he says.

    Chung-Hsiu Hung, the chairman of Taiwan’s agricultural peak body, Mitagri, says if Chinese authorities don’t want to allow the imports of Australian wine and lobster, “we will eat it!”

    “The more unreasonable the restrictions the more it will summon the consumers together,” he says.

    “As both are staunch supporters of free trade and market economy, Taiwan and Australia could work together to maintain the well-functioning of the multilateral trading system,” she says.

    1. Better do them quick.

      Pineapple is perishable so r crayfish from Oz.

      Otherwise, u ended up with additional rotten smells to fill up that fart filled well!

    2. Wakakaka ........ this is again like the shiok sendiri story of China banned Australia coal and wrongly concluded as China eating their own humble pie of not enough coal to generate electricity as the certain province had to ration usage of electricity power supply otherwise facing the prospect of cold winter which was due averted because of the smart Chinese system of planning.

    3. ..... which was duly averted .....

  4. There has been a Global multilateral infrastructure-focused financial institution operating for decades.

    It's called the World Bank, and USA is a principal contributor.

    The World Bank's strength-and - weakness, is that it has to assure, as far as possible, that projects are financially and economically viable. You rarely hear of World Bank projects failing.

    On the other hand, Many countries struggle to get projects approved, leading to unhappiness.

    Belt and Road, CCP doesn't worry, because they Sinicise the profits way up front, then leave the debt burden localised.

    CCP gets all the profits from material, machinery and manpower, all CCP sourced and controlled.

    Just take a look at any East Coast ECRL construction site, it looks like a piece of China teleported into Malaysia.

    What is localised is the burden of repaying the loans. The ECRL, and most other Belt and Road initiatives are founded on near impossible financial targets.
    CCP doesn't care, it would have made its profits way up front.

    Malaysians will be saddled with the debt for generations to come.

    Oh well...might as well learn to sing "March of the Volunteers" every morning..

    1. World bank!

      Old moneyed mfer have u checked who controlled world bank & how it was/is functioning?

      "The World Bank's strength-and - weakness, is that it has to assure, as far as possible, that projects are financially and economically viable. You rarely hear of World Bank projects failing."

      1st the stated altruistic principle of world bank is to finance social projects in underdeveloped/developing countries. Economic profit was/is the least consideration but maintaining viability of these projects were/r!

      Economic profit consideration is hard to justify in these underdeveloped/developing countries by nature of their sopo conditions. Thus financial returns r nonexistent & sometimes taken long than the world bank willing to invest.

      That's where the vulturous nature of the world bank major shareholders come into play.

      Ignored those basket cases while those meat were skinned totally from some viable borderline countries.

      Heard of how Thailand & SKorea were skinned during their 97 financial crisis by world bank high-handedness? Know how mamak fight the stringent requirements of world bank to get out of that crisis?

      World bank failures! Mfer, looks no further than their 'scammed' efforts in Africa, Latin America & South Pacific islands.

      U want to know about how world bank 'Sinicise the profits way up front, then leave the debt burden localised.'?

      Mfer, yr 'sinicise' is best replaced by 'vutlurised' by the western capitalist controllers of world bank lah.

      China BRI has a very long term consideration usually with future returns built on 'prosper thy neighbours' principle! That tern is totally alien to any of the world bank initiatives since it's very foundations!

      U don't need to sing 义勇军进行义曲.

      U r not worth it. Yr chosen choices should be The Star-Spangled Banner or God save the queen. Negaraku? What that to u but intermediary doggie crumbs.

    2. Come on lah don't pretend lah. You have you suspicious also East Coast ECRL is tainted with Ahjibgor's magic repayment formula for the 1MDB's BONDS and it's not all your so called super profit as you now alleged.

  5. The human rights allegations, is just like the backdoor Huawei allegation, pure evil fiction to smear China reputation because of jealousy and as USA is falling behind in technologies advancement especially in 5G, after 3 years, still no proof because it was a manufactured lie all along.

    The fact that these losers are trying to imitate China's story, it proves that the China is doing right, the China government, system and all of China initiatives are better than all the exaggerated superiority of the democratic system. But one thing I have to admit, despite the many examples of failure in democracy it still attract many foolhardy 'blind' followers. Wakakakaka

  6. ccp copy american technology, usa copy ccp evil trick.

    1. No matter how many times you repeat copy American technology, the world latest recognized fact is China is ahead of USA in the "technology war"

    2. As understood within the written dogma of the fart filled well!

  7. Once A Bully Always A Bully.

    Philippines sends fighter aircraft over Chinese vessels in South China Sea
    28 Mar, 2021

    MANILA, March 28 — The Philippine military is sending light fighter aircraft to fly over hundreds of Chinese vessels in disputed waters in the South China Sea, its defence minister said, as he repeated his demand the flotilla be withdrawn immediately.

    International concern is growing over what the Philippines has described as a “swarming and threatening presence” of more than 200 Chinese vessels that Manila believes were manned by maritime militia.

    The boats were moored at the Whitsun Reef within Manila’s 200-mile exclusive economic zone.

    The Philippine military aircraft were sent daily to monitor the situation, Defence Secretary Delfin Lorenzana said in a statement late yesterday.

    Lorenzana said the military will also beef up its naval presence in the South China Sea to conduct “sovereignty patrols” and protect Filipino fishermen.

    1. Be a professional lah if u r insisting in doing a monkey c&p.

      Oooop… no c&p! Just self interpretation of the f*cked kind with blacken white!

  8. Thousands, nay, millions of people risk theirs lives to find a way to enter the Democratic societies ( the real ones, not the sham ones). I don't see a mad scramble to enter the Socialist Paradises .

    1. U have conveniently forgotten about the causality, mfer!

      Thousands, nay, millions of people risk theirs lives to find a way to enter the Democratic societies ( the real ones, not the sham ones) bcoz karma is a bitch to bend the their flow towards the initiator of their despairs.

      When have u seen a mad scramble to enter the Socialist Paradises?

      Simple. That paradise didn't cause their sufferings so why leave the places they r living now?

      Moronic pariah!

  9. Aiyoh ,,,,,,,,, there is really concentration camp in Xinjiang !!! See the live telecast :

    1. People like Jerry Goode goes to the ground and report the real situation, unlike some old fool here who likes to boast he travelled like almost the whole planet....hehe, old fool doing those touristy stuff, sampling some local cuisine, buying some trashy souvenirs for later display in his house to show off to guests he's 'been there, done that' of the world, goes around the world in 80 days, hehe...barely scratching the surface and yet he implied he's been to China and therefore KNOWS China, haha haha. A shallow ignorant fool, as all his superficial, specious comments here provide ample proof of. But worse than being an ignoramus, the greater sin is his being so ridiculously bias and infused with such vindictive hatred. Ditto for his like-minded OCBCs, regrettably.

  10. Yes, Yes, we know everybody who stands up and says CCP security agents came and took my husband away, and nobody knows where he is, is a liar.

    Yes, Yes, we know everybody who stands up and says CCP police came and forcibly sent my brother to toil in the cotton fields is a liar.

    Only the Great Almighty CCP is the Truth

    1. Mfer, read it this way.

      We believe someone who know everybody who stands up and says CCP security agents came and took his/her husband away, and nobody knows where he is, is a liar.

      We believe someone who know everybody who stands up and says CCP police came and forcibly sent his/her brother to toil in the cotton fields is a liar.

      See the differences?

      Only a lie repeated 1000+1 times becomes truth!

      The great almighty dogma of demoNcracy!

    2. You sound like someone blinded by hatred of CCP and your perception of China maybe correct 40 or 30 years ago but is surely outdated. CCP may not be perfect but it is one that thrive to improve all the time.

      Compare China with USA :

      China lifted millions out of poverty. USA created millions of unemployed and homeless

      China controlled and eradicated Covid-19. USA let Covid-19 devastated them

      China doesn't have homeless people sleeping in the street. USA has plenty sleeping all over the places

      China has very little crime rate. USA has one of the highest crime rate in the world

      China has affordable health insurance and health care. USA health care is so out of reach such that the average household could not afford to fall sick

      Chinese are united behind their government. USA people are divided right in the middle

      "millions of people risk theirs lives to find a way to enter the Democratic societies"? Million from where and under what conditions? War torn countries? As refugees? Why do you assumed there is no freedom in communist country?

    3. "Yes, Yes, we know everybody who stands up and says CCP security agents came and took my husband away, and nobody knows where he is, is a liar."

      It also happened in Malaysia. And you think it doesn't happen in USA? Why one is evil and the other is not? Double standard ?!!

  11. hehehe, ts universally accepted fact vs zombie ccp laughable myth.

    1. Wakakakakaka…

      Universally accepted within that fart filled well.

      Any wonder?

    2. Biden suggests a similar parallel initiative to rival China's BRI....haha haha

      "It will go from Buffalo, NY, to Halifax, Canada. And from there by fast-speed canoe, to London, then via Amtrak train through Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia and Poland, through Ukraine to Israel...and then, by glider over the rubble of war on terror, to Japan and it will be financed by the IMF and Disneyland. Go Joe. You a bigger genius than Trump." haha haha
