
Monday, March 08, 2021

Then was crispy rendang skin, now here's another British bull

MM Online:

Prince Harry’s ex-butler schooled on Twitter after saying rice can’t be eaten with hands

The self-described etiquette expert claimed that one must always use utensils when eating rice. — Pictures via Twitter/TheRoyalButler

PETALING JAYA, Mar 8 — A former butler to the British royal family has been slammed online for suggesting that one must never eat rice with one’s hands or fingers.

Grant Harrold, who once served Prince Charles and his sons, Prince William and Prince Harry, came under fire for a Twitter post he made on Saturday advising people to always use utensils at the dinner table.

“Ladies and gentlemen, remember we always use a knife and fork or chopsticks to eat rice!

“We do not use our hands or fingers,” wrote Harrold, who included an emoji looking aghast in his tweet.

The post also came with a photo of a person using a knife and fork to scrape up the last grains of rice on a plate.

Many social media users immediately criticised Harrold’s “advice” for sidelining South and South-east Asian eating cultures where it is common to use hands to eat during mealtimes.

“If you eat nasi padang with a knife and fork, you miss out on the fun, bro. I pity you,” said user @ladydevimon_.

Others also didn’t take kindly to the condescending tone of the post and brushed off Harrold’s unsolicited advice.

“Thank you very much but we prefer our hands and fingers to eat and we are unapologetic about it.

“We don’t need the so-called civilising colonisers anymore, we are an older civilization than you,” wrote user @sonalika_kumar.

Some users responded by making fun of Western habits, such as favouring toilet paper over a bidet and wearing shoes indoors.

“Say the people who don’t wash their rear with water and step in the house with their shoes on,” said @arifeddy12.

“Wash your butt with water first, then we can talk,” wrote @HanaChan3000.

Harrold has yet to respond to the scathing criticism but has instead retweeted the original post to his Twitter profile.


  1. Wakakakakaka…

    These pommie loyal thrushes r not only limited to these self trumpeters.

    The latest disclosure from Megan has that some members of the closed loyal households questioned the colour of her unborn child!

    This is not the first time. Just recall what that old bitch mentioned about the new relationship of Diana with the Egyptian.

    All in the family - they didn't even realised their themselves r a bunch of incestuous products!

  2. To each his own.

    Having travelled to many countries, I'm very well aware that almost all cultures place tremendous importance on meal time etiquette.

    It's not about one culture being superior to another. Just respect where and who you are with.

    As for the butler ,it really depends on his intended audience. If he was advising youngsters or foreigners on what proper manners to observe dining in an English home or restaurant, he was probably correct.

    The correct custom in a traditional Indian restaurant or Muslim home is totally different again.

    To each his own. Respect each others ways

  3. I get the feeling that Megan and Harry will suffer backlash. The public reception to the Oprah interview may not go quite the way they expected, maybe in the US but not back in Britain. And with their poor grandfather Prince Philip in hospital too.

  4. Meghan was wrong to go public. She is not the innocent lovable teen that Diana was when she married Charles. Megan was already a divorcee in her late 30s, a full adult plus some. She made the choice to marry into the royal household, nobody forced her, what did she expect....the House of Windsor to bend for her? And if she couldn’t get along with the in-laws, then by all means move out, go overseas as she and Harry have done, cutoff relations if necessary but you don’t have to go public and say these things which you now cannot retract and the Royal Family will be forced to defend themselves, which they would not rather do.

  5. Same lah when Malaysians first move to Mat Salleh land we don’t know how to use knife, we put in mouth, use soup spoon to eat main course, put soya sauce and sambal belachan on fish and chips etc now we think that was very lucu.....

  6. Who are we to question the House of Windsor about color of skin?

    Are we Malaysians any better? We are totally blind when it comes to race?

    Do we not have this unwritten rule that to be PM you must have brown but not yellow color skin?

    That our own royals must be of one race and religion. Do we question that? Of course not.

    So why should we question the House of Windsor?

    1. Question the house of Windsor!

      Mfer, if that old house just keep to itself, never acting so high & loyalist snobbish. More so acting so openly with chants of loyalist curs barking their heads off in synch. Who cares?

      A similar question as yr fart about HK 废青 desecrated the rules of laws in HK & get cloaking from a blurred mfer like u!

    2. Britannia plays Fair and by The Rules.....

      ...not like BULLY-MOCK-CRACY practised by Bullyland.

      Now Carrie Lam want to Tambah Sini Tolak Sana (CARRIE-MOCK-CRACY ha ha ha) to the Sino-British Agreement signed in the 80s over the HK handover. Wait lah till 2047 before changing anything, 5,000 yo civilization cannot wait 50 years?

      Lam backs China's plan to have only patriots in HK politics

      Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam yesterday praised China's plan to ensure only patriots remain in politics, denying that the move was a purge of the opposition.

      She also ruled out any need to consult the public on the changes, as they were decreed by Beijing.

      Legislation to vet all election candidates in Hong Kong is being discussed by China's Parliament and is expected to be adopted on Thursday. It has said that only those deemed patriotic will be allowed to contest.

      Critics said the radical overhaul of the city's already limited democratic system will demolish what remains of the pro-democracy opposition and ensure only loyalists remain, an argument which Mrs Lam rejected yesterday.

      "The improvements to the electoral system are not designed to favour someone, (they are) designed to ensure that whoever is administering Hong Kong is patriotic," she said.

    3. Wakakakakaka…

      What a proof for a neme-ed serf mentality after 350 yrs of pommie handpicking.

      But how can a crownish cur learns the trick to stand on two feet after 350+yrs of genuflecting to the wishes of the master.

  7. Post Covid it would be wise NOT to use hands to shove food into our mouths. Even when we have serving spoons for shared dishes. I am surprised this has not been made a mandatory SOP in our restaurants. I still see banana leaf eaters use hands then use the same hand to scoop curry from the common pots. Disgusting.

  8. I know many brown (some dark brown) skinned Malaysians who prefer to marry lighter skin color spouses, Mat Sallehs even better. We congratulate them and say “oh how good looking your children will be...” is that not racist?

    And do we not see skin lightening products on our supermarket shelves?

    Do we not have political parties based on RACE? Did we not have mass protest when Guanee was made Finance Minister?

    Of all peoples Malaysians should be the LAST to judge others on being racist.

    1. Scream that theme u have just farted to yrself, repeatedly if necessary!

      If u truly meant what u said.

    2. It one ways or another you all are racist

    3. Just fart as ALL r racist!


  9. Non-Malays/Muslims who kwai-kwai concede and accept that only a Malay/Muslim can be PM is a racist. Against their Own Race.

    Boh Lam Phar stupid people.

    1. Scream loudly to yr don't-spook-the-melayu-sensitivities dickheaded buddies lah!
