
Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Racist Attack In San Francisco – How A 76-Year-Old Chinese Grandma re-enacted the skills of the Immortal Ng Mui


Racist Attack In San Francisco – How A 76-Year-Old Chinese Grandma Fights A Man Who Punched Her, Sending Him To The Hospital

Ng Mui, founder of Wing Chun

as portrayed by Michelle Yeoh

Steven Jenkins should realize that Bruce Lee was born in San Francisco back in 1940. Even though the martial art master died close to 50 years ago, the 39-year-old racist Jenkins should be aware that Chinese-Americans are not necessarily easy meat. When he tried to attack an 76-year-old Chinese grandma, he probably thought he could easily win.

But when Xiao Zhen Zie, who was attacked on Market Street in San Francisco on Wednesday – the latest victim in a wave of attacks on Asians in the Bay Area – turned the tables on Steven, the American bully was shocked. While the grandmother was still standing, albeit with bruised eye, the attacker was handcuffed to a stretcher, blood dripping from his mouth.

Apparently, she was just waiting at a traffic light to cross a downtown street when the assailant suddenly punched her by her left eye for no reason. Although shocked, the grandmother was not panicked. Her instincts told her to defend herself. Armed with a piece of wooden stick she found on the roadside, grandma Xiao hit attacker Steven repeatedly.

A KPIX-TV reporter, Dennis O’Donnell, managed to record the aftermath of the attack after he stumbled upon the scene during his morning run. In the video-clip, the elderly Asian woman, while putting an ice pack on her bruised eye, could be heard yelling at the man, Steven Jenkins, in Taishanese dialect – “You bum, why did you hit me? You damn asshole. You hit me!”

O’Donnell said from what he could observe, the frustrated and sobbing woman was not done with the attacker and wanted more of him despite being on the stretcher. Had the police not held her back, Jenkins could still be beaten up the angry Asian grandma. Other witnesses said they saw the woman pummeling her assailant.

The sight was pretty incredible – an old woman who looked pretty sad and hurt yet received no medical assistance, while the young punk looked quite stunned as if he was hit by a bus. It was also funny that the attacker gets a stretcher, but the Asian woman gets an ice pack. The white man should be ashamed of himself for picking on fragile elderly to bully.

As it turned out, Xiao Zhen Zie was not the only Asian victim being attacked by the man. Police said Steve Jenkins had assaulted an 83-year-old man from Vietnam in the same area about 30 minutes before he attacked Zie. The elderly Vietnamese man, Ngoc Pham, sustained cuts and bruises on his head and fractures to his nose and possibly his neck.

Officer Adam Lobsinger revealed that a security guard chased Jenkins after he assaulted the Vietnamese man and as he was fleeing, he came across Zie and punched her. Thanks to retaliation from the Chinese woman, eventually the security guard detained Jenkins until officers arrived. The San Francisco police are investigating the attacks to determine whether they were racially motivated.

Later, during an interview from her senior retirement home in the city with her daughter, Dong Mei-Li, the grandma said she was “very traumatized, very scared and the eye is still bleeding” after the attack. Her daughter who helped to translate, said – “The right eye still cannot see anything and is still bleeding and we have something to absorb the bleeding.”

Having lived in San Francisco for the past 26 years, grandma Xiao explained that the attack was completely unprovoked. Her grandson, John Chen, told CBS San Francisco that the attack left his grandmother too terrified to leave her house. John has also started a GoFundMe page to raise funds for his grandmother’s medical treatment and therapy.

Amazingly, the crowdfunding has attracted over US$600,000, and counting, just 1 day after the fundraising started on 17 March – exceeding the target of US$50,000 for the poor woman. Her grandson revealed that she is not only a cancer survivor, but has diabetes for over 10 years. The attack has left her with two serious black eyes, with one still bleeding from time to time.

More seriously, she suffers not only physically, but also mentally and emotionally. According to John, his grandmother gets extremely emotional and starts crying whenever the attack incident is brought up again. Her family needs to constantly calm her down and comfort her from her PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) after the racial attack.

After being treated at the hospital for “a prior medical condition”, Jenkins was taken to jail. He has been charged with two counts of assault. Police have increased patrols in the city’s Asian neighborhoods, following the deadly shootings in Georgia on Tuesday that saw six Asian women and two others dead. The attacker, 21-year-old Robert Aaron Long, has been arrested.

It is not a coincidence that the recent rising wave of attacks against Asian-Americans started as the Coronavirus pandemic spread across the United States. There have been dozens of Asians being targeted. Vicha Ratanapakdee, 84-year-old “nearly blind” Thai grandfather, died after he was shoved to the ground on January 28 while he was taking a walk in San Francisco.

In the same month, a man who was caught on video shoving a 91-year-old Asian man to the ground in Oakland’s Chinatown, sparking outrage across the U.S. The attacker has also attacked a 60-year-old man and a 55-year-old woman that same day. Subsequently, Yahya Muslim, 28, was arrested and charged with assault and battery in connection with the three Chinatown assaults.

Another brutal attack occurred on February 3 in Manhattan, when an attacker slashed a 61-year-old Filipino man, Noel Quintana, across the face on the subway. He was slashed across the face from cheek to cheek. A 75-year-old Asian man, Pak Ho, was assaulted and robbed when he was out for a morning walk in Oakland.

A 59-year-old Asian man, Danny Yu Chang, was attacked this month while he was walking on Market Street near 2nd Street, San Francisco. Mr Chang, a ticketing agent with a travel company, was taking his lunch break when he was suddenly pushed and attacked from the back. The attacker, identified as 32-year-old Jorge Devis-Milton, has been arrested.

According to data from Stop AAPI (Asian American Pacific Islander) Hate, a website that tracks anti-Asian violence, incidents would spike when then-President Donald Trump used racist terms like “Chinese virus” and “kung flu” during speeches. There were a whopping 3,795 cases of racism and discrimination from 19 March, 2020 to 28, February, 2021 across 47 states and Washington, DC.

The hate crimes against Asian Americans are real, and was part of a systemic problem that was made worse by American rhetoric about the Covid-19 pandemic. It has become so serious the U.S. lawmakers, testifying before a House Judiciary subcommittee yesterday (18 March), have called for a shift in public rhetoric surrounding Covid-19 pandemic.

In the same breath, lawmakers and advocates have also mooted the passing of new hate crime legislation to address rising discrimination and violence against Asian Americans. Astonishingly, the last congressional hearing held on violence against Asian Americans was in 1987 – suggesting that for the last 34 years, the U.S. government has ignored the problem until it explodes today.


  1. This Ah Mah is my hero, didn't need to follow MCA's advice to learn karate chop chop.....any old 4 by 2 will do...ha ha ha...

  2. To all those Yankee demoNcratic worshippers, these r just isolated incidents of zilch consequences.

    Their land of milk&honey with self trumpeted equal opportunity & human rights based on individual freedom CAN do no wrong!

    Served the victims right for coming out at the wrong time & place, bouncing into wackos' views!

    The saddest part is those long oppressed blacks r part & parcel of these racist white trashies attackers!

    Mmmm… maybe inhaled with farts of more white American than the white to prove their Americana!

    What say u, ketuanan freaks, zombies & genuflecting katak?

    Maybe, there r Asian Americans too joining in these acts but have been classified as triad feuds or personal hate attacks by the police.

    Wakakakaka… how do one distinguish hate crimes within the same racial grouping?

    Scammers of abangadikism of the f*cked kind as been parade now within those infighting melayu elites.

    1. the 6% still love it, what can u do?

    2. Yr 6%, right?

      Bcoz of that, I WON'T do anything!

      你吹 lah.

    3. what can u do to 6% china born chinese that die die want to live in whiteman land? go find 6% america born whites that live in ccpland kah?

    4. Keep to yr katak-ised fart lah!

      There will be oxymoron katak would buy into that statistic of yr invention!

  3. Ooop… btw, did anyone observe the ongoing differential racist treatments after the attack?

    The young white trash attacker got immediate medical treatment by the arriving ambulance team.

    Meanwhile attacked grandma had NO any medical personnel attending to her injuries!

    All u Yankee ass-licking mfers, do go to the WWW to search for the real time video of the incident lah.

    It helps to reinforce yr meme-ed Americanism of the f*cked mentality.

    1. i suppose if u live in ancient israel, u sure one that was picked to write bible, who can blow, jive n exaggerate better than u wakaka.

    2. I have dissected & examined many of the demoNcratic farts. More recently, the katak-ised lies coming out from that f*cked Formosa.

      So, u don't need to do any suppose.

      If u r looking for yr favourite 'blow, jive n exaggerate' - look no further lah.

      Ooop… maybe u r just that prophetic 二百五 coming out from that katak hive. Then what to say?

    3. in yr thesaurus, blow is synonymous with dissect n examime.

    4. Yaloh, as in yr 南魔萬 England definition.

      Can get better rants or that's the best I can fart about?

  4. Aisehman,KT linked this on purpose to start another debate because to some people this is only a storm in the tea cup, it happened everywhere, it's no big deal as they are still living in the past mah, wakakakaka .......

    1. kt die die oso wan to live in a whiteman land, on anything ccp vs west, he is no diff with that hippo lks wakaka.

    2. Liken to a ketuanan-ised 犬养 mfer diex2 want to live in bolihland!

      Craving for the crumbs that falling down from the table of those ketuanan dickheads' table while wagging its tail & barking don't-spook-the-melayu-srnsitivities loudly.

    3. i born here, the 6% n our host not born in whiteman land. know the diff?

    4. Keep to yr imaginative 6% lah.

      BTW remember to tell me danger pals u r bolihland born & breed as a ketuanan cur. So be merciful to u.

      But would those me sick heads buy yr fartbas even they won't believe anything in that 6% numeric.

  5. It is no accident why Asians are about the fastest growing minority population in the USA, apart from South American Hispanic migrants.
    In broad terms, USA has been good to Asian migrants.
    Asians are heavily represented in USA's most successful industries - Technology , IT, Finance, Medicine, Science research.
    Its a joke, but not quite a joke, that the race for AI algorithms supremacy between USA and China often boils down to ethnic Chinese researchers in USA vs Chinese researchers in China.

    The Race-motivated attacks need to be opposed, but it does not represent the country overall.

    1. See… see… the bleeding heartish fart of a Yankee Americanism assflicker.

      "Its a joke, but not quite a joke, that the race for AI algorithms supremacy between USA and China often boils down to ethnic Chinese researchers in USA vs Chinese researchers in China."


      How about personality enticement?

      Know what is personality enticement that's so perfectly exercised within the Americanism in the name of social melting pot?

      Within that pot, there r crème de la crème restricted only to one race with glass ceiling separating their genders.

      All those in-betweens r just liken to those pyramid interlayer building blocks. There r hierarchy BUT u can never be the capstone!

      These r many blazingly showcases.

      In fact, for those who have awakened from that dream, many of the brilliant minds ended up as statistical numbers in suicide/domestic homicide cases!

      Remember that one 犬养mfer asked about why there ain't top ten Asian billionaires within the USofA?

      There r BUT once u overshined then that would be the end of the empire building. Those old generation of Asian American knew well enough to remain nameless so as to keep their 'well-deserved' fortune. & the advices r been passed down to the offsprings.

    2. There is a simple reason why there are many very successful Asians in the USA, but not many Billionaires.
      Asians in USA tend to go more for professional jobs in the STEM industries, so while many are Very well off, they are mostly working as employees rather than entrepreneurs.

      Ever heard of Lam Research's David Lam (this one definitely a multi-billionaire) , AMD's Lisa Su, Nvidia's Jensen Huang, Broadcom's Tan Hock Eng, Mini Circuit's Kelvin Kiew, (Broadcom's Tan is an ex-Malaysians, Kelvin Kiew is stiill a Malaysian) , Google's Sundar Pichai , Citibank's Vikram Pandit , IBM's Arvind Krishna....

    3. my guess a bit diff, in usa, out of the box n innovative is perhaps one of the most required criteria to become filthy rich, here is abt hardworking n ada jalan. an wang of wang laboratories did make it once into top 10 if i recall correctly. the outshined assertion is bullshit from a bullshitter.

    4. Wakakakakaka…

      "an wang of wang laboratories did make it once into top 10 if i recall correctly"


      "HY9:39 am, March 15, 2021
      chinese move to usa few generation back, y no jeff yap, bill wong, elon hee, warren lee in their top billionaire list? no sweat no blood?"

      A demoNcratic katak farting double talks with treble splited tongue!

      Fabricating lies with know-nothing, blackening whites as it likes, irrational fart/cloaking when cornered.

      Anymore tricks u can play?

      Genuflecting with wagging tail in front of yr master ain't no trick but grovelling of the shameless order.

    5. 1. context

      2. consecutively n consistently.

      a bit difficult to elaborate to one that cant differentiate blow n dissect la.

    6. Wakakakakaka…

      Indeed a 犬养!

      Context of what, when u so blazingly fart about the non existence of Chinese American billionaire?

      Then consecutively & consistently turned around to fart about the fortune of Wang laboratory's founder.

      Wang could only be considered a multimillionaire based on his shareholdings in Wang lab at that time. But if converted into currently overinflated US$ he could be considered a billionaire. But where is he now? Where is Wang lab?

      Overshined mah & the ending was complete!

      No need to elaborate to try release yrself out of that painted corner. 南魔萬England coupled with know-nothingness, no helping! Even with the help of yr katak-ised dictionary from that fart filled well.

      Oooop… name dropping wouldn't do too. After all, 南魔萬England has limit & scanning synopsis of the book would help!

  6. Wake up man, time is a-changing. There is no pure democracy and there is no pure autocratic communism in China. In reality, there is autocratic power in democracy and there is democracy in autocratic communist China, wakakaka ...... A government job is to rule and bring good to its citizen. Food, peace and happiness. According to the international research firm PEW Research Center of Washington DC, more than 80% of the Chinese citizen are satisfied and happy with the CCP while 50% or more of the US citizen are not satisfied or not happy with their own US government. Obviously the autocracy of the CCP is better suit China than the democracy in US suit US of A itself. Wakakakaka

    1. democracy in autocratic communist china? like what?

    2. Definitely better than demoNcratic capitalist Yankee!

      Like the current showing of covid pandemic all-over the western world vis-a-vis CCP China.

      Mfer, eat yr heart out & don't forget to get yr Pfizer jab.

    3. Chinese leaders don't appoint themselves. They are promoted via a meritocracy systems from track record, democratically, wakakakaka ...........

    4. like our rotating monarchy system? our king is one term, chairman moo no idea, chairman xi no limit, u so outdated wakaka.

    5. I am not outdated. You thought you know but actually you don't. Did you ever bother to objective study or read the CCP system? I am sure you haven't so you will never know how outdated you are!!!

    6. This 犬养 mfer has burnt through the books on CCP system - as definite under the teachings of that fart filled well.

      It is an expert on katak-ised lies, blacken whites etc etc about CCP/China/Chinese!

    7. used to be rotate among ccp elite, even that now no more, next chairman is xi, next next oso xi, next next next still xi until demise.

    8. As dictated in the official text from that fart filled well!

  7. If Kelate boy Zhang Toi stayed behind he would be a male seamstress in Kota Baru today, or PAS would have strung him up years ago for “incorrect”dressing...ha ha he is famous NYC fesyen designer for celebrities.

    Face it, the numbers don’t many people CHOOSE to go live in USA vs other countries?

    1. rohingya chose kelate, their first stop before move to ccpland?

    2. Wakakakakaka…

      "Face it, the numbers don’t many people CHOOSE to go live in USA vs other countries?"

      During the reign of Tang dynasty (618–906) the most powerful and influential empire of its time any place in the world.

      Thousands of foreigners came and lived in Chang'an for trade and commercial ties with China, including Persians, Arabs, Hindu Indians, Malays, Jews and Nestorian Christians of the Near East.

      That period corresponds to the beginning of the fall of Roman empire & the rise of Islamic civilisation.

      So can a blurred mfer sees the similarities in now America & the Tang dynasty?

    3. Tang Dynasty? That was before 500 yo Bullyland was born. Nowadays got choice. 5000 or 500, and invariably 500 yo wins, hands down.. ha ha ha...

    4. That's why u r one hell of a blurred mfer!

      But how could a meme-ed katak knows anything about comparative studies. All it wants is c&p to stick its know-nothing ego!

    5. tang dynasty no tibet xinjiang taiwan n hk.

    6. Based on yr katak-ised history from that fart filled well, right?

  8. The land of milk and honey, land of freedom and opportunity has :

    1. Anti Chinese legislation as early as 1862
    2. Chinese Exclusion Act 1875

    There were long history of racism against Asian Americans in the U.S.

    Don't you think it is embarrassing to blindly worship the US of A

    1. Facts are Facts.

      Despite all that is said, thousands of Chinese emigrate to 500 yo Bullyland to study, work, retire etc. Even Xi Jinpeng’s daughter chose to study in the US.

    2. In the last century, the "champion pirate", your "liberal" freedom loving US of A was indeed the world number one and most advance nation on this planet earth all built on the foundation of wealth robbed from China, the African slavery, the resources belonged to the native Red Indian, etc etc. The thousand of robbed poor Chinese, if they don't come to Malaya as indentured labours, they go to US of A hoping to find a decent living lah, otherwise where else could they go in order to avoid starving death remaining in China which had been razed to the ground by the West. So what is so proud about which had no honour at all.

      Just to remind you not to be too shocked to learn that what you have treasured deep in your heart so much is coming to pass. The thousand of emigration is no longer true, at least not from China to USA, perhaps still from Malaysia.

      Just the other day, UN introduced a bill that called for global action against racism.

      Voting Summary:

      Yes: 106.
      No: 14. Abstentions: 44.
      Non-Voting: 29.

      Total voting membership: 193.
      More than 100 countries voted “Yes.”

      Guess who voted against it~ USA, UK, Australia, Canada

      These are the countries constantly calling out other countries on human rights & freedom.

      US of A a benevolent superpower? That's a super over-statement!!!


      dun kid us la, 21 century where got red indian, already replaced by red 2nd generation, the daughter of ccp foreign minister that spoke tough on alaska summit oso study in usa, tak malu punya communist.

    4. If that's your black comedy I don't understand it.

      What does studying in USA conflict with Yang Jiechi talking tough Secretary of State Antony Blinken and National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan of the USA?

    5. Wakakakakaka…

      What's wrong for Tiger Yang to send his daughter to study in US that's a known demoNcratic & racist land?

      不入虎穴,焉得虎子 - a ancestral advice that nonchinese won't understand.

      To know evil, one must enter the hive to experience it.

      Knowledge comes in all forms - within evil there r good & vice versa. Know that symbol of Taici?

      So to be trained as a person of substance, be prepared to go through ALL baths of fire.

      This is the core of why Chinese, CCP educational policy, sent qualified students to seek educations in far away lands - even when they r full of dangers & harms of all forms.

      Wakakakakaka… when u enticed yr daughter to study in Formosa, what takes?

      Mmmm… definitely not within the context (mfer, that's how it's been used) of the Chinese ancestral advices!

    6. its yellow comedy, u may read ck if u cant get it.

    7. When did katak fart turns yellow?

      Have these katak been feeding too much on the Yankee colour revolution stuff?

  9. Facts are Facts, numbers don't lie....

    5000 yo Bullyland companies all desire to IPO in 500 yo Bullyland stock markets, NYSE, Nasdaq, all want to invest and seek funding there. Any big companies head for Shanghai or Shenzen markets? Maybe Hongkong, but they are still under Brittania rules, for now, ha ha ha....

    1. Did you know that the China didn't ask Steve Jobs to come and set up I-phone factory in China and if Apple had not set up their factory in China and instead had kept their factory in USA, your I-phone would never be as successful as it is today? You probably have to pay 2 or 3 times which you had paid for your set or you might considered 12 months before buying. Apple would never make as much money as it had today. Why are all the American setting their factories in China? Why aren't everyone set up their factories in US? They crave for the big market of China and the skilled hands of the Chinese workers. Facts are Facts, numbers don't lied ......... wakakakaka

    2. Facts or fart?

      "5000 yo Bullyland companies all desire to IPO in 500 yo Bullyland stock markets, NYSE, Nasdaq, all want to invest and seek funding there"


      Blurred mfer, push & pull factors lah.

      The Chinese companies need fast & quick fund. NYSE, Nasdaq need listable companies to make money.

      In one word - 谁割谁的韭菜? An art form perfected by the Yankee hedge fund vultures & now been played out by the Chinese!

      "Any big companies head for Shanghai or Shenzen markets?"

      Truly blurred to the nth.

      If Ant finance IPO wasn't stopped by the Chinese lusting governing authorities, it would be the BIGGEST IPO in the world - with every Yankee, pommie financial vultures wanted a cut in it.

      Luckily,the listing was stopped in time. The possible show down if the Chinese subprime scam will avoided.

      But, again, I'm not here to enlighten u. U can keep cloaking under that fart filled well while playing yr c&p Lego news!

    3. i use xiaomi, huawei king n pricess use iphone. ccp chinese love iphone, mcd, starbuck, nyse, nasdaq, cowboy n whiteman.

    4. Don't BS lah!

      For a Formosa katak-ised dickhead, anything China made r affronted to its sense of existence!

      Remember, no China made covid vaccines? All China made products r of low quality & copycatted as uttered, so loudly, by one 犬养mfer?

    5. disposable item i always pick china made. vaccine is a no no.

    6. BS to syiok-sendiru!

      Yr 台毒 pals DON'T even allow toilet rolls to be imported from China during their rush to stockpiled cesspool necessities!

      U r so well meme-ed by these Formosa toxic, u r 青出于蓝而胜于蓝 - a zombified katak!

      Disposable or not, semua tak bolih.

  10. Looks like Ktemoc can really increase traffic to his sleepy blog by posting some China vs USA issues every few days.

    Sure to attract dozens and dozens of comments and lots of readers.

    1. its a jaw jaw between those with intellectual honesty vs double std zombie wakaka.

    2. "intellectual honesty vs double std zombie"

      As in that f*cked katak-ised 'context' examples & 'consecutively n consistently' irrationality!

  11. No matter how much they rave and rant and scream and foam in the mouth against the Fucking Evil Demon-Cracy Yankees and Ozzland and Canada, the CCP Rich and Red are obsessed with the USA and their sidekick Ozzies and Canadians.

    Just one example, before Covid-19 closed the flights, the number of Rich and Red and upper middle-class families who sent their children to Private schools and universities in the Demon-Crazy USA and Ozzland and Canada were unbelievable until you see it with your own eyes.

    Back in 2019 on a visit to Chicago, I was lodged in a Service Apartment a bit further out from downtown. The Service apartment had reasonably good Chinese food on its restaurant menu, and even had Chinese food available for breakfast - rare in a hotel or service apartment in the USA.
    The apartment concierge, a Black man could even speak a bit of Mandarin.

    The reason being half the Apartment (hundreds of rooms) was block-rented out during the entire school year as a hostel for China students studying at a private High School nearby. A line of buses picked them up every morning and brought them back after school.

    Just that one example was amazing to my eyes.
    This is from a country that supposedly abhors the evil US of A ?

    1. System and culture is one thing, knowledge is another. An evil man still can teach you a trick or two just so long as you don't follow the evilness, there is no contradiction

    2. Ask yr ketuanan pal about the mara practice of giat tunas.

      That's known as investment for the future, old moneyed mfer!

      What's wrong in doing so? Except the ketuanan freaks have it ALL WRONG!

      To know evil one must experiences it. Otherwise, just like u, all foul air & meme-ed hate. Sending them out is the best experiences of these students' live journey.

      BTW, CCP sent these students oversea w/o fearing that all of them wouldn't return to serve. Out of ten if two or three returned then it means the investment is worth as all ten return.

      Knowledge learnt is one thing, the returnees prove they have the heart of the nation despite all the material temptations & personality enticement practised by the Yankee to hoodwink these intellectuals to stay. That's the most important characteristics that China wants.

      But for one who only seeks monetary gain, that's inner desire for the love of motherland is what u can never understand.

      Hence that irrational fart about "one example was amazing to yr eyes".

  12. Many Chinese youth in Beijing or Shanghai wear Chicago Bulls or NY Yankees sportswear, Nike shoes etc, drink Gatorade, all super expensive but Lining only slowly catching up but have to price rock bottom otherwise nobody give face.

    1. Wal-Mart, the world largest company by revenue with thousand of outlets in USA, have 70% of their goods supplied MADE IN CHINA, all of USA cannot live without China made products ler

    2. Many in US downloaded the Tik Tok App so much so the POTUS wanted to shamelessly 'screw" it to be own by American and when they failed the POTUS just cluelessly banned it .......... wakakakaka

    3. Facts are Facts, numbers don't lie....


      China has 1.4B people of various hues, religions & customs. Any 1st line cities would have a population count of more than many other countries outside China.

      So, a few % of wackos, western worshippers, morons r just a manifestation of a normal society.

      "A few Chinese youth in Beijing or Shanghai wear Chicago Bulls or NY Yankees sportswear, Nike shoes etc, drink Gatorade, all super expensive" just simply prove that point!

      So, what's yr one-upmanship cloaking AGAIN?

      Ain't u just one of those glaring example from that group of brainless western demoNcratic worshippers?

      The pew research finding of 93% of Chinese mainlanders support CCP administration proves conclusively the popular choice of the Chinese!

      U want to labe that finding as paid populism? Or like that 犬养 mfer would say about survey done on 'zombies'?

      More likely, blurred fart as usual & sour grape mentality of the f*cked kind as been paraded by u in yr piece of f*cked comparison based on meme-ed standard gathered from that fart filled well.

  13. Famous 500 yo Bullybrands and other western brands copied by 5000 yo Bullythief.

    Even the name Alibaba is middle eastern...ha ha ha....not Sino.

    Anything copied the other way?

    Name ONE.

    1. the world famous Grauman's Chinese Theatre in Hollywood

    2. But 5000 yo Bullyland crave for Disneyland in Shanghai, Chevrolet cars, Tiffany's diamonds, OPPO (sounds like APPLE in China ha ha ha) etc.

    3. Grauman's is a 500 yo Bully(Holly)wood creation, it did not copy anything from 5000 yo Bullyland; pure cultural mis(appropriation).

      If you visit it today the attraction is not the theatre at all but the western movie stars and action heroes parading outside to scam tourists. Last time I met Spiderman, Marilyn Monroe and Harry Potter but my favourite was Jewish Gal Gadot..... ....uummmm...yummy.

      But no sign of Jackie Chan or Chairman Mao....ha ha ha...

    4. i mean the national treasure, not one that do delivery in bangkok n kl.

    5. Oooop… the newly minted national treadure katak of Formosa!

  14. Facts are Facts. Latest 5000 Bullyland company wants to strike it rich, so go where for IPO...?

    Chinese ride-hailing giant Didi eyes US IPO at $100 billion valuation, report says
    Isabelle Lee
    Mar. 24, 2021

    Didi Chuxing is eyeing the US for its initial public offering, targeting a $100 billion valuation, according to Reuters. The company considered listing via a SPAC, Reuters reported.
    Sources cited tighter regulatory scrutiny concerns in Hong Kong over the company's business operations.

    The Chinese firm is said to be weighing its options between New York and Hong Kong for its IPO. However, two sources told Reuters that there were concerns of tighter regulatory scrutiny of the company's business operations in the Asian city, such as its use of unlicensed vehicles and part-time drivers. Didi in 2019 was fined by Shanghai authorities for using unlicensed vehicles.

    Moreover, a source told Reuters that an IPO in New York is not only more predictable but also offers more capital.

    1. Facts are Facts. American factories want to cut cost of production but have high quality products, go where? Even defied the POTUS order, set up in China !!!

    2. Jumping before the firing starts!

      Whether Didi Chuxing would list in NYSE is still many guesses. Based on current Chinese sentiment against US business policies towards china, HK, Shanghai or even Shenzhen would have better chances.

      Perhaps, NYSE or Nasdap would fine-tune their listing requirements as in the case of Alibaba listing.

      Alibaba was enticed to list in NYSE when its out of norm & lopsided dual formatted voting rights were conveniently 'allowed/approved by NYSE to the disadvantages of ordinary shareholders. NYSE did that just to garner the biggest US IPO in history, bigger than Google, Facebook, and Twitter combined.

      Basically NYSE allows Alibaba's original owner to exercise strict management control over how Alibaba is been operated via minority shareholding structure!


      Talk about 割韭菜!

      In the face of monetary gains, all ethical considerations r off - that's another façade of yr beloved drmoNcratic capitalism!

  15. Facts are Facts. I could go on forever.....ha ha ha...

    Baidu CHOSE to list on Nasdaq 15 years ago and if you had invested $100 then it would be worth $4,963 today.

    Now after 15 years of sucking 500 yo Bullyland’s money they decide to do secondary listing in HK (note....NOT Shanghai or Shenzhen ha ha ha) to suck 5000 yo Bullyland’s money and what happened? The IPO fell flat because 5000 yo investors still prefer to buy from Nasdaq market.

    Baidu shares fall flat on Hong Kong debut
    March 23, 2021

    Baidu shares fell flat on their debut in Hong Kong on Tuesday (March 23).

    That bucks the trend for big first-day gains for new listings.

    1. Baidu is considering delisting from Nasdaq & moves to Shanghai. It already has a dual listing status in HK.

      "The IPO fell flat (in HK) because 5000 yo investors still prefer to buy from Nasdaq market."

      Majority of buyers in Nasdaq r US investors, not Chinese.

      The HK listing is flat bcoz mist Chinese investors r too smart to be a victim of 割韭菜, especially when Baidu has already risen too much.

      Truly know-nothing!

      But never mind, a cur does best as a cur - keep barking loudly with sound level but no bite!

  16. "Now after 15 years of sucking 500 yo Bullyland’s money ....."

    Now this is not fact already. The IPO is only the initial start-up capital, a fixed amount which is not even 100% Yankee's money because of the part owned by the Chinese. After that the company actually make money from the users/customers. Who are the users of Baidu? without doubt 99.99% are Chinese. So you can only say those Yankee shareholders make money from the Chinese indirectly for the past 15 years. The 1st Yankee subscriber's 1 share of $100 sold it to the 2nd Yankee for $4,963 and made $4,863. The $4,863 didn't go to China but pocketed by the 1st Yankee. Indirectly the increase in value of the asset (perceived value of $4,863 including expected future profit) is profit from the Chinese customers. Hope that clarify the confusion. Wakakakaka

  17. More facts....ha ha ha... any foreign companies seek listing in Shanghai or Shenzhen? Maybe only in HK.....can always delist before 2047....ha ha ha...

    Chinese Company IPOs on US Exchanges Hit 10-Year High in 2020
    By John Xie
    February 25, 2021

    The number of Chinese companies selling stock shares on American exchanges hit a 10-year high in 2020, despite the rising U.S.-China tensions and the threat by Washington to delist companies that do not meet American accounting standards.

    A total of 32 China-based firms came to the United States to go public for the first time, the most since 2011, according to a study by the University of Florida.

    An estimated $12.1 billion was raised by the companies through initial public offerings (IPOs), the highest amount since 2014 when Alibaba set the largest IPO record with its New York Stock Exchange debut.

  18. Wakakakakaka…

    "any foreign companies seek listing in Shanghai or Shenzhen?"

    Similarly, any Chinese companies seek listing in London, Frankfurt or Paris?

    Why NYSE or Nasdaq?

    Simple - the easiest place in the world to 割韭菜!

    Rules can be bent. Supervision & regulations can be modified as required by the IPO seekers. All done with just dollar sign in mind! Investors protection? Ethical consideration?

    Caveat emptor!

    The very foundation of the financial vultures in capturing their billions from the playgrounds they built!

    Keep to yr Lego set c&p. Understanding of content isn't in yr f*cked mind. All u want is just to match the blicks to form yr egoistic know-nothing creations - in any subjects!
