
Sunday, March 21, 2021

Pre-Sheraton, Liew related how Azmin and Atuk maliciously eff-ed up Anwar and Pakatan Harapan

Malaysiakini (extracts only):

The Ass-binte threat to DAP - either Ass-binte or Anwar, and be eff-ed if DAP choose Anwar

Liew, who served as deputy defence minister in the Harapan government [said]:

For Ass-binte, did it all start with a gi-normous Sandakan PROBE?


"On July 1, 2019, not long after the spread of the videos allegedly involving Azmin Ali’s sex acts, an Azmin ally met me and told me that DAP had to choose between Anwar and Azmin, and be prepared for the consequences of not choosing Azmin.

"I told him the DAP is duty-bound to ensure the smooth and successful transition between Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Anwar," Liew recalled.

Liew claimed that in October 2019, an attempted move by Hamzah Zainudin, Hishammuddin Hussein, and Azmin Ali was intercepted and did not succeed.

"The plan was to bring 17 Umno MPs from Hishammuddin’s camp, 18 PAS MPs and 18 GPS MPs, altogether 53, to replace MPs from DAP (42) and Amanah (11), also 53."

"By removing DAP and Amanah, the plotters knew that they would remove the numbers needed by Anwar to become prime minister. Without the support from DAP and Amanah for Anwar’s claim to be PM, Azmin was confident that he could take control of PKR," Liew added.

"At the Majlis Presiden meeting on Feb 21, 2020, Azmin openly campaigned for Mahathir to stay a full-term while DAP and Amanah leaders, myself included, argued passionately for the coalition to stick to a Mahathir-Anwar transition after Apec."

Liew added that throughout the Sheraton coup week from Feb 23-29, he was in many meetings with Anwar’s inner circle and kept personal records and notes.

"The idea of an offer to Anwar to form a government without DAP did not arise as the original purpose of the Sheraton coup was exactly to remove Anwar from the equation," said Liew.

The Harapan government collapsed last February when then prime minister Mahathir attempted to form a unity government with himself at the helm in clear violation of the electoral agreement to hand over the premiership to Anwar.


  1. So lucu this Sheraton Shake, happened only 1 year ago and already so many versions of what happened.

    Our future school history textbooks will be “revised” every time there is a gomen change....ha ha ha.....

  2. Now we know why Malaysia is not progressing - Malaysian politicians are spending all their time trying to eff each other!
