
Friday, March 19, 2021

Karpal Singh receives posthumous title, but Kit Siang toks-pompous-kok about his party

MM Online:

After Karpal Singh receives posthumous title, Kit Siang says DAP must return to idealism, passion of late leader

Karpal Singh's son Gobind places flowers under a picture of the late lawyer at a memorial event on April 24, 2014. — Picture by Saw Siow Feng

KUALA LUMPUR, March 18 — DAP’s Lim Kit Siang expressed his party’s appreciation today after its stalwart, the late Karpal Singh was posthumously awarded the Darjah Utama Pangkuan Negeri (DUPN) which carries the title “Datuk Seri Utama” last week.

The long-time colleague and friend of Karpal said the party must now honour the man called Tiger of Jelutong’s memory by returning to the latter’s idealism and passion by advancing democracy in the country.

“With Karpal’s death, a light has gone out in Malaysia,” Lim said in a statement.

“But the best tribute to the memory of Karpal is the mushrooming of more lights to brighten the Malaysian national landscape of justice, the rule of law and democracy.”

Lim then said that DAP must return to the idealism and passion Karpal once brought in the early days of the party, adding that it must learn from the experiences and mistakes, especially during its time with the Pakatan Harapan (PH) government.

“The end of the Pakatan Harapan government is a great setback and many Malaysians have lost hope for change and progress for Malaysia.

“But we in the DAP must never surrender to despair and despondency, and we must remain at the very forefront of the dream for Malaysia to be a world-class great nation and to avoid the abyss of a kleptocracy, kakistocracy and a failed state,” he said.

Lim added that the greatest challenge for the new generation of DAP leaders is to reinspire Malaysians — regardless of background — that Malaysia can take its place among the world's elite.

Karpal received the title in conjunction with DAP’s 55th anniversary and Penang’s Yang Di-Pertua Negeri Tun Abdul Rahman Abbas’ 82nd birthday celebration last week.

It was presented to his wife Gurmit Kaur.

Lim shared how Karpal had joined the DAP before he was 30 with a vision of a progressive and prosperous Malaysia, and noted that the nation lost an indomitable and indefatigable fighter for justice and democracy when Karpal passed.

“In his four decades of public life, particularly in law and politics, Karpal has never allowed power and position or his personal trials and tribulations — including detention under the notorious and draconian Internal Security Act under Operation Lalang in 1987 and his persecution under the Sedition Act with the threat of disqualification as elected Member of Parliament — to undermine his commitment to the cause of justice, the rule of law and democracy,” he said.

Karpal Singh was a prominent lawyer who served as Jelutong MP for 21 years. He was also the Bukit Gelugor MP for 10 years and was a prominent advocate for human rights.

Karpal died in April 2014 in a car accident. He was 74.


kt notes:

Regarding what Lim KHAT Sial said about Datuk Seri Utama Karpal Singh, I have to say, for the first time (at least in recent years) KHAT has spoken truthfully.

But it grates on my nerve that KHAT has the brazen nerve to talk glowingly on the virtues of Karpal when he (KHAT) abandons those very qualities today. And worse, when he pompously pontificates on the DAP "avoid[ing] the abyss of a kleptocracy, kakistocracy and a failed state," he deliberately omitted his own 'hypo-cracy' and 'power-cracy' [power-crazy-ness]. Eff-ing thick skinned usurper of fame and a pompous hypocrite.

If Karpal was around today he would have eff-ed KHAT severely for allying up with despicable Mahathir and then shamelessly tokking-kok about moral values, having already abandoned the ideals of the original DAP for his power-crazy-ness (vicariously for his son's career interests).

I apologise for my verbal desecration on the (long overdue) day of honour for Datuk Seri Utama Karpal Singh. I have and will always respect the Spiritual Leader of the old DAP, Datuk Seri Utama Karpal Singh.


  1. Lim Kit Siang's contributions to DAP are at least as great if not greater than Karpal Singh's

  2. Vart-lah, even Karpal's children Ramkarpal, Gobind and Sangeet agreed to cooperate and work with Toonsie before and after GE14; they later regretted of course, after the betrayal by Toonsie...but probably so does LKS.

    So what is KT yappin about?

    I regret working with Dr Mahathir, says Ramkarpal
    FMT Reporters -October 20, 2020

    PETALING JAYA: DAP’s Ramkarpal Singh has hit out at Dr Mahathir Mohamad, saying he regrets ever working with the former prime minister.

    In a Facebook post, the Bukit Gelugor MP lamented the state the country is in today, saying Mahathir was to blame for it.

    “You are why this country needs reform. And today you say you want to ‘save the country’? You’re the last person who can,” he said, admitting however, that he used to believe Mahathir.

    Ramkarpal then took aim at the Langkawi MP’s new party Pejuang’s recent statement backing him to be the next prime minister.

  3. would you like to rub some coconut oil on his balls as well to make it glow with the compliment, but don't get me wrong, I'm just as chuffed with the well deserved award to the upstanding and outstanding tiger but it is not appropriate for you to criticise others on his behalf
