
Saturday, March 20, 2021

Indonesian Ulema Council allows use of AstraZeneca Vaccine tho' containing a haram substance

Tempo.Co (English Version):

MUI: AstraZeneca Vaccine Allowed for Use albeit Containing Haram Substance

Communications and Information Minister Johnny G. Plate (second left) chats with health workers when monitoring a vaccination event of the second dose for media employees at the Senayan Stadium's Basketball Hall, Jakarta, Tuesday, March 16, 2021. ANTARA/Wahyu Putro A

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The Indonesian Ulema Council’s (MUI) Fatwa Commission allowed the use of AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine albeit it contained a haram substance during its production in South Korea.

“In the production process, it uses trypsin from pigs. But it is allowed for the current use,” said the Fatwa Commission's chairman, Asrorun Niam, in an online press conference on Friday, March 19, 2021.

Asrorun explained his side had taken five considerations for the decision. First, the urgency. Second, the presence of competent and trusted experts’ statements about the dangers or fatal risks of not getting COVID-19 vaccination immediately.

“Third, the availability of halal vaccines is not sufficient for the vaccination in order to achieve herd immunity,” said Asrorun.

The fourth consideration was that the government ensured the safety of the AstraZeneca vaccine, and the last was that the government could not yet freely choose the brand of vaccine. “Given the limited availability of vaccines both in Indonesia and the global level,” he added.

According to him, the MUI continued to ask the government to keep striving to provide halal vaccines, particularly for Muslims. “Indonesian Muslims must participate in the COVID-19 vaccination held by the government to achieve herd immunity and be free from the pandemic,” said Asrorun.


  1. I thought the Koran's stipulations on Halal/Haram are specific on food and drink I.e. what a Muslim eats or drinks.

    Apart from a small range of oral vaccines, they are all injected, not eaten or drunk.

  2. y use pig one? bat cannot meh? yunnan many what. but we got hadi,he can clense everything.

    1. Katak, even better.

      Especially those Formosa baptised toad. More potent & think alike!

    2. chinese believe in fight poison with poison, thus yunnan bat shd possess the most pure n original form of virus that can combat the wuhanvirus.

    3. Chinese ain't the only race to know the fact of fighting virus with virus!

      Fighting poison with poison is yr f*cked reading from those 武侠 fictions.

      A scientific fact - if u want to fight a virus, then use a different virus from a different host to neutralize the first, externally to the human body!

      Child virus mutate from the origin source cannot be neutralized using the original parent virus. They share the same original gene & thus the introduction of the source virus would only enhance the subsequent mutational direction of the baby generation due to 'folk memory' effect!

      Immunization uses imitated child virus (dead, alike or partial) to stimulate the body defense system to produce T-cells to fight the invading virus. It's NOT fighting the existing virus within the body by inoculating with a new virus! Such irresponsible injection would most likely kill the patient due to massive cytokinin storms caused by the presence of different virus.

      Thus fighting SARS-CoV-2 using Formosa toad virus IS the best fart that mfer, like u, can contribute!

    4. That's a good one, CK. Good information, not that the Batty would understand beyond the first line, hehe. He copied bits and pieces everywhere to come here and pollute the site, and now he dares claimed he is a 'wise man', as wise as Mariam Mokthar...I weep for her, wa ka ka ka

      Bahlol Batty with his shitty 'wisdom' LMAO
