
Thursday, March 18, 2021

Indira Gandhi asks IGP if recovering her abducted daughter was ever priority like Jho Low

MM Online:

Indira Gandhi asks IGP if recovering her abducted daughter was ever priority like Jho Low

M. Indira Gandhi speaks at a press conference in Kuala Lumpur October 9, 2020. — Picture by Shafwan Zaidon

KUALA LUMPUR, Mar 18 — Hindu mother M. Indira Gandhi has criticised Inspector-General of Police (IGP) Tan Sri Abdul Hamid Bador for saying his main regret was his inability to bring fugitive Low Taek Jho, or Jho Low, back to face justice here.

In a statement to Malay Mail, she reminded the IGP of her long wait for the police to recover her youngest child, Prasana Diksa, who was kidnapped by her Muslim-convert husband, Muhammad Riduan Abdullah, formerly, K. Pathmanaban.

“I read with keen interest your recent remark on your only regret in not being able to capture fugitive businessman Low Taek Jho, or Jho Low as he is notoriously known.

“I could not help but wonder if that pang of guilt in you also applies to my case. Remember M. Indira Gandhi? Remember her kidnapped daughter Prasana Diksa? Any of us ring a bell to you, sir?

“Was the mission to reunite me and Prasana as the nation’s top court ordered you to do so, ever part of your KPI (key performance index) as well? It is with great regret too that I wish to inform you that you are the fifth IGP who despite numerous court orders compelling you and your team to get my daughter back, have failed in returning my daughter to me,” Indira lamented.

However, she said that she still placed her trust in the police, whom she praised for having detected many dangerous criminals quickly.

Yesterday, Abdul Hamid said that failing to capture and repatriate Jho Low to Malaysia will go down as one of his biggest regrets from his tenure as the IGP.

Abdul Hamid said that despite his attempts to capture the businessman, cooperation between the international investigative and enforcement agencies was an important element that was missing throughout his efforts.

Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Abdul Hamid Bador is pictured during an interview with the Malaysian National News Agency at Wisma Bernama, March 15, 2021. — Bernama pic

Abdul Hamid, who will reach the mandatory retirement age of 60 in May, said that even his travel abroad to personally handle and negotiate the capture and repatriation of Low was unsuccessful.

Abdul Hamid made these remarks during an interview with veteran newsman Tan Sri Johan Jaafar yesterday.

He also revealed how he was even questioned by his peers within the force on his obsession with trying to capture Low, with some asking if he had any special interests in the case.

In her statement, Indira also questioned the sincerity of the police in handling her case, drawing comparisons with the Selangor acting police chief Datuk Arjunaidi Mohamed’s remarks about a case of religious insult.

“I do not want to delve into details of the case as it is not my place to comment. But the fact that the state police expressed such willingness, makes me wonder if such enthusiasm was ever present in my case from authorities.

“You have made some great statements on credibility and integrity. Very commendable sir, but I am still awaiting my justice. My due justice which was rightly handed to me by the country’s top court, which the police are yet to execute. I hope my case does not end up a mere regret to you too, by the time you retire, sir. Please get my daughter back. Our family’s hopes are on you, sir,” Indira Gandhi added.

The wheels of justice have moved slow for the mother from Ipoh, Perak.

Indira saw some justice when the Federal Court ordered the police in 2018 to find and return Prasana, stolen away by her ex-husband just before he converted to Islam in 2009.

The High Court first issued an arrest warrant for Muhammad Riduan in 2014.

But until last September, Abdul Hamid said the process to return Prasana and Muhammad Riduan was complicated and time consuming as both were no longer in Malaysia.

Abdul Hamid said police knew where the father and daughter were, but did not disclose the country, only saying negotiations for their extradition through a third-party were ongoing.

In August, Home Minister Datuk Seri Hamzah Zainuddin said Muhammad Riduan was believed to be living abroad and regularly relocating to avoid detection.

That same month, Abdul Hamid also said that the police were looking for an amicable solution where both Indira and Muhammad Riduan will get the benefit of “some form of joint custody”.

This despite a High Court ruling in 2010 granting full custody of all three children from their marriage to Indira.

Unable to bear the misery of a longer wait, India filed a RM100 million lawsuit against the IGP and the police in November 2020, over their continued failure to execute the court order to reunite the mother and daughter.


  1. And this is islam - I sometimes wonder how these so-called muslims behave the way they do thinking that that is what islam is all about. They think that by putting obstacles to reunite mother and child, they are "defending" islam.

    How stupid is that thinking! We, as nons observing all the charade being played and obstacles laid to deprive mother of the reunion, can only conclude that islam is not a fair and just religion.

    These people are living examples of the hypocrital muslim.

  2. So cruel this Bador, his men already fined hundreds of people 10k each on various minor, sometimes ridiculous offenses. But then he was only following the law that the Law Minister from PAS Taki-Yaki introduced, with the support of PAS-boot-licker Wee KHAT Siong, who famously introduced RM150k fine and MANDATORY JAIL for drink-driving, even first-time offenders.

    What is 10k. So cruel and zalim this PN gomen.

    20 years in jail, RM150k fine await drunk drivers, says Dr Wee
    By Arfa Yunus NST
    July 15, 2020

    KUALA LUMPUR: Those found guilty of driving under the influence and reckless driving may be looking at heavier punishments including 20 years' jail and fines of RM150,000.

    Transport Minister Datuk Seri Dr Wee Ka Siong said this will happen if the proposed amendments to Road Transport Act 1987 (Act 333) are agreed in the cabinet and passed in the Dewan Rakyat soon.

    1. your beloved Atuk appointed him (42? diam diam, wakakaka) and he also declared publicly his undivided loyalty to a politician (Atuk) when police, civil service and armed forces should not be political

    2. Your Beloved Najib and his IGP sat on the case for years, refusing to do anything.

      While I do not trust Hamid Bador either, I am clear who let the problem fester, and the person picking up the pieces later always has the more difficult task
