
Thursday, March 18, 2021

Impending coup d'état in Police Force?

MM Online:

Younger officers conspiring against me, IGP claims

Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Abdul Hamid Bador speaks during a press conference at Bukit Aman March 11, 2021. — Picture by Miera Zulyana

KUALA LUMPUR, March 18 — Inspector-General of Police (IGP) Tan Sri Abdul Hamid Bador claimed yesterday of a so-called conspiracy within the force to remove him from his post.

Hamid told Sinar Harian that the alleged group of younger police officers are purportedly masterminds behind a cartel that aims to control the police force for their own purposes.

“There have been efforts that are disgraceful done by this group to bring me down.

“So I am advising now, stop all this nonsense. This police force is not anyone’s for the taking. We are not fighting over a playing field,” he said during an event held by the Malay daily.

Hamid was responding to allegations of an alleged cartel within the police force planning to take power for themselves to ease their criminal activities.

He also added that he hopes that this group would come to their senses.

“So, I ask that they repent. It will be too late to repent when you’re 60 years old, when we leave the force, lose your uniform and put on civilian clothes.

“No one is going to be afraid of you then as you won’t have your uniform. Don’t regret it then,” he reportedly said.

Abdul Hamid had said in the same event that the police’s willingness to expose misconduct and integrity issues among errant personnel shows that the department will not compromise in taking action against them.

He said although the move has received criticism from quarters claiming that the department was exposing skeletons in its own closet, it also proved that the police did not protect members and officers who committed offences.


kt notes:

He is the IGP, and yet he announces such a conspiracy openly (to the public).

WTF is he up to showing he can't even solve the issue himself as IGP? Is there a politician behind that conspiracy or has the PM stop backing him?

This is a MOST disgraceful public declaration by an IGP (of any country).

[Perhaps the ghosts of Pastor Raymond Koh and Amri Che Mat etc are out to get him?]


  1. When it comes to Organised Crime, it is sometimes impossible to differentiate between the Crooks and The Cops.

    Some of them are The Same.

    Some victim members of the public made police reports , thinking to seek police protection and action, only to be told be police to "settle" with the Baddies.

  2. To be fair to Hamid Bador, Pastor Raymond Koh and Amri Che Mat disappeared during the watch of IGP Mohamad Fuzi Harun, Najib's man.

    For months after the Disappearances, no concerted police investigation to find the missing persons was carried out.
    According to Pastor Koh's wife, the junior police officer assigned to investigate the case was primarily interested to dig about Pastor Koh's missionary activities.

    As usual , Ktemoc completely teflonises Najib and his administration.

    1. Factual correction- the IGP during the period of the Disappearances of Pastor Koh and Amri was Khalid bin Abu Bakar - well and truly Najib's poodle, and the probably worst IGP in Malaysian history.

      Khalid bin Abu Bakar , Najib's IGP , was also the one who refused to execute the High Court Order to return Indira Gandhis child to her, and actively suppressed the 1MDB case by using police investigations to target those who spoke up about the 1MDB scandal and fraudulent transactions.

  3. if former ag cant solve issue by himself, how igp is diff?
