
Friday, March 26, 2021

How to destabilise China the US way

SCMP (extracts only):

China state media claim Xinjiang conspiracy hidden in old video of retired US colonel

A 2018 speech by a career US army officer given new life in a Beijing Daily social media post as evidence clothing firm H&M is ‘just a puppet’

Lawrence Wilkerson’s comments that the CIA could use Uygurs in Xinjiang to ‘destabilise China’ cited as proof of ‘an information war’ by the US

In a 2018 speech retired US army colonel Lawrence Wilkerson said: “If the CIA has to mount an operation using those Uygurs … Well, the CIA would want to destabilise China, and that would be the best way to do it.” Photo: Getty Images

Chinese state media have publicised a speech given by a retired American army colonel three years ago in an attempt to unravel an alleged conspiracy by the United States behind the Xinjiang cotton row.

A WeChat account managed by Beijing Daily published an article titled “H&M is just a puppet; a bigger conspiracy is behind it!” on Wednesday, referring to the Swedish multinational clothing retailer facing a boycott in China over its refusal to buy

The article quoted a 2018 speech by Lawrence Wilkerson, a career army officer, who said if the US Central Intelligence Agency wanted to destabilise China, the best way to do so would be to mount an operation using Uygurs in the country’s far-west region.


  1. I saw the Lawrence Wilkerson video long before the CCP promoted it as conspiracy theory.

    At the time it had a grand total of 175 views. Poof... my neighbour's daughter's doggie YouTube post has received more views..shows how much credibility Lawrence Wilkerson has.

    1. MonstrousBigot proves this point so amply here : 'With age comes wisdom, but sometimes age comes alone.'

      If this old fool don't know by now, this Anglosphere English-speaking dominated world is firmly under the thumb of the Hegemon AmeriKKKa ( with its vassal states of so-called 'allies' all barking in unison wagging their tails for their Master ), what chance do dissidents have to air their voice ? Accounts on platforms like YouTube are regularly banned, taken down by the thousands on a daily basis and their contrary views deleted or have their contents collapsed. Posters who do not toe the Western mainstream line were persistently demonetized. And these fuckers have the cheek to go around preaching freedom of speech and transparency.

      Answer one simple question : guess which postings get to stay on 'undisturbed' on YouTube : postings from the likes of Assange and Snowden and Col Wilkerson or your neighbour daughter's cute doggie post ?

      Pordah la...

  2. There are more than 4,400 colonels in 500 yo Bullyland Army. This one is even retired. Is this the best 5000 yo Bullyland can do?

    1. Bodoh TipuTS...don't you know by now that Whistleblowers and Dissidents are rare breeds...they get ostracised, mocked, persecuted, alienated, get the picture ? Doesn't matter whether this Col is retired, it is what he had to say that mattered. But of course all this are beyond your shallow mind to grasp. And by the by, China did not "do" anything...this Col obviously on his own still have the decency to get revolted by all the shits he had witnessed.

      For you Bananas OCBCs who unfailingly emerged to suck so ardently and enthusiastically on these Whiteface cocks, I wager my last dollar you wannabe-angmos wouldn't dare take a single step to make a visit to the land of your Master yellow skin bananas will be pummeled till you crap in your pants...they just hate Asians now and even if you cinakuis grovel on bended knees to declare your undying love and willing to suck up to them endlessly, you would still be whacked senseless. Such irony, wa ka ka ka. Unrequited love ? hehe

  3. Last year nobody paid much attention to 5000 yo Bullyland stealthily expanding its territory illegally....

    First Bully, then Tipu and finally East Sea, South Sea, Tibet, Xinjiang, soon HK (before 2047) then the jewel Taiwan.....they must want the pineapples real bad...ha ha ha...

    BY ZACHARY HAVER | MAY 12, 2020

    On April 18, China’s State Council announced its decision to establish two new districts in Sansha City, a prefecture-level city (地级市) headquartered on Woody Island which governs the bulk of China’s territorial claims in the South China Sea. Some observers may dismiss the creation of these districts as a symbolic but ultimately inconsequential demonstration of Beijing’s resolve. A closer look at the development and role of administrative institutions in Sansha City indicates otherwise. This structural adjustment will improve China’s administrative control over the South China Sea and could introduce new policymaking dynamics.

    The State Council established Sansha City as a prefecture-level city belonging to Hainan province in July 2012. The city’s jurisdiction supposedly encompasses over 280 islands, shoals, reefs, and other features along with their surrounding sea areas, amounting to nearly 800,000 square miles of sea and land area. This includes much of China’s claims within its nine-dash line, including the Paracel Islands, Spratly Islands, and Zhongsha Islands (中沙群岛), generally understood to refer to Scarborough Shoal and Macclesfield Bank.

    Since 2012, Woody Island and Sansha City more broadly have rapidly developed. Over the past eight years, the city has opened a school, attracted considerable corporate investment, constructed new infrastructure such as port facilities and seawater desalination plants, established a booming tourism industry, diversified its economy, improved logistics and telecommunications, built permanent housing facilities, and promoted normalized residency. Woody Island and other features under Sansha City’s jurisdiction have hosted weapons systems and city entities have coordinated the development and operations of maritime militia forces. The various island features of Sansha City are now bristling with increasingly advanced intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance systems. The establishment of Sansha City’s new districts, Xisha (Paracel) District (西沙区) and Nansha (Spratly) District (南沙区), continues the trajectory of the city’s development.

    In the Chinese system, prefecture-level cities typically contain subordinate districts and counties with their own governments. Therefore, when the State Council established two new districts in Sansha City, it also created two new district governments. These two new governments are the Xisha District People’s Government (西沙区人民政府), headquartered on Woody Island, and the Nansha District People’s Government (南沙区人民政府), headquartered on Fiery Cross Reef (永暑礁). In addition to holding jurisdiction over the Paracel Islands, the government of Xisha District will also manage the Zhongsha Islands, while the government of Nansha District will administer the Spratly Islands. Given that China operates under a party-state system, corresponding district party committees will join the new district governments.

  4. ...cont...
    The creation of the Xisha and Nansha Districts expands China’s administrative capacity in the South China Sea. The Chinese party-state has long sought to cement effective governance over claimed territory in the South China Sea. China first set up a party committee and government office on Woody Island in March 1959. These entities held roughly the same jurisdiction as the modern Sansha City. In late 2008, the party committee and government office created 18 new administrative departments (行政职能部门) and 20 new public institutions (事业单位). When Sansha City came into being in July 2012, new municipal bodies replaced the older party and government entities. Since 2012, Sansha City has steadily introduced new forms of local governance, including at least four working committees (工委) and management committees (管委会) as well as ten neighborhood resident committees (社区居民委员会). The establishment of Sansha City’s Xisha and Nansha Districts therefore comes as the latest step in a long-term project to expand Chinese party-state governance into the South China Sea

    1. what's the purpose of this tulis panjang lebar ? this island belongs to the China...good that they develop it peacefully and productively, hehe. Eat your heart out.

    2. Soon Petronas will be a subsidiary of PetroChina and Sarawak will have to claim royalty from Bullyland...ha ha ha...

      Malaysia and China in stand-off near PTTEP's appraisal drilling
      Potential for escalation in disputed South China Sea waters

      30 November 2020
      By Amanda Battersby

      The Chinese Coast Guard (CCG) and Royal Malaysian Navy have been involved in yet another standoff over oil and gas drilling in the South China Sea as tensions mount between regional powers over resources in the strategic sea area.

      The CCG vessel 5402 in mid-November approached the Borr Drilling-owned jack-up Gunnlod, which is working for Thailand’s national upstream company PTTEP on Block SK 410B off Sarawak, East Malaysia, according to the Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative (AMTI) of the Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS).

      The incursion impacted the rig and its support vessels that are operating just 44 nautical miles off Sarawak.

      Malaysia deployed a naval vessel in response, and it continues to tail the CCG ship.

      AMTI noted that analysis of AIS data from Marine Traffic and satellite imagery from Planet Labs revealed “this high-stakes game of chicken that would otherwise have remained under the radar”.

      The vessel 5402 had left Hainan, southern China in late October on what would be a standard patrol route, stopping at two of China’s artificial island bases before taking up position at Luconia Shoals in Malaysia’s exclusive economic zone.

      On 10 November, the vessel started patrolling in oil and gas blocks off Sarawak, passing close to Sapura Energy’s multi-purpose support vessel, Sapura Constructor.

      Two days later, the 5402 headed east of the Luconia Shoals before returning to its post, “seemingly attracted by the arrival” of the Gunnlod, according to the Washington-based CSIS.

      The jack-up rig is being supported by two anchor-handling tug supply vessels — the JM Abadi and the Lewek Plover.

      PTTEP has the Gunnlod on charter drilling an appraisal well on its 2019 Lang Lebah giant gas discovery on Block SK 410B, for which fast-track development plans have been mooted. The jack-up will next likely drill exploration targets for PTTEP off Malaysia.

      Later this month, the 5402 approached to within two nautical miles of the Gunnlod "presumably warning it to cease operations as the CCG has in other recent cases involving Malaysian and Vietnamese offshore drilling”, added the CSIS.

      This is the nearest to shore the AMTI has ever documented such Chinese vessels.

      In response, the Malaysian Navy deployed the KD Keris, which stayed near to the drilling rig before following the 5402 back to the Luconia Shoals.

      “Recent history suggests China could escalate the standoff with further deployments,” said the CSIS.

      “But it might also de-escalate, recognising that harassment of drilling operations so close to Malaysian shores is a significant provocation.”

      Meanwhile, Malaysia’s national upstream oil and gas company Petronas Carigali is drilling with Transocean’s semi-submersible Deepwater Nautilus on nearby Block SK 316 off Sarawak, which could yet also attract Chinese interest.

      Malaysia last December submitted documentation to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea with the aim of extending the area of its maritime boundaries in the South China Sea.

      China for its part claims some 80% of the Luconia Shoals.

  5. If nobody try to destabilise this Bully he will become Bully-Monster.

  6. The katak of that fart filled well r all on heats, cloaking in unison for mates!

    Keep to yr cloaking & chants.

    Ain't one of u said something about the Yorkshire padding?

    The Chinese have a much better saying - 日久见人心 (the truth will come out eventually).

    Pray to yr altarised god that yr chants would be answered!

  7. ccp strategies jin canrong on how to destabilize usa.

    First, create conditions for USA to make mistakes

    Second, we keep it (the US) busy so that it will suffer from depression and want to quit the job itself.

    Third, we should get ourselves mixed together with the US, so that it can not fight us. We should create such a situation where you have me inside you, and I have you inside me.

    we built some islands in the South China Sea, which greatly irritated the United States. But we waited until the United States got itself into fights with Syria; we waited until it got itself involved in Ukraine. We only built the islands then. When the US found that we had built such large islands by the end of last June, we immediately said to it, “Oh, my dear boss, we will stop it.” but we reported to the United States, we said, hey, boss, we are not building it anymore. The United States was very happy for a few months. They thought, after all, we are still the boss. So you see, China controls things better than Russia.

    We in the Chinese government hope that in the end, every U.S. Congressman's district will have Chinese investment, and China will be able to control one thousand or several thousand votes, and then we can influence his (the congressman’s) attitude.

    If there are three external enemies outside the United States, I reckon it will start to feel dizzy. If it has four enemies, it will completely get lost. So China's strategic task is to ensure that there are four enemies (for the US), terrorists are certainly one.


    1. 1st yr translation sucks big time! R u coming out from the same school as that US purple haired translator in Anchorage?

      2nd One word - 断章取义! Selectively picking of contents to fool those who don't understand Chinese & who r following that same meme-ed demoNcratic indoctrination.

      The core of 金灿荣 speech is “以子之矛陷子之盾何如”!

      BTW, for Formosa katak u should revisit this YouTube to refresh yr f*cked memory.


      Now u can go & curse the education u received from 台中大学!

    2. OMG...what incredible drivel ! Batty, just go to your dangdut happy hours.

    3. the author did a word to word translation, ori text is a seminar talk, thus contextual translation could be accused misleading or out of context among those with zombie nature. moreover i cut paste only the main point to demonstrate bthat ccp is not as innocent as many thot, n definitely not a victim. you can google jin ori chinese text : 金灿荣 2016 邪招 (jincanrong 2016 evil trick), n re translate here so jerky jerk dont hv to forever rely on western news outlet to learn what ccp is all abt.

      n u pls also do your homework y ccp fail to make latin america the usa enemy while almost all asia countries r wary n fear of ccpland except the few dictatorial state that can be eazily buy off. ccp is lucky bec the very peaceful muslim thot they can jihad against usa, n at the same time american go pick a know only tokkok 48% black useless president.

      i am perfectly fine if ccp dare fight the no 1 bully, but all they did is to bully hker twnese tibetan xinjianger n sea countries, a worst kind of cbmf bully.

    4. So mfer, u admit that

      "contextual translation could be accused misleading or out of context"

      Contextual as in yr own f*cked interpretation of the speech! Ooop… don't forget that matching consistent & consecutive phrases too!

      "moreover i cut paste only the main point to demonstrate bthat ccp is not as innocent as many thot, n definitely not a victim."

      Very selective, right?


      "to forever rely on western news outlet to learn what ccp is all abt."

      Ain't u the one that does that CONTINUOUSLY?

      "y ccp fail to make latin america the usa enemy"

      Mfer, China has zilch intention to interfere in the backyard of uncle Sam. Russko polar might want to try to reestablishing their used comradeship there. But the Yankee dollar is just too tempting & powerful in his backyard!

      "while almost all asia countries r wary n fear of ccpland except the few dictatorial state that can be eazily buy off."

      Truly know nothing twisting to fit yr fart!

      In Asia the only two countries that don't see comfortability in China policies r 夜郎自大 India & 白眼狼 Vietnam. SKorea & Nihon r just two vessel states of uncle Sam. So what do u expect?

      " …the very peaceful muslim thot they can jihad against usa, n at the same time american go pick a know only tokkok 48% black useless president."

      Mfer, r u still living in Obama time or yr time dilation is still pre trump?

      Say that AGAIN, cbmf bully, to the face of yr uncle Sam whom u have altarised as the freedom champion & demoNcractic policeman of the world lah. Under that spurious altruistic fart that u so craving for, uncle Sam has single-handedly causing untold miseries all over the world that mfer, like u, refuse to voice/see. Instead, u choose to pick on China to tag as an imaginary bully out of yr nightmare?

      "bully hker twnese tibetan xinjianger n sea countrie"

      Oooop… how sleepless can u be in that dream where yr uncle Sam has been blocked/rejected/overwhelmed every single step of his planed evil moves in all those countries u mentioned?

      Go get some sleeping pills. Preferably overdosed too.

  8. The Real Reason Why the US Hates China :

    1. OMG... amazing idiots actually believe this Batshit.

    2. OMG... amazing idiots actually believe all those western demoNcratic shits bashing CCP China!

      Naive ?

      Or just pure indoctrinated hate!
