
Wednesday, February 10, 2021

The fumbling stumbling bumbling Minister of Health

In a way I feel sorry for that stupid Menteri Air Suam who is now behaving like a man with his balls caught in the iron grip of a vise surrounded by razor-sharp concertina wire used during MCO.

His bizarrely idiotic policy of 3-days only quarantine for ministers returning home from overseas was so moronic that I wonder whether an educated doctor like him would even consider such a foolhardy quarantine policy when he knows all too well that Coid-19 virus could take a minimum of 5 to 6 days to incubate.

Why would a doctor issue such an ignorant policy adverse to the safety of public health?

I suspect his foolhardiness might have been compelled, either directly by someone or by his own inclination to bodek.

When confronted by fury from the public and medical experts, he attempted to bullshit his way, firstly, by saying the 3-days period was only a minimum depending on the travel arrangements and protocols and could even be extended to 10 days if not in accordance with a strict "bubble itinerary".

Thus he was wont to assert that Hishamuddin who had just left for UAE may not qualify for the 3-days quarantine and thus be required on return to be quarantined for 10 days, saying (or tokking-kok) that:

"For Hishammuddin, I'm not confident his entourage was kept separate. So I will not allow (quarantine) for three days. It will be 10 days as usual."

"I will monitor it closely. If I am confident he went overseas and did not follow the itinerary as shown, which we will investigate, we will impose 10 days quarantine (including) the three days before (departure) when he was tested.

Then thinking he could mollify the public he made it worse by bullshitting through his 6 o'clock that the "optional relaxation of quarantine duration from 10 days to three days is aimed at opening up the economy."

Do you believe him? Wakakaka.

Then his ministerial largesse follows with a flamboyant "reward" that the 3-days rule "may be made available to business travellers AND the public next." 

He is now totally covered in the buffalo dung he himself burrowed deep into. Hallelujah and May the Lord praise and bless this "good" man.

He mumbled in desperation: "We start with ministers first because it is easy to make an order before we open it up to the public ... maybe businesspersons."

What an eff-up! And finally in that fumbling eff-up he revealed the real reason for his 3-days quarantine policy, as reported by Malaysiakini below:

Adham cited the economy and Muhyiddin's 24-hour trip to Indonesia in explaining his rationale.

Muhyiddin, he said, had not been quarantined upon arrival at Jakarta last Thursday, because Indonesia wanted to open up its economy.

"It's not that we are taking Indonesia's example, but we have to be reciprocal.

"This is what we call the green travel bubble.

"Is it fair that Muhyiddin was not quarantined in Indonesia, but was quarantined when he returned (on Friday)?" he said.

He also said that checks by the Health Ministry found that the prime minister had kept to a "very strict" itinerary, and did not go anywhere unofficially.

"Three days before departure he tested negative. When he flew to Indonesia he tested negative. When he returned he got tested too.

"So we allowed three days of isolation to see if he developed symptoms.

"We are very satisfied with his risk assessment, which I checked. He was really in a bubble and protected there (in Jakarta)."

So we finally can confirm what we suspected all along, that Dumbo issued his policy to accommodate the PM, basically known in Malaysian language as a Bloody Big Brains-Bullshitting Bodek.

On 2nd thoughts, maybe I should NOT feel sorry for such a Bodek-ing Menteri.


  1. Hannah say don't blame this Menteri Air Suam alone lah. We know he is dumb.

    The entire cabinet must accept blame, and they are the sole beneficiaries of this stupid decision.

    And ayam still waiting for TAN SRI DR Noor Hisham to condemn this stupid decision. His obedience is commendable.

    1. you've got your knife in Dr Noor's side just as you staked same stiletto in MCA's, but OTOH you suck Atuk's and Guan Eng's, wakakaka

  2. Policy was revised to fit 1-person's imperatives.

  3. this malay muslim govt is much much more creative, dynamic n pragmatic than any other form of polity.
