
Tuesday, January 19, 2021

The hypocrisy of PAS

MM Online:

Putrajaya could amend Act 355 to introduce harsher punishments against LGBT community, says deputy minister

Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister's Department in charge of Religious Affairs Ahmad Marzuk Shaary speaks to reporters in Putrajaya, December 30, 2020. ― Picture by Shafwan Zaidon

KOTA BHARU Jan 19 — The government does not rule out the possibility of amending the Syariah Courts (Criminal Jurisdiction) Act 1965 or Act 355 to provide for heavier punishments on lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgenders (LGBT).

Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Religious Affairs) Ahmad Marzuk Shaary said the current sentence under the act, which provides for a three year imprisonment, a fine of RM5,000 and six strokes of the cane, was seen as not giving much effect on the group of people.

This amendment should be seen as necessary to address their wrong doings, he told reporters after the Food Bank Donation Handover by the Federal Territory Islamic Religious Department (JAWI) at Kompleks Purnama near Pengkalan Chepa, here today.

According to him, stern action has been taken currently against those who do not dress as required of their gender.

“All state religious agencies and enforcers have been instructed to take action against those (LGBT) who do not behave accordingly,” he said.

He urged the public with information on unhealthy activities carried out by the LGBT group to come forward and make a report to the authorities to facilitate action against them. — Bernama


kt notes:

I was under the impression that the religion of Islam is under the respective Sultan of each State in Malaysia.

This Putrajaya or federal intrusion into Islamic jurisdiction forces me to wonder why the federal government is interfering with what should be the domain of the respective HRH.

But we know why, don't we, or else those Muslims in Penang, Malacca, Sarawak and Sabah won't be "under control", and consequently would become havens for Muslims indulging in the most non-halal practices like LGBT-ing, wakakaka.

Ahmad Marzuk obviously is one who believes in the axiom of "the flogging will continue (and increase) until morale (or rather, Islamic morality) improves". 

Mind, he is not unlike his fellow PAS person who hold true to medieval Islamic punishments.

But Ahmad Marzuk's proposal to increase the current "three year imprisonment, RM5,000 fine and six strokes of the cane" is a dangerous and unconstitutional adventure as the syariah courts have CONSTITUTIONALLY been restricted to ONLY the 3-5-6 rule, indicating the syariah courts' SUBORDINATE positions to the Civil Courts and more importantly (strongly disagreed by PAS) that Malaysia is a secular state.

His proposal is thus an UUD355 amendment by stealth. Very sly, sneaky and sinister, wakakaka.

Many Malaysians aren't fully conscious of the fact that the syariah courts are NOT allowed to judge and rule in cases where heavier punishments may be levied upon the guilty, even unto capital punishment. Those 'heavy metal' stuff remain the domain of the Civil Courts, most fortuitously for us. The syariah courts are confined to matters like Muslim family laws and Islamic issues of morality such as khalwat and fasting.

The primer mover behind the bill, known as the amendment to ACT 355 (in Bahasa, UUD 355), to amend the Shariah Courts (Criminal Jurisdiction) Act 1965, has been Hadi Awang the current President of PAS, but his efforts to introduce hudud laws into Malaysia (initially in Kelantan) started years back.

It seeks to empower Islamic courts to enforce any punishment ― except for the death penalty ― provided in Shariah laws for Islamic offences listed under state jurisdiction in the Federal Constitution. Those included the known Islamic severe punishment of hand chopping, etc.

Pak Hadi, being a clever man, started off LITE, by recommending in his bill that the current 3-5-6 be amended to allow punishment by the syariah courts of “not more than 30 years prison or fine of RM100,000 or 100 lashes as administered in line with the Syariah laws.”

Why '100 lashes' when we have been repetitively informed that Islamic caning is very very light and only for public shaming, where even the hand holding the cane cannot be raised above the shoulder (or words to the effect). Hasn't Pak Hadi inadvertently reveal the true nature (and FORCE) of syariah court imposed caning?

But non-Muslim lawmakers see such Pak Hadi's proposed increases as much too heavy punishments for moral offences and reject it.

Indeed, t'was reported that our Noah(pbuh)-fearing Nik Mohamad Abduh, son of allahyarhum Nik Abdul Aziz once wrote in Harakah that amending Act 355 would pave the way to the implementation of Quranic laws in Malaysia. He said:

“Act 355 is a prison against implementing the true Islamic Shariah laws. The laws bow down to the Federal Constitution, whose powers exceed the sovereignty of Quran and the Prophet’s teachings. It is obviously against Islam. It is an obvious idolatry.

“Amending it will break the chains that bind,” Nik Abduh said, referring to Pak Hadi’s Bill to amend UUD 355.

What next? Decapitation?

And back to the issue of LGBT - why is there complete silence from PAS on the minister allegedly indulging in gay sex where even his partner openly and publicly reveal their "joyous" acts in Sandakan 4-Point Hotel, all with photographic evidence?

PAS' eff-ing hypocrisy!

Yes sir, Allah swt will be punishing you lot.


  1. Azmin really looks impressive energetic and dynamic.

    Good PM Material. 👍 👍 👍

  2. I have no doubts whatsoever that Hadi and PAS are fakeys.

    I truly believe people like Hadi have a lot to answer for in the afterlife for their behaviour on earth.

    I consider them great sinners and unredeemable for using religion to further their personal agenda.

    On greater punishment for LGBTQs, I wonder since islam treats Muhammad as the last and greatest prophet, what Muhammad would do to LGBTQs.

    Would he (Muhammad) condemn them (LGBTQs) or would he embrace them in brotherly love.

    Would Muhammad ask his followers to cast the first stone if anybody has not committed any sin?
