
Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Covid pandemic - Anwar sees Putrajaya as kow-towing to ‘big taukes’

MM Online:

Anwar sees Putrajaya as kow-towing to ‘big taukes’ by not stopping sectors rife with Covid-19

The Opposition leader’s criticism came amid growing pressure for the Perikatan Nasional to conduct mass testing and shut down the factories and construction sites, two economic sectors that contributed to the bulk of daily cases reported in the last two months. — Bernama pic

KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 27 — Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim criticised the government tonight for refusing to shut down industries riddled with Covid-19 cases, saying this reeked of a double standard and portrayed officials as doing the bidding of rich “big taukes”.

The Opposition leader’s criticism came amid growing pressure for the Perikatan Nasional to conduct mass testing and shut down the factories and construction sites, two economic sectors that contributed to the bulk of daily cases reported in the last two months.

“The solution shouldn’t have been limited to just caging the people, enforcing the movement control order, and let alone imposing Emergency rule,” Anwar, the MP for Port Dickson, said in a talk delivered on his Facebook page.

“Do testing. These factories must resume operations as soon as possible so the best way to do that is conduct testing. That should have been the responsibility of these factories,” he added.

Public criticism against Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin and his Cabinet have mounted since the third wave of Covid-19 infections hit the country in October last year, which many blamed on the government’s refusal to heed calls for mass testing.

Mass testing would have allowed the authorities to identify, isolate positive cases quickly and let workers free of the virus return to work, critics said.

“Once all workers have been tested then we can let them work. But while testing is taking place the workers’ movement must be restricted. Otherwise we would see more factories will have outbreaks in the future,” Anwar said.

The Ministry of Health continues to report over 3,000 cases, and new clusters daily since December last year, with cases exceeding 4,000 some days. Most of the cases and clusters were found to involve workplaces.

The cases stemming from these places have also drawn attention to the deplorable treatment of workers by employers, noted Anwar.

“They are treated almost like slaves, forced to stay in small cramped lodgings, which seems to suggest employers are only interested in profits,” the Opposition leader said.

“Then you see all these politicians giving all these fiery, earth-shaking speeches, giving warnings here and there (to adhere to restrictions) but when it comes to being stern with the big taukes you dare not,” he added.


  1. Better duduk diam diam di rumah, makan Mee Maggi, uddervise kena cucuk pintu belakang.... but I think Azmin won’t mind...ha ha ha...

    But then I suppose Bullyland always like to “intrude” into private matters so this is a good excuse.....ha ha ha again...

    China rolls out anal swab coronavirus test, saying it’s more accurate than throat method

    Eva Dou
    Jan. 27, 2021

    SEOUL — Months-long lockdowns. Entire city populations herded through the streets for mandatory testing. The people of China could be forgiven for thinking they had seen it all during the coronavirus pandemic.

    But now they face a new indignity: the addition of anal swabs — yes, you read that right — to the testing regimen for those in quarantine.

    Chinese state media outlets introduced the new protocol in recent days, prompting widespread discussion and some outrage. Some Chinese doctors say the science is there. Recovering patients, they say, have continued to test positive through samples from the lower digestive tract days after nasal and throat swabs came back negative.

    Yet for many, it seemed a step too far in government intrusions after a year and counting of a dignity-eroding pandemic.

    “Everyone involved will be so embarrassed,” one user in Guang­dong province said Wednesday on ­Weibo, a Chinese social media platform. In a Weibo poll, 80 percent of respondents said they “could not accept” the invasive method.

    1. Wakakakaka…

      Truly blurred mfer of one way showing!

      "China rolls out anal swab coronavirus test" - Eva Dou from SKorea

      There r macam macam types of 'news' all-over the world. Most of the China bashers r well tuned to farts, unsubstantiated sources, to upstage them via c&p. Worst still, they swallow the-whole-truth-nothing-but-the-truth demoNcratic theme wholesome w/o failed!

      If these mfers r willing to spend some time to verify & counterclockwise these farts via the numerous Chinese social media platforms, they would dig the deepest hole to shout their antiChina chants.

      But would they?

      Definitely not. Most of them DON'T read Mandarin anyway. Even though with hp6 reading skill would dare to exercise their so called god-given right in that sophism attends!

    2. Simple Test - did the incident occur or not ?
      So far as I see, the Anal Swab incident actually occurred, been reported from separate sources.

      The correspondent's inclination , if any, are no matter, as long as it is accurate reporting.

      Pro-CCP media similarly regularly amplifies any negative news about the USA.

    3. Just a simple question.

      Civid-19 is a respiratory induced disease.

      SAR-CoV-2 'live & breed' well, very well, within the mucus tissues of the respiratory passages within the host.

      To quickly & instantly detect the presence of this virus, the first place to search for it is in the nose & throat. Any other places else r just pure irresponsible fart by hp6 dickheads.

      So, who is spreading such Simple Test of one Anal Swab to detect SARfCoV-2?

      But there r definitely blurred mfers, everything-goes China bashers & paid katak thst WOULD jump on the story to score a point.

      No matter, how ridiculous is the correlation when the story is open for rigorous logical dissection!

      Mfers, go look at a mirror & laugh at that idot that is laughing at u from that reflection.

      U r way way out of yr league lah!

    4. simple answer, zombie is diff.

    5. Yes, zombies r stupid!

      As defined by yr f*cked katak-ised understanding!
