
Friday, December 04, 2020

The VellfireHellfire-breathing ignorant but bigoted PAS Kedah MB


This is what happens when you pick an ignorant man to be MB, MIC says after ban remark

Kedah Menteri Besar Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor said MIC should be banned if the party incited people to break the law. (Bernama pic)

GEORGE TOWN: MIC president S Vigneswaran today slammed the Kedah menteri besar for saying the party should be banned if it is inciting people to break the law, on the back of an issue of a temple demolition and lack of funding for non-Muslim places of worship in the state.

Yesterday, Menteri Besar Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor, commenting on the MIC questioning the demolition of a Hindu temple in Kuala Kedah by the city council, said the party was merely trying to gain popularity by inciting others to go against the law over illegally built places of worship in the state.

Vigneswaran said: “This is what happens when you pick an ignorant man to be the MB. We have the right to ask because freedom of worship is enshrined in the Federal Constitution.

“If defending the rights of our community can be considered instigation, then PAS should be banned, judging from the number of demonstrations they have held on international issues and claims of some of them being linked to terrorists.

“PAS is showing its true colours and it is not surprising that the DAP could not work with them because of their arrogance.

“Go ahead, try to ban us and see. But if he (Sanusi) does not manage to ban us, then he should step down as MB,” he said when contacted.

MIC president S Vigneswaran says that if Kedah Menteri Besar Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor fails in getting the party banned, he should resign.

Vigneswaran said the issue raised by the MIC over the demolition of the temple should have been treated civilly, instead of Sanusi going on a tirade against the party.

“This is what you get when immature people become MB. Does he remember his party president previously vowing not to demolish any temple?” he asked.

Vigneswaran said PAS should realise it was a “nobody” six months ago, prior to the formation of Perikatan Nasional.

Separately, the DAP’s P Ramasamy said Sanusi’s reaction to a simple question over the demolished temple showed the PAS-led government was keen on causing misery among non-Muslims in Kedah.

He said it was wrong to say any group or party, in this case the MIC, was inciting people to break the law or gain popularity when it was just demanding fair rights for ethnic Indian citizens.

“This is simply the wild and careless imagination of Sanusi who has proved to be an ineffective leader in Kedah.

“Indians are upset and angry simply because more temples have been demolished in the state in comparison with the earlier BN and later PH governments.

“If the authorities can demolish temples, some of them more than hundreds of years old, you expect Indians to offer the proverbial other cheek? Sorry, Indians are not the reincarnation of Gandhi.”

FMT has contacted the MB and his office for comment.


kt notes:

Also read my related previous post regarding the Hindu-shrine-demolishing PAS Kedah government in
PAS' Muhammad Sanusi the smiling carnivorous tiger.

I've also commented on FB that the current oppressive behaviour of the PAS Kedah government demonstrates the dangers to non-Muslims (and even Muslims) of ever trusting PAS to govern Malaysia as the major ruling political party. It's a brutally oppressive political party, with inclination towards dictatorship. PAS must be politically destroyed if possible or kept to the sideline preferably.

Non-Muslims take note of the Islamic Party smiling Tiger as it's still a very ferocious carnivorous predator, especially to non-Muslims, as Hindus in Kedah have experienced. Don't ever support such a smiling predator.

The PAS MB Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor is not only a smiling tiger but now
 when in power, with fangs bared and claws unsheathed, but also a Vellfire ... ooops ... I mean ... hellfire-breathing bigot - he'll eat you and your rights up. Just imagine he wants to ban MIC just for speaking up for Hindus. Watch out for more of his ignorant oppressive kerbau.

Yes, as Vigneswaran said, Sanusi might be an ignoramus insofar as democracy is concerned but he is an ignoramus with taste, for as the chairman of SADA who must have surely oversighted or approved (directly or indirectly) SADA Asset Acquisition Committee in acquiring the luxurious Vellfire MPV for the SADA vehicle pool, and making that vehicle "available for the shared use of Sada’s board members and senior officials" (wakakaka)

what an impressive SADA Chairman merangkap MB Kedah (wakakaka) for acquiring a Vellfire costing half a million ringgit and with the licence plate of KEP 5000 for the use of the SADA senior officers 

So what if the MB couldn't solve Kedah's water problems

Yalah, eff SADA (wakakaka)

The fate of those nons who work with (or under) PAS 


  1. Hindus very upset with Muslim MB/PAS Kedah gomen. Backdoor Senator Deputy Minister of National Unity Ah Ti Lian Ker is ideally positioned to arbitrate and cool the situation down.

    But He Says And Does Nothing. Dare Not Upset PAS. Abandon MIC frens.

    Boh Lam Phar, Useless MCA.

    It takes one of DAP's 3R's....Prof Ramasamy to bellow, back in October:

    The Kedah MIC must be pretty naive to think that PAS will change its religious extremist colours once the party is within the fold of PN.
    It has become plainly clear that PAS wants and intends to sideline other parties in the administration of Kedah. It has no time for non-Muslim political parties such as the MIC and MCA. It would be ridiculous to think that PAS might moderate its stand when it comes to non-Muslim matters. Under PAS’ administration, there is little or no respect for non-Muslim places of worship. The destruction of a heritage Hindu temple in Alor Setar by the city authorities is case in point. In fact, even plantation owners have been emboldened by PAS’ intolerance to deny places for non-Muslim worship. Why is MIC crying now? Did not the party know what they were getting into when PAS was openly embraced as a fraternal party. The worse is yet to come in Kedah.

  2. dulu umno tok race pas tok religion, sikarang pas tok both bec they know the parti no telur is dying, pas under hadi is dangerous cum authoritarian like ccp, i urge all non muslim must resist this communistic type of pragmatism pas in full.

    1. Communistic type of pragmatism!


      南魔萬 England on parade.

      Perhaps, u r confused with demoNcratic hypocrisy that yr masters r preaching with zombieic ketusnan farts!

    2. england i dun know, however if direct translate from zhongwen, we know the pragmatic ccp rename capitalism to socialism with chinese characteristic.

      thats what my mainland colleague told me: "我们打着共产主义的旗号在干着资本主义的活 (we call ourselves socialist doing a capitalist work)."

      perhaps u can think of a better description, for eg chinese characteristics type of pragmatism?

    3. These banana cinakoois are only good with repetitious one liner China-bashing....typical trolls for their Anglophone masters

    4. Good!


      Yr mainland colleague MUST be those 恨国公知! They r, like u, twisting the hard-earned experiences from years of 摸石头过河 to formulate the current successful communism with Chinese characteristics!

      With the sole f*cked underlaying argument of marketing economic approaches r the patented right of capitalism!

      Do better with yr hp6 zhongwen understanding of Chinese pragmatism lah! Tell that too, to yr dickheaded 恨国公知 to migrate out from China. Nobody is stopping them but themselves!

      That 普通话 utterance is a disgrace to their 'scholastic achievement' paid by the Chinese tax money!

  3. calling a spade a spade, no pretense, no camouflage, thats tha true chinese characteristics that almost extinct under communist rule. sad.

    1. U read newspaper or katak-ised farts?

      How about the current diplomatic verbal sparring between China & Oz?

      Or u have a different interpretation of "calling a spade a spade, no pretense, no camouflage" just liken to those 台毒水炮?
