
Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Ministerial Kok-Pep-Tok on un-halal meat scandal

MM Online:

Meat cartel: Ministry still keeping an eye on firms, distributors, says deputy minister

Datuk Rosol Wahid said the ministry has not ‘washed its hands’ over the issue and will continue monitoring to ensure all meat imported into Malaysia is halal. — Bernama pic

KUALA BERANG, Dec 30 — The Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs (KPDNHEP) will conduct continuous monitoring and periodic raids on companies or distributors related to imported meat without notice.

Its Deputy Minister, Datuk Rosol Wahid said the ministry has not "washed its hands" over the issue and will continue monitoring to ensure all meat imported into Malaysia is halal.

“The ministry also guarantees that all imported meat available in the market at this time is halal, we have been able to contain and identify the illicit meat, in fact one company (involved in forging halal logo in illegal meat cartel case) was charged in court today.

“The assurance is given because all the meat from the affected premises have already been confiscated. Our responsibility is to ensure that all meat entering Malaysia must be halal except pork which is in another category,” he said.

He told reporters after inspecting compliance with the maximum price scheme for the Christmas festive season which was also attended by Terengganu KPDNHEP director, Saharuddin Mohd Kia at a supermarket here today.

In another development, he said a total of 9,629 business premises nationwide were inspected by KPDNHEP from December 22 to Dec 29 for the maximum price scheme during Christmas.

Rosol said only 10 cases involving a total compound of RM1,100 and a total forfeiture of RM386 were recorded in the inspection during the period.

“In one case, it was the failure to display the special price tag (pink) while in another nine cases, there were no price tag displayed. Actions were taken in accordance with the Price Control and Anti-Profiteering Act 2011.

“This shows that the price monitoring scheme is efficient because traders have followed the stipulated rules so as not to take advantage of the festive season,” he said.

Bloke (Rosol Wahid) is a typical BERSATU kerbau-er.

I know he is trying to assuage the Muslim public that all's well and eight bells, by more kerbau plus unsubstantiated factoids.

For example, by saying his "ministry has not ‘washed its hands’ over the issue and will continue monitoring to ensure all meat imported into Malaysia is halal", he intends to pass the impression the un-halal meat scandal is a mere blip on the halal horizon, and is quite 'hands washable', wakakaka.

The company charged was about its illegal use of the halal logo when the real issue in the 40-year fraudulent meat scandal was about the kerbau-ness of the so-called halal meat, possibly being that of kangaroos, horses and god-knows-what-else.

He then changed landscape and talked about some businesses being fined for their failures to display the special price tag and ... yadda yadda yadda ... actions were taken in accordance with the Price Control and Anti-Profiteering Act 2011.

What the eff has the price control (or lack of ) has to do with the 40-years of non-kosher and even diseased meat being sold 5to and consumed by Muslims in our country.

Yesterday or was it the day before, he came forth like a Islamic Warrior and declared (with what proof, evidence or professional authority?) that products of 3 meat dealers are guaranteed halal. On what basis did he say that?

In the mean eff-ing time, Menteri Agama mulled over a RCI, then proposed it whilst this and that JAKIM senior officers continue their (halal?) kok-tok, besides earlier attempting to wash their Pontius Pilate appendages off the meat.

JAKIM is incompetent, useless and wastes taxpayers' money. Shut it down.


  1. who care abt tis trivial issue, as soon as backdoor pm feed the umno youth shit, its a non issue.

    cukup la umno. sumua orang tau apa u orang nak, free shit ma.

    1. Tapi mana dapatkan shit lagi?

      Semua shit dah di makan&simpan olih katak dibawah perigi!

      Share put tak bolih.

      Sebab tu, semua ketuanan freaks mesti cari lobang lain, including 'holified' manna from Allah.

    2. ccp ada ma, close both eyes when bully sail thru north sabah sea.

    3. Prove that territory along north Sabah sea lah!

      Don't forget yr Formosa dickheads, the pinnoy also lie their claims their.

      Must be those shit clogging up the blood arteries to that petrified jelly.

  2. Eat pork and you will be fine. All local and no JAKIM involved.
