
Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Kadir Jasin: Zahid, Najib will support whoever best serves their needs


Zahid, Najib will support whoever best serves their needs - Kadir

Veteran journalist A Kadir Jasin has framed today's potentially explosive Dewan Rakyat vote on the budget as a battle between Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin and opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim, for the support of embattled Umno leaders Najib Abdul Razak and Ahmad Zahid Hamidi.

In a blog post, Kadir followed up yesterday's joint press conference by former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad and his long-time rival Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, by zeroing in on the remaining key players in a "game of brinkmanship in Parliament - if indeed such a do-or-die battle were to take place."

"Muhyiddin has never proven, in a democratic manner, that he has the majority support of the Dewan Rakyat since launching his power grab in February.

"Anwar has repeatedly claimed that he has the 'strong, formidable and convincing' support of the House.

"Najib and Zahid believe they have the numbers to determine who the prime minister should be," Kadir wrote today.

The former Bersatu supreme council member, who is aligned with Mahathir, asked his readers to put themselves in Najib and Zahid's shoes.

"You can be the kingmaker here. Who would you support in Parliament - Muhyiddin who is the prime minister or Anwar who wants to be prime minister?

"In Najib's shoes, you're a convicted felon (a label applied by Bernama). You're appealing against your corruption conviction and you have more charges to answer in court.

"In Zahid's shoes you are facing 47 criminal charges and could soon be joining Najib's ranks," he said.

Kadir added that unless the two leaders had resigned themselves to spending years in prison, they would certainly consider their options before deciding who to throw in their lot with.

He noted that since Muhyiddin became prime minister there have been a number of high profile cases that resulted in acquittals or discharges not amounting to an acquittal (DNAA).

"Already you have seen the leniency shown to former Sabah chief minister Musa Aman, who was acquitted and discharged, and (former minister) Tengku Adnan Mansor as well as Riza Abdul Aziz (Najib's stepson) who were both given a DNAA.

"Surely you are not beyond expecting a similar outcome to your own cases. So Muhyiddin looks like a good bet," Kadir said.

He alluded to the possibility that the charges against Najib and Zahid had been discussed in negotiations with Muhyiddin.

"Conventional wisdom would suggest that demands were made and concessions agreed upon."

Kadir claimed that while Anwar is not yet prime minister, he has personal experience with facing prosecution, judiciary and penitentiary.

"He not only understands your predicament but can help you with a few tricks. He not only has the power to appoint a friendly attorney-general but also the experience of obtaining a royal pardon."

Due to this, Kadir suggested that Anwar in the top post would be able to help them more than the current premier. 

"Therefore, who would you vote for in Parliament - Muhyiddin who's desperate to remain prime minister or Anwar who's desperate to become prime minister?

"With all these personal agendas and considerations, I am not the least surprised if the rakyat does not feature very high on your priority list," he added.

Yesterday, Mahathir said there is a possibility that Muhyiddin's government would fall today.

Pakatan Harapan secretaries-general Saifuddin Nasution Ismail (PKR), Hatta Ramli (Amanah) and Anthony Loke (DAP) have urged all MPs to reject Budget 2021 during the final vote at its third reading today.

"Harapan previously said it will debate Budget 2021 at the policy and committee stage and will conduct a bloc vote during the third reading.

"Thus Harapan urges all MPs, whether on the opposition side or from the side that supports the government (but) who understand that this budget does not fulfil the objective and goal to combat Covid-19 and revive the economy; to choose to reject it during the third reading tomorrow," they said.


  1. Toonsie boasted about being King-maker. Now let's see who he will make King.

    A. Harapan with Anwar as KING (big OUCH) or

    B. PN/BN/MN with Jibby / Zahid as KING (bigger OUCH?)

  2. Come back Rafidah, you are a spring chicken compared to KuLi and Toonsie....

  3. And similarly will MCA and MIC support BN/PN/Muah Fart Karat to serve Wee KHAT Siong and Saravan's need to stay in power?

    Now that the communities they proclaim to serve have been left out of the Perak EXCO.

    Never mind, Wee KHAT Siong and Saravanan will say, we Chinese and Indians can be ketua kapitan of new villages and oil palm and rubber estate worker's quarters. Saya ada gaji besar dan kepala besar Cukup-lah, apa lagi Cina Mahu?

    No need for Chinese, Indian excos, says Perak MB
    Shaq Ismail -December 14, 2020

    IPOH: Perak Menteri Besar Saarani Mohamad says there is no need to appoint Chinese and Indian executive councilors in his administration as the two communities are already represented in other levels of government.

    Speaking after chairing his first exco meeting, Saarani said there were Chinese and Indian leaders in local councils and that his administration will not be changing what the previous government had implemented.

    “The appointment of advisers (to the menteri besar) will be made according to needs. I cannot promise anything.

    “To me, what is important is implementation (of state government initiatives).”

    The appointment of Chinese and Indian village heads, he said, will be based on the list approved by the previous government.

  4. so now its confirmed only backdoor pm can serve pencuri satu n pencuri dua needs.
