
Wednesday, December 16, 2020

I'm proud of my school Keat Hwa, and one day my school will be proud of me


Meet Jocelyn Yow – the California mayor who considers Alor Setar her hometown

In the past few days, one of the most talked-about politicians among Malaysians has been Jocelyn Yow, the 25-year-old of Malaysian Chinese-Vietnamese descent who is set to become mayor of Eastvale, a town of 55,000 located an hour east of Los Angeles, California.

Reportedly the youngest woman from a minority race to serve as a mayor of a California city, Yow is also an advocate for more women's representation in politics.

Yow's achievement drew the attention of former youth and sports minister Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman who said while foreign countries recognise the abilities of young people, Malaysia is busy recognising their parents.

"Many people say, Malaysia only appreciates its citizens (or those who have a relationship with Malaysia) when they have succeeded abroad. Maybe there is some truth to this. Also, foreign countries look at merit, while Malaysia looks at cronies," said the Muar MP.

Kepong MP Lim Lip Eng had also lauded Yow and urged young Malaysians abroad not to give up on the country but to come back and help it improve.


kt notes:

What a woman! Makes us Malaysians proud of her.

It seems she's prophetic too. An alumnus of SMJK Keat Hwa (Alor Setar) told me Jocelyn Yow penned in her (final???) Year Book words to the effect, "I'm proud of my school Keat Hwa, and one day my school will be proud of me."

Indeed, and so are millions of Malaysians. Syabas Jocelyn.


  1. Proud, indeed. For whom?

    To the ketuanan freaks, the zombies & the blur-sotong good ridden!

    & also to those katak-ised mfers.

  2. Don't forget she achieved it in The Land of The Brave , Home of The Free.

    So many have been brainwashed to hate that country.

    1. The Land of The Brave , Home of The Free.


      Tell that to the Iraqi, the Afghan, the Syrian etc etc.

      Personal achievement has major influence from personal determination. Least of all the dwelled land! Historically there r many many more such examples.

      Bloody know-nothing trying it's best to dress up a demon.

    2. " Least of all the dwelled land!"

      Then Please explain why the USA DemoNcracy remains the world's largest immigration destination, both proper legal applicants and also illegals.

      Could it be just vaguely due to the opportunities that their system offers , regardless of race and religion ?

    3. WHY the USA DemoNcracy remains the world's largest immigration destination, both proper legal applicants and also illegals.

      U buat tak tau or u r truly f*cked in yr head!

      How about a simple answer of self trumpeting propaganda as in what u had claimed as "The Land of The Brave , Home of The Free." to entice meme-ed dreamers.

      U do recite the vow of stars & stripes well. Have u sent in yr application yet?

      Then, only u begin yr f*cked journey of
      opportunities that their system offers , regardless of race and religion.


    4. Land of the brave, home of the free ?

      LMAO !

      Tell this to the blacks...tell this to the BLM protesters ! Tell this to the remnants of the Native Americans left after a hundred million of their ancestors were killed off by these white immigrants who came and took their land. 

      CK, this idiotic moron deserve your contempt  : " U buat tak tau or u r truly f*cked in yr head!"

      It bears repeating here :

      "Having been enslaved for 250 years, black people were not left to their own devices. They were terrorized.

      In the Deep South, a second slavery ruled. In the North, legislatures, mayors, civic associations, banks, and citizens all colluded to pin black people into ghettos, where they were overcrowded, overcharged, and under- educated. Businesses discriminated against them, awarding them the worst jobs and the worst wages. Police brutalized them in the streets. And the notion that black lives, black bodies, and black wealth were rightful targets remained deeply rooted in the broader society.

      For the next 250 years, American law worked to reduce black people to a class of untouchables and raise all white men to the level of citizens.

      America’s indispensable working class existed as property beyond the realm of politics, leaving white Americans free to trumpet their love of freedom and democratic values.

      This is the country’s shameful history of treating black people as sub-citizens, sub-Americans, and sub-humans.

      White supremacy is not merely the work of hotheaded demagogues, or a matter of false consciousness, but a force so fundamental to America that it is difficult to imagine the country without it."

      After killing off the Native Americans, the US becomes this vast land of immigrants with a hodgepodge of states 'united' together to form a nation. And of course our resident 'dumb and dumber' Monstrosity reads history at a certain cut-off point for his own convenience to suit his narrative and agenda.

  3. Keat Hwa....? Do they teach in Greek or Spanish....?

  4. keat hwa close to merdeka house? ah jo must hv inherited the leadership quality of tunku, n my way from mahathir which his old house also nearby. alor setar is a beautiful city with many great msia leader, but not the current mb, this one tak bolih pakai.

  5. JJ @ Not RPK is a multi-ID troll with Zero credibility.

    Just like in real life, those who maintain multiple IDs usually do so for mala fide purposes.
