
Friday, November 13, 2020

Najib strikes back at Mahathir, enlisting Lim KHAT Sial as reference

Yesterday Dr Mahathir stated that if Najib can be in Parliament, his corruption trials should resume too.

Today Najib ta'bolih tahan liao, so strikes back.

This is only No 1 in the Strike Back action, wakakaka.

Nak Tahu Apa Jasa Mahathir Kepada KWSP?

olih Najib Razak

Nak tahu apa jasa PM4/7/7i pada KWSP?

Biar saya dedahkan sedikit. Tengok dia berani nafi tak.

Pada awal 1980an masa PM4 – terutamanya masa dari 1981 hingga 1987 kadar faedah simpanan tetap yang dibayar bank adalah lebih tinggi daripada kadar dividen KWSP pada masa itu.

Bermaksud ianya lebih bermanfaat masa itu untuk simpan wang dalam bank berbanding menabung dalam KWSP.

Kenapa begitu?

Semasa dia mula jadi PM, dia telah wujudkan syarikat Maminco untuk memanipulasikan pasaran timah dunia.

Malangnya rancangan jahat dia gagal dan memakan diri sehingga telah menjahanamkan buat selama-lamanya seluruh industri timah negara yang merupakan industri utama dan eksport negara utama kita.

Akibatnya, syarikat Maminco rugi teruk dan terpaksa dibail-out untuk membayar balik pinjaman bernilai RM660 juta (bersamaan dengan nilai sekitar RM10 bilion sekarang memandangkan ianya berlaku 40 tahun dahulu).

Apa yang dia buat untuk bail-out Maminco?

Dia wujudkan sebuah syarikat yang dinamakan Makuwasa Securities Sdn Bhd.

Apa fungsi syarikat Makuwasa?

Cuma sebuah syarikat kosong untuk mengambil dan menjual saham-saham bumiputera yang telah diperuntukkan kepada KWSP.

Hasil jualannya pula digunakan untuk bail-out kerugian Maminco.

Jumlah saiz aset KWSP masa itu tak besar. Cuma sekitar RM10 bilion masa itu berbanding RM940 bilion sekarang.

Tapi saham-saham milik kerajaan yang telah diluluskan dan sepatutnya diberi kepada KWSP telah digunakan PM4 untuk bail-out syarikat Maminco melalui syarikat Makuwasa.

Hakikatnya, seluruh industri dan eksport utama negara dilumpuhkan buat selama-lamanya dan duit yang sepatutnya diberi kepada KWSP telah disalahgunakannya untuk bail-out.

Cuba tanya dia atau Uncle Kit Siang jika ini benar.

Ini cabaran terbuka Najib ni.

(Tanya dia juga kenapa Pak Kadir tiba-tiba boleh menjadi taikun MRCB masa dia PM)


  1. So many wrong things Toonsie did in the 80s and 90s, so why Badawi and Jibby didn't charge him in court and get him jailed when they were PM from 2004-2018? They had FOURTEEN YEARS, what did they do?


    And the reason they did nothing is simple:

    Because Badawi and Jibby themselves were cabinet ministers and were in FULL SUPPORT of what Toonsie did.

    And now that Jibby has been found guilty of the SRC crime when will he be charged with transferring 4 billion of govt pensioners money from KWAP to SRC, some of which which went to buying jewelry and luxury hotel stays?

  2. And talking about Toonsie's mis-deeds from the past, the other one is UEC recognition. MCA has held the Deputy Education Ministers post almost exclusively since the 80s, when Toonsie was PM, and Toonsie was blamed for being the stumbling block to UEC recognition.

    So why Deputy Education Minister II Muslimin Yahya have to announce the REJECTION, and not Mah Hang Soon from MCA....?

    MCA really Boh Lam Phar to announce to the Chinese Community that MCA needs another 60 years? This blog has gone completely silent on UEC recognition.

    'No UEC recognition for now, resolution needs to follow education policy'

    The fate of the Unified Examination Certificate (UEC), the graduation qualification for Chinese independent schools, remains in limbo after Putrajaya changed hands from Pakatan Harapan to Perikatan Nasional.

    However, education deputy minister (II) Muslimin Yahya offered a glimpse of how the new government is leaning in response to a question from Kota Melaka MP Khoo Poay Tiong in the Dewan Rakyat's special chamber this week.

    Khoo had asked the government about its position on the UEC special review committee which was set up under the previous Harapan government with the view of recognising the certification as well as whether current PN government plans to follow through with the recognition.

    1. why didn't Pakatan govt approve UEC, considering DAP had 42 MPs?

      tok kok, tok kosong, no balls

    2. PH was the gov for only 22 months while BN with mca(money come all) was gov for 60+ years. During PH time there were efforts being done to recognise uec, at least lorr.
      Do the math man, who the tok cock, pH or BN/pn?

    3. DAP had 18 months to work on it, MCA had 49 years, with nothing to show
      Who is Tok Tok Kosong ?

    4. Why MCA prop up the backdoor gomen....? Their 2 MPs can collapse the racist gomen, DAP's 42 cannot......

  3. satu curi bayar utang negara, satu curi beli handbag, kesamaan ialah kedua dua pun kata cina punya pasal.

  4. The Thief, convicted criminal has no credibility left, accept among his apologists and hardened accolytes, just like Trump supporters.

    1. "...just like Trump supporters"....wa ka ka ka...aren't you the Orange Buffoon's cocksucker all this while ? Et tu Brute ?

    2. I support Trump consevative policies, but I do not support his refusal to accept the verdict of democracy.
      I'm not a Zombie, unlike you CCP arse licker Zombies, for whom all CCP shit smells good.

    3. Wakakakakaka…

      Old moneyed mfer, "I support Trump consevative policies, but I do not support his refusal to accept the verdict of democracy."

      Do expand about yr uncle trump's conservative policies!

      Be clear too about WHY he refuses to accept the verdict of demoNcracy!

      So simple! Just fart with yr blurred understanding of an evil man. Selectively classified him too.

      Very typical of a demoNcratic indoctrined dickhead!

    4. So typical of Monstrous Bullshit !

      Now that the Buffoon had fallen off his humpty dumpty wall, this Monstrous Cock Sucker-up, like the rat that he is, is deserting his erstwhile god, at the drop of a hat, hehehe. But the Buffoon's 71 million American supporters, grossly misguided as they are, at the very least, stay loyal to the very end, nauseatingly so no doubt. Our local Bananas are worse than Si Kitol and Raja Medeliar combined.

      Now blabbling about this shit 'verdict of democracy', wa ka ka ka.

      Buffoon's 'conservative policies' to elaborate ?

  5. A falling out among thieves...these UMNOs now shooting at each other, that's all they amount to. Towering Malays ? wa ka ka ka

  6. KT giving megaphone to a runaway from Malaysian court (RPK) who is trumpeting a convicted criminal (Jibby).....
