
Friday, November 20, 2020

Moo-Moo Chief Bodek-ite warns dissatisfied UMNO members


Annuar tells Umno members to be realistic, stop having superiority complex

BN secretary-general Annuar Musa denies claims that PPBM members received better positions in the government compared with those from Umno

PETALING JAYA: Barisan Nasional (BN) secretary-general Annuar Musa says Umno members should be realistic and stop making demands because of supposedly unfair treatment the party has received under the current administration led by Muhyiddin Yassin.

Annuar reminded them that Umno is no longer the strong party it used to be and urged members to stop having a superiority complex attitude.

“We forgot that we had fallen and lost in the last general election,” he said in a live interview with Umno information chief Shahril Sufian Hamdan.

He added that the party will be treated better when it becomes stronger.

Annuar lay the blame on some political figures in the party whom he said should not be making claims of “unfair treatment” which could cause a split within Umno.

He also refuted claims that PPBM members received better positions in the government compared with those from Umno.

“Half of the Cabinet are from BN. Therefore, whatever we want to do with the government, we can do it. Why must people create rumours that we are treated unfairly?

“The Cabinet is the prime minister’s prerogative. If we want to negotiate for positions in the government, we could have done so before the Cabinet was formed, but we didn’t.

“So, why must we complain now, eight months later?”

He also urged Umno members to stop any attempt to break up the unity in the Perikatan Nasional (PN) government.

“Umno cannot stand alone if we want to win the next general election. We must work with PAS and PPBM to ensure our winning,” he said.

Annuar, who is also an Umno Supreme Council member, said he agreed with the party’s decision to join the PN government en bloc with Muhyiddin as prime minister, and PAS and PPBM as political allies, and remain steadfast in the stand not to work with DAP and PKR president Anwar Ibrahim.

“My views are in line with the party’s principle which is not to work with DAP and Anwar,” he added.


  1. UMNO leadership is currently split 3 or more ways.
    1. Support Moo
    2. Insist UMNO to take over as Taikor.
    3. Support alignment with Anwar

    .....and other possible combinations.

    The more the merrier.

    I only get really worried if and when UMNO is fully united in a common direction.

  2. ya la, telur takde tapi buat bising tiap hari macam ada orang mahu dengar. tak rasa malu ka?

  3. DAP.....they must be scaring PN powerful....
