
Thursday, November 26, 2020

High caste Indian men eff-ed any lubang

Sun Daily:

India’s low-caste women raped to keep them ‘in their place’

A group of Dalit women of a farming collective walking in Pallur, India December 26, 2017. — Thomson Reuters Foundation 

CHENNAI: Lower-caste Dalit women in northern India are targeted for rape by upper caste men who usually escape justice as survivors bow to pressure to drop their cases, researchers found today.

Only 10 per cent of 40 rape cases involving Dalit women and girls in Haryana state ended with the conviction of all those charged, and these involved murder or victims under the age of six, found two rights groups, Equality Now and the Swabhiman Society.

In almost 60 per cent of cases, the survivor withdrew her case and accepted a “compromise” settlement outside the legal system, usually after unofficial village councils, or Khap Panchayats, coerced the women to abandon their quest for justice, it said.

“Survivors are threatened, face violence, their families are ostracised and there is extreme pressure to stay silent,” Manisha Mashaal, founder of the Dalit rights group, Swabhiman Society, told the Thomson Reuters Foundation.

“To access justice, survivors have to put their lives at risk and endanger their families as well.”

Haryana’s director general of police Manoj Yadava said that he was unaware of the report, adding that they had a “zero tolerance” policy to crimes against women in the state.

The rights groups said men from dominant castes frequently use sexual violence as a weapon to reinforce caste and gender hierarchies, which place India’s 200 million Dalits on the lowest rung of an ancient caste hierarchy.

The report highlights the challenges Dalits face in getting justice, despite tougher anti-rape laws introduced after a fatal gang rape in 2012, and nationwide protests last month over the alleged gang rape of a Dalit teen who later died.

“Dalit women’s bodies are being used to assert caste supremacy and keep women ‘in their place’,” Jacqui Hunt, Eurasia Director of women’s rights group, Equality Now, said in a statement.

“Perpetrators from dominant castes know they are likely to go unpunished because every branch and echelon of the system is weighted in their favour, and this impunity for rape creates an enabling environment that fosters further abuse.”

In almost 90 per cent of cases, at least one of the accused was from a dominant caste, with men often acting in groups to carry out gang-rape and murder, the research found.

‘My mother cries’

The police frequently failed to record or investigate crimes when initially reported and were sometimes abusive or put pressure on survivors to drop cases, the report said, with survivors not given adequate advice about their legal rights.

“I can guarantee that every complaint that is brought to the police is being registered and investigated,” Yadava said.

“We have 32 all-women police stations and a women’s helpline number. We are not hiding any cases coming to us or brushing them under the carpet. We are proud of our record of action against these crimes.”

He added that out of court settlements were a social problem and awareness was being created to address it.

But one 28-year-old survivor said her family were being harassed by a man who raped her in 2018 after she rejected his advances.

“Even before I could recover from the trauma of what had happened, his family and other upper caste men were at our doorstep,” said the woman.

“I was forced to marry my rapist and then tortured by the family. I ran away and decided to fight my case. But every day they show up to threaten us and my mother cries in fear. I hope I get justice and all this trauma will finally end.” — Thomson Reuters Foundation


kt notes:

Apart from the bullshit from the police, the argument that Dalit women have been raped by upper caste men to keep them in their lower caste place is rubbish.

It's LUST, pure unbridled LUST. Upper caste or not (and eff their upper caste) their so-called high-caste cocks will eff any hole, including a goat - that's how high their caste had been.  In July 2018, 8 men in India eff-ed a pregnant goat to death - see here for more.


  1. Why the hell are they quarelling about caste? They're living in a cow dunk country.. Nothing classy there to even begin with. Pfft..

    1. The world's "Largest Democracy" kan, wa ka ka ka

      And in addition to this UNDEMOCRATIC caste system and this suka kongkek sytem, (kambing pun mati di group fucked kau kau)...there is an alert out for pending genocide of their Muslim minority :

      "International Experts Warn Of Violence Against Muslims In India

      Impending danger of ‘genocide’ of India’s 200 Million Muslims under the present Modi regime. Dr. Gregory Stanton, founder-president of Genocide Watch, said, “Preparation for genocide definitely under way in India”

      Dr Stanton drafted UN Security Council resolution that created International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda and he stated “systematic crimes against humanity already underway” in India.

      Muslims of Uttar Pradesh are among the worst affected by persecution and killings. There's a systematic targeting of Muslim community through encounter killing to illegal arrests and falsely framing.

      Muslims are subjected to mob lynching and false accusations of trading and consuming beef with many cases of victims having succumbed to torture while police remained mute.

      However, you won't find the Western media reporting on this and pressing for sanction be applied to India for all these human rights violation. The West and especially the US cried for the Uyghurs in Xinjang, wa ka ka ka but their crocodile tears dried up for the Indian Muslims in India. Neither are these righteous Westerners main stream media and their politicians give a damn about the women's human rights in India but they got all hot and bothered about the so-called 'forced sterilization' of the Uyghur women, hehe

      This article will give a clue why these human rights advocates change are incredibly flexible in their principles, or lack there of :

    2. agree with u, western media is bias, they shd do more to the muslim indian oppression by modi govt similar to uyghur oppression by ccp.

      usa president must take action to ensure this 2 oppressive regime kena fuk kaokao.

    3. "Why the hell are they quarelling about caste?"

      Similar to that zombieic chant of the spurious caste definition in zombieicism!

      Islam, have never developed a clear hierarchy. Yet the various cults within have battled over questions of succession and doctrine ever since the death of the prophet!

      & how many existing 'islamic' countries (r there, besides all of them r zombieic states?) have gone out of their perennial fart of kafir mengkafir?

      Most of them r in that same cow dunk state of existence.

      Ain't that the similar syndromes of the caste system?

      Indeed, nothing classy there to even begin with. Pfft..!!!

    4. BattyBahalol's formosan indoctrinated kepala hotak , hehehe....forever hiding under the skirts of Mdm Tsai sniffing her pantat. You are hurting the poor Taiwanese common folks by supporting and adoring her ( your words, hehe ) ! She creamed a hefty commission (to buy more luxurious mansions in the US and UK) from the purchase of the outdated, exorbitant military weaponry from the US MIC and now she's doing yet another favour again to the US.... shitting on her own people by importing pork from the US whose farmers fed the pigs with the banned ractopamine hydrochloride. China, the EU and some other countries ban its use for food safety reasons. Related drugs have been linked to cardiovascular issues. ( this drug makes animals grow larger and leaner on less feed, which is useful for a farmer's bottom line)

      Her people are raising a hue and cry protesting the US pork intake. The irony is that this tSai woman ( in Chinese dialect, Sai sounds like SHIT, hehe) in efforts to continuous efforts to please the US, had kneeled to the pressure from their White overlord to buy the pork, BUT the DPP themselves had fiercely objected to such tainted pork when KMT and Ma Ying-Jeou were in power. Her blatant hypocrisy is now disgusting many Taiwanese and many memes are flooding the social media and in public gatherings, including a short video featuring the Mayor of Taipei saying "being pigs in Taiwan is better than being Taiwanese humans", LOL

      And to make matters worse, labelling the country of import and place of production of pork is not allowed in Taiwan now, hehehehe

      Remember, this tSai did a stunt with the face masks too at the height of the Covid19. She put the people on a 'ration' by allowing only a certain limited numbers of the scarce masks in order to donate the rest to the US. The Chinese have a saying for this sort of behavior : fingers that bend outwards instead of naturally curling inwards. Haha

      Somehow, sad to make such sweeping statement : among the Chinese there's no shortage of such Si Kitol and Raja Mandeliar rolled into one...treachery is definitely in their DNA...just like gambling is in their blood too.

    5. only warmonger ccp n their zombie talk war day n night, wolf la gun la so barbarian.

      tsai care abt defense n protection of her people against bully invasion, to the extent sacrificing her tongue kissing american ass, a true taiwanese heroine, i still adore her, will buy her topical gel n good quality not ccp made tooth brush if got chance meeting her.

      namewee thank taiwan to allow the import of "babi" from msia, thats what freedom n liberty is abt, mean to say dpp dick love eating american pork/shit is non of yr biz. go watch babi la, zombie brain need stimulation from time to time.

    6. Warmongering?

      U know the word, but its meaning? Another 南魔萬 England of form over substance!

      Or u only know the katak-ised meaning so famously propagated by Formosan katak that keep their Japanese terlampau Japanese attitude secret.

      Maybe, deep within those petrified neuron, the Shinto chants could still work its magic to charm mfers like u!

      Yr 蔡妹妹 comes from a Japanized inheritance so that's how that topical gel used to grease her American ass kissing tongue arises. Heroine, indeed - to a 犬养mfer.

      Mmmmm…… 犬养(いぬかい) gets that surname NOT bcoz they keep dogs but rather their ancestors were raised by dogs! Those hp6 日本通 had it wrongly interpret.

      Namewee ke, Wee KHAT Siong ke, u ke, all have that little (→ ∞) Japanized influence meme-ed within yr farted cloaking trainings!

      Perhaps it's ONLY proper that these Formosan katak should feed on ractopamined pork imported from yankeeland.

      A potent mix of Shinto ritual with toxified pork - leading to all those irrational farts of inconsequential!

    7. Only a pantat-sniffing addict like this BattyBahalol will be so dumb and low as to admit that his adored tSai mama "sacrificing her tongue", hahaha, " kissing american ass" which to him is the very definition of a "true taiwanese heroine"....Ha Ha Ha Ha...I rest my case that this is a true kepala hotak bangang, bodoh sampai nak mampus !

    8. thats y i said sacrifice for the sake of people, its a strange concept in zombie worldview, now u see the diff btw free state n zombie land?

      accuse japs doesnt make one stronger, fact is xi n his zombie dun even dare touch the japs hair, only crywolf invading a free n democracy chinese state, telur takde, lanjau pun takde.

    9. 犬养mfer, keep regurgitating that katak farts lah!

      If dickheads do care about sacrifice for the sake of people, then u should have vomit yr diarrhea onto those countries now facing the 2nd & 3rd waves of covid-19 pandemic!

      U dare to fart about strange concept!

      Maybe in that fart filled well the normal worldview is old, down and trodden & nth class people should be shoveled to the dead front do that mfers can have a fresh rebirth of that hypocritical demoNcracy.

      犬养mfer, keeps cloaking yr katak chants. U fit well into what u proclaimed for others!

    10. of course very strange, solely bec zombie concept is terbalik one, their is sacrificing for leader, thats y a million perished in korea war, n could be another million during this pendemic, for the sake of 2 emperors, mao n xi.

    11. Another recycled unsubstantiated katak fart!

      What so strange when a CCP leader finally completes the vowed aim of eliminating absolute poverty by 2020?

      On road to fulfill 伟大复兴中国梦!


      Who benefit but those 800M of dirt poor peasants finally broke through that seemingly perpetual poverty cycle.

      Who benefit but the WHOLE of China when 190+K PLA sacrificed (mfer, a million perished in korea war, another one of f*cked lies??!) during 抗美援朝战争.

      The people of Asia should remember this:

      “帝国主义在东方架起几门大炮就可以征服一个国家、一个民族的历史一去不复返了” - 彭德怀

      Could a western domesticated doggie understand it's meaning?


      "another million (deaths) during this pendemic"


      For the sake of Western demoNcratized ego when China has sacrificed & showcased the proper ways to defeat/prevent the covid-19 pandemic!

      Maybe it's indeed strange that a mfer, raised by k9, would try to argue its lies through & through after been caught time & again in propagating/regurgitating those petrified lies.

    12. ccp/mao keep lying american invade china but all declassified doc shown usa never have such intention, its kim that start the war n ccp just wanna show thay r the asia taiko, that cause the 1 million mati katak.

      if no korea war n unnecessary sacrificing for mao ego, china might have become as maju as singapore.

      go watch the sacrifice see how the ccp zombie wanna portray the american cowboy doing a reflection after being trick by stalin into a useless war, this zombie r really joker, u sound like one.

    13. Who lied?

      Don'tont just farted with foul gaseous statement with anonymous source of declassified documentations. More so from whom.

      Where r the proofs? Sources?

      That egoistic warmongering Yankee general of one MacArthur had written in his memoir about the planned invasion of China while fighting the DPRK with ROK. It was just not in his fortune that Truman died & his successor Eisenhower had no intention of doing so in the light of shifting the US military concentration from Western Europe to far away China. Doing do, would put the US supported European alliance under greater threats from the USSR.

      In fact MacArthur had voiced many times about nuking the Chinese territory to the dismay of Truman. Hence he was 'dishonourly' replaced before the end of the Korean war!

      Korea war is a civil war that US shouldn't gotten involved. The participation of US in face of the strongest China protest, exposed the hidden intention of the US.

      The egoistic MacArthur was deep in his western rhetoric of any western army could easily taken handdowned any Asian country.

      Thus, the Chinese 抗美援朝 support when the US supported forces crossed the 38 latitude.

      W/O proving the determination & resourcefulness of the Chinese military proficiency, US & for that matter, all the western powers, strong or weak, WOULD treat China/Chinese just like that entrance sign into the Huangpu Park in Shanghai!

      Maju like s'pore & still kowtowing to ketuanan threats & western demoNcratic demands!

      犬养mfer, that's HOW u earned yr live -苟且偷生 活着. Exactly a copy of the Formosan katak.

      Instead of lying & defending yr uncle Sam's unruly defeat in Korea war, it would be much entertaining for u to find out WHY there wasn't ANY direct involvement of the Chiang's ROC in Korea war.

      Maybe u can twist some interesting farts out of that research!

      Write something that I haven't heard before for a change lah. Or is the katak fart just that thin foul mist that all katak r indoctrinated to leak voluntarily & repeatedly?

    14. fired, voted out, dismiss, reject, kicked out is a concept no zombie can understant, its happenned in free n liberal world, for eg mcarthur n trump, that never exist at an authoritarian state with emperor in charged, though at that time almost all ccp leaders reject the idea to get involved in korea.

      1. russian doc clearly said stalin agreed kim invasion of the south, while ccp propagandist said american started the war with intention to invade china.

      2. usa not willing to get involve in ccp kmt civil war, no way they wan to start one in korean war.

      3. korean war is a un resolution, the objective is clear ie push kim out of south korea, stop at 38 line deemed achievd target.

      4. the mcarthur nuke proposal is to reduce american casualties, which hv zero support among usa politician n americans, thats said, usa hv a general that care for it army while mao believe died half population is fine, 1 million mati katak is deemed a triumph, thats very typical of emperor mindset.

      so dun repeat ccp lie here, we r not zombie, we read everything except ccp lies.

    15. Wakakakakakaka…

      "fired, voted out, dismiss, reject, kicked out is a concept……"

      Another pack of katak lies!

      Just bcoz u can't read simplified Chinese thus u ignored ALL those news associated with the tag that u have just laid pare!

      How long ago were dickheads like u, crying for the sacking of the top echelon administrators of Wuhan due to their mishandling of the covid pandemic?

      Ditto with the governors of Hubei etc!

      Ditto with Bo Xilai etc!

      犬养mfer, can u do better to dress up yr one-liner lies of no substance?

      "though at that time almost all ccp leaders reject the idea to get involved in korea"


      The CCP leader that voiced against the Korea war was 林彪. The only flowery reason that 林彪 mentioned was that China couldn't fight a superpower like US!

      He was proven TOTALLY wrongly by 彭德怀!

      An exact genuflecting excuse that currently all those f*cked 公知 used. I don't think he was paid. Rather he had lost his teloq to fight a difficult war!

      1) what Russian doc? U meant the Soviet?

      Show the original Russko doc. My rudimentary Russian should be able to dissect the doc, if it exists at all.

      BTW, can u read Russian or r u AGAIN quoting distorted katak translated trash?

      2) go read MacArthur's memoir & Eisenhower's disclosed reason to discharged MacArthur from active Korea command.

      Wakakakakaka… such an one-liner farted lie!

      3) Korean war was a civil war! The UN resolution to get involved was forced through by US even when Soviet veto-ed.

      BTW, did the illegitimate UN force stopped at the 38th parallel? How come they advanced all way to Yalu River?

      Wakakakakaka… another one-liner farted lie!

      4) "the mcarthur nuke proposal is to reduce american casualties"

      In what way was the nuke proposal helped to reduced American casualties? The American were dying by the thousands even before the nuke proposal were raised!

      What a f*cked caring general indeed!

      "while mao believe died half population is fine"


      犬养mfer where is the full text of Mao?

      Maybe small & petrified brain just fabricate idea that could only fit that stone jelly.

      If u really want to talk about emperor mindset, 犬养mfer, think MacArthur! A mfer, going all out to try to win his losing war by using nuclear weapon.

      Wakakakakaka… caught u with another one-liner farted lie!

      So mfer, who's lying through & through?

      Did yr caretaker teach u proper humanistic manner? Or just bcoz it ain't human so u just farted!

  2. We have another group of sick people here in Malaysia, who have sex with underaged girls then offer to marry them, sometimes as secondary wives. The parents of the poor child are often poor and have no choice but to surrender their daughter to a lifetime of suffering. And all this with the permission of the religious authorities. This blog has gone mysteriously silent on the subject, after the Sheraton Shake.


    CCP High Caste also routinely get away with the same crimes.. but this one got caught when he tried it in the USA.

    CCP did not have a law against sexual harrassment until June 2020 !!!

    1. When u read that nytimes fart, do u know who is liu-jingyao? Her accused raper, Liu Qiangdong?

      Liu Qiangdong isn't a CCP High Caste. He is just the founder of - an e-commerce site in the cast of Amazon.

      Has Richard liu did the same alleged rape in China, & the victim reported him. He would be investigated & punished if found guilty. Just like in yr demoNcratized USofA.

      So easy to blackgoating CCP!


      "CCP did not have a law against sexual harrassment until June 2020"

      If u believe in this Reuter fart u should also believe that trump didn't pay off the Playboy/Penthouse model Victoria Zdrok to shut her mouth about their illicit affair!

      U r one lousy truly lying old moneyed mfer!

    2. USA faults are open for all to see.

      CCP sweep everything under a giant carpet. So CCP zombies can continue to scream how perfect is the CCP.

    3. So has u been engaged by CCP to be that proverbial sweeper?

      Is that how u keep yr ill-gotten fortune?

      Or u have been caught lying AGAIN!

      Keep regurgitate yr demoNcratized media farts. It's so easy to generate a hollow cloaking echo within a fart filled well.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. What do u expect from a bunch of meme-ed & brain-dead katak?

      All they want to see & know r those scenes that they r so used to within a fart filled well!

      Their usual "the whole world knows" & "99.99% votes CCP" prove conclusively their boisterous chants of knowing thing about China/Chinese.

      They use those terms as if they come from the proven rating agencies of the world. For that, they have to be supported by those disgraced western NGO, media & personalities!

    6. Oops...error in the nickname...should be JJ instead. Sorry !

    7. Hahahahahaha.."Not RPK" @ "JJ" @ WuMao

    8. Some weird error at the computer, trying out a new buy. Here's reposting :

      Obviously this MonstrousBigot haven't step foot in China to stay there for a meaningful period and see for himself how the Chinese debated with mucho heat over issues in their social platform, and how they criticize their leaders, including, yes, Xi Jinping, without landing themselves in jail, hahahaha. That's why he spewed nonsense endlessly about 'CCP Zombies' unaware that he himself is in the thrall of the pervasive Western Corporate propaganda machine...but isn't this is what it is ? It is what it is, hehehe. The deeply brainwashed thinks the other ones are the brainwashed, LOL

      These shallow gullible guppies likes to use this old trope " we can stand in the middle of the street and yell curses at our President but we won't get arrested". Ohh..the great freedom of speech in the great US of A ! Tell that to Captain Grozier who got fired when he spoke the truth. Can you use the N word to refer to a black person in the US ? Can you call a Caucasian a " white skin pig" ? Try yelling something like " Bin Laden Forever" or wear a T-shirt emblazoned with such words ! Or carry a placard " Let's dismantle the USA ! Let's build a United States of Islam" in front of the White House lawn.

      In China, the citizens can freely exercise their freedom, can freely criticize the CPC, but they are not allowed to advocate overthrowing them or even put it into action. Get this - NO country would allow this. In the US, under the US Code S2385 - advocating overthrow of government - can get you a maximum jail term of 20 years.

      Great freedom of speech indeed. Ever heard of Julian Assange or Edward Snowden ? YouTube regularly deleted comments and take down accounts by the thousands ! Google slogan of " Do No Evil " should be changed to "Do Evil With No Restrain" hehehe. Let's not even go into FB, Twitter, Reddit etc

  4. Just happened to change channel to check on these media people still crowing their victory over the GOP and still no let up on that Orange Buffoon....and now that their Biden had won the election, one can still clearly see on the faces of these media people at CNN a great feeling of relief, like they themselves have gone through a huge battle in a matter of life and death, finally victorious, exuding an unmistakable righteous air of finally getting rid of that great Orange evil, hehe. In a sense they did go through hell to get their win, so hell bent to lay all the shit on the Orange Buffoon, which of course that great MAGA moron had been amply helping them with his incredible incompetence and moronic moves.

    But the short clip shown by CNN is on something they normally won't touch. It must be too disgusting that they can't help but to report. The news is on their great ally Taiwan. These Western media, esp the US media, only report 'good stuff' about Taiwan, (the REAL China, hehe) and reserving all the crap reporting for the "Communist" China. The clip itself is a great show of democracy, LOL. The scene is a parliament session in Taiwan, with the members going hammer and tong at each other... punching, hair-pulling and chair-throwing, the whole works. But today's great democracy at work has an extra edge...these members came with pails of..... pig guts ! LMAO, hahahaha, and these disgusting pieces of raw, slimy guts were flung into the faces of their opponents amid all the shoving and pulling and screaming and spitting and punching. What a great show.. what luck to have change channel at the exact moment for " a beautiful sight to behold", hehe

    That tSai woman is nowhere to be seen though, she who brought about this brouhaha.. a result of her brilliant bodeking bringing tainted pork into the country.

    Me so loving such show of democrazy, hehe, such freedom of speech. Me think that shit woman is in hiding....

    1. no yes man/woman in taiwan, all r his own man/woman, unlike that zombieland 99.97%, even pas hv to salute them.

    2. Yaloh, survey finding from a katak, living within a fart filled well, about the demoNcratized house of katak living within that well.

      So typically cloaking for the moon within a deep well. Without realising that that sparkle of light over its head at the top of the well is just a corona, clouded by a fart mist.

      Keep showing yr katak-ised arithmetic lah. U r doing fine!

  5. Pretty obvious that Not RPK" @ "JJ" @ WuMao is a typicalnonline troll with multiple accounts and multiple nicknames
