
Sunday, November 15, 2020

Guan Eng and his hypocrite-attacks on MCA


'Silent' MCA helping PN to oppress Chinese with budget cuts - Guan Eng

DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng has accused MCA of facilitating the oppression of the Chinese community.

This is over what Lim claimed was MCA's silence despite deep funding cuts for the Chinese community under Budget 2021.

"Has any MCA minister raised the issue of funding cuts for the Chinese community?" Lim said in a statement today, noting the MCA's penchant for positioning itself as the champion of the Chinese community.

"MCA claims that it joined the 'backdoor government' to save the country but is now helping the backdoor government to oppress the Chinese community," he added in the statement issued in Chinese.

MCA is part of the Perikatan Nasional (PN) government which replaced the Pakatan Harapan administration after the latter collapsed due to defections.

Yessiree, Guan Eng criticised MCA for not talking out on behalf of the Chinese ... yet ... MKINI readers wrote in response to the article:

LGE, can u tell me what have you help the Chinese community? Don't talk cock!

U &TP threatened Chinese bizmen with no bldy respect at all!

And on education, 4 your own bldy ego, what hv u done to TAR, which have produced and gave opportunity to those deprived Chinese who cannot get a seat in publ8c varsity!

Chong Eng (DAP) 

Teresa Kok (DAP)

Salahuddin Ayub

All above 3 are alumni of TAR-UC, yet they did not say a single word when Guan Eng refused to approve a matching grant for the college

no sense of loyalty and gratitude or just too scared of Guan Eng and Mahathir?

Please write something worth reading or else nobody is going to read your comment and you will die of a natural death.

I am not a fan of MCA. But to be fair to it, I believe that Lim Guan Eng seemed to be "silent" too on certain issues when he was in the government.

He and dap were castrated by the old man

Ipoh Mali:
Shameful of lge to play race politics in this hour of national crisis. DAP will attack any chinese politician who is not under its leadership's control. MCA used to split the chinese. Now dap is the new MCA.

Strange that DAP claimed to be multi-racial party but here made claims that Chinese community was neglected? What about Indian or other minorities? Or must Ramasamy speak for the Indians?

So looks like each community must have a party to speak for them? Then when can we have a Malaysian Malaysia?

Low Class Coolie:
LGE what did you and DAP do for the minorities when you were in power? We didn’t vote for MCA and therefore didn’t expect anything from them but you had our full support then. No more. This is exactly what the sly mamak wanted and you fools fell right into his trap. People like you, Anthony Loke.....WAKE UP

I recall vividly how the DAP has behaved like a lapdog under Mahathir despite having 42 MPs. As MKINI journalist Commander Thayaparan wrote of the DAP, on how it dared not spook the Malays, lavishly over-funded the bumiputera colleges and universities, and instead bullied the MCA by denying it of the matching grant for TAR-UC.

Now it wants the MCA with a mere 2 MPs (they having being resoundingly rejected by the Chinese except in the Tg Piai by-election) to make 'noise'?

Yes, we can trust Lim Guan Eng to stir racial nonsense and talk big when Mahathir is no longer his 'beloved' PM. What a hypocrite!

Utter rubbish.

What did LGE and DAP do for the Chinese Community in Pakatan's 18month rule? DAP observed church silence when in the government. Who among the Chinese will forget the deprived annual allocation of funds to UTAR. Many Chinese business men donated a day's contribution of their earing to UTAR. Where was LGE or DAP when the Zong Dong Chinese Education Group was racially threatened if it pursued with a meeting.

Generous act: Loke showing a picture on his Facebook page at a cafe in Jalan Lembah Permai, Penang.
GEORGE TOWN: A hawker here has brought back memories of the 1970s when labourers and trishaw riders chipped in to help raise funds to build Tunku Abdul Rahman University College (TAR UC).

For every bowl of curry noodles he sells, he will donate 10 sen to TAR UC.

Loke Thean Meng, 59, said that in the 1970s, people from all walks of life contributed to the building fund of the then college.

“I remember people such as hawkers, trishaw riders and hairdressers doing their very best to collect money and donate it to the college. This year marks TAR UC’s 50th anniversary and it is facing difficulties.

“It is time for me to contribute and do something for the future generations,” said the father-of-three, adding that his youngest daughter is doing her third year in the university college.

What surprised Loke was that when he announced his decision on his Facebook account on Friday, his post was shared around and eventually viewed by 150,000 people in just a day.

But despite his post going viral, Loke’s curry noodles stall in Tanjung Bungah will not be contributing much to TAR UC.

“I prepare the ingredients for about 80 bowls every day and will not sell more than that because I don’t want to tire myself out.

“I am committed to donating at least RM10 from my sales every day. Since Friday, I have collected RM118 because some of my customers decided to contribute to the fund too,” he said on Saturday.

Loke added that no officials from TAR UC had approached him yet and he would keep the money for the time being and decide later on how to send it to the institution.

Under Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng’s Budget 2020, not only was the matching grant for TAR UC not reinstated, but the development funds for it were also cut to RM1mil from RM5.5mil.

TAR UC is one of the oldest institutions of higher learning in Malaysia and the alma mater of more than 200,000 graduates.

It is the only institution in the world approved by the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) to internally assess all the nine modules of ACCA Fundamentals taken by TAR UC degree students.

Spotted enjoying Loke’s curry noodles were TAR UC students Tye Kher Loon, 23, and Jeroum Chin, 25.

“We decided to drop by after seeing the Facebook post,” Tye said.

“We get to have a meal and at the same time contribute to our university college, so why not?”

The MCA President with just two Parliamentary seats, served as the true defender of the Chinese Community, when DAP observed the vow of silence.

Every time LGE opens his mouth, he reminds me of another personality, who many Malaysians expect him to be silent.

Gone Eng talking rubbish as usual.

What did he and in particular DAP do for the Chinese when PH was the government.
Nothing. Instead he impose more taxes on the Chinese who supported him in again attempt to please Mahathir and the malays.

With 42 MPs DAP was utterly useless when it comes to defending Chinese rights and He is trying to deflect his gross failures on the MCA with only 2 seats and abandoned by the Chinese voters.

ENOUGH of your MCA bashing

At least MCA got the Chinese UTAR
WHAT did DAP give us?

Even when DAP's teo nie chin was DEPUTY EDUCATION MINISTER???

Sudah la LGE
Bungkus la engkau

For all these years since Merdeka, the Chinese have been successful in their business because of MCA and BN.

DAP in PH for 22 months has nothing to show. DAP did nothing for the chinese community.

So, LGE can stop attacking MCA... or you will be looked like a foolish braggart like your Tin Kosong daddy LKS.


  1. After getting 85.5 million JASA cybertroopers very energised, even Capt Thaya-Pandai, KT's fave circular-logic reference, one day bash DAP next day come to their defence, said so....kipidup...ha ha ha...

    Does PN need RM85.5m to demonise the DAP?

    “It proves Jasa is effective in countering DAP’s claims and an effective machinery in disseminating information of the government of the day.”

    – Umno supreme council member Puad Zarkashi (July 2020)

    COMMENT | I have no idea why the Perikatan Nasional (PN) government needs to inject RM85 million (and change) into what sounds to me like a slush fund, to “disseminate information” to the rakyat. To be honest, propaganda in this country, more often than not, is not focused on policy but rather the twin obsessions of the Malay establishment that is race and religion.

    I always had a problem with the Special Affairs Department (Jasa). My problem was that it was so ineffective, that even when it was funded by Umno/BN it was flushing money down the toilet. Jasa obviously did nothing for former prime minister Najib Razak’s regime and when it was revived earlier this year, it did nothing for the PN regime.

    When mainstream Malay politics is defined by the demonisation of the DAP (which Malay power structures view as a proxy for the Chinese community), you really do not need a propaganda arm. Propaganda is used in a hidden manner, not when the demonisation is in plain sight. This is why this sounds more like a slush fund than any real mechanism of the state.

  2. Under PH, thanks to Lim Guan Eng, Chinese Independent Schools received development funds from the Government, for the first time in history.
    MCA, in 59 years, either never bothered or couldn't swing it.

    Now they are gone again , under PN-MCA.
    Undilah Barua Nasional.

  3. lge wanna be a chinese again?

  4. now MCA in gomen got matching grant in 2021 Budget? Show where?
    Wee KHAT Siong couldn't find it.....ha ha ha...

    Wee sad there's no matching grant allocation for TAR UC
    Friday, 11 Oct 2019


    KUALA LUMPUR: MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Wee Ka Siong has expressed sadness that the Tunku Abdul Rahman University College (TAR UC) was denied allocation of a matching grant for a second year running.

    "Under education, there was no mention at all of any allocation for matching grant for TAR UC again," he said when met at the Parliament lobby after the Budget 2020 speech on Friday (Oct 11).

  5. See how many MCA politicians you can spot on the so-called non-political TARUC Board...

    TARC EDUCATION FOUNDATION (Co. Reg. No.:1033820-M)
    as of 31 August 2019

    YB Datuk Seri Ir. Dr. Wee Ka Siong - Chairman
    Dato' Sri Liow Tiong Lai
    Tan Sri Dato’ Lau Yin Pin
    Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Kong Cho Ha
    Tan Sri Dr. Fong Chan Onn
    Dato’ Sri Dr. Hou Kok Chung
    Datuk Seri Yew Teong Look
    Tan Sri Dato' Sri Kuan Peng Ching @ Kuan Peng Soon

  6. Why only DAP and Amanah Ministers TARUC alumni? MCA got no confidence in their own uni?
