
Thursday, November 19, 2020

From Asian Tiger to an Asian 'Trump'


From Asian Tiger to an Asian 'Trump'

by Punam Kaushik

Dr Mahathir Mohamad, hailed as the "saviour” of Malaysia in 2018, was honoured with triumph over an unprecedented appointment – prime minister 2.0 at age 93. He had Malaysia at his feet and Malaysians eating out of his palms. This was made possible only because of the graciousness and naivety of the Pakatan Harapan government. Although Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail was offered the coveted seat, as a woman of high principles, she stuck to the mutual agreement and gave Tun the prime minister’s post on a golden platter.

Tigers never change their stripes and the upper canines of our very own 1980s Asian Tiger began to glisten. The downfall of a legitimately elected government began with statements like, “We wrote our manifesto thinking we would remain in opposition”. The statement, “Please remember that the manifesto is not a bible. It’s a guide. Sometimes we can do things, sometimes we find that we cannot. So, we need to be practical,” was made in defence of a very fair and capable speaker’s appointment, but it set a precedence for future governments to follow suit and flout procedures.

Novel approaches to wash dirty linen in public like grading his own ministers' performances openly, charging and jailing two DAP assemblypersons and eight others over their alleged links to a defunct LTTE Sri Lankan terrorist group, throwing "khat" into the limelight and stirring insecurity and anxiety further undermined the efforts of his fledgeling ethical government. First, Tun’s eye for revenge (or at least so it seems) saw Bersatu accommodating the unscrupulous with a voracious appetite.

Later, in the name of a "unity government", at 94, the most "matured" parliamentarian threw a toddler’s tantrum and resigned his post without consulting his colleagues, becoming the final nail in the coffin.

From a united Bersatu helmed by Mahathir, where the entire nation, as well as his cabinet, hung on every word he uttered, to Pejuang with only four men standing, three of whom have no choice but to stay out of loyalty. You might find a handful of people who may still gasp at his anti-Semitic comments, his views on Kashmir or his opinions on terrorist attacks in France. Having "eaten his young", sadly Mukhriz Mahathir’s political career is eclipsing and Tun has fallen off his pedestal as most Malaysians believe he has single-handedly managed to ruin this beautiful country.

Unity governments work in matured and educated societies. In our country, sections of society visiting "bomoh" for reasons ranging from curing cancer to keeping husbands loyal still exists. Sections of people being susceptible to open threats of civil servants forfeiting their salaries if the government were to fall still exists.

Instead of addressing issues that are affecting the people like unemployment, an extension of the loan moratorium, online education, regulation of mental health, domestic violence and child maltreatment, our national television channels are focusing on pieces of futility like where their guests buy their clothing and accessories. Seriously? Do you actually believe we can form a unity government, and that the needs of the rakyat will be on the priority list?

CEOs of GLCs are being paid incomprehensible remunerations in these times of need, none of whom have come forward to take a pay cut. Our heroic frontliners who work long hours and risk their lives to keep us safe have been offered RM500, a piddly one-off amount to tide these trying times.

Have any of the high-income group earners stepped into grocery stores? One single trip for daily essentials will set you back by almost RM100. At this moment, instead of lusting after obstinate manoeuvring, we need to focus on defibrillating our economy.

For those of us living in the past, hoping Tun and Anwar Ibrahim will miraculously come together for the good of this nation … get over it. These two titans will never find common ground. Maybe Mukhriz Mahathir should prioritise his loyalty towards his country and join hands with Anwar to make America Malaysia great again.


  1. Aisay...equating Trump to Dr M - Bapa Kemerosotan MaluSial is an insult to Trump....Trump suport Isreal.. Dr M support the Hamas-Hezbollah Terrorist.... like oil and water... Anyway...there is no Hope for Malaysian unless the systemic genocide against orang asli rejecting Islam is stopped forever + All Free to leave islam & Diksa prasana force convert child is returned to Mrs Gandhi....If such small things cannot happen after 63 years..Damnation is UPON Malu-Sial...Meanwhile please carry on with the sacking and isolating of the Arab Malay Supremacist Race and let their Glorious Islamic Entities of Shariah Jakim Jais Mais Petronas Tabung haji GLC PNB All Bail out by Haram Tax Payers money to survive..... Without MalaySial RESET destruction & reality set in among the Arab malay supremacist leaders ...there will be no Recovery EVER In malaysial...ALL moving factory and business to Thailand, Vietnam, Loas....bye bye Pariah Malu-SiaL ..pergi Mampus!!

  2. Poonam said it well in the last para he said "For all of US living in the past..."....he is one of the people stuck in the past, cannot get Toonsie out of his muddied brain...still blaming Toonsie for everything, although he may have started the Vision 2020, his successors Badawi and Jibby continued living the false vision for 14 years, who can forget Idris Jala's grand "Economic Transformation Program" when he was Jibby's Minister in PMO in 2010....??? That fell flat from Day 1. Even his "transformation" of MAS was band-aid, shifting assets and losses but not addressing the core of the problem.

  3. If you read the last para of Punam's essay, it implies that Anwar will not be willing to work with the old evil one. Please note that Anwar did put aside all personal animosities to let the old fool to lead amid an agreement to then let Anwar take over.

    It was this evil old fool who betrayed everybody by not keeping to his word to allow Anwar to take over.

    And to suggest that Anwar should work with the devil's spawn is anything but stupid. Like father, I would not trust the son

  4. The man who 'raped & sodomised' this country.

  5. There is no equivalence between Anwar's and Mahathir's actions prior to February 2020.
    Anwar only insisted Mahathir keep to the up-front agreement made by the Harapan leadership that Mahathir would hand over the PM position to Anwar .

    Mahathir used all the means at his disposal to block Anwar, including bringing down the Harapan government.

    Its a piece of Divine Irony that Mahathir himself got locked out as a consequence of his actions. He still doesn't "get" it.
    Mahathir still trying to almost daily badmouth Anwar, even as he tries his futile maneuvers to get himself back into power.

  6. KT, why must u keep tagging mamak's past (mis)deeds?

    He is facing the preludes of his karma NOW. His appointment with his maker has been made! His curtain is closing. Let it be a lesson, mostly to scheming politikuses of bolihland. Learnt or ignored? Who cares!

    U SHOULD write an article on the 'discovered' atrocities of the Ozzie military forces in Afghanistan!

    It's a daily headline in all the so called humanistic Oz media. It's in the same category & magnitude as the following two infamy war crimes rolled into one!

    The Mỹ Lai massacre during the Vietnam War. The mass murder of unarmed South Vietnamese civilians by U.S. troops in Sơn Tịnh District, South Vietnam, on March 16, 1968.

    The Contest to Kill 100 People Using A Sword (百人斬り競争, hyakunin-giri kyōsō) was a contest between Toshiaki Mukai and Tsuyoshi Noda, two Japanese Army officers, which took place during the Japanese massacre of Nanking!

    The official Oz army report called this massacre a meme-ed culture within the military. The "brutal truths" were disclosed in the release of a four-year long military investigation into rumours of a toxic warrior culture in the Oz Special Air Services Regiment.

    Often time the killings done on the unarmed Afghanistan civilians were the result of 'headcount' competitions amongst the Special Air Services Regiment soldiers.

    1. agree, shd write something shitier like ccp n emperor.

    2. Using katak-ised farts provided by a 犬养mfer of know-nothing!
