
Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Entry of dodgy aliens through "special" approvals


High-ranking politicians among middlemen in foreign worker intake, says MP

The PAC says even foreign workers who failed their medical examinations were allowed into the country

KUALA LUMPUR: An opposition MP has alleged that several high-ranking politicians were involved as middlemen who brought foreign workers into the country through special approvals.

Citing yesterday’s Public Accounts Committee (PAC) statement on the issue, Wong Hon Wai (PH-Bukit Bendera) called on them to come forward and explain their involvement.

Wong named five MPs and assemblymen at a press conference at Parliament today, but FMT is withholding their names until it can get confirmation.

“I ask them to explain their involvement in the special application for foreign workers. They did not submit applications to just hire a foreign maid. We could still accept that, but this is not the case. This is to bring in tens, hundreds of foreigners,” he said.

Wong said the middlemen in the recruitment of foreign workers had written letters to the home affairs minister for special approvals to “circumvent existing regulations”.

He said they made up 55% or 512,315 of the total of 928,825 approvals, compared with 416,510 applications that were approved through the normal system, between 2016 and 2018.

He urged those involved in the auditor-general’s findings on the intake of foreign workers in the “2018 Series 1” report to name the middlemen, adding that the five could just be the “tip of the iceberg”.

Yesterday, PAC had revealed several weaknesses in the government’s management of foreign workers, following its investigation into the findings of the auditor-general’s report.

Its chairman, Wong Kah Woh, said in addition to the existence of middlemen, the report had highlighted the granting of too many special approvals to circumvent existing regulations, and the entry of foreign workers who had failed their medical examinations.


kt notes:

I reckon the gravest crime in this issue would be the entry of foreign workers who had failed their medical examinations.    

Let's see who have been the Minister of Human Resources, especially since 2016. They were/are:

a. Richard Riot (BN-SUPP) - 16/05/13 to 10/05/18,
b. Kulasegaran (PH-DAP) - 21/05/18 to 24/02/10,
c. Saravanan (BN-MIC) - 10/03/20 incumbent

Wong Hon Wai said the affected 'naughty' period was from 2016 to 2018, so Kula and Saravanan seem to be safe, wakakaka.

Let's see whether Richard Riot will be called to account for the 'naughtiness' of allowing aliens who had failed their medical examinations, and what those circumvention of existing regulations were? But I doubt Muhyiddin will recall him at all, wakakaka.

Richard Riot Jaem

Richard Riot has received a letter of appointment as the Prime Minister’s Special Envoy to Japan, South Korea and Taiwan.

The post carries the status of a federal minister.

The letter was handed personally by Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyddin Yassin to Riot at Sri Perdana in Putrajaya on 16 May 2020.


  1. Foreign Worker intake is under Home Ministry lah. Zahid Hamidi was minister 2013-2018.

    How dey pass medical have to check with DG TAN SRI Noor Hisham (2013- ) ha ha ha....

  2. DG TAN SRI Noor Hisham is an exemplary civil servant who obediently follow Civil Service Protocol, without question ikut the instructions of the Minister of Health S Subramaniam (2013-2018) and Menteri Air Suam (2020-), for which he was awarded the Tan Sri title in 2020.

    1. Moor Hisham's absolute adherence to Civil Service protocol is doing the National Interest a Great disservice in terms of actually fighting Covid-19.

    2. After receiving Tan Sri, this Civil Servant has become a PN gomen apologist and defender.

      Shameful. Disgraceful.

      Quarantine lifted for Sabah returnees as we’re not enforcing it in other states, says DG
      Faye Kwan - November 25, 2020.

      PUTRAJAYA: Health director-general Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah today said the decreasing number of Covid-19 cases in Sabah and the fact that people travelling between peninsula states were not required to undergo quarantine had led to the decision to lift the quarantine rule for Sabah returnees.

      The health ministry had announced yesterday that the 14-day mandatory quarantine for travellers from Sabah who test negative for Covid-19 will cease with effect from today.

    3. After receiving Tan Sri, this Civil Servant has become a PN gomen apologist and defender.

      Shameful. Disgraceful.

      Quarantine lifted for Sabah returnees as we’re not enforcing it in other states, says DG
      Faye Kwan - November 25, 2020.

      PUTRAJAYA: Health director-general Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah today said the decreasing number of Covid-19 cases in Sabah and the fact that people travelling between peninsula states were not required to undergo quarantine had led to the decision to lift the quarantine rule for Sabah returnees.

      The health ministry had announced yesterday that the 14-day mandatory quarantine for travellers from Sabah who test negative for Covid-19 will cease with effect from today.

    4. If, for the sake of absolute adherence to Civil Service protocol, the senior officer is endangering the public, the senior officer must resign.

    5. minister's authority and responsibility overrides civil servant's. The 'servant' must obey the "voice" of the voters who chose that minister

    6. There is such a thing as an unlawful Ministerial instruction.

      Maybe not in Malaysia, but other Commonwealth countries have established legal precedent that Civil Servants do not get assumed legal immunity if they unquestionably follow unlawful instructions.

      An instruction that endangers the public is very likely an unlawful order.

    7. When Jibby was FM he could not have transferred billions of KWAP money to Switzerland via his ha ha. Some civil servant(s) in MoF and/or Bank Negara must have helped him.

  3. Richard Riot is/was a lightweight just carrying the dirty water for powerful players in BN, the Ruling Party at the time.

  4. this is discrimination, y chinese tourist with wuhan virus can come while muslim worker with whatever virus cant?

    1. 犬养mfer, discrimination?

      The T-virus of the zombieicism has turned yr petrified neurons into dust!

    2. muslim foreign worker made top glove boss n zahid a billionaire while ccp tourist bring virus, true what.

    3. Willing buyers, willing selling as been CLEARLY stated in yr demoNcratic dogma mah!

      Didn't those 台毒 katak meme-ed that into yr petrified neurons?

      Right now, the only tourists that bring SARS-CoV-2, asymptomaticaly, r Formosa katak & travellers!

      Better inform yr 蔡妹妹 to try her best to order as many 'truth' vaccines from Pfizer/BioNtech & AstraZeneca. Them 'vaccines' would speed up the herd immunity of the whole of Formosa island - wakakakakaka…

    4. twn anytime take ccp one, the originator n spreader know best.

    5. Tell that to that Formosa Goebbels wannabe - Chen Shih-chung (陈时中) lah!

      R yr kabels to 蔡妹妹 strong enough to get him eat his fart?

    6. buy american is a gesture of brotherhood, the cure is still with the virus originator n spreader.

    7. AGAIN,

      Tell that to that Formosa Goebbels wannabe - Chen Shih-chung (陈时中) lah!

      Buying American wasn't his word!

      Taiwan's Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) chief said Taiwan will never buy any vaccines made in the communist country.

      Quick, get yr 蔡妹妹 to kick his ass. Can't sack him as this katak has been doing a fantastic job in hiding the true covid-19 statistics to all the blurred Formosan!

      This time, he wants all Formosan to go down with him with the mRNA derived 'truth' vaccines!

      Bravo. Go & join yr Formosan katak lah.

      Don't lie & keep regurgitating farts. Farts r empty air if u want know!

    8. taiwanese can anytime (every 4 years is the norm) kick out a chen or a tsai, using vote, like how american kick out trump.

      the virus originator n spreader zombie cant.

      see the diff who make the final call?

    9. Final call?

      The best analogy that katak like u can perhaps understand is King Julien, the black, white, and gray ring-tailed lemur of Dreamwork Madagascar.

      See the resemblance with yr beloved katak island? Yankeeland?

      That lemur is also been democratically reelected every 4yrs w/o fail!

      It leads with a happy go luck, slowly drowning in a make-believe world!

      So, what's the current stage of Yankeeland? Formosa? With the helps of a bunch of demoNcratized morons/katak cloaking in sync for their idealised utopia.

      Humanity needs leadership. & leadership doesn't spit out from a big mouth. Leadership doesn't cater to populism while making tough decisions. Leadership is proven by humanistic results.

      That r what those lemurs in Madagascar don't want to know. They just want a symbol to fan their ego.

      That's the final call from those Yankee doodles & 台毒 morons. In fact, that's the final call of all u demoNcratized bleeding hearts playing political correctness to hide yr inside weakling psycho!

    10. Oooop… forget to address this stink to heaven fart!

      犬养mfer, WHY the sudden diversion into tok3tok4tokskytokearth about election choice?

      Yr 蔡妹妹 kicking yr shins to get u detoured from his blue eye boy, Chen Shih-chung (陈时中)!

      Or u r been caught with another pack of lies!

      Truly 犬养!
