
Monday, November 16, 2020

Carrot Head's 'scorch earth' tactic


If You Can’t Beat Him, Create Trouble For Him – Trump Ramps Up More Anti-China Chaos To Sabotage Biden

Napoleon was defeated by the Russian winter and Russian 'scorched earth' tactics

After crossing the 270 Electoral College vote threshold needed to claim victory, President-elect Biden appears to have strengthened his grip on Friday (Nov 13) by winning the state of Georgia. Even though North Carolina may go to President Trump, the final result would see Biden’s 306 votes against Trump’s 232. Interestingly, this is the same score when Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in 2016.

At a White House press briefing, Trump had a slip of the tongue and almost acknowledged Biden’s election win. He said – “Ideally, we won’t go into a lockdown. I will not go … this administration will not be going to a lockdown. Hopefully the … the whatever happens in the future, who knows which administration will be. I guess time will tell. But I can tell you this administration will not go to a lockdown.”

Besides European Union leaders like German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron, major U.S. allies Canada, Australia, United Kingdom, Japan and South Korea have congratulated Biden. Even China finally congratulated President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris on Friday (Nov 13) for their U.S. election victory.

In reality, Donald Trump knew its game over for him. But to keep the flame alive, he deliberately provokes his loyalists and hardcore supporters to reject the election results – in case he decides to run again in 2024. Claiming mass fraud and voting machines were hacked, Trump’s goal is to save face – creating a perception that his victory has been stolen, and not that he had lost.

And on Saturday, tens of thousands of his supporters took to the street, believing Trump had indeed won by a landslide. The protest was largely peaceful during the day before turning tense at night. As demonstrators marched in the streets of Washington to back Trump’s refusal to accept defeat, violence broke out between the president’s fans and counter-protesters.

Expressing his support for the demonstration, President Trump tweeted that “hundreds of thousands” had turned out to the rally. As usual, it was an exaggeration. But Trump’s claim was nothing compared to his spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany, who claimed that more than one million people attended the rally. It’s obvious that Trump has no intention of giving an orderly transition to Biden.

On Nov 9, 2016, the day after Trump won by a far narrower margin in key states than Biden did today, he was granted millions of dollars in funds, suites of federal offices and temporary security clearances to handle classified information because Hillary Clinton conceded. But now that he has lost, he refused to see an orderly transfer of power to Joe Biden.

Trump’s presidency will last until noon on Jan 20. So he still has more than 9 weeks to create troubles for Biden. He had already fired his own Defence Secretary Mark Esper five days ago (Nov 9). Esper disagreed with his boss on a number of issues, including his insistence during the “Black Lives Matter” protests that there were no legal grounds to deploy troops on the streets of U.S. cities.

They say a week is a long time in politics. With more than 9 weeks in his pocket, Trump could certainly issue Executive Orders and pardons, impose tariffs, make or break international agreements and whatnot. He appears determined to use his final weeks and days in the Oval Office to create havoc in America to ensure Biden inherits a chaotic government.

Armed with more than 70 million votes, Trump is still influential, or at least he thought so. In addition to Mark Esper, rumours spread that the next one on the chopping board could be FBI director Chris Wray, CIA director Gina Haspel or White House Coronavirus advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci. Trump could also potentially pardon people who had to break the law to do his bidding.

But Trump could at the same time also screw up foreign policies or bilateral relations before he reluctantly leaves the office. The Commander-in-Chief could order U.S. military attacks on Iran or authorize Israel to do so with full support from America. That could be the reason why Mark Esper was fired. The former defence secretary would have stopped Trump from attacking the Iranians.

China is another playground for Trump to create troubles for Biden. Earlier this week (Nov 12), Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the U.S. was “not finished yet” with tough measures on China. Formerly CIA director, Pompeo unleashed his strongest rhetoric – calling the Chinese Communist Party a “Marxist-Leninist monster” whose rule is “authoritarian, brutish and antithetical to human freedom.”

About to lose his job after Trump’s defeat, Pompeo even predicted an eventual collapse of China’s one-party rule. To provoke Beijing, he announced that Undersecretary of State Keith Krach would lead the U.S.’s Economic Prosperity Partnership Dialogue with Taiwan on Nov 20. China sent 16 fighter jets and 2 bombers over the Taiwan Strait to show its displeasure when Krach made a high-profile visit to the island in September.

Pompeo then poked at the most sensitive issue to Beijing, claiming Taiwan “has not been a part of China”. He argues that ever since the Reagan administration, the United States officially only acknowledges the Chinese position that Taiwan is part of it, but never explicitly recognised China’s claims. In response, Beijing said China will strike back any moves that undermine its core interests.

President Trump deliberately signed an executive order on Thursday (Nov 13) banning Americans from investing in 31 Chinese companies that his administration claims are owned or controlled by the Chinese military. Some of China’s biggest companies affected included Huawei and Hikvision, as well as New York Stock Exchange-listed China Telecom and China Mobile.

Essentially, the executive order prohibits American investors, including pension funds, from owning or trading any securities that originate or are linked to the 31 Chinese firms. Investors with existing stakes are given until November 2021 to sell or divest from the companies. Trump’s latest orders, to take effect on Jan 11, 2021, was designed to provoke Beijing to retaliate.

The political move to further crack down on China, the first major decision on foreign affairs taken by Republican Donald Trump since losing the Nov 3 election to Democratic rival Joe Biden, is seen as a clever move to trap the new President-elect. If Biden reverses the order after his inauguration, Donald Trump, who has nothing to lose, will blame him as a weak POTUS who is pro-China.

However, China is expected to restrain from taking any retaliatory measures. Beijing knows very well the lame duck Trump will do everything, including throwing the kitchen sink, to sabotage the U.S.-China relations in his remaining weeks in the White House. But thanks to Trump, Biden might turn the table and use the ban to extract concessions from Beijing. For now, China can only wait for Biden’s next action.


  1. "the Chinese Communist Party a “Marxist-Leninist monster” whose rule is “authoritarian, brutish and antithetical to human freedom.”"

    That, to me, is a factual and accurate statement. can't handle the truth ?

    1. Wakakakakakaka…

      Of course lah, who wants to handle a piece of katak shit, so petrified & stalled & disguised as truth, through repetitive regurgitation by those brainless katak?

      Keep that truth to yrself for further cloaking lah.

  2. a lame duck that give order to attack iran but not china? this twat is truly a ccp propagandist that learn well how ccp dialectical work.

    1. nothing that sinister - attacking Iran will be principally at Israel's behest. US is just Israel's acolyte

    2. A bitter lesson cast deep into the mind of the Yankee doodle Hawks after the Korean war!

      Pick one that u can bully easily to avoid surprises!

      That's a bully to u katak. Remember that.

    3. now we r talking abt trump the lame duck. 1) would us army follow a lame duck instructions? 2) trump is one that stop the attacked on iran 2 years back 3) trump easily can have a war with iran before the election to secure more votes, like bush junior did.

      i dun think its consistent to label trump a lame duck but at the same time calling him a warmonger, no one piece of writing from this twat ever base on any priciple or values, he always took a bias position first than look for story. all 3, stupid twat, raja liar n aneh know everything r more or less same type kok toker.

      i always stress usa the no1 bully, but trump choose to fight ccp n not iran in the past 4 years, unlike xi the no telur emperor can only threatened taiwan hk sea oz day n night however become a street rat when facing usa n japs. malukan cina.

    4. Trump is a known trading schemer that keeps maximum personal profit ALWAYS in mind.

      He can be a lame duck, a direction less chook or an irritated hawk all rolled into one. Thus the earned Chickenhawk in Chief.

      1) potus is the supreme commander of the US military forces. A command is a command to ANY military personnel. Following the chains of command has NOTHING to do with the ability of the command issuer!

      2) the attacked on Iran 2 years back was stopped at last minute bcoz trump has no appetite for a prolobged war with Iran then to negate the ongoing Iran/US negotiation. Trump was aiming for a Nobel peace prize!

      3) a prolonged war with Iran would go against his declared 2016 election pledge of bringing US soldiers back from active oversea war services. A walkover with this pledge would see him losing popular votes. Bush Jr played on the 911 infamy sentiments on the agitated US that trump didn't have!

      Who's koktoking?

      A trade war with China isn't the same as a physical war with Iran! More so when trump has been blindsided by CCP China bashers in the like of Larry Kudlow, Peter Navarro, Mike Pompeo, Steve Bannon etc.

      U want to see derisive action from president Xi?

      Go get yr Chickenhawk in Chief to order the diseased 7th fleet to park along the Taiwan strait in his last 60+ days presidency.

      Shipwrecked street rats would be a plenty too, then.

    5. 1. america got congress, u think president sama itu emperor kah?

      2. stop mean stop, appetite or no is irrelevant.

      3. who is talking prolong? just a war to win votes is enough, read jerkie what american done all the years, too bad stupid trump dont create another 911.

      4. trump pick a trade war n not a bully war, trump want peace unlike warmonger xi.

      5. american keep up the ante in twn n ccp keep change goalpost like u did, is that courage with cina characteristic?

    6. 1) DemoNcratized US is definitely not socialist China!

      So, what so special about that congress of street running rats vis-a-vis the People's Congress?

      2) wakakakakaka… trying to parade yr 南魔萬England comprehension for another laugh?

      3) prolong vis-a-vis his declared 2016 election pledge of bringing US soldiers back from active oversea war services!

      Walau-eh… what a confused dickhead!

      4) u have just upstaging the true character of the Chickenhawk in Chief! But do u know?

      5) wakakakakaka… "keep change goalpost"!!!

      Have u printed yr goalpost with rainbow hue yet?

      Know-nothing infested with chronic biasness mah!

      But these ain't for yr understanding, remember?

      How many times u need to catwalk yr know-nothing with 南魔萬England as yr tool that's yr problem.

      I'm just clearing those katak farts that clouding the blog foc for those readers who want to know.

    7. 1. president follow congress while congress follow emperor, nothing special, its common knowledge.

      2. i dun know how to connect war to appetite, i hv to concede my england problem.

      3. so mean to say trump is a no war president what. u r one that told prolonged war with iran, not me, dun confuse me by changing goalpost again la.

      4. let stay focus, pray tell how many wars trump started?

      5. u mean ccp n u shoot an own goal sound more appropriate? can oso.

    8. Wakakakakaka…

      A spread of irrational farts from a knife-nothing, unashamedly to prove its own confused thought!

      Reread the tracks of fart u have laid then along the way kick yrself in the mouth (or limp) for exercising it faster than that small brain can handle!

      Maybe asking too much, katak has small brain that only aims to cloak for mating. Nothing more!

  3. But the Deep State is within the borders, 72 million sore losers, many in federal and state administrations.....

  4. Biden may be President but the GOP controls 31 of the 50 lower chambers and 34 out of 50 upper chambers of the state legislatures, more than at any point in time in US history.

    That's like in Malaysia, Harapan controls all the state governments except Kelantan, Terengganu, Pahang and Perlis, like after GE14....ha ha ha...
