
Thursday, November 19, 2020

Blooding soldiers (& politicians)


Australian elite soldiers killed Afghan civilians, report finds


There is "credible evidence" that Australian special forces unlawfully killed 39 people during the Afghan conflict, a long-awaited report has found.

The Australian Defence Force (ADF) has released findings from a four-year inquiry into misconduct by its forces.

The inquiry investigated 57 incidents and heard from more than 300 witnesses.

It had uncovered a "shameful record" of a "warrior culture" by some soldiers, ADF chief General Angus Campbell said.

Nineteen current or former soldiers should be investigated by police over the killings of "prisoners, farmers or civilians" between 2009 and 2013, the report found.

Afghanistan said it had been assured by Australia that it was committed to "ensuring justice".

What did the report find?

It said 25 serving or former soldiers had carried out crimes or been "accessories" to them. Most allegations concerned soldiers within the Special Air Service (SAS) elite unit.

Gen Campbell said none of the alleged killings could be "described as being in the heat of battle".

"None were alleged to have occurred in circumstances in which the intent of the perpetrator was unclear, confused or mistaken," he told reporters on Thursday.

"And every person spoken to by the inquiry thoroughly understood the law of armed conflict and the rules of engagement under which they operated."

Gen Campbell said the most alarming allegations concerned some SAS soldiers who allegedly "took the law into their own hands".

"The report notes that the distorted culture was embraced and amplified by some experienced, charismatic and influential non-commissioned officers and their proteges, who sought to fuse military excellence with ego, elitism and entitlement," he said.

The inquiry - by the inspector-general of the ADF - was conducted behind closed doors, meaning few details have been reported until now.


kt notes:

Above penultimate paragraph in yellow highlight depicts a typical but fallacious Americanism which baffles me, because how could shooting unarmed peasants, farmers and civilians be considered as "fusing military excellence with ego, elitism and entitlement"?

Only sick people believe that.

Another sick ritual was to "blood" junior/inexperienced troops.

Talking about 'blooding' the inexperienced, I have dragged out a 2005 post about Tony Blair, an evil man who should have been tried for war crimes for his active part in supporting Bush in the Iraqi Invasion (see my post as follows):

September 21, 2005

The Hypocrisy of Tony Blair

Remember my earlier posting on Tony Blair’s terrible relishing of sending his troops to kill or be killed? It was in What Tony Blair Relishes is Sick.

Also, do you remember how he told probably the world’s most powerful media tycoon, Rubert Murdoch (Aussie turned American) that the BBC is anti-American?

Well, there’s more. The author of the reveal-all book, Lance Price, a former spin doctor in Tony Blair's staff, disclosed Blair’s tight relationship with Murdoch. In his book, he wrote:

"Apparently we've [Blair’s government] promised [Murdoch’s] News International we won't make any changes to our Europe policy without talking to them."

This was of course embarrassing to Blair as it showed him, a PM of a sovereign nation virtually kowtowing to a media tycoon.

According to British civil service rules, as a former member of Blair's staff, Price has to submit his book for censorship. When he did, the Brit government altered the above sentence to read less embarrassingly as:

"Apparently, News International are under the impression we won't make any changes without asking them"

... thus attempting to provide a completely different picture, one that Murdoch himself has assumed too much, and that Blair doesn’t necessarily agree with or would entertain his 'impression'.

Then Price drove the stake into Blair’s heart by showing how hypocritical Blair had been when the Brit PM sent his airmen or soldiers into bombing or shooting raids. Price wrote:

"I couldn't help but feeling that TB (Tony Blair) was relishing his first blooding as PM, sending the boys into action. Despite all the necessary stuff about taking action 'with a heavy heart', I think he feels it is part of his coming of age as a leader"

The British government panicked and censured this sentence to read:

"I couldn't help feeling that TB had mixed emotions about sending the boys into action. He said he did it with a 'heavy heart', but at the same time he must have known it would happen sometime and maybe it's part of his coming of age as a leader."

... lending a kinder mixed feelings for Blair, whereas Price's original sentence showed Blair to be a bloody chickenhawk hypocrite who relishes sending his troops into what he called 'first blooding' or an initiation of the mighty warlike General (sitting in comfy Dowing Street) into real combat, but combat engaged in by others or other people's children.

Guardian (Aus Ed) this morning reported that 2 Squadron SAS (Australia) will be disbanded for its disgraceful conduct.

I believe there is also a Malaysian Army battalion that was scrubbed (at least its Battalion designation) for disgrace but I am not sure whether it had been for cowardice or for mutiny.


  1. all tis west media, west whatever force, west white dick lack sentiment n spirit of patriotic n nationalist, must send them to ccp land n melayu land to reeducate whats unification, ummah, brown n yellow supremacy is abt. bodoh punya white.

    1. Yr 南魔萬 england directive is misguided!

      They SHOULD be sent to that katak infested island about its twisted version of "sentiment n spirit of patriotic n nationalist"!


      Sending strawberried school kids to be trained by hp6 military personnel with dress-up military apparatus.

      Same as sending them to their early death to the despair of their parent!

    2. twn no reeducation camp, twn very open n liberal, xinjiang manyak, can stuff in millions. morning recite mao red sun, afternoon sing xi wife my motherland, night can do china dream in america.

    3. Keep repeating those katak farts lah. Better still quote names & substantiated facts to support them.

      Otherwise, u r just the same know-nothing trying to earn yr keeps just like those 台毒水炮.

    4. sorry i forgot there is xi jinping thought before dawn, correct me if sequence wrong, or they do america dream as well in broad daylight?

    5. What to sorry?

      Any other thoughts to u is just garbage compared to yr katak farts that permeating throughout that well u hide in!

      Indeed yr American dream is that spot of light shining above yr head over the well opening.

      There ain't NO 中国梦 for a katak cloaking for a mate inside that well.

      Stay put & live on it!

    6. i felt sorry for zombie bec any chinese with brain no matter how small no need to participate, we can sing teresa teng plum blossom that never talk abt motherland, gun n wolf, or recite su tongpo prelude of water melody that convey life, n hope, n dun daydream.

      see, we choose what we wanna sing, say n do. so sorry again zombie cant.

    7. While u sing, u also genuflect to yr master for crumbs! So, what motherland?

      Ooop… r u still want to diex2 claiming yr spurious Chinese ancestry?

      Just keep to yrs nonchinese status.

    8. ccp jerk motherland is russia, thats y they tok wolf gun n war, chinese motherland is china, we tok land soil perseverance n peace loving.

      see the diff of xi wife russialand n teresa teng plum blossom?

    9. Wakakakakakaka…


      犬养mfer, u ain't Chinese. So what do u know about Chinese motherland is China?

      In the same mold as all those Formosa katak genuflecting to demoNcratic Yankeeland as their paradise!

      BTW, who've u to speak on behalf of Teresa Teng, who wasn't willing to stay in a katak infested island. She rather hibernated & die, outside that f*cked island, in Thailand!

  2. The Best policy is to avoid war.
    Once you are in a hot War, the only course of action is to fight to win.

    The war in Afghanistan is rooted in the Taliban sheltering Osama bin Laden, providing him with a safe sanctuary to plan, coordinate the 9/11 massacre, and refusing to hand him over to justice.

    Military units need to carry put their missions in war with extreme, aggressive violence. It is not for the faint-hearted.

    Elite forces such as the SAS that carry out the most difficult and highest risk missions, have to cultivate a high sense of teamwork, cohesion and pride,

    1. Wakakakakakaka…

      "Elite forces such as the SAS that carry out the most difficult and highest risk missions, have to cultivate a high sense of teamwork, cohesion and pride"

      Code of honour as in that f*cked Yankee green beret?

      Most difficult and highest risk missions as in killing unarmed civilians, women & children!

      What had the invasion of Afghanistan war that started by the Yank gotten to do with Oz? Oz was the only country that sent troops to fight alongside with the Yank in the initial invasion.

      The wiki write-up has waltzing out this portion. When the initial objectives were completed, a coalition of over 40 countries (including all NATO members) formed a security mission in the country called International Security Assistance Force (ISAF, succeeded by the Resolute Support Mission (RS) in 2014) to help the Yankee doodle Afghan govt popped up by the invading US to maintain peace.

      Old moneyed mfer, u r not only screening yr eyes with dollar sign. U jump at any chances to prove yr spurious political correctness to defense yr one-sided fart w/o reading any of the investigation reports!

      U r truly a well domesticated Yankee cur.
