
Thursday, November 12, 2020

Bintulu MP's tirade against Health DG a 'classless' act


Bintulu MP's tirade against Health DG a 'classless' act

COMMENT | I don’t think I have ever taken offence at the words or actions of Bintulu MP Tiong King Sing deemed ‘abnormal’ in the past.

Tiong is not a minister; he is only a government backbencher. Even if his appointment as Special Envoy to China came with ministerial rank, he is not in charge of a ministry.

(We can recall how he rejected his initial appointment as a deputy minister in the Peritakan Nasional government as he felt slighted by the junior post.)

I’m not sure how many of us really know the functions and duties of a special envoy and whether that position is necessary or functional.

What I’m driving at is that I do not consider Tiong a political heavyweight as he does not make major decisions in the government.

Thus, what he says or does, even if wrong, callous and out of sync, is forgettable and forgivable. I found them tolerable all along.

However, this was not the case yesterday.

This time, I wish to register my offence at his tirade against Health director-general Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah in Parliament, which was totally unnecessary in the first place.

Tiong King Sing

To say that Noor Hisham "is afraid to die" for not coming down personally to Sabah to monitor the Covid-19 situation is not just an ordinary remark to me, but a downright insult.

(Tiong should also question what the health minister (what’s his name again?) has been doing all these while. If the minister has gone to Sabah, it would probably be to campaign during the recent elections).

And that was not all.

Tiong also implied that the Health DG was on a publicity blitz and that Noor Hisham was also eyeing the post of director-general at the World Health Organisation (WHO). I take that to mean the DG is on a campaign too.

Goodness gracious! I find it difficult to believe that Tiong actually uttered those cruel and insensitive words in Parliament.

It was a classless act, Mr Tiong. As a fellow Sarawakian, I am ashamed of you. Your words were uncouth, thuggish and boorish.

Taking wild and ugly potshots at Noor Hisham, arguably the most respected, dignified and much-loved civil servant in the country today, has probably placed you among the most vilified politicians in Malaysia today.

If certain people have complained to Tiong about the DG, the MP could easily bring up the matter with Noor Hisham instead of launching the vicious and meaningless attacks in the august House.

Carrying out duties with dignity, grace

To me and many Malaysians, Noor Hisham is a class above, certainly above politicians, including ministers who are not fit to be in the cabinet.

Noor Hisham carries out his duties and responsibilities with dignity, charm and grace.

I don’t believe anyone will enjoy giving daily press briefings on the pandemic and updating the nation on the latest situation. This was for the past nine months in a row. That’s a heck of a job!

If critics think that the DG is after publicity, I believe Noor Hisham is more than happy to take a break. Perhaps Tiong can take over if he thinks he is qualified to do so.

After all, the MP is a politician and needs media coverage. Noor Hisham does not.

I have heard the DG’s daily briefings several times. Noor Hisham speaks distinctively and is eloquent in English and Bahasa. For sure, ‘kong kali kong’ (conspiring) is not in his vocabulary.

As for the allegation that the DG is campaigning for the WHO’s top post, we should be proud if a Malaysian is elected to head the world body.

In fact, I think that the government should support such a campaign, if there is really one. Noor Hisham will carry the Malaysian flag high in the WHO and we should all be proud of him.

I am glad that the DG has responded to the Bintulu MP’s tirade, saying it in his usual calm, dignified and diplomatic manner.

"As a Muslim, I have accepted that death can happen anywhere. What is important for us is our intention, which is to carry out our duties and break the chain of infection," Noor Hisham said.

And that is how a man with class talks.

In April, in the early stage of the Covid-19 lockdown, I also came to the defence of the DG and registered my disgust that Noor Hisham and his team at the forefront to keep us safe and save lives have been viciously attacked for being incompetent and “out of touch”.

Seven months later, we have another salvo fired at a good man and a competent leader.

As I had quoted in April: “To everything, there is a season… a time to speak and a time to be silent.”

That is my message to Tiong. As an MP, be a man of class. Think carefully before you speak and avoid creating blunders.

I think an apology to Noor Hisham is in order.

FRANCIS PAUL SIAH is the author of ‘Hijack in Malaysia: The Fall of Pakatan Harapan’ which was recently launched. The book retails at RM42. Obtain autographed copies from


  1. And Kong Kali Kong's "twin brother" is........this must be true because it is from Malaysia Today.....ha ha ha.....

    Wee Ka Siong – The Missing Link In The PKFZ-MCA Crisis Debacle
    By Malaysia Today
    Admin-S On Oct 29, 2009

    ......everyone in MCA has heard of Ka Siong’s twin brother (Tiong) King Sing (they also share the same initials and body structure). Not even the South China Sea can seperate the two abang-adik. They are like the ying and yang of Nature. They share the mantra “I scrub your back, you scrub mine; OTK stab you (Tiong) in the front, I (WKS) stab him in the back.”

    For Bintulu Mafia chief Tiong, the tipping point came when OTK resolved to recover some RM1.5 billion Kuala Dimensi Sdn Bhd overclaimed in the PKFZ project. As everyone knows, Kuala Dimensi is owned by Tiong. It’s also a shell company used as a front to bankroll politicians like WKS, Khir Toyo, Chan Kong Choy and Khairy. Tiong is also the man who financed BN backbenchers to Taiwan to avert the September 16 Mass Defection last year.

    Not many people know that WKS is also a direct beneficiary of the PKFZ largesse, courtesy of Tiong of course. WKS owns 47 per cent of Hijau Sekitar Sdn Bhd (240539-X), the subcon that was offered by KDSB a multi-million ringgit contract to study and implement traffic flow and control in PKFZ. Other subcons in the PKFZ project treated WKS like God for they know he’s the go-between for TKS.

    One of WKS’s own aide in the Deputy Education Minister’s office in Putrajaya is still under the payroll of Wijaya Baru Global Bhd, the parent company of KDSB. The Proton Wira he drives is registered under the company’s name. The link doesn’t end there. One Mr Lau, also a well-known blogger, whom WKS appointed into the Youth’s vocational training bureau, is also under the payroll of Tiong King Sing.

    In the private jet controversy surrounding OTK, it was WKS who set up the trap. He got OTK to hitch a ride with him on Tiong’s jet from JB back to KL after attending DPM’s dinner event. But months later, Tiong leaked flights details of OTK’s entourage over the Internet and this was duly picked up by popular anti-establishment Mandarin news portal Merdeka Review. Details about WKS being in the flight was conveniently ommitted, although his aide’s name appeared. Nobody would believe that the aide dared board the private jet without his boss’ presence. But it doesn’t matter – the smear against OTK worked wonders.

    Wee is also known to take Tiong’s private jets on private trips, especially to Taiwan, his second home. The Department of Civil Aviation, which falls under OTK’s Transport Ministry has all the details and OTK’s spin doctors are waiting to leak them just before the next Cabinet reshuffle. The business deals WKS cut in Taiwan is astounding. His leisure activities there even more so. And who can forget the China girl sex scandal which almost cost his political career? Those in JB knew the story is true to a fault and WKS is shitting bricks now because the girl is also scheduled to grant an exclusive interview to OTK-controlled The Star newspaper in time for the next Cabinet reshuffle......

  2. when people is dying this dun know who talk abt no class?

  3. As a muslim kkm DG is said as takut mati. Bintulu mp on the other hand TAKUT MAMPUSSS
