
Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Biden's Spy Chief

MM Online:

Biden's pick for top spy brings experience from CIA and White House

If confirmed, Haines would confront low workforce morale fuelled by President Donald Trump’s attacks on intelligence agencies and their assessments and his ousters of career officials he considered disloyal. ― AFP pic

WASHINGTON, Nov 24 ― Avril Haines, tapped by President-elect Joe Biden to be the top US spy, is a former CIA No. 2 who would be taking over as the chief overseer of a US intelligence community beset by low morale and charges its work has been used for political attacks.

A lawyer from New York, judo brown belt and licensed pilot who once tried unsuccessfully to fly a small plane across the Atlantic Ocean, Haines is the first woman named as director of national intelligence, a post created after the September 11, 2001, attacks to coordinate the work of the 17 US intelligence agencies.

Republican and Democratic Senate sources said Haines is expected to win confirmation ― but not without some hard questioning about her role as deputy CIA director from August 2013 to January 2015 and her views on national security challenges, from Russia to cyber warfare.

“Avril is smart and capable,” said Mark Warner, the top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee. “I expect that she will face rigorous questioning from senators on both sides of the aisle.”

At the CIA, Haines accepted a review board’s recommendation not to discipline CIA officials involved in monitoring computers used by intelligence committee staffers to draft a report on the agency’s detention of suspected extremists subjected to brutal interrogation methods widely condemned as torture.

Speaking earlier this year with the Daily Beast, Haines said she found the recommendation “persuasive” and unrelated to the report or the interrogation programme, and she condemned torture as “immoral.”

She returned to the White House as former President Barack Obama’s deputy national security adviser. There, she steered a decision to expand US refugee admissions as the Syrian civil war unleashed a refugee flood, arguing that doing so contradicted Islamist extremists’ anti-Western messages.

If confirmed, Haines would confront low workforce morale fueled by President Donald Trump’s attacks on intelligence agencies and their assessments and his ousters of career officials he considered disloyal.

She would succeed John Ratcliffe, a former Texas congressman with scant intelligence experience when he was chosen in February by Trump after vigorously opposing Trump’s impeachment.

Democrats and former intelligence officials accuse Ratcliffe of declassifying intelligence for use by Trump and his Republican allies to attack political opponents, including Biden, a charge Ratcliffe’s office has denied.

“The sooner we can get a confirmed DNI in place to start fixing the damage the last four years have done to our intelligence agencies, the better,” said Warner. ― Reuters


  1. whats the diff btw cia spy n ccp thief?

    1. Officially, CCP does not carry out spying activities overseas - and CCP Zombies believe it.

      That is why the Zombies are so outraged that the CIA operates in Hong Kong.

      Some of the Malaysian CCP zombies I spoke to got so angry when I told them-of course the CIA operates in Hong Kong - just as CCP spy agencies operate in every country in the world that they have an interest in, or intention to influence.

    2. The difference?

      CIA keeps cloaking katak to chorus & hide its true Machiavellian plots to topple countries deemed not friendly to the US demoNcratic dogma.

      CCP thieves the capitalists, all-over the globe, to prosper thy neighbours via various sopo schemes.

      Absolutely no one would believe that CCP officially does not carry out spying activities overseas!

      EVERY countries on earth, worth its sovereignty, carry out spy activities in various forms though not to the extend of uncle Sam - casting his net too wide & deep at every corners if the world.

      Only a blurred moneyed mfer dares to propagate such lies about ignorant CCP sympathisers.

      Can u say something, in the same mold, as yr yabkee doodle master?

    3. Mmm...trying to make an angel out of the devil eh ? good try, hehe

      Who the hell became outraged that the CIA operates in Hong Kong ? For ages, everyone and his dog knows that the so-called US embassy in Hong Kong is nothing but a spy nesting swamp to house its 1500 strong spies to destabilize China. Imagine if China or Russia were to have the same sort of nefarious ops in a territory within the US !

      All the perfume of Arabia couldn't wash the blood off the evil hands of the CIA. And all these cinakui here with their little mewing here pathetically defending their white masters at every opportunity, hehe LMAO

    4. so cia spy is a revolutionary like mao zedong while ccp thief is still a thief like robinhood? hmmm interesting.

    5. Katak fart of the day!

      "cia spy is a revolutionary like mao zedong while ccp thief is still a thief like robinhood"

      Another nail in foreclosure of yr know-nothingness!

    6. didnt mao topple kmt and robinhood steal from the rich? how my statement contradict yours?

    7. Yr prommie Robin Hood was a feudalistic fart, dedicating to his feudalistic royalist chants.

      Steal from the rich? Just to put a brownie for the blue bloods to continue their bloodsucking.

      R u sure u read pommie fairytale correctly?

      Or just like yr 南魔萬 England comprehension!

      Or Formosa ONKY trained dickheaded interpretations of human resourcesfulness?

      Same like that f*cked 龙应台的名言 of 小民的智慧!

  2. It is worth re posting this again here :


    "Guess who thought that the CIA had turned into an American Gestapo? Harry Truman, the US president who created the CIA. He said in his biography, “Those fellows in the CIA don’t just report on wars, they go out and make their own (wars), and there’s nobody to keep track of what they’re up to. They spend billions of dollars on stirring up trouble. The CIA has become a government all of its own.”

    CIA's culture is "a cult of intelligence...that held itself to be above the normal processes of society, with its own rationale and justification, beyond the restraints of the Constitution …” ( quote from former Director of the CIA, William Colby)

    A run-down of the 'activities' our Proud Boy CIA had been up to :

    1. Election meddling and coups
    2. Assassinations
    3. Overthrowing other people's government
    4. Coddling dictators and tyrants, including Nazis and Jihadists
    5. Drug trafficking
    6. Propaganda and Psy Ops
    7. Wars and Lies
    8. Wars & Corporatism
    9. False Flag Attacks
    10 Torture and Human Experiments
    11 Nuking 1200 cities
    12 Perpetual Wars
    13 Mass Surveillance

    Read this and weep, hehe :

  3. CCP has uncountable number of Zombie adherents among Malaysians. Obviously.

    1. Is that the BEST that a proven liar can master for its defence?

      How many times u need to be caught before keeping yr f*cked mouth shut?

      Katak will always cloak. Its in its nature. Rational logic? Moon over that fart filled well, that's it!

  4. Let me see
    had been up to :

    1. Election meddling and coups
    Like the Russian meddling in the US Elections 2016 ?
    The Soviet Coup against the Czech Spring 1968 ?
    2. Assassinations
    How about Russian Novichok assassination attempt against Poisoning of Sergei and Yulia Skripal in UK ?

    3. Overthrowing other people's government
    How about the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan 1979 ?
    4. Coddling dictators and tyrants, including Nazis and Jihadists
    Ever heard about how Communist Russia propped up Romanian dictator Ceaucescu ?
    5. Drug trafficking
    Communist North Korea' notorious use of diplomatic bags for drug smuggling?
    6. Propaganda and Psy Ops
    CCP propaganda setups like the so-called Confucius Institute ? Whatba joke. CCP has zero respect for the teachings of Confucious.
    7. Wars and Lies
    Khmer Rouge's murderous reign backed by the CCP ?
    8. Wars & Corporatism
    Russian invasion of Hungary 1958 ?

    9. False Flag Attacks

    10 Torture and Human Experiments
    11 Nuking 1200 cities
    HAHAHAHAHAHahahahahahahaha... please name the nuked cities ?

    12 Perpetual Wars
    how about the Syrian war backed by Moscow ?
    13 Mass Surveillance
    CCP Mass Surveillance in Xinjiang.

    1. Wakakakakaka…

      What a pack of unsubstantiated farts!

      1&2 any proofs? Or just pure speculations? Yr uncle Sam has only empty bubble words but NO proofs. Yet, moron like u just cloak in chorus!

      Where's the innocent till proven guilty that mfer, like u like to champion?

      3,4 & 5 have u crossed yr microscopic lens over yr uncle Sam's doings in these same areas that u have mentioned?

      Who learnt from who? Russko bear from American bold eagle or terbalik?

      6 what about all those cultural centres propagated by yr uncle Sam all over the world? CCP panda teaches American bald eagle about Chinese philosophy! What a f*cked joke only a well dweller can think of.

      Let that demoNcratic lighthouse shines erratically while all sparkling fireflies be strikes out! Right?

      Banyak pandai to shout for yr master!

      7 & 8 Vietnam war? Cambodia genocide with the subtle helps of Yankee hands! Who's lying?

      9 10 & 11 false flag attacks? Ever hear of the Guantanamo Bay detention camp? & only Nagasaki & Hiroshima were ever been nuked by the Yankee doodle in the history of human kind!

      12 yr uncle Sam has been the only country in the world that keeps tag with WARS, all over the world, to defense his version of demoNcracy to the untold sufferings of the devastating nations. U need names of the countries?

      13 do a proper scaling on those satellite photos u so claimed as concentration camps in Xinjiang, then u fart! Get someone who knows a little measuring using proper scale to teach u. Otherwise, just continue yr cloaking under that fart filled well!

      A katak living under a deep well yet like to shout to the world about its concocted lying worldviews!

    2. Your attempt to whitewash and make excuses for the CIA is truly pathetic ! How far would you go ? I won't attempt to defend the Russian's KGB, (why should I ?) but compared to the CIA, the KGB lose out bigtime. The ISSUE is about the utter monstrosity of the CIA.

      By the by, this Novichok poisonings are false flag by the CIA, which happened twice. Where have you been ? You are such a gullible guppie ( to quote KT, hehe ) for the West propaganda.

      Sergei and Yulia Skripal had lived in the UK for years long before this Novichok 'poisoning', for the KGB had apparently left them alone well enough. But when the news came that Putin was making a comeback, the US was thoroughly put out by this. So in cahoots with the MI6, the CIA planned this false flag to 'poison the father and daughter pair' in order to scuttle Putin's comeback, which obviously failed spectacularly. The last check found the Russian father and daughter miraculously recovered completely from such deadly toxic poison, hehe.

      The second false flag by the CIA used the same Novichok 'poisoning' tactic on the Russian opposition leader Navalny to scuttle the Nord Stream 2 which was almost 90% completed. By the by, Navalny too miraculously recovered completely from this deadly exotic poison Novichok, hehe. And of course there are countless false flag employed by the CIA who had no scruples whatsoever to even kill their own people just to achieve its objectives. That's what sociopaths and psychopaths do.

      The 1200 nuking of cities referred to the planned bombing immediately after the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. If one cares to read the article in this site :, then you would know what sort of psychopathic monsters would even think of killing 500 million human beings at one fell swoop ! Further research shows that actual plans were drawn and all were on the ready to nuke 1200 cities but was withdrawn at the very last minute for fear for their own safety from the toxic fumes and radiation from 1200 nukes.


  5. What did President Carter said about the US in perpetual wars ?

    "Jimmy Carter revealed that he had recently spoken with President Donald Trump about China. Carter, 94, said Trump was worried about China’s growing economy and expressed concern that “China is getting ahead of us.”

    “Since 1979, do you know how many times China has been at war with anybody?” Carter asked. “None, and we have stayed at war.”

    Carter then said the US has been at peace for only 16 of its 242 years as a nation. Counting wars, military attacks and military occupations, there have actually only been five years of peace in US history—1976, the last year of the Gerald Ford administration and 1977-80, the entirety of Carter’s presidency. Carter then referred to the US as “the most warlike nation in the history of the world,” a result, he said, of the US forcing other countries to “adopt our American principles.”

    The US has spent $5.9 trillion waging war in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan and other nations since 2001.

    “It’s more than you can imagine,” Carter said of US war spending. “China has not wasted a single penny on war, and that’s why they’re ahead of us. In almost every way.” [ as an aside : perhaps what Carter said has rubbed off a bit on Trump,hehe...he did not start any war in his term but he did engineered kidnapping ( Meng Wanzhou), assassination (General Soleimani) and continue on the killings of the Yemenis although it was Obama who started this war. Trump might not have started any war, but he is a loose canon and very fickle and very unpredictable and he surrounded himself with murderous who knows, if he had had a second term, he could easily start the killing spree again..he is American afterall, haha]

    Quote :

    While there is a prevalent belief in the United States that the country almost always wages war for noble purposes and in defense of freedom, global public opinion and facts paint a very different picture. Most countries surveyed in a 2013 WIN/Gallup poll identified the United States as the greatest threat to world peace, and a 2017 Pew Research poll found that a record number of people in 30 surveyed nations viewed US power and influence as a “major threat.”

    The US has also invaded or bombed dozens of countries and supported nearly every single right wing dictatorship in the world since the end of World War II. It has overthrown or attempted to overthrow dozens of foreign governments since 1949 and has actively sought to crush nearly every single people’s liberation movement over that same period. It has also meddled in scores of elections, in countries that are allies and adversaries alike.

    End Quote

    I leave here two videos which are very telling to say the least :
