
Thursday, November 05, 2020

Australia’s Economy Being Hit Again by China


Australia’s Economy Being Hit Again – China Bans Wheat, Lobster, Barley, Sugar, Wine, Timber, Coal, Copper

Australia’s economy, already plunged into recession in September – its first recession in 30 years since 1991 – continues to register bad news. And it has nothing to do with Covid-19 pandemic. Rather, it’s a self-inflicted economic backlash after Canberra deliberately campaigned for an international inquiry into the origins of the Coronavirus in April which infuriated Beijing.

In what appears to be a staggered “undeclared” trade war against the Aussie, China has banned more Australian products. Effective Friday, Australian lobster, barley, sugar, red wine, timber, coal, copper ore will be barred from China – even if the goods have been paid for and have arrived at Chinese ports. Chinese state-owned and private traders have been notified of the bans.

Chinese authorities have warned that Australian shipments would be turned away if traders tried to evade the latest sanctions by re-routing shipments via a third party country. Traders said – “Chinese importers have been told to obey strictly and suspend all orders for commercial reasons. Shipments arriving at the port before Friday will be released, but those arriving after will stay in port.”

Joining the list of banned products is Australian wheat, dealing a blow to A$560 million (US$400 million) worth of the agricultural export to China. As recent as September, Beijing already warned Australian wheat producers that their exports were under the microscope as political and trade tussle between both countries escalates.

China has also decided to suspend Emerald Grain, one of Australia’s largest grains and supply chain operators, over the recent delivery of two shipments of malt barley which was found to be “contaminated”. However, Emerald, headquartered in Melbourne and owned by Japan’s Sumitomo, was not impressed over claims of weed seeds being detected in its shipment.

Emerald Grain says it has become the victim of a politically motivated ban. Emerald chief executive David Johnson argued that there was nothing wrong with either grains or barley sent to China, accusing Chinese authorities of taking steps to find faults. Coincidentally, Australia’s largest grain exporter, CBH, was also blacklisted by Chinese customs officials in September for similar reasons.

Besides agricultural products, Australian fishing industry too is being dragged into existing China-Australia trade tensions. Australian rock lobster has become the latest commodity targeted by Beijing for economic punishment. Commercially, China accounted for 94% of Australian rock lobster exports worth A$752 million (US$527 million) in 2018-19.

With the latest sanction on the Australian lobster, fishermen have every reason to be fearful. Live lobsters are typically flown in on ice to China and must be consumed within 72 hours of leaving Australia, unless they go into tanks. However, about 21 tonnes of live lobster worth A$2 million has been held up at Shanghai airport since Friday after China’s Customs agency alleges the lobsters may be contaminated.

Western Australian-based GFC (Geralton Fishermen’s Co-operative), Australia’s biggest lobster exporters whose 300 members sell almost all of their catch to China, has told its fishermen to temporarily stop catching the crustaceans. But the lobster industry was just starting to regain its footing after Coronavirus lockdowns in China were lifted.

The price of rock lobsters plunged from a record A$105 a kilogram in January to “zero” but has recovered to A$45 a kilogram, before the Chinese dropped the boycott bombshell. While the Chinese customs officials implement more stringent inspection on Australian lobsters, imports of Mexican and American lobsters were not affected – suggesting deliberate retaliation against the Aussie seafood delicacy.

But Beijing was not done punishing Prime Minister Scott Morrison. On Sunday, China Customs said in a statement on its website it would ban imports of timber from Queensland, accusing the Australian log of containing bark beetle called “Ips grandicollis”. China is Australia’s largest trading partner for timber and wood products – worth a staggering A$1.9 billion.

China’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said – “If these pests are brought in, they will pose a serious threat to China’s forestry production and ecological security. We hope the Australian side will earnestly take effective measures to enhance inspections on exports and ensure that timber exports meet China’s inspection requirements.”

The Chinese government also raised the stakes in its economic campaign against Australia when it instructed multiple Chinese importers to stop shipments of wine from the land Down Under. Warnings have been issued that shipments of Australian wine will not clear customs after Friday – a slap to Australian grape and wine industry worth A$1.2 billion in exports to China.

The boycott is a follow-up to China’s retaliation in August, where it began a second investigation into imports of Australian wine, just after announcing a separate “anti-dumping” inquiry into its wine industry 2 weeks earlier. Beijing wanted to impose an anti-dumping tariff of 202.70%, which would triple the price of Australian wine.

The mission to disrupt the Aussie’s economy is obvious, so much so that even sugar is being targeted despite it was only worth A$100 million based on last year’s export to China. In addition to sugar, copper ore has lost its biggest customer as it joins the blacklist of Australian products. Australia is the world’s third-biggest copper exporter and half of its copper goes to China – export worth A$3.7 billion.

The diplomatic spat started in May, when China began what appeared to be its attacks against Australia by suspending imports from four major Australian beef suppliers for 30 days, allegedly over labelling issues. The country earned A$9.5 billion alone in beef export, followed by non-beef meat (A$5.2 billion), wool (A$3.8 billion) and wheat (A$3.7 billion).

China subsequently slapped an 80.5% tariff on all Australian barley. As the world’s biggest consumer of beer, China is the largest market for Australian barley. The Chinese imported over 2.5 million tonnes of Australian barley in 2018-19 – more than half of Australian total barley exports. China pays high prices for specially-bred types of barley specially grown by Austalian farmers for the Chinese market.

The 80.5% tariff on all Australian barley would cost the industry a whopping A$500 million per annum. That’s A$2.5 billion over the next 5 years as imposed by Beijing. Over the weekend, Beijing rejected an Australian grain industry appeal against the hefty barley tariffs it imposed in May. Australia’s barley trade with China was once worth A$1.6 billion a year.

Beijing then moved on to escalate the trade tensions by imposing new customs inspection procedures on Australian iron ore imports. The Aussie’s iron ore export to China in 2018-19 was worth a jaw-dropping A$63 billion, not to mention A$17 billion of natural gas and A$14 billion of coal. Of course, it was just the beginning for China.

The next month (June), Beijing targeted the country’s tourism and education sectors. Chinese tourists were advised to stay away from Australia. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics figures, 1.4-million (1,458,500) Chinese tourists visited Australia in the 12 months between December 2018 and November 2019, generating a cool A$12 billion a year in revenue.

In the same month, armed with “racist attacks against Asians” mantra, Beijing warned its students to reconsider plans to study in the country. The threat would punch a hole in the Australian’s A$37.6 billion education business. That is on top of a new modelling revealed by the Australian university sector that showed it will lose up to A$16 billion by 2023 due to the impact of Coronavirus.

Last month (October), after China’s customs authorities told local steelmakers and power plants to stop importing Australian coal, dealing a blow to the A$14 billion industry, the A$2 billion cotton industry was targeted. Like it or not, Australia is the world’s most China-dependent developed economy, even though it has been seeking to reduce its reliance through trades with other nations.

China is sending a clear message to Australia. It is serious about punishing the country and is sending new waves of tough restrictions or sanctions on Australian goods. The fact that China is now paying significantly more for barley from France and Ukraine than they previously bought from Australia goes to show that the Chinese isn’t done yet. The Aussie should not have attacked its biggest customer.


  1. thats the problem when doing biz with bully. this stupid twat no diff with conman, here in msia he label pn a backdoor govt, however dare not say anything abt the illegitimate ccp, not only stupid, no ball somemore.

  2. CCP The Bully strikes again.

    CCP absolutely must not be allowed to be given Market economy status, that it dearly wants to be awarded by WTO.
    All these undercounter, below the belt actions are definitely Not the hallmarks of a market economy.

    1. Hallmarks of a market economy?

      So easy to do selective pickings!

      Ain't all these undercounter, below the belt actions been used by yr uncle Sam on Canada, Mexico, Oz, Germany etc etc…

      Mfers, all these countries r the traditional closed alliances of US!

      Where's yr shout of bullying? U have given undercounter below the belt actions a new meaning.

    2. During Bush Jnr's time, at the height of the WMD bullshit, some letters to the USA were filled or tainted with Anthrax and/or other poison. The Yanks didn't have the antidote but the Germans did. Prez Bush threatened Angela Merkel to hand over the antidote OR ELSE - the German Chancellor had no choice, (1) for humanitarian reason and (2) the yanks were turning real ugly then. The Germans never did receive the appropriate payment

    3. Typical dishonest bait and switch argument by Ah Mok.
      The article was about CCP actions against Australia.
      I put for this forward as proof his beloved CCP is acting as a bully.

      Unable to rebut this , Ktemoc just switches to attack USA via the controversy involving Germany in 2001.

    4. aiyoyo, I was merely lending support to CK (comments just above), in which he stated: "Ain't all these undercounter, below the belt actions been used by yr uncle Sam on Canada, Mexico, Oz, Germany etc etc…"

    5. Typical doggie behaviour of uncle Sam/auntie pommie.

      Master can do what he/she likes. Do unto others & yet can't face the same music.

      Others likewise practices would be condemned to kingdom comes using selective arguments.

      Do well domesticated!

  3. Many Australians are led to believe, by the US and Murdoch, that THEIR BIGGEST customer, China, is their BIGGEST enemy.

    Many of them even believed that Chinese people will starve or even die due to food shortage without Australian beef, barley, lobster and other farm products, LOLOLOL

    Many Australians also believe that China needs Australia more, AND Australia doesn't need China at all.

    But Australia's biggest customer ain't taking in anymore all the scolding, admonitions, insinuations and attacks from this US' attack-dog.... this small remote country situating at the edge of Asia pretending and imagining itself to be a regional 'power' that can effectively rival and bully China and other Asian countries by serving as the 'Deputy Sheriff' of USA.

    1. In 1913, Germany was one of Britain's largest trading partners. Within less than 12 months it had become its most dangerous security threat.

      Strong trade links must not blind a country to objective assessment when a major trading partner becomes a grave threat to the nation.

    2. How was the then Germany in 1913 ( 107 years ago !) which supposedly became a 'dangerous security threat' to Britain had to do with China-Aust trading relationship in 2020 ? What is so difficult to understand that no customer will take shit from arrogant and abusive seller ? The customer can always buy from someone else selling the same stuff who is more friendly and not be on attack mode at the behest of you-know-who. Pordah !

  4. Furthermore, 5,000 yo Bully has no qualms taking advantage of Covid pandemic to twist the arms of the poor.


    Red Pill? Behind China's COVID-19 vaccine diplomacy
    Southeast Asia bargains with Beijing for lifesaving drugs

    CK TAN and ERWIDA MAULIA, Nikkei staff writers
    NOVEMBER 4, 2020

  5. JAKIM better send some inspectors to China to ensure Bullyland's vaccine is HALAL....ha ha ha.....

    Malaysia promised priority access to China's COVID vaccine
    Beijing dials up charm offensive during foreign minister's Southeast Asian tour

    China has been trying to win over emerging nations by providing support on the economic and coronavirus fronts.
    TAKASHI NAKANO, Nikkei staff writer
    October 14, 2020

    SINGAPORE -- Malaysia will be one of the priority recipients of China-made coronavirus vaccines currently under development, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said Tuesday during a visit to Kuala Lumpur.

    1. Wakakakakaka…

      Of all the newspapers of the world, u, mfers, keep quoting!


    2. in japs we trust, or u prefer that zombies daily?

    3. Of course in Japan u believed!

      Otherwise how to join that dotted fart about Jap helping CCP to kick out kmt from China.

    4. u ask around who can be trusted more? japs or ccp chinese? n who got no sense of shame?

    5. To read Nikkei is the equivalent of reading Fox News. Might as well drink Clorox for a cure, hehehe. Pordah

    6. fox news is bias, but dun tell lie like that zombie daily did.

    7. Bias?

      U know fart about biasness.

      Zombie dailies like to those 台毒水炮!

  6. Talking about legitimacy, it look like CCP legitimacy is as if it is just a continuation of the China 4000 years custom and culture probably from the Xia dynasty to the Qin and then the Republic of China till now the People Republic of China, or China. The Chinese had been accepting their emperors for thousand of years, those that they did not accept they revolted and overthrown. Chances (use rumour if it makes you feel better) are the present population are very satisfied with their present government. Those who were not, were likely to have been migrated to USA, UK, Canada etc. and those who did not migrate would be minority. So by democracy, these minority will have to accept the CCP government. Hurray !!! so what is your problem?

    By the way, the many sultans situation ....... if you accept this (ask of the same question above) but not that ....!??

    1. see, ccp asskisser wakaka no understanding, or pretent not to understand whats the diff btw ccp, sultan n elected govt.

    2. of course, summarize for u :
      chinese no vote ccp,
      msian no vote mornach,
      msian vote bn ph pn etc.

      ccp = monarchy
      emperor = king
      xi = emperor


    3. Wakakakakaka…

      Typical Formosan f*cked logic!

      1st, Chinese elected CCP fair & square. Just like ANY country in the world.

      The top officialdom of CCP China r elected by the People's Congress. A socialist process with Chinese characteristics.

      So how CCP = monarchy?

      M'sia monarchy is hereditary feudalistic product.

      Mana sama, except in yr 台毒 fart induced 'understanding'!

    4. "ccp = monarchy
      emperor = king
      xi = emperor

      paham? "

      Paham your kepala hotak ! Now get this : First, the Chinese model is highly meritocratic. This means that government officials must Work Their Way Up to the top by demonstrating achievements, competence, and intelligence. The current leader, Xi Jinping, took over 30 years of hard work, starting from the very bottom to get to the top ! There was no nepotism despite Xi Jinping being a 'princeling' from a high-profile political family.

      In Western democracy, leaders are chosen on basis of popularity.

    5. king is picked among 9, emperor is picked among 7, king must be malay with blue blood, emperor must be ccp elite with ccp blood, what diff?

    6. We all 'faham' you are thick-headed, can't really blame you, low IQ is low IQ, can't be cured simply by swallowing a pill, hehe...BUT if even simple stuff like a common man having to go through the arduous 'fire' of meritocracy to finally emerge to lead elude that batty brain, apa lagi mau bising bising di sini ?

      Waste of time to even respond since you mati-mati must have the last word even if it doesn't make sense. My half minute gone, hehe

    7. i know u cant resist to center around me n not the topic at hand, its not a simplistic subject for everyone.

  7. up to 1911, legitimacy is via mandate of heaven, revolutionary label this feudalistic, want to introduce science n democracy ie election. however its the warlord that make the call at that time, kmt under sun follow by chiang did a clean up, unfortunately japs invaded, n ccp whose ideology basing on a jew thought name marx, finally won the war with japs n russian help, thats y he n ccp thanks the japs, n ceded many ancestors land foc to russian. democracy is clearly stated in china constitution, of course with ccp characteristic which mean democracy with no election ie everything ccp hv the final said

    now tell me which part of history tell u that ccp legitimacy is functioning on a continuation of various past dynasty? its clearly via gun n lie, so dun kid us la.

    1. Wonder which past Chinese dynasty was established by one man one vote?

    2. 犬养mfer, how many times u want to word yr lies even though it's been debunked?

      Imitating Goebbels?

      Wakakakakaka… u r not even a fart of Goebbels' (mis)information distribution!

      CCP legitimacy has the overwhelmingly show of supports by the majority of the then Chinese peasants, in chasing out Chiang/kmt to rule China.

      How much legitimacy u want?

      Ain't even yr f*cked demoNcracy dictates that the voices of the people rule supreme? Or u have a different version?

      DemoNcracy is clearly stated in the defunct ROC constitution, established under the corrupted kmt. It has NOTHING to do with the new socialist China!

      Of course, u can continue yr fart about CCP China has no election.

      Lies repeat thousands times become truth? Eat yr heart out lah.

      BTW, using yr own f*cked argument, who has the legitimacy on the continuation of the various past dynasties?

      Don't u ignore the FACT that People's Republic of China is functioning on a continuation of various dynasties, including roc!

      "legitimacy is via mandate of heaven"

      Who defines the mandate of heaven, 犬养mfer?

      U? The Formosa katak?

      The 1.4B Chinese within China!

      Don't u forget that.

      Oooop… indeed it's clearly via gun & lies. Tell that to those Formosan natives when they repulsed Chiang/kmt roc!

      U DONT kid anyone here but YOURSELF.

    3. no, thats y its feudalistic n nothing to do with democracy and liberal that ccp blow (吹) in their own drafted constitution. so ccp is merely a feudalistic government that hold power using gun n lie while kmt make taiwan roc a model of democracy, with a legitimate govt elected by the people.

      n the funny thing is when ccp pinkie asserted that any referandum on taiwan shd include the 1.4b voting rights, which i totally agree. lets the chinese make decision via election n referandum, not gun n lie again n again.

    4. chase out using what? gun n lie, mao said one, well documented.

    5. Wakakakakaka…

      Trying to showcase yr know nothing about feudalism!

      犬养mfer, socialism/communism & feudalism r mutually exclusive. Feudalism lives with moneyed elite class to play sopo manipulations with the blurred & deluded individual freedom tranced populace.

      The modern equivalent of feudalism is none other the chimera-ed demoNcracy exhibited by US.

      U agree on the "referandum on taiwan shd include the 1.4b voting rights"?

      But who r u to speak on behalf of those 台毒 morons? U r just their meme-ed dispensable barking doggie.

      Don't forget to referendum CAN only work within an united country. Thus before any independent referendum on Taiwan, Taiwan MUST be united back to the motherland FIRST.

      In fact that proposal has been put forwarded to the various past Taiwan 伪政府. None willing to take up that offer. Resulting into the current dickhead stalemate of forced unification vis-a-vis negotiation!

      BTW, all foreign invaders, in any country in the world, r been chase out by gun! Fair & square.

      Only in yr fart filled well, lie can play a role!

    6. dun make me laugh la, what 1.4b zombie can do is just zombie n respond to pew r u happy.

      btw, ccp gun was used in 1949, 1966, 1989 n ccp lie is spread from ccp dog in this thread, but still no election. thats f n s with ccp characteristic.

    7. Wakakakakakaka…

      "respond to pew"!!!!???

      犬养mfer, there r more than pew research! How about Washington Post, CNN, BBC etc.

      All aiming to blow a silver of an action that can be used to blackgoating China. Instead the opposite is been surveyed!

      Don't u even know that Formosan katak r famous for easily flattering of the US palavers, even if those r just pure lies. Just check out the helluva cries when some token US praises r been 'bestowed' on that farted island.

      Or u have wasted yr yrs there to turn into a similar katak?

      The true definition of zombie - following the involuntary urge of inconsequential of syiok-sendiri. Same as exhibited in yr danger pals & 台毒 morons.

      "CCP gun was used in 1949, 1966, 1989"!!!


      Only CCP gun! Used on who?

      No election? Could it be bcoz u have no role?

      Mfer, keep farting. Those lies r so fetid that they have lost their sensory punch!

      But, then, katak has no smell sensory organ thus the continuous usage of the rancid fart in its cloaking. But they would be ignored by people who know.

    8. dun tok kok la, go set up a party in ccp china n try to contest in a election for ketua kampung n see what happen.

    9. Why must a person needs a party in order to get elected?

      Ain't this so typically a feudalistic remnant within yr cursed demoNcracy?

      犬养mfer, only in a serfdom setup, u need similar moneyed partners, congregated into a party, in order to win an election!

      In China, under the electoral law of 1 July 1979, nomination of candidates for direct elections (in counties, townships, etc.) can be made by the Communist Party of China, the various other political parties, mass organizations, or any voter seconded by at least 3 others. The final list of electoral candidates must be worked out through "discussion and consultation" or primary elections, which in practice is done via the election committee in consultation with small groups of voters, through a process known as the "three ups and three downs" (三上三下, sān shàng sān xià).

      Who's tokking kok?

      U think every country MUST follow yr f*cked demoNcratic system of election via elitist connections?

      犬养mfer, if a contestant has no money, no kabel & no scheming backers, he/she won't even has a chance to put up the name for initial selection as a contestant!

      That's might be what u need to know as "see what happen".

  8. After the cold war and the breakup of the Soviet Union, US has truly established itself as the only superpower of the world. The whole world were worshipping US as the No. 1 hero. Whatever they did were deemed to be right. And came all the blockbuster Hollywood movies in the 1970s through 1990s that all Germans, Japanese and communists were the bad and ugly. That whatever associated with US were good and the best, wakakakaka ........ and so many simpleton were brainwashed into believing that communists must be bad and ugly by merely looking from the outside and listening only to the western propaganda.

    Do you claim to know how the ccp function? Democracy is not the sole elixir. The ccp found that purely election is not good enough and they incorporated meritocracy into their system which so far have shown result and that the majority Chinese citizen are very satisfied. So no need to pretend you are know all sifu. Who are you to speak for the 1.4B Chinese citizen?

    1. check all my comment ever said usa is great? i am not one that claim china is democratic, its the ccp, their constitution n even ccp propagandist ck keep saying ccp hv election, as long as u agree china is not a democracy n in fact a authoritarian, or share my take that democracy with ccp characteristics, then i will diam.

      n of course i dun speak for the 1.4b, lets 1.4b speak for themselves, how? here we use election every 5 years though with limited free speech, while 1.4b speak vie pew? the last time chinese make a choice was in 1949. somemore using gun.

    2. No one said you claimed US is great. I've never implied that. You only implied US/the originating from the western form of government, i.e. democracy is best and communism is bad. That's what is faulty. Democracy maybe fair, one man one vote but that's only in theory, in truth it never work out. It's only in the name, democracy. Look at US, one man said so, leave WHO, start a trade war, sanction this country, do this do that and they will be done. Isn't that autocratic, where is the democracy of consulting the cabinet or the executive departments. Similarly, no one claimed that communism is democracy only it is a beneficial system 1.4B Chinese accepted and satisfied with, so what is your problem?

      "now tell me which part of history tell u that ccp legitimacy is functioning on a continuation of various past dynasty?

      hmmm i thot i respond that, nvm repeat again, no, none, elek, zilch, zero. all r feudalistic with emperor n eunuch."

      SO what's wrong with ccp legitimacy? What's your problem?

    3. U want to twist yr argument about never claiming usa is great!

      犬养mfer, too bad.

      But u won't know anything about guilt by inference. Who's the greatest demoNcractic example that 台毒 katak & u like to quote?

      I repeat AGAIN - CCP has election. Same as China. CCP China is a socialist state with Chinese characteristics. PERIOD. When u want to fart keep in mind that CCP China DOESN'T have to confine to yr demoNcractic dogma. Narrow interpretation of yr argument only lead to yr demised conclusion.

      What's WRONG with a benevolent authoritarian state THAT I have no qualm to support?

      Is a demoNcracy that upstage the benefits of a few selected elites ANY better? Nazis Germany is a democratically elected regime. Was it any better than Soviet under Stalin?

      CCP propagandist?

      Propagandist twists lies into facts. Do prove where I have twist any lies into facts? Instead, I have consistently debunked yr katak lies about CCP/China times & again w/o fail. What have u done then but kept quiet & then shamelessly repeating those petrified lies!

      犬养mfer, here is an abstract about election in CCP China from Wikipedia. (I could quote Baidu, but then yr confused, one-sided mind would just jump!)

      Elections in China are based on a hierarchical electoral system, whereby local People's Congresses are directly elected, and all higher levels of People's Congresses up to the National People's Congress (NPC), the national legislature, are indirectly elected by the People's Congress of the level immediately below.

      Wakakakakakaka… last time Chinese make a choice was in 1949 - to establish People's Republic of China to replace the defunct roc.

      Now every 5yrs, there r election for the new term of the members of the People's Congress, which meet annually to chart & formulate the policies of China.

      Yes, gun helped to - as in

      若是那豺狼来了, 迎接它的有猎枪!

      Also to rebel against corrupted warlords & militias yrying to holding on to their illegitimate authority too!

      Mfer, do keep paddling yr lies & western demoNcratic doctrines.

      In terms of depth of China sopo history u r REALLY way way far behind those Formosa katak whom I have challenged!

    4. communism is a failure, ideologically or as an economic system, the whole world acknowledge this fact, thats why deng use the term socialism with chinese characteristics to shut up the leftist when he change course n move to market economy. while democracy and capitalism can be successful in some state but not all due to various reason.

      my take on yr assertion is pretty clear if u care to read it with an objective mind.

      if the mandate is from heaven like all past dynasty, then ccp is a legitimate govt.

      however if ccp claim that their mandate is from the people, then its not a legitimate govt because no one chinese is given the freedom to state their choice.

      so which is which u tell me.

    5. btw peter, u may read ck take above, its a thorough absurdity as if the term chinese characteristics can do magic, but at least he try to tell ccp do get the mandate from the people.

      i am more in agreeing with u on this, the mandate is from heaven ie gun, workable or not i dun know, only the chinese can tell, how they tell i also dun know, but definitely not thru that jerkie pew.

    6. Mfer, there r many things u definitely DON'T know & yet diedx2 want to act knowledgeable!

      Socialism with Chinese characteristics ain't no yr belived demoNcracy! It evolves out from experiences gained from many 摸石头过河 hard knocks, coupled with the resiliency of the Chinese!

      But, AGAIN, what do u know?

      1st, u ain't no Chinese. So what's Chinese resiliency to u but label!

      2nd, u r just a meme-ed doggie wanting easy way out. So experimenting with unknown 摸石头过河 would NEVER come to u in s thousand yrs. Thus 摸石头过河 is also a label!

      Thus yr f*cked understanding of Chinese characteristics is just label San content.

      Just like yr understanding of demoNcracy - FORM w/o SUBSTANCE! Period.

      PS: this is not for yr 'understanding'. Too deep!

    7. Wakakakakakaka……

      Moronic dissertation of fart? No. Just pure fart!

      "communism is a failure, ideologically or as an economic system"

      That's bcoz the world hasn't seen an evolved socialism! Deng used the term socialism with chinese characteristics bcoz it was the first time in the continuous evolution of socialism that marketing economy was incorporated.

      DemoNcratic dickheads like to claim exclusivity to marketing economy while at the same time steal/copy ideas from socialism on humanitarian economy applications. They term it capitalism with socialistic approach - liken to the sopo systems practised widely in Scandinavian countries.

      U can accept capitalism with socialistic economy & yet abhor socialism with marketing economy!

      Moreover, u claim "while democracy and capitalism can be successful in some state but not all due to various reason"

      Mfer, is there ANY differences vis-a-vis with authoritarianism & socialism in terms of governance results?

      Only yr type of farts is fragrance while the flowery scent from next door is fetid!

      Yaloh - yr assertion is pretty clear if one cares to read it with an objective mind.

      CCP China is secular. No need a heavenly mandate! The overly supports of the Chinese people given to CCP to kick out the corrupted/incompetent roc PROVES conclusively CCP has the people's mandate! Isn't that the overwhelming choice given by the Chinese?

      Mfer, keeps paddling yr katak lies of "no one chinese is given the freedom to state their choice".

      It's much easy to fart, using a one-liner statement than arguing logically & sensibly!

    8. besides our tuan, only ccp chinese can steal and copy with such bold n justify reasoning.

      u sure u born here a chinese? or more likely a chinese msian with tuan characteristic?

      btw, communism is a complete failre, show me one that r not. forget china, its an authoritarian state that make use of capitalism, the reverse is india before 90, a democratic state with socialist economy. i can tahan yr stubborn like a mule but not yr stupid like a donkey wakaka.

    9. "besides our tuan, only ccp chinese can steal and copy with such bold n justify reasoning"

      犬养mfer, reverted back to tok3tok4tokskytokearth tactics to find a way out of yr own trap?

      Mmmm… ain't u once admit that u r a OK with yr dangdut tuan bcoz of yr paddled don't-spook-the-melayu-sensitivities?

      U can accept a stealing tuan & yet continuously trying yr worst to run down an ethical complied CCP/China/Chinese!

      Is that gotten to do with yr nonchinese doggie characteristics that u have meme-ed from Formosa?

      I have no qualm in claiming my Chinese M'sian entitlement even though I have only pettiness for genuflecting doggies like u, Nons or otherwise. My citizenship IS NOT for anybody to question.

      BTW, that "wakaka" indeed sounded so much like a mutated dingo. (Wow … such an able imitator before Oz is granting yr migration application!)

      Is that the best u can parade for yr katak-ised sopo theory?

      Tsk… tsk… "india before 90, a democratic state with socialist economy"!!!


      犬养mfer, why quoting India before 90? Any difference between India of 90 & India 2020?

      Better still WHY ignore those western demoNcracies that r incorporating socialism into their capitalistic system? U don't know them? Or they r transparent to u?

      Perhaps, there lies yr greatest sopo felony in denying the success of the China version of socialism with Chinese characteristics where marketing economy (yr diehard exclusivity of capitalism!) is been experimented with!

      That's call selective persecution (know its different with prosecution?).

      In yr case, the whole argument is been twisted, katak-ised, dressed as clown to sell to a laughing crowd of readers.

      Just for the ego of leaking yr CCP/China/Chinese hatred fart!

  9. Oh by the way, which past Chinese dynasty was established by one man one vote?

    1. hmmm i thot i respond that, nvm repeat again, no, none, elek, zilch, zero. all r feudalistic with emperor n eunuch.

      however very recently there is one in taiwan roc, hope can last not past.

    2. Feudalistic regime is the creature of era. Established, mold & formed via local cultures & enlightenment.

      It has served its time well. The many old empires of the world, not China alone, r the prime examples of the successful feudalism.

      There is an exception in feudalistic China of the old, where many able & capable officials were elevated from peasant status to high officialdom via multi stages of official examinations.

      No other ancient empires practice such a meritocracy for the benefit of the country which is 'mandated' to the emperor. This mandate is held on the pleasure of the peasant masses via the unbroken understanding of 民心者得天下.

      This is the soul of select & elect system of administration, which the current CCP China is still practicing.

      In true, one man one vote is fraudulent as been demonstrated in all the so called modern democratic countries of the current world.

      No one system is truly one man one vote!

      Like the Electoral College format of US isn't one man one vote to elect the potus. Especially when winner takes all electoral vote of the state is deeply argumentative in democratic principle.

      Similarly the Taiwan election system is also skewed toward systemic requirements favouring the incumbents as in the stated eligibility. Again, one man one vote is form but no substance!

      As usual, this 犬养mfer is twisting farts into facts by doing selective labellings san content to lie.

    3. there r many form of democracy, as long as it invlove the people, thats fine. taiwan president was rotate btw kmt dpp kmt dpp so yr assertion is merely yr delusion n not factual based.

      and ccp criticize feudalism day n night dari dulu sampai sekarang, u argue for the sake of arguing n ignore reality n fact, but thats yr typical characteristic. i hv to get used to it wakaka.

    4. Wakakakakakaka…

      Indeed there r many form of demoNcracy. All of them involved distorted & idealised people characteristics!

      My Taiwan delusion? Just show proofs lah that the "taiwan president was rotate btw kmt dpp kmt dp" - (mfer, remembered hard. That's yr own writing)

      How's that compared with my PROVEN take of "Taiwan election system is also skewed toward systemic requirements favouring the incumbents as in the stated eligibility. Again, one man one vote is form but no substance!"?

      One man one vote, my foot!

      CCP is mutually exclusive with feudalism - so where's that "argue for the sake of arguing n ignore reality n fact"?

      Perhaps, u should get away from flowery language that yr 南魔萬 England cannot handle!

      But AGAIN, all the readers here have gotten used to yr meme-ed katak characteristics of keeping-quiet-when debunked-with-facts & tok3tok4tokskytokearth to avoid the real issue!

    5. i wrote clearly kmt dpp kmt dpp, its party not person n i never said term. which party in the world never rotate? u can find 2 which both r cucucicit of emperor.

    6. Wow!!!

      Showcasing yr 南魔萬England writing/comprehension skill again?

      犬养mfer, reread thrice & stating CLEANLY & CLEARLY yr intended farts.

      Incumbents r neutral. It can be person, party or katak.

      Linguistics twisting ain't yrs to show as mentioned.

      Mmmmm… maybe for a confused mfer, party & person r one the same!

  10. The West vilifies China for decades now, especially from the US, and it got absolutely brutal under the Trump era. For one who wishes so ardently for the death-knell to China's rise and prosperity, one is rightfully suspicious WHY they would wish to such 'a good thing as DEMOCRACY and FREEDOM' upon China ?

    I quote from a writer who wrote about the Anger Campaign Against China :

    "Many of us have seen stories of German soldiers skewering babies on bayonets, of machine-gunning parachuting soldiers, tales of tubs-full of eyeballs collected by the Nazis, of Germans slashing off the breasts of every woman they encountered, of eating babies, of rendering the bodies of massacred civilians for fat and glycerine to make weapons. After the war, Bernays openly admitted that he used fabricated atrocities to provoke hatred against Germany and, in both World Wars, no evidence was ever discovered to prove any of these outrageous accusations.

    We can easily think of George W. Bush’s demonization of Iraq, the sordid tales of mass slaughters, the gassing of hundreds of thousands and burial in mass graves, the nuclear weapons ready to launch within 15 minutes, the responsibility for 9-11, the babies tossed out of incubators, Saddam using wood shredders to eliminate political opponents and dissidents. We can think of the tales of Libyan Viagra, all proven to have been groundless fabrications – typical atrocity propaganda. Vietnam, Afghanistan, Syria, Iran and dozens of other wars and invasions followed this same template to get the public mind onside for an unjustified war launched only for political and commercial objectives.

    Fast Forward to 2020

    We are at the same place today, with the same people conducting the same “anger campaign” against China...... and an almost unlimited number of serious provocations, from Hong Kong, Tibet, Xinjiang, Taiwan, the South China Seas, to Chinese consulates, media reporters, students, researchers, visa restrictions, spying, Huawei, the trade war, all done in the hope of making the Chinese leaders panic and over-react, the easiest way to justify a new war.

    Never in my life have I seen such a continuous, unabating flood of hate propaganda against one nation, surely equivalent to what was done against Germany as described above to prepare for US entry into the First World War. And it’s working, doing what it is intended to do. Canada, Australia, the UK, Germany, India, Brazil, are buying into the war-mongering and turning against China. More will follow.

    “Boycott China” T-shirts and caps are flooding India, Huawei is being increasingly banned from Western nations, Chinese social media APPs like TikTok are being banned, and Bryan Adams recently slammed all Chinese as “Bat-eating, wet-market-animal-selling, virus-making, greedy bastards”

    About 45% of Chinese in Canada said they had been ” threatened or intimidated in some way”, fully 50% said they had recently been insulted in public, 30% said they had experienced . . . “some kind of physical altercation”, and 60% said the abuse was so bad “they had to re organize their daily routine to avoid it”. One woman in her 60s said a man told her and her daughter “Every day I pray that you people die”.

    1. i bet the writer is a westerner if not a american. u r so predictable, coz thats the only bias source u can find that talk with some sense?

    2. Better than lies, especially those katak firmulated, coming out from u!

    3. lies? then jerk hv to refer zombie daily or hu jerkie times.

    4. AGAIN, show proofs lah where r those FACTS come from "zombie daily or hu jerkie times"?

      Perhaps, u actually meant yr sources r those 台毒水炮, doubling up as yr zombie daily intoxications!

    5. "i bet the writer is a westerner if not a american. u r so predictable, coz thats the only bias source u can find that talk with some sense?"

      So how would you respond if I were to tell you it was written by A CHINESE, with Chinese blood flowing in him wakakakaka, and this article is translated to Engrish ?

      I am very kind here to even respond to your stupidity, hehe
