
Monday, October 26, 2020

Russia-China Military Alliance frightens USA


President Putin Floats The Idea Of A Russia-China Military Alliance, And The U.S. Isn’t Impressed

At the 17th annual meeting of the Valdai Discussion Club, Russian President Vladimir Putin said a Russia-China military alliance could be forged, but for now, there is no need. Speaking during a video conference on Thursday, Putin’s suggestion is a concept similar to the western military alliance NATO. He said – “We don’t need it, but, theoretically, it’s quite possible to imagine it.”

The Russian supremo’s statement came at a time amid growing tensions in their relations between Moscow and Washington, while Russia-China ties become increasingly close. President Putin highlighted to the war games that the armed forces of China and Russia held as a signal of both countries’ deepening military cooperation.

Putin explained – “We have always assumed that our relations have reached such a degree of interaction and trust that we do not need it. How it will develop further, life will show. We do not set such a task for ourselves now, but in principle, we are not going to rule it out. We’ll see. In any case, we are happy with the current state of relations between Russia and China in this area.”

The Russian president revealed how Russia shared sensitive military technologies that helped boost China’s military potential significantly, but did not provide details due to classified information. In 2014, Beijing became the first foreign buyer of Russian hypersonic S-400 anti-aircraft missile system that was then offered at US$300 million per launch unit.

The system’s long-range coverage – up to 400 kilometres and a height of up to 30 kilometres – would allow the Chinese to target Taiwan as well as its fighter jets including F-16s deployed along the island’s Pacific coast. The US$3 billion deal also allows China to cover the disputed Senkaku Islands, aka Diaoyu, the disputed islands being claimed by Japan.

The following day, a reporter brought the hypothetical military alliance during Friday’s daily press conference with Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian. “China noted President Putin’s positive remarks on China-Russia relations at the annual meetings of the Valdai Discussion Club in recent years, which demonstrates the high level and specialty of our bilateral ties,” – said Zhao.

Mr Zhao also said there is no limit to China-Russia friendship and no restricted areas for expanded cooperation. In addition, he said under President Xi Jinping, – “China is ready to continue to enrich the strategic content of our relations, maintain close strategic coordination, and contribute more positive energy to world peace and stability”.

Both Russia and China’s relations with the West, especially the United States, are at very fragile level. Moscow has sought to develop stronger ties with Beijing as its relations with the West sank to post-Cold War lows over Moscow’s annexation of Ukraine’s Crimea, as well as accusations of meddling in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

The U.S. has been more hostile and aggressive toward China. Besides launching trade war and tech war against Beijing, Trump administration consistently undermines and provokes the Chinese military presence in the South China Sea, including arms sales of US$1.8 billion worth of advanced weapons systems to Taiwan, a self-ruled island that Beijing claims as its own.

While the U.S. leads the 30-member NATO Western military alliance, under Trump administration, the value of NATO and even the status of countries such as Germany as allies have been questioned. At the NATO summit in 2017, for example, Trump told European countries to raise the percentage of their national income they spend on defense.

The weakening of the transatlantic alliance between the U.S. and its traditional European allies is one of the reasons why both Russia and China hope Trump would win the coming presidential election. This is also the reason why Beijing said both Russia and China do not need a military alliance for now, fearing that an alliance would restore diplomatic relations between the U.S. and Europe.

Cui Heng, a post-doctoral researcher from the Center for Russian Studies at East China Normal University, said that the alliance mode prevailing during the Cold War era has no basis today, and China-US relations and US-Russia relations have not reached a level that one needs to ally with the other. Cui said – “Coordination and non-alliance better fit the needs of China and Russia.”

However, the potential Russia-China military alliance has sparked concern in the United States. U.S. Defense Secretary Mark Esper condemned it – “Our primary competitors – China and Russia – are rapidly modernising their armed forces, and using their growing strength to ignore International law, violate the sovereignty of smaller states, and shift the balance of power in their favour.”

In reality, what brings Russia and China together is mainly their rivalry with the United States. Russia is competing at political and military levels and China – primarily in economics and trade. Therefore, if the U.S. tries to compete with Moscow militarily while at the same time launches trade war and tech war with China, naturally, it will bring Russia and China together.

Shortly before his death in 2017, Zbigniew Brzeziński, a Polish-American diplomat who served as a counselor to U.S. President Johnson and President Jimmy Carter’s National Security Advisor, said that “analyzing threats to American interest, the most dangerous scenario would be a grand coalition of China and Russia, united not by ideology, but by complementary grievances.”


  1. alliance of dictator? how many more territory chinese hv to ceded to russian to ensure ccp reign? betui zombie.

    1. Thus yr farted definition of maruah!

      How many times yr twisted lies have been debunked & yet u still want to dig out the old petrified shit to do yr CCP bashing crusade?

      Yr maruah is worth nothing!

    2. ccp ceded 400k km2 (10 times of twn) china territory to russia just recently in 2001. ccp maruah my kok.

    3. Proof?

      Don't just said. Substantiate lah.

      Perhaps katak fart leaking out from that fart filled Formosa carry its own verification - fragrance that mfer like u so high on.

    4. "The Chinese side supports the Russian side in its policies on the issue of defending the national unity and territorial integrity of the Russian Federation."

      article 4 2001 sino russian treaty clearly indicate ccp give up china land/territory grab illegally by russian.

      no maruah ccp ceded ancestor land, japs korean n twnese never do that. malukan chinese.

    5. Mfer, don't just quote a f*cked up statement u concocted! What u have quoted is a Formosa katak interpretation of the Sino Russian treaty that they don't understand!

      U r been asked to substantiate yr claim. Understand what is meant by substantiating?

      Or yr katak dictionary has a different meaning from the norm.

      The original article 4

      China supports the policies concerning the union & sovereignty of Russia.

      Similarly Russia supports the policies concerning the union & sovereignty of People Republic of China.


      So where the fart is the clause "clearly indicate ccp give up china land/territory grab illegally by russian."???


      犬养mfer, yr understanding of 尊严 is to continuously fabricating & concocting lies after lies!

      Even though u r no Chinese, u would be ended up like one infamous mfer named Kurt Chew-Een Lee (吕超然). Go Google to find his karma lah!

    6. "defending the national unity and territorial integrity of the Russian Federation."

      clearly indicate vladivostok ceded forever during/under ccp regime, year 2001. of course u can apply ccp dieletical spin, tibet xinjiang twn hk south sea is always china territory while vladivostok n outer mongilia no. pick whatever that suit u n can koktoking until yr saliva drool, i already get used to yr characteristic wakaka.

    7. Where is the clause in the whole of Sino Russia treaty of 2001 indicating that Vladivostok ceded forever during/under CCP regime?

      Under article 6


      Continue discussions WOULD carry out according to the 1991 Sino Soviet eastern border agreement. Until the resolution of the dispute, all current border demarcation would remain.

      So u twisted clause 4 & ignored the clause 6 to vent yr fart!

      Who is picking whatever that suit u & continuing koktoking until saliva drools?

      Well, suck doggie characteristics!

      May I add that u r not even one hundredth in depth compared with those 台毒 dickheads whom I met on flights to their US pilgrimage. So far, ALL yr farts r just a minute copies of theirs!

      Well meme-ed mfer, keeps swallowing wholesome whatsoever that thrown yr way. Selectively picking ain't no yr skill lah!

    8. not too many Chinese characters please

    9. art 6 concluded in 2004 via a complimentary agreement in addition to 2001. russian is one that stole most chinese land, while american not even one inch, however ccp choose to work with pencuri n perombak to bully chinese, betui traitor.

    10. Sorry. I read passable Russian.

      Thus, in quoting the official documents, the Chinese worded version is been quoted & translated.

      My translations might be patchy BUT the original is for all to see!

      Just want to nail that 犬养mfer for twisting facts selectively to suit his fart!

    11. read perombak language, feel superior got powderful bully language, but own language at kindergarten level, malukan chinese.

    12. Wakakakakaka…

      What a dickhead!

      If clause 6 was concluded in 2004 in a complimentary agreement in addition to the treaty of 2001. Then show yr card lah. Why just another one-liner?

      BTW, under what katak verdict can a portion of the 2001 Sino Russia treaty been partitioned & selectively void?

      U think those CCP Chinese r as thick in the head as u?

    13. Ooop… sorry to add, yr approach is so carbon-copied with those 台毒 dickheads that I had had many round of arguments.

      R u all coming out from the same cesspool that u can't argued with new facts?

    14. Uncle Sam is more gung-ho in working out his foreign policies.

      Unlike the pommie who likes to create colonies to prove her might thus ending up with shitty legacies all over the world, yr uncle Sam just want to create military outposts to prove her might.

      No messy domestic politickings & yet still having strategical military outposts like NATO, Japan, SKorea etc etc. Less to maintain financially too while the hosts have to behave domesticated.

      So physically "while american steal not even one inch of China land" but practically he controls that f*cked Formosa just like Japan & SKorea r his serfdom!

    15. Wakakakakaka…

      My own language?

      Which one u r referring to?

      I DON'T have to showcase my bahasa as in many moon ago one of yr ketuanan pal had challenged me with pantun.

      He ran with his tail between his legs!

      As u - just see how u interpret maruah to yr f*cked thinking lah.

      Known 南魔萬 England of the nth degree plus dare not to show Mandarin plus imitating colloquial bahasa - wow hp6 linguist of three but master of none!

  2. Just an excuse for the American military-industrial complex under the control of the Zionist and evangelical Christians to pump in taxpayers money for their belligerent plans to conquer the world.

    1. Yes, we know your creed celebrates the genocide against the Jews in the Arabian peninsular , as written in your Holy Book.

  3. Russia ?
    Minus its Soviet-era ICBMs and remnants of the Red Army, Russia is just an oil well with a GDP smaller than Italy (the smallest G7 member economy) and GDP per capita similar to Malaysia's, which is really not much.

    CCP is much more dangerous, of course.
    Titanic-sized trade surplus that has been used to build a gigantic bullying military machine.
    Fully on display in the South China Sea. Ask the Pinoys, Viets and Indons (the last one chosing to stay silent to appease the bully)

    Only CCP technological boasts have been exposed as heavily dependent on US technology. Previously freely sold by US firms , now increasingly subject to severe restrictions.

    Lenin famously said the Capitalists will happily sell you the rope which you will use to hang them.
    Hopefully not too late, the Western capitalists are starting to wake up to that danger.

    1. Wakakakakaka…

      "Only CCP technological boasts have been exposed as heavily dependent on US technology."


      Still under the trance of yr Americana fart.

      Old moneyed mfer, u r wrong on this:

      "Lenin famously said the Capitalists will happily sell you the rope which you will use to hang them."

      Lenin referred to the ordinary people under the capitalistic system. Definitely, not its opponent idealism.

      Socialism wouldn't buy any farts from capitalism & likewise! Due to that dielectric idealism conflicts that that犬养mfer of yrs, so moronically twisted to imply.

      "Western capitalists are starting to wake up to that danger."


      Starting to built firewalls - not liken to that boastful US-Mexican border type, as expounded by trump?

      A copycat from Leninist isolations! socialsim

  4. Bad news, for the US : Navy aircraft carriers can be sunk in a war ! How much longer can the US pretend that their aircraft carriers are not outdated ?

    In war games, the US has been getting its arse handed to it. US losts in war games simulating fights against Russia and China.

    Now this talk about a military alliance between Russia and China will send the now half-crazed US quaking in its boots, hehe, me so loving images of Xi and Putin clinking champagne glasses. Clap, clap
