
Monday, October 12, 2020

PAS is not about unity, but more about creating disunity. Tumodo noh Sabah!


‘Tumodo noh’ to the Sabah we knew

In the Kadazan language, “tumodo noh Sabah” means “goodbye Sabah”. It’s time to say goodbye to the peace-loving state which thrives on its diverse cultures and tolerance.

A member of PAS has been given free passage to become a nominated member of the Sabah state assembly.

It only shows how weak the natives of Sabah have become.

PBS president Maximus Ongkili and STAR president Jeffrey Kitingan, both representing the Kadazan Dusun communities, should resign as they have failed to prevent PAS’s entry by the backdoor.

Despite their weak protestations and denial, they failed to prevent something within their control. They were willing to compromise their remaining principles and the future of Sabah for short-term gain.

In his latest statement, Jeffrey said the appointment of a PAS assemblyman is a non-issue. But before this, it was an issue. Our leaders are like common padi stalks that bend in whichever direction the wind blows.

PAS was not given any seats to contest in the recent state election because the KL political handlers knew they could not win against Warisan’s slogan, “we are here to build a nation, not a particular race or religion”.

In an online portal, the new PAS representative, Sabah PAS secretary Aliakbar Gulasan, said he loves unity.

“There is no way that I will bring an agenda that will destroy the peace and unity that we have in Sabah. I forgive those who have commented negatively about PAS members in Sabah. It may have been a misunderstanding”, he said.

There is no misunderstanding going by PAS’s record. If he believes in unity, then why is he with PAS?

Hadi’s position on only Muslims being in charge

Let’s refresh our memories.

PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang has always been consistent on his stand that only Muslims must lead Malaysia and hold all core positions in government because Muslims are the “dominant” force in Malaysia.

Muslim Malays who are the dominant race must be appointed to leadership positions due to Islam’s position in the Federal Constitution and that the monarchy consists of Muslims. The same goes for key positions in the country, such as the judiciary, administration, security and defence because of the prestige these positions bring, he said.

When Richard Malanjum was appointed as Chief Justice of Malaysia, Hadi protested his appointment because he was a Christian.

After attending the racially-charged Malay Dignity Congress in October 2019, Hadi explained his party’s presence at the controversial event. Among the demands from the congress included that main positions within the government were to only be filled by Malay-Muslims.

The resolutions for only Malay-Muslims to occupy these positions were adopted at the congress. Hadi’s position on the administration of Malaysia has been consistent.

PAS is not about unity, it is more about creating disunity and it will happen in Sabah sooner or later as they now have a foothold in the state legislative assembly.

As a Muslim, Hadi’s religious morals are questionable. On Facebook, where he has thousands of followers, Hadi wrote a lengthy opinion piece entitled “Rule of Law: Where is Allah?” and stressed the importance of Islamic laws in governing the country.

Hadi argued Muslims should continue to trust Muslim leaders regardless of the crimes they may have committed. He warned Muslims that they will end up in hell if non-Muslims are allowed to participate in governing the Muslim majority country.

In his piece, Hadi stressed that Malaysia can only be saved by Muslims and Shariah law, which he said is superior to man-made laws. Hadi urged that the government leaders who were ousted in last May’s 2018 election, be pardoned for their crimes after former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamed said that no one is above the law and civil and criminal statutes apply to all regardless of religion or status.

What was PAS’s intention behind RUU355?

We should also not forget when Hadi tried to introduce the bill known as RUU355, to amend the Syariah Courts (Criminal Jurisdiction) Act 1965. Leaders in Sabah and Sarawak protested as it was against the spirit of the Malaysia Agreement 1963.

What was PAS’ intention? Was it not to introduce a harsher version of Islamic law in the country, similar to Saudi Arabia?

We can go on and on why we should not let a wolf into a sheep’s pen. Enough is said. To be fair we should not blame PAS in any way. It’s not their fault that they got a seat in the state assembly.

The purpose of the six nominated seats appointed by the chief minister was to give minority representations in Sabah and not some religious group whose platform is to create an Islamic state. If PAS wants representation, they should earn it by standing for elections and not through the backdoor.

So what now for the Kadazan Dusun and natives in Sabah who are constantly complaining about illegal immigrants and their religion being under threat. One prominent Kadazan Dusun leader told me, it’s a sad day when your own leaders betray you.

That seat could have been given to the leaders of the underprivileged community or the disabled so that their voices could be heard. It is sad when you give it to a Muslim party with origins from Malaya, and which have the sole intention of creating a Muslim state.

With Hadi’s stand, non-Muslims cannot achieve greatness as did Richard Malanjum in occupying high positions in Malaysia. All because our leaders have become impotent and care more for self than the state. Tumodo noh Sabah!


  1. I am shocked that Wee KHAT Siong, whose Boh Lam Phar party MCA has sunk to new depths.

    MCA might have lost all 4(?) of the seats they contested (yahoo) but at least they contested. Wee KHAT Siong even made a trip there to show his fist...but not his Lam Phar...ha ha ha...because he had none....ha ha ha again...

    And now MCA's bedfellow PAS, who did not even contest a single seat, and did not even campaign properly, are given one FREE seat.

    Not a whimper or meow from Wee KHAT Siong.

    It's time MCA withdraw from BN or PN or whatever. Don't say MCA is weak, have only 2 seats, when 2 seats is the majority that is keeping PAS in power.

  2. if sabahan cant change their leader, maybe they can change their religion? thats islam version of unity according to hadi i guess.

    1. Batty the Stupid....hey, you sudah potong ke ? Jawab, jangan tak jawab, hehehehe. Asyik tau boozing, dangdut, merepek yang bukan-bukan di sini, cakap besar dan cakap shit, wa ka ka ka

  3. PAS rep has appointed a Christian as his secretary or assistant to show his party openness.

    This is the kind of moves PAS makes for the long game.

    It lulls the unsuspecting into thinking PAS is truly multi racial and multi religious in outlook.

    Why there are idiots who are blind to PAS longterm designs is beyond me.

    Sabahans must also send a hard message to Kittingan and Ongkili that their capitulation and acceptance of PAS aspointment will be one Sabahans do not take too kindly and make these so-called leaders pay dearly.

    1. Kita sudah masak dengan PAS' perangai of holy holy but act like shits. But sometimes, talk like shits too

      As kafir, we must be aware of their Takiyah concept, which allows them to outright lie and deny without shame, but of course, PAS takes this to new low with its shining hypocrisy, hehe

  4. Non-Muslims in Sabah and Sarawak will share greatness with the native Muslims by rejecting the politics of the evangelical Christian party and other such parties from the peninsula.

  5. Thanks for sparking anti islamic amongst Mon Muslim in Malaysia.
    We all know how DAP hate anything about Islam nad Particularly Hate PAS.

    You are very lucky that we unlike others all over the world are kind and patient when you insult our religion and our Ulamak. But it's a this ice that every day you keep making it thinner and thineer.
    I guess peaceful Malaysia is not part of your agenda that is why you keep insulting Islam and you keep poking PAS with 1.3M member's whom in 1985 Baling were not afraid to die being siege by 2000 RMP.
    In 1998 Not Afraid to Die fronted the Reformasi Movement first in line against RMP. Again in countless Bersih Raly are the vanguard protecting the rest.
    PAS since 1951 is the Only Opposition Party that was brave to fight with Perikatan and was the only opposition party that rule two state during Perikatan 1951 to 1969, and was the only opposition party that rule a state from 1989 to 2008.
    Long before DAP or UMNO ventures into Sabah and Sarawak, PAS was already established in both by Sabahan and Sarawakian themselves.
    PAS Sabah was establish officially in 1985.
    In a democratic Nation, a legal party politic are allow to participate, coexist and elected. PAS is a legal party politic under Malaysian Law since 1963 and a legal political party from 1951 to 1963 under Persekutuan Tanah Melayu.

    Just because PAS have opted to participate in Democratic Elections it does not mean PAS is week, history since 1951 to 2020 have shown PAS strength against Federal Government when PAS was the only opposition State in Malaysia from 1955 to 1969 then again from 1989 to 2008.

    It is funny when the weeker DAP are bashing a bigger stronger proven die hard PAS whom are not even afraid to fight Mahathir at his high of power not run away when massacre by Mahathir in Baling but stand and fight and inflected casualty on the massacre force instructed by Mahathir.

    Would you rather 1.3M hard core members drop the democratic approach and follow other ways.

    Seriously you are hopping that PAS be like Is or Baku Haram for example.

    Your provocation shows your and your party hatred toward PAS and Islam.
    Yet you have never experienced chaos created by the majority not the minority.

    1. the problem starts when people like you thinks pas is Islam itself, no it is not, pas is just a religious political party, nobody hates Islam, criticising pas does not equate to criticising or hating Islam, Islam is above a mere political party like pas, if you want to be in politics don't use religion as a tool

      makcik kiah

    2. joe samad from dap? only now i know.

    3. That's why they are easily led by the nose...they have this idea PAS top leaders, especially that Hardy guy, had a direct line to heaven to their god up there, who by the way, lately been telling PAS elites to be driven in luxury cars and to get new wives young enough to be enough to be their granddaughters..aiyooo...disgusting to think of their bloated sagging bodies pumping on top of young girls who actually should be in schools and colleges. Nak muntah

    4. Have u gotten yr petrified grey tisseu rinsed with zam zam water, otak basah?

      "sparking anti islamic amongst Non Muslim in Malaysia"

      Look no further than those deranged zombified moron like u to spreading adulterated Islamic doctrines via a reformed sect known as zombieism.

      Can u do a fact check WHY Muslims & Nons used to coexistence muhibbah-ly before that radicalized religious chantings started to change every facades of the m'sia livinghood?

      "kind and patient" is the least u understand. It's the Nons give&take characteristics that see people like u keep demanding for more when a loose deal was given.

      Mfer, fact checks that never ending policy lah. After more than 40+yrs of manna from the blood & sweat of Nons, why r there still B40 melayu living under the poverty line. Meanwhile all yr T20 fatcat melayu elites r living like no tomorrow!

      "PAS with 1.3M member's whom in 1985 Baling were not afraid to die being siege by 2000 RMP.

      In 1998 Not Afraid to Die fronted the Reformasi Movement first in line against RMP. Again in countless Bersih Raly are the vanguard protecting the rest."

      Did yr f*cked education teaches u those twisted farts?

      Baling 1985! Siege by 2000 RMP! Reformasi Movement 1998 first in line against RMP! Countless Bersih Raly are vanguard protecting the rest!

      Banyak pandai le! No blurred villagers in religious trance to defense a falsed

      Since 1951, what has pas done to Malaya & M'sia? Why the poorest state of Kelantan where most kelate have to work outside that state to earn a living. How about incest, drug abuse cases there?

      Pas ventures into Sabah and Sarawak with a political aim, least so the dawah one! What happened to that early loiterings? Still a zero elected member party all these yrs. Maybe those East M'sians pas echelons were too zombified to be able to entice the local natives to allow them to participate, coexist and elect into the administration.

      "experienced chaos created by the majority not the minority"

      U obviously have forgotten that ketuanan badge of honour of 513!

      Mfer, go & reread some REAL historical facts lah before u come here & fart again.

      BTN-ised & zombified versions will bring u nowhere except proving mfer, like u, is easy sucker.
