
Saturday, October 17, 2020

Najib on forgiveness and how Mahathir ruined Umno


Najib on forgiveness and how Mahathir ruined Umno

Former premier Najib Razak said he would be willing to forgive Mahathir if he sought forgiveness

PETALING JAYA: In an apparent twist on Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s recent rebuke on those who ruined Umno, former Umno leader Najib Razak said he was willing to forgive Mahathir if the latter sought forgiveness for his harsh words against Najib.

Mahathir, in a recent interview, had said he would never forgive those who had ruined Umno.

However, Najib, who was Umno president from 2009-2018, when it lost power, said in an interview today that he was willing to forgive Mahathir if the latter asked for forgiveness.

During an interview with the Malaysia Gazette news portal, he said if Mahathir feels he has done mistakes or sinned against Najib, he would forgive Mahathir.

“But if he doesn’t seek forgiveness, I will find him at padang masyar (the afterlife),” he said.

Najib said it is difficult not to be angry with Mahathir after all the harsh words targeted at him by the 95-year-old former prime minister and Umno leader, adding that the words are hard to be accepted by any individual. “I don’t deny, I have been really angry,” he said.

Najib said people have told him to move on but he said Mahathir continues to repeatedly go over the same issues, even though Najib has explained his actions.

Asked if he would like to meet Mahathir, Najib felt that Mahathir may not want to meet him; furthermore, the meeting should be between two willing parties, otherwise it might be pointless.

How Mahathir weakened Umno

During the interview Najib also spoke on how Mahathir weakened Umno in 1999 and of money politics in the party.

Najib said that in the 1999 general election, Mahathir had angered the majority of Malays due to a fall out with Anwar Ibrahim and it was the Chinese and Indians who had supported BN at that time.

However, he [Mahathir] angered the Chinese too after failing to keep to his promises.

Umno enjoyed a resurgence of support in 2004 under Abdullah Ahmad Badawi but the party was weakened again after continuous attacks by Mahathir which led to Umno losing its two-third parliamentary majority in 2008, he added.

“When I took over the leadership, I took steps to correct the situation and won Perak, Kedah, Terengganu. The Malays were back to supporting us but the Chinese anger remains until today,” Najib added.

He said money politics peaked in 1993 when Mahathir was the prime minister. Najib said he then changed the party constitution to allow up to 150,000 members to vote for the party leadership and to reduce money politics. Under Mahathir only 2,500 division heads could vote for party leadership, he explained.

On ISA and media control

Najib said he repealed the Internal Security Act (ISA) as it was against human rights, adding that during Mahathir’s 22 years in power, the media was controlled and there was no alternative media, unlike now, to report on Mahathir’s scandals.

The lack of news did not mean there were no scandals during Mahathir’s time, he said, citing the Bank Negara Malaysia foreign exchange scandal involving losses of RM33 billion.

Najib said Mahathir had also placed over 100 politicians under ISA during the 1987 Operation Lalang, including opposition members.

He also said since Barisan Nasional lost power in the 2018 general election, he had asked his wife, Rosmah Mansor, to stay at home and keep a low profile. “Be at home and look after the grandchildren while I meet the grassroots.”

Meanwhile, Najib said “Cash is King” does not mean the use of money to buy votes. Stating his philosophy is different from Mahathir’s, he said he believes in using the country’s revenue for the B40 group to narrow the income gap between the rich and poor.

He further explained that the slogan Bossku was created by a group of youths he visited. “It was not planned. It was organic,” he said, adding that it went viral after he voiced the slogan to the youths. The slogan has led to some critics accusing Najib of referring to himself as the boss.

Najib also spoke about “the same people” doing deals during the Mahathir era. “A lot of people know this. The cronyism was widespread,” he said. Najib also repeated his criticism of Mahathir’s children being in business and being listed by Forbes for their wealth.


  1. Jibby is no Anwar.

    The Holy Books teach that one can forgive even if the wrongdoer does not apologise, ask for forgiveness or admit wrongdoing. Like Anwar forgave Toonsie for jailing him, even though Toonsie never apologised to Anwar.

    Anwar: Though no apology, I forgive Dr Mahathir
    Tuesday, 02 Oct 2018
    Zakiah Koya

    KUALA LUMPUR: Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim says he has forgiven Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad though the Prime Minister did not apologise to him.

    "I have never asked him to apologise. I have always been firm that I am satisfied with his demeanour and readiness to work with me. Forget the past and move on. It is you who are demanding forgiveness or BBC.

    "I have said that I have forgiven him, even (Datuk Seri) Najib (Tun Razak) at a personal level.

    "Datuk Seri Najib has to face of course the issues of squandering public funds - that is a separate issue. But I think with Tun Mahathir, it need not be equated because he is committed to the reform agenda.

    "He has embraced me as a partner and in this process, I think that speaks volumes," said Anwar.

    "The weak can never forgive, forgiveness is the attribute of the strong," said Anwar to a crowded room of mostly Indian nationals at the Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Indian Cultural Centre in Brickfields.

    1. Hehe...all this ampun mengampun talk-kok, try asking Anwar again now if he still forgives the Old Man, this is year 2020 bukan 2018, joint venture to take down Umno is long gone, so much water has gone under the bridge

      Jibby is no Anwar, and Anwar is no Mandela

    2. Anwar never claimed to be Mandela but since you brought this up...

      Anwar tells of the day Mandela sought his forgiveness
      Robin Augustin -July 18, 2019

      SERI KEMBANGAN: PKR president Anwar Ibrahim today recounted how former South African president Nelson Mandela had apologised to him for not being able to help get him released from jail sooner.

      Speaking at a Mandela Day event here today, Anwar said he had been following Mandela’s exploits when he was a student and that, as deputy prime minister, he had got to know the statesman when he came to Malaysia for an official visit.

      Anwar said when he was serving time in jail in the late 1990s, he had heard that Mandela was trying his best to secure his release, including offering medical treatment for him as Mandela’s guest.

      In 2004 after his release, Anwar said Mandela invited him to Johannesburg, South Africa, and that he went with his wife Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail and their children.

      “He saw my children and suddenly he became very emotional, we were all disturbed, I tried to calm him down by making a small joke.

      “I said, ‘Madiba (the name Mandela was fondly called), relax, mine was a short road to freedom’. He smiled,” said Anwar, adding that Mandela was emotional over his children having to suffer from their father’s jailing.

      Mandela, Anwar said, was apologetic when talking to his children.

      “He said, ‘Anwar, I’m sorry I was not able to help you’. I said ‘relax Madiba’. I told him I knew he had done his best,” he said.

      But that was then, Anwar said, adding it was time to move on.

      The Port Dickson MP paid tribute to Mandela’s compassion, saying the leader always wanted to talk about Anwar’s family when they met and not himself.

      “He kept talking about not helping me, I was there for six years (prison) but he suffered and endured worse for 27 years and he refused to talk about himself. I kept talking about him and he kept asking about me,” Anwar said, adding he had never met a greater statesman than Mandela.

  2. KT gives air and tries to paint a pretty picture of a forgiving Jibby, who is a CONVICTED CRIMINAL who still does not admit guilt.

    After saying he is willing to forgive Toonsie he promptly goes on to list all Toonsie's wrongdoings of the past and sets conditions for forgiveness.

    Jibby should instead admit his wrongdoings for his convicted crimes and maybe the rakyat will forgive him.

  3. Ha ha must give it to Najib. He sounds so real and so wronged that one almost feel so sorry for him.

    But then he is a good example of a "good" malay and muslim who unashamedly goes on pilgrimage to expiate his sins and go back home to commit these same kinds of sins again.

  4. NOW TUN DR M STRATEGY OF LIES AND DECEPTION PARADED FOR PUBLIC TO SEE......FIRST IT WAS SHAFIE APDAL FOR PM.....NOW KU LI ...TOMORROW AGONG OR TMJ FOR PM...BEHIND ALL THIS HE KEEPS MUHYIDDIN AS PM OR MAT HASSAN OR HAMZAH OR EVEN MUKRIZ....MACAM - MACAM BANGSAT TUN DR M Buat...DO NOT LISTEN OR CONSULT THE DEVIL AND PUPPET MAHAFIRUAN!! Dr Mahafiruan NOT only Ruined UMNO, THIS BANGSAT RUINED MALAYSIAL TO BE MALU SIAL......His Used by date/Guna sebelum was 1997... Buang dalam tong sampah untuk dikuburkan....bukan re-cycle.... throw in the bin to be buried ...not in re-cycle bin!! Benda ini tak Boleh Re-Cycle..Kalau Boleh BURN IT...BAKAR AJE DIA!!!@#$%^&*!

  5. wakakaka I could not have imagined when thieves try to stab each other, could produce such fooking hilarious korean comedy, it is like a rapist saying I am willing to forgive her if she sought forgiveness for not wearing anything, the gall of a shameless man, both have a hand in the destruction of umno, wakakaka but your idol was the one who put in the final nail, he nailed it as the pope would say wakakaka

  6. Who is this convicted criminal pontificating and dispensing forgiveness? Why are we giving him a megaphone...?

  7. "Ask and I will Forgive You", the Convicted Criminal pontificates....

    No Remorse, No Sorrow. No Shame.

    The Court must reject his Appeal and increase his sentence.

  8. Toonsie may have ruined UMNO but Badawi and Jibby had 14 years to correct his mistakes. But what did they do....?


    So as KT says....STFU....ha ha ha.....

  9. Bossku the unrepentant CONVICTED CRIMINAL should not have his words to be given such respectful treatment

  10. i forgive najib the thief if he can bring umno into ph, or else i support mahathir the conman to ignore this thief.

  11. Now who is the moron who advised Najib to come up with this ampun mengampu caper ? RPuKi ? his loyar buruk ? his husband Roastmah Pork ?

    Pathetic indeed his attempt to explain away that Malu Apa Bossku...didn't he reveled in it then, even to the extend of wearing t-shirt with the now infamous slogan blazoned across his chest, smirking away impudently.

    What's with all these UMNO and ex UMNO guys ? and gals too ?
    Now the Vellfire-obsessed holy-moly gang are tripping over themselves getting into this act too, as though faking holiness is not bad enough.
