
Thursday, October 15, 2020

Mahathir eff-ed up the Pakatan government and Malaysia


If only Dr M didn’t do it his way

by Clement Stanley

If only Dr Mahathir Mohamad had not done a number on the country by stepping down as the 7th prime minister with not so much of a warning, Malaysia could have still been a nation at peace with itself save for a few hiccups 

If only Mahathir had not betrayed the trust the entire country had placed on his Pakatan Harapan government there would not be this political uncertainty and upheaval now at hand.

If only Mahathir had been a man of honour and kept to his promise of passing the baton to the 8th PM of this nation as agreed upon, the transition of power would have been a smooth process.

If only Mahathir did not partake in a gamble of playing a poker game of high stakes, the PH government would have still been in control of Putrajaya.

If only Mahathir did not underestimate the ability of his key lieutenants in the PH government and the co-founder of PPBM, Muhyiddin Yassin, or gambled on his invincibility, Johor, Perak, Melaka, Kedah and Sabah would not have fallen.

If only Mahathir was not so tied up in his own self-belief and game plans, there would not have been any breakaway factions from his PH government.

If only Mahathir had not underestimated the growing strength of Muafakat Nasional or shared the same stage with Abdul Hadi Awang of PAS in the Malay Dignity Congress of October 2019 and said what he said about the Chinese in the country, the Chinese voters would not have shown their unhappiness in every by-election after that by voting against the PH government.

Dr Mahathir Mohamad's remarks on how the Malays were forced to accept orang asing (foreigners) during British rule in exchange for independence is downright insulting and unbecoming of a prime minister who represents all Malaysians, said DAP lawmaker Ramkarpal Singh.Ramkarpal was referring to the prime minister's speech at yesterday's Malay Dignity Congress, where Mahathir said:

“... Orang asing berasa selesa dengan negara kita dan mereka ingin tinggal di sini. Nak tak nak pun, kita terpaksa terima, kalau tidak kita tidak akan mencapai kemerdekaan.”

(Translation of above: The foreigners felt comfortable in this country and wanted to stay. Like it or not, we were forced to accept or we would not have achieved independence)

Mahathir's "orang asing" or "foreigners" refer to non-Malay Malaysian citizens

If only Mahathir had not resigned unexpectedly, the then attorney-general and Malaysian-Anti Corruption Commision chiefs who were pursuing some notable personalities and bringing them to justice would not have stepped down.

If only Mahathir had not resigned in the way he did, the PH government with some leaders of ability would still be there.

If only Mahathir had not resigned when his leadership and experience was much needed for the country, there would have been no Sabah state election and the explosion of the Covid-19 virus now raging in Sabah and the rest of the country.

If only Mahathir was not obsessed with maintaining power, the razor-thin majority now with the Perikatan Nasional government in Parliament would not exist.

If only Mahathir was not preoccupied with his own agenda.

If only Mahathir had truly shed the spots of a leopard, Malaysia would not be a nation in turmoil.

And all that was well would have ended well.

Clement Stanley is an FMT reader


  1. OK.....let's play the "If Only" game shall we........ha ha ha..........

    If Only Badawi and Jibby had taken measures during their 14 years (2004-2018) as PM to undo all of Toonsie's bad policies, all would have ended well and we wouldn’t be playing this stupid blame game

    If Only Jibby had taken on more responsibility to solve TBH's death 11 years ago this case would not have dragged for so long

    If Only Jibby had taken on more responsibility to solve the case of missing Pastor Raymond and others

    If Only MCA had not been so Boh Lam Phar during their six decades in government we would not be in this s@"*t

    If Only MCA which held the Deputy Education Ministers post for decades had done a better job our education system would not be so bad today

    If Only MCA which held the Deputy Education Ministers post for decades had more balls like Teoh Nie Ching, UEC would be recognized today

    If Only MCA would not mix Education with Politics by owning and managing TARUC and insisting all grants go through their grubby hands

    If Only MCA had not mis-managed the massive PKFZ project taxpayers would not be saddled by billions of debt and a white elephant

    If Only MCA had stood up to Jibby over the 1MDB scandal when it first broke news, Malaysia would have stemmed the 50 billion debt

    If Only the long list of MCA Transport Ministers had done better jobs we would not have had so many bail-outs of our national carrier

    If Only Liow Tiong Lai the then Transport Minister had more spine we would not be saddled with a overblown ECRL project

    If Only Wee KHAT Siong who was then Deputy Education Minister had not allowed KHAT to creep into the education curriculum in 2013/2014

    If Only Muhyiddin had not appointed Idrus Harun as AG who released Musa Aman, triggering the Sabah elections

    If Only PAS Minister Khairuddin had not broken Quarantine, the common folk would have better respect for our Quarantine laws

    If Only Muhyiddin had sacked IGP, maybe Indira Gandhi may finally see justice

    If Only the Muhyiddin government had done a better job managing COVID19 we would not be in a third wave now

    If Only that TWIT of a TWAT Tengku Zafrul had not agreed to settle with Goldman Sachs $2.5 billion instead of $7.5 billion as Guanee was insisting

    If Only MCA and MIC pull their 3 MPs from supporting Muhyiddin, we would have a government that was democratically elected in GE14.


  2. its like telling ccp election is good, y ccp dun do democratic way.

    n i guess after one year, the writer can simply write the same if only by replacing mahathir with umno, in case anwar become pm on umno support, n draw same conclusion.


    1. R u sure there ain't elections within CCP?

      Another one of those 南魔萬 England fart to bash CCP China!

    2. my sentence end with democratic way. democratic with ccp kharacteristics again?

    3. What so special with yr deluded sentence with 南魔萬 England comprehension?

      DemoNcratic lah, mfer!

      Socialism with Chinese characteristics is mutually exclusive with demoNcracy.

    4. Batty-the-Stupid's understanding of DEMOCRATIC is to hide a multitude of sins under that term, hehehe. BodohSombong...sudah potong ke ?

  3. Wakakakakaka…

    Whatsoever the if not of mamak, the ultimate outcomes seldom work as planned!

    What actually happened might NOT be what mamak wanted. Then it might what he wanted but with an unexpected twist!

    Either way mamak has done a decent job in starting the ending of the ketuanan narrative by stirring that cesspool no end.

  4. Mahathir has become increasingly irrelevant, reduced to sniping from the sidelines.
    And his on again, off again intention to run again in the next elections.

  5. If only .... if only......if only.......Everything happened for a reason . Yesterday is vanished, tomorrow will never see, today move on work on it!!! IF only....... has no room human are not perfect!!!! No point crying over a spilt milk......learnt from it and move onnnnnn!!!

    1. agree, but our host very rajin search high n low for every piece that tok mahathir.

    2. Just liken your farts about CCP China!

    3. not same, conman resign, no more power, can tokkok only, only u n our host love him, while ccp is the latest bully in town, he threat/bully hker, twnese, tibetan, xinjianger, seasean, eastasian, southasean, oceanian, n his fanboy locate all over the world, in a blog less than 10 commenters, we alraedy see 3, very scary.

    4. Wow!!!

      News from that fart filled well that CCP is threating/bullying hker, twnese, tibetan, xinjianger, seasean, eastasian, southasean, oceanian!

      Don't forget to add that yr uncle Sam & auntie pommie r facing mounting covid-19, rumoured to be exported from China by mfers, like u.

      So u r scare?

      Pack yr bag & run to yr 蔡妹妹 lah. But then her days r almost over. Better reactivate yr kangaroo plan.

    5. Batty-the-Stupid is scared shitless because his itsy bitsy brain couldn't comprehend even a quarter of the comments that counter soundly against his indoctrinated 'truth'. All he knows is : those who don't agree with me, no matter how hideous/nauseating my world view, is against me...ditto for that Monstrous whitekok sucker... hitherto he hides under that rational, reasonable worldly man-for-all-season facade to finally reveal his true colours...hehe, doesn't take much to rip off his mask. And what a load of shits under that carefully crafted facade !
