
Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Guan Eng toks-kok & kerbau on DAP's “no Umno” rule

Malaysia Now:

No one speaks for us, DAP breaks silence amid Anwar-Zahid alliance

© Provided by MalaysiaNow

Breaking its long silence in a continuing episode of politicians jostling for power in Putrajaya, DAP today reiterated its “no Umno” rule when it comes to seeking political alliances.

The party also warned others against speaking on its behalf in the wake of recent developments signalling closer ties between PKR’s Anwar Ibrahim and several Umno leaders.

“I wish to stress that no outside party has the right to do so,” said DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng, adding that his recent statements in Sabah had already cleared the air about the party’s stand in the wake of recent attempts by Anwar to topple the Muhyiddin Yassin government.

Kerbau. Wasn't Mahathir from UMNO?

OK, let's say Mahathir was an exception but when he was Pakatan PM (post 05 May 2018), didn't he accept 'frogs' from UMNO?

In fact Mahathir himself testify to that, as reported by MM Online's PPBM only accept ‘good people’ from Umno, which quoted Mahathir saying:

“There are good people in Umno, and there are also bad [people]. We don’t accept bad people, the good [people] we accept. I myself was an Umno member. They accepted me, Kit Siang accepted me,” he said, referring to DAP’s Lim Kit Siang.

“[It’s] not about membership, [it’s] about what we do. If you do something wrong, of course, you will be rejected,” he added, after attending the 20th anniversary of Islamic Arts Museum Malaysia.

When asked whether DAP and PKR are also reluctant to accept the former Umno members, Dr Mahathir said: “In PPBM also, there are people who dislike [accepting former Umno member], so whether like it or not, that’s personal.”

Guan Eng has appeared to be bizarrely and disgustingly disloyal to an old ally & friend, Anwar Ibrahim. Ever since Guan Eng works with his Atuk, he has sided (still does) with his Atuk and even supports Atuk's choice in place of Anwar, Shafie Apdal (Atuk's foil against Anwar's PM-aspiration) - what an eff-ing betrayal. Yes lah, Guan Eng seems to know his Anwar-hating Atuk's preference.

And that's dumbfounding when we consider Mahathir hates DAP with a vengeance, as was revealed after Mahathir resigned abruptly to eff his Pakatan colleagues.

Now, Chye-Chye rejects the PM-terial candidature of Anwar on the flimsiest of excuses (namely, his kerbau about “no Umno” rule when it comes to seeking political alliances) because that's the way Mahathir wants it. Recall - not even a squeak when Atuk was nurturing UMNO frogs whilst as Pakatan PM post 05 May 2018. What an eff-ing Phor Laam Pha.

No wonder Ramkarpal beh-tahan liao, speaking out yesterday to excoriate Guan Eng's Atuk.


  1. The Lims are now completely in Atuk's small backpacker.

    What a sad outcome.

    1. an eff-ing betrayal of party ideology and the loyalties of their supporters (including once-upon-a-time-me), all for the Lims' power lust

  2. " - not even a squeak when Atuk was nurturing UMNO frogs whilst as Pakatan PM post 05 May 2018"

    Talk is cheap, but that's a "shallow thinking", you should "masuk gelanggang". There's a Chinese saying "人在江湖,身不由己", LGE is a politician doing the "Art of politics", that's all, wakakaka .......

  3. I suggest DAP should stay as opposition party (they performed much better this way than as part of ruling party). And they can start horning their skills in governing now so by the time GE 16 comes, DAP will be multi-racial enough and with lots of new young blood to govern.
    I bet ruling a country was never in DAP's imagination as recent as 3 or 4 years ago.
    Jumping in bed with UMNO would be blasphemy.

  4. did the tokong/dap at any material time give anwar/pkr the authority to negotiate any alliance with any party on its behalf without consultation? I do not think the dap is under any one's beck and call, a stern rebuttal at anwar is well deserved for taking things for granted, if anwar wants to make a fool of himself don't drag others along, it has nothing to do with picking sides as you are trying to portray

    1. The Lims have openly stated that they back Mahathir to be the candidate for Prime Minister, so DAP IS obviously already at Mahathir's beck and call.

    2. and so too they back Shafie, their Atuk's choice

    3. it's called leaving your options open, that, would be called clever in politics, did the tokong/dap and anwar/pkr vow to embrace each other in sickness and in health, to cherish and love till death do we part, to hug each other to the very end? I don't think the tokong is that way inclined wakakaka
