
Sunday, October 11, 2020

Do we let Mahathir “Save Malaysia”? Or do we save Malaysia from Mahathir?

From FB page of Jolene Law:

WRITTEN BY Dr Thirunavukkarasu Karasu, pilot by profession. A captain by rank, he now flies Vietnam Air. In his past time, he is a prolific writer.

I want to thank Tun Dr Mahathir for making me a pilot. You see, right after I graduated with a PhD in civil engineering, I was told the “Indian quota” for university lecturers had been met and only qualified to renew my “Pensyarah Sementara” contract every few months. Despite another university offering me Associate Professorship. I tried to help Mahathir’s “Bumiputera Only” clause by switching to a post-doctoral programme in the USA which I qualified for. That too, was met with another “Bumiputera Only” clause, which doomed my public academic career and forced me to become a pilot instead. Now Mahathir wants to "Save Malaysia" from Discrimination.

1) When I was in Standard 2, Mahathir devised a secret market manipulation plan for the tin industry through his corporate entity Maminco Holdings. After the global tin price collapse, his company lost USD 253 million losses and folded up. Now Mahathir wants to "Save Malaysia" from Bad Governance.

2) Then the infamous murder, Loraine Esme Osman, George Chan and the Carrian Group CBT scandal in Hong Kong that led to Bumiputera Malaysia Finance Ltd’s missing RM 2.5 billion. Now Mahathir wants to "Save Malaysia" from Financial Mismanagement.

3) Then his ambitious heavy industries project and creation of Perwaja Steel in which he holds significant equity that eventually suffered RM 10 billion losses. Of course Mr scapegoat Tan Sri Eric Chia gets to be the fall guy. Now Mahathir wants to "Save Malaysia" from GLC Losses.

4) Then his Maggie Thatcher-inspired bullshit of “Dasar Persyarikatan Malaysia” that simply transferred state infrastructure into the hands of his personal friends, ranging from electricity to telecommunications to the railway network. This marked the beginning of the ultra-rich Malay populace and billionaire oligarchs that alienated his party into two groups. Now Mahathir wants to "Save Malaysia" from Bad Policies.

5) Then his 1985 forex manipulation scandal that resulted in Bank Negara losing over USD 10 billion ringgit reserves. Now Mahathir wants to "Save Malaysia" from Forex losses.

now KHAT diam diam saje 

6) Then the repeated bailout of MAS after losing RM 8 billion over 8 years under the reign of his personal friend. He forces our government to buy MAS Shares at RM8 from Public Funds, with himself obtaining a controlling stake of 32% even after the shares plummeted to RM3. The result? A transfer of RM 1.8 billion of public funds into Tajuddin’s hands. Now Mahathir wants to "Save Malaysia" from Kleptocrats.

7). Then his economic racism of long supply chains for Proton Holdings and every other industry under the “Bumi Vendor Development Program”, effectively forcing everyone buying only from his “accredited suppliers”, creating rich people free to peddle their money in favour of further awarding of contracts and tenders. Now Mahathir wants to "Save Malaysia" from Money Politics.

8) Then his decision to thumb his nose at the WTO and slap 300% duties on foreign cars, forcing Malaysians to buy shitty Protons and leaving them servicing 300% bank loans over 9 years, with his political friends obtaining sole rights to distribute all cars. Now Mahathir wants to "Save Malaysia" from Trade Protectionism.

9) Then 22 years of leaving Sarawak and Sabah at the doldrums of development, deflecting state oil royalty money into his pet projects, transforming the fisherman state of Langkawi into what it is and of course, Putrajaya. Now he says East Malaysians are “depending on handouts” and need to “improve themselves”. Now Mahathir wants to "Save Malaysia" from Bangsa J, Bangsa K, Bangsa Sabah and Bangsa Sarawak.

10) Then the famous Operasi Lalang, where he throws people he doesn’t like into jail without trial, keeping them for 2 years and pretending to “save the country”. Now Mahathir wants to "Save Malaysia" from Wrongful Arrests.

11) Then he shuts down 3 national newspapers for reporting his political and financial scandals and throws the editors in jail while pretending to save us all from the fake news that these newspapers were peddling. Now Mahathir wants to "Save Malaysia" from curtailment of Press Freedom.

12) Then he removes the Lord President himself and sets an “Executive over Judiciary” principle of despotic rule, unprecedented in the history of Malaysia. Now Mahathir wants to "Save Malaysia" from government Interference in the Judiciary.

13) Then he creates ‘Project IC’ to reverse the religious demographic in Sabah, leading to unprecedented numbers of immigrants in Sabah and a security problem that finally revealed in size at the height of the Lahad Datu incident. And the numbers are still unknown. Now Mahathir wants to "Save Malaysia" from Illegal Immigrants.

14) Then he blames the ringgit’s collapse on “George Soros” and the Jews. Since that didn’t work, he decides to claim he had a homosexual deputy and sacks him. Then he sends riot control police to fire tear gas at the rakyat and throws a few more in jail. Now Mahathir wants to "Save Malaysia" from Human Rights Abuses.

even a mattress was taken to court 

15) Then he sends balaclava-clad bozos to the family home of his former deputy while they were having dinner. They break the glass door and kidnap him in front of his family before forcefully incarcerating him. Now Mahathir wants to "Save Malaysia" from Political Persecution.

16) Then he sends his chief goon to punch his former deputy in the face, and then pretends to be shocked at the “treatment” his poor deputy got in jail. Then he announces the creation of an “Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission” to “investigate the police”, and then cancels funding for it. Now Mahathir wants to "Save Malaysia" from turning into a Police State.

17) Then he realises the ringgit’s collapse is imminent unless he does something quick to start repaying the huge loans his party members took from banks for their grandiose projects. But instead of allowing the banking system to correct his problem, he forces the profitable ones to merge into a set of “anchor banks” connected to his party and redistributes their assets. Then he stops Malaysians from parking their money overseas, blames the Singaporeans, the Jews and the Americans for his financial mismanagement. Now Mahathir wants to "Save Malaysia" from Capital Controls.

18) Then he blames the Jews again for September 11 2001, flies to NYC to “visit” the victims and them says that terror attacks on Americans are “justified” since they were the ones who “voted” their politicians that created the policies in the Middle East. He also bans Schindler’s List and claims it shows “too much sympathy for the Jews”. He also agrees with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad that the Jewish Holocaust may “never have happened”. He also fires a gentleman footballer, Zoran Nikolic after winning the Malaysia Cup with Selangor/Kuala Lumpur just because he holds a Serbian passport. Now Mahathir wants to "Save Malaysia" from Religious Fundamentalism.

19) Then he allows racism to divide us through formal academic training in his own government to try convince the biggest government agencies that Race A was superior to Race B and Race C as they are merely “pendatang” and not “sons of the soil”. Then uses this division to justify more racist policies. Now Mahathir wants to "Save Malaysia" from Racism.

From Malaysiakini (7 Oct 2019)

Mahathir Mohamad's remarks on how the Malays were forced to accept orang asing (foreigners) during British rule in exchange for independence is downright insulting and unbecoming of a prime minister who represents all Malaysians, said DAP lawmaker Ramkarpal Singh.

Ramkarpal was referring to the prime minister's speech at yesterday's Malay Dignity Congress, where Mahathir said: “.. Orang asing berasa selesa dengan negara kita dan mereka ingin tinggal di sini. Nak tak nak pun, kita terpaksa terima, kalau tidak kita tidak akan mencapai kemerdekaan. 

(The foreigners felt comfortable in this country and wanted to stay. Like it or not, we were forced to accept or we would not have achieved independence)

Mahathir's "foreigners" were & are non-Malay Malaysian citizens

20) Then he claims Kit Siang practiced “cronyism” by allowing his son Guan Eng to become Chief Minister in Penang. Then he allows his son Mukhriz to become Menteri Besar of Kedah as that is “not cronyism”. Then he gets all upset when his son is sacked for going against his big boss. Now Mahathir wants to "Save Malaysia" from Cronyism and Nepotism.

So PH supporters, what say you we give this remorseful old man another shot at leading our beloved country? Do we let Mahathir “Save Malaysia”? Or do we save Malaysia from Mahathir?


  1. Sorry Captain, nothing much we can do about all those scandals from Toonsie’s 1.0 era, except complain. Badawi and Jibby had 14 years to clean up and put him in jail but they didn’t.

    Even if we can put a 95 year old man in jail what would that achieve, will that undo anything he had done decades ago or will any of that money he stole/lost come back?

    But we can stop another scandal from happening today. We have Jibby wanting to “save” UEM-Sunrise from the proposed merger with Eco World.

    Jibby of all people is worried about the huge debt that UEMS will shoulder. But didn’t Jibby saddle 1MDB with the mother of all debts? He is like that PAS minister the hypocrite. And KT is mentally stuck with Toonsie’s past deeds which cannot be undone.

    Merger will leave UEM Sunrise saddled with debts, warns Najib

    FMT Reporters - October 11, 2020
    PETALING JAYA: UEM Sunrise Bhd will be the ultimate loser if a proposed merger with EcoWorld Development Group goes through, former prime minister Najib Razak said today, warning that UEM Sunrise would become laden with debts.

    UEM Sunrise is a property arm of sovereign wealth fund Khazanah Nasional.

    “After reviewing the accounts of both companies, I feel there is no need for UEM Sunrise to buy EcoWorld for their survival because they have more than RM700 million in cash and their debts are low,” he wrote on Facebook.

    “If UEM Sunrise buys EcoWorld, UEM will take over debts worth billions from EcoWorld as well as land purchased at high prices.

    “It is EcoWorld which needs UEM Sunrise because their debt burden is high and the land they bought over the last few years was at a high price,” he said.

    Najib said EcoWorld shares have dropped in value from RM1.70 to 40 sen each.

    “In my opinion, the loser (in the merger) will be UEM as well as Khazanah Nasional and it involves the people’s money,” Najib said.

    Najib said UEM Sunrise owned land that was purchased decades ago and their value had increased over time.

    For instance, its 2,000ha land in Iskandar had been valued at RM10 per square foot in 1995. “If re-evaluated, the Iskandar land alone would have increased the value of UEM’s land holdings by RM10 billion. The value of land in Iskandar has increased to RM60 per square foot.”

  2. A no nonsense and cogent write up of the old fool.

    Mahathir deserves to have people spit on his grave when he is dead!

  3. Better Bail out & SACK ALL tol operators for $40 Billion and travel tol free and let everything COLLAPSE....Malay-Sial is $2 Trillion in Foreign Debt....good luck in fixing that!!.. LEARN TO MAKE GOVERNMENT BAIL OUT SOMETHING THAT BENEFIT RAKYAT BELA RAKYAT...NOT KRONI BELA KRONI...THERE LIES THE DIVIDE OF MALAYSIA STUPIDITY AND FEAR!!

    Tabung Haji-Felda Bailout of $30 Billion is SMALLER than $3B Bailout of UEM-Sunrise-ECW....

    Bahasa Malaysial KHAT is Better than English

    Islam Is the Superior Religion to All Others

    Kelantan Brown Water for Another 30 Years is Better than clean Water...

    Malay-SIAL must be so DUMB that the only wake up call is AGENDA 2020 UNLEASHED of covid 20 Hybrid Corruption Virus Killer and break up of 13 New Nation....Wait for ECW to give %2 return like Tabung Haji %3 return to keep Malaysia share holder happy and prove bail out worked... and we forget about the DEEP HOLE TUN DR M Have Dug for Malaysian....and still shouting at the bottom of the Pit of Fire that Malaysian ARE ALL WRONG, STUPID and USELESS...Lacking Substance...GOD Tun DR M & Family the UNTOUCHABLES WILL SOON BE TOUCHED.....Funnily that is WHAT UMNO PAS WAR LORDS WANTS...TO SHAM HIM....You aint going to get it from Pariah-Katan....Perhaps some sense have come to UMNO MP....seems like the Elephant Stampede is NOT BLAMED AT ALL...HOW COME?? IS HE DEWA, GOD, ??? Its the Thermo NUKE Solution....Enjoy MalaySIAL Demise to Pariah-Katan Nation and Sh*t Hole soon....then 13 New nation.....its Inevitable....Now onus on Agong to try to salvage his "special God inspired method" of counting...ha ha ha ha.....arrest Anwar will only raise more suspicion and Hate...sit an enjoy the RAPID Decline of Maruah MALU -SIAL!! No Islam run organisation, entity state or nation is Any good in this World....probably Fact News Now!!

  4. Nobody asks the right question!

    Why uemsunrise has to 'revert takeover' ecoworld?

    Anyone worths his/her basic arithmetic understanding can see the vast differences in both accounting bookkeepings. Yet, out in the blue, uem group throws a spanner!

    There r more to it. The shareholding structure of ecoworld development group bhd is a interesting spider web of the untangled links.

    Besides pnb, ecoworld development holdings s/b & syabals tropical s/b r two very interesting 'private' nominee shareholders. There r the cash chest of the melayu elites in funding ALL their political activities!

    Moreover, ecoworld development group has large block of lands in banfar iskandar, adjacent to uemsunrise's land block.

    That ecoworld land was brought from Syed Mokhtar's DRB Hicom Bhd. The intrigue extends further — the parcel was part of the Stamford Holdings Sdn Bhd land in the Stamford Land case in late 1980s when current Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin who was Johor Mentri Besar helped to highjacked.

    See the usual & familiar patterns of these bloodsucking rent-seekers yet?

    To all u ketuanan freaks, zombies & feudalistic blurred b40 melayu, that's what u guys have been asking for under that never ending story!

  5. i believe this guy used to write fiction, for kids.

  6. ☝️

    How do one tell a commentator is a dickhead?

    1. u can finger point to his nick, i saw one point at ccp kharacteristic.

    2. Typical dickhead showing his comment AGAIN!
