
Sunday, October 18, 2020

DAP responsible for Sabah pandemic coz encouraged Shafie (Warisan) to hold elections?


DAP told to come clean about why Sabah went to the polls


The Sabah elections held on Sept 26 have been blamed as a cause of the recent spike in Covid-19 cases

PETALING JAYA: Former prime minister Najib Razak has spoken out against DAP for blaming Umno for the surge of Covid-19 cases after the Sabah elections.

He said the opposition party should look at their own actions and those of Warisan, led by Shafie Apdal, before accusing him and Umno for causing the elections to be held and thus creating a Covid-19 crisis.

He said assemblyman Musa Aman of Sabah Umno, who led a group against Warisan’s leadership, had never wanted state elections to take place as he recognised the danger of the pandemic.

“In fact, he tried to stop the state elections three times in court. Unfortunately, he was not successful all three times, up to the Federal Court,” Najib wrote today.

However, the Pakatan Harapan leadership comprising DAP, PKR and Amanah had fully supported the Warisan president (Shafie), who was then chief minister, in his call for snap elections.

DAP also failed to point out that the main reason for the state elections being called “was that Shafie said he would rather die than to hand back power to the person he stole it from in the first place, despite being told that a Covid-19 resurgence in Sabah was already taking place”, Najib said.

“DAP should also point out that it was Shafie who gave his guarantee to the people of Sabah that Covid-19 would be under control during the snap elections and that the risks would be low.

“Please point out too that the record shows that I had also objected to Shafie calling for snap state elections while PH gave it their full support citing ‘Shafie’s bravery’,” he said.

He also said it was Seputeh MP Teresa Kok of DAP who had objected to a 14-day quarantine order on those returning from Sabah, saying that such a rule was against democracy and was designed to deter voters from voting.

Najib’s remarks come in the wake of an article on the DAP website yesterday, based on a statement by DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang, which accused Najib of seeking to blame PPBM while ignoring Umno’s role in the third wave of Covid-19.

The article said it was Musa’s attempt to overthrow Shafie that led to the state elections, and also mentioned an Umno leader who purportedly was the reason for a market being shut after he became infected with Covid-19.

Najib said: “DAP should tell the full story of what actually happened instead of trying to blame me or Umno for the state elections.”


  1. KT and his blog becoming the Goebbels-megaphone for a convicted criminal. Now in power so why won't UMNO's ally (or enemy? ha ha ha), Bersatu's CM Hajijik appoint a Sabah Health Minister to fight Covid? Now in power what....Just Do It.....

  2. Musa Aman tried three times in court to stop the elections and three times the court rejected.

    So what has that got to do with DAP? Did DAP appoint any of the Judges or is Jibby implying DAP influenced the Judges' decision?

  3. PN always say respect the Agong's decision when he chose Muhyiddin as PM. In Sabah it was the Governor's call to select Shafie Apdal as CM after GE14, and more recently when there was a challenge by Musa Aman to dissolve the assembly and call for elections. So is Jibby being disrespectful to the Governor?

  4. As usual anything go wrong blame DAP.

    The person responsible for Sabah elections is AG Idrus Harun who dropped all corruption charges against Musa Aman, the lead instigator of the frogs.

    And who appointed the AG to do his bidding? Muhyiddin.

    And who keeps Muhyiddin in "power" with a majority of (maybe) one?

  5. The evangelical christian party and their evangelical supporters worldwide and always working against the natives. It is in their dogma.

    1. Spotted on!

      Liken to yr zombieic dawah movement.

  6. Jibby is playing a game of distraction, and KT is playing along, Felda just declared profits of only RM16.51 million, vs BILLIONs in previous years before Jibby's catastrophic FGV public listing nearly a decade ago.

    And now Felda just announced they will take back 350,000 Ha of land that was leased to FGV, a new business model they say, but this is really the business model before Jibby ruined everything for the settlers. The Ultimate Humiliation and confirmation that the FGV listing was a huge expensive MISTAKE. Jibby kept settlers happy only by giving cash handouts and writing off loans, at taxpayers expense of course.

  7. The shit stuck in the rectum, cannot be expelled pun di salahkan DAP, hehehe. Babi betul la

  8. the govt in charge is accountable, its commin sense, thift logic is unique, very ccp n trump.

    1. 犬养mfer, trying yr fart logic & katak sense!

      "Very CCP n trump"


      How many Americans have kaput-ed due to trump's big mouth vis-a-via CCP China's pandemic toil?

      Ooop… perhaps u actually meant f*cked Formosa n trump!

      One practises no symptoms no test. The other counting pre-ordered body bags as a prevention.

    2. coupling CCP with Moron Trump ? This is so Batty-the-Stupid...satu minute INI, the next minute ITU...bukan ke all this time, you have been sucking, like that Monstrous Whiteycocksucker, at the White Man's demoncrazy and freedumb call ? You were clapping all this while when Moron Trump rained all kinds of craps on China and the CCP. You gave up on the Orange Moron...going for Sleepy Joe ? But remember, they are all sama sama je...White Supremacists, World Bully, but bet you like it this way, wa ka ka ka

    3. one export wuhanvirus n the other one import wuhanvirus, u sure they r are not same gang?

    4. Yaloh - SARS-CoV2 been disguised by one 犬养mfer via meme-ed 台毒 fart incubation into Wuhan virus!

    5. twn less than 1k, main importer 8 mil while sole exporter claim 85k, n the odd part is even msia imported case from china is seven while china reported number is 13 today, everyone know ccp magically under reported 2 or 3 zero.

    6. Wakakakakaka…

      U read newspapers? Especially yr western gospel ones?

      Then, haven't u read that returnees from Taipei to Tokyo tested positive upon landing in Narita Airport?

      Returnees from Kaohsiung to Seoul, tested positive upon landing at the Incheon International Airport!

      Both Japan & Korea health authorities had raise immediate health complaints with Taiwan about her covid-19 testings.

      Now, every country in the world knows about Formosa's no syndrome no test approach to massage her covid-19 data.

      Any wonder NOW why there is now such a zilch praises, initially spreading all over western reports, about that f*cked island's reported covid-19 pandemic preventions!

      Look at the Wuhan concert party lah. Can yr 台毒 duckheads arrange something just one hundredth of that participant numbers?

      Only f*cked 台毒 meme-ed moron would still singing helluva about the fake katak island numbers.
