
Sunday, October 25, 2020

Culprits behind Muhyiddin's 'Darurat'


Emergency idea came from anti-Mahathir plotters, says insider

‘Certain individuals’ who ousted Dr Mahathir Mohamad are behind the proposal to declare a state of emergency, according to a PPBM insider.

PETALING JAYA: Members of PPBM’s supreme council were in the dark over the widely-speculated proposal for a state of emergency, according to a senior party leader. Instead, the idea came from “certain desperate individuals”, he said.

The PPBM source said: “The supreme council was not briefed on this (move to declare an emergency) and some among us are very concerned that this short-term move will backfire on the party.”

The leadership council member, who asked to remain anonymous, said the PPBM president, Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin, had been ill-advised by these individuals.

“These individuals were those who had joined PPBM and later ousted party chairman Dr Mahathir Mohamad,” he said.

Mahathir was party chairman and prime minister until March, when he resigned after PPBM joined forces with PAS and Umno MPs to form the Perikatan Nasional government.

The PPBM source said he hoped the Yang di-Pertuan Agong and the Malay Rulers would not agree to any proposal to declare a state of emergency or to suspend Parliament.

“It will be a disaster for the country and economy. It will send the wrong signals to the international community and investors. This is not what we signed up for,” he said.


kt notes:

So the culprits, the effing 'Batu-Api-rist' behind the 'Emergency' move had been “... individuals who had joined PPBM and later ousted party chairman Dr Mahathir Mohamad ...”, wakakaka.

Mind, as to be expected, their 'chief' was looking after his own political a$$ while his personal a$$ was 'given' to his faves. He's a 'walking dead' politician, sneered at, disdained and avoided like the plague by every party.


  1. our reading is "the cabinet". dun shift the blame to 1 or 2.

  2. After getting a Royal Spanking and Vote of No Confidence (ha ha ha) Yiddin bungles again by calling for a meeting with MBs and CMs, thinking he has friends there.

    Within hours of calling for this meeting he is advised that he would get another Spanking and another Vote of No Confidence. So he quickly retreated.

    Ayam Lovin' This Rollicking Democracy....!!

  3. How come got meeting at Yiddin's house last night? Did they break CMCO laws?

  4. The Wet Behind The Ears Finance Minister will now have his Budget challenged and torn to shreds, many amendments and compromises needed, otherwise PN habis cerita.

    He was probably hoping to re-introduce GST, under Darurat Laws.

    So he is now the most "political" minister of all.....ha ha ha Stupid Twit of a Twat. He is best advised to pass the Draft Budget to Guanee and Tony to review/comment/"improve"...ha ha ha....I think Penang asking for 10 Billion.....

  5. those who think that moo is the real pm needs a real hard knock on the head or the groin if it is down there, to pay attention, moo do not have the smarts, his handle already suggest, the one with the real cuntnings is the queer sausage aka assbinte, the one pulling everyone's sausage

    1. yup, agree that MooMoo is s-l-o-w, thick in the head, like one mud-infested bat-brain here, hehe

      the ass-main guy pula, dia ni bukan smart sangat, hanya cunning like a fox, able to manoeuvre short-term hit-n-evade strategy but soon enough, all his plans fall down like a house of cards.
