
Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Anwar up, Mahathir down, very down


If Anwar Bluffs, Why Must The King Meet Party Leaders & PM Muhyiddin Desperately Conducts A Self-Praised Conference?

Anwar Ibrahim’s meeting with King Sultan Abdullah today has created more questions than answers. Earlier on September 23, the opposition leader called a press conference and made an explosive announcement – he had in his possession the majority Member of Parliaments required to topple the backdoor government of Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin.

Today (Oct 13), after a highly anticipated audience with the monarch, PM-in-waiting Anwar called for another press conference. He told reporters that the documents – statutory declarations (SDs) and endorsements from party leaders – to prove that he has the support of more than 120 MPs had been presented to the king, also known as the Yang di-Pertuan Agong.

However, according to the Palace Comptroller, Mr Anwar did not provide a “full list of names” of the Member of Parliaments whom he claimed support him. Apparently, Anwar only presented the total number of the MPs. Hence, the monarch reportedly advised the PKR president to “respect the due process of the law” as prescribed by the Federal Constitution.

That statement from the comptroller of the Royal Household, Ahmad Fadil Shamsuddin, appeared to have destroyed all the earlier hopes that traitor Muhyiddin could finally be kicked out from the corridors of power. Supporters of the backdoor prime minister immediately concluded that Anwar did not have the numbers and had lied again. But was he?

Now, just because Anwar did not or refused to reveal the names of every single MP whom he claimed support him, does not necessarily mean he had lied to the monarch. Did Anwar lie when he, for example, told the king that he has the support from his own powerful Pakatan Harapan coalition’s 91 MPs and Barisan Nasional’s 42 MPs to form a government with a “formidable” 133 majority?

Or could it be considered a lie when Anwar, for example, presented to the monarch that 38 MPs of PKR, 42 MPs of DAP, 11 MPs of Amanah, 9 MPs of Warisan, 23 MPs of UMNO, 1 MP of MIC and 2 MPs of PAS have pledged their allegiance to him – without disclosing the names of the parliamentarians? If the PKR president had lied, he would have been thrown out of the Palace, no?

Instead, Anwar called a press conference to insist – again – that he has the backing of over 120 MPs, more than the minimum 112 MPs required in the 222-seat Parliament to form a simple-majority government. Either he had gone crazy over his obsession to become a prime minister, or he was the greatest con artist, or he indeed has more than 120 MPs in his possession.

It’s worth noting that the Palace has always been infiltrated by spies under the payroll of the backdoor Perikatan Nasional (National Alliance) government. Therefore, it was not a surprise when the comptroller acted at lightning speed – telling all and sundry that Anwar did not have a list of names of the MPs who supported him, as if it was a crime worse than murder.

Interestingly, the comptroller did not state what the King Sultan Abdullah would do next, or if the monarch would do anything at all. If indeed the PM-in-waiting was beating about the bush or was wasting precious time of the monarch, the Palace could easily issue a statement that Anwar’s claim was found to be so absurd, preposterous and ridiculous that he should be sent to a mental institution.

Yet, as if everything was pre-arranged, the monarch’s schedule of the day included a meeting with 83-year-old Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah at 2 pm, just hours after Anwar left the Palace at 11:30 am. What were the chances that Razaleigh was in town, free and ready to be summoned for a meeting with the Agong right after Anwar finished his meeting with the monarch?

Najib and Zahid appeared to be just a red herring to mislead and distract the power-hungry Muhyiddin. The rebel leader (or at least the “proxy”) who is leading a dozen or two of UMNO MPs who wanted to shift support from Muhyiddin to Anwar is Tengku Razaleigh, the man who has been calling for months that his party quit the backdoor government of Perikatan Nasional.

Heck, even DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng has been summoned to Istana Negara (Palace) for an audience with King Sultan Abdullah tomorrow (Oct 14). And it seems this is just the beginning. The monarch is likely to meet more party leaders to verify the Anwar’s claim that Prime Minister Muhyiddin has essentially lost the confidence of the MPs to lead the country.

To make matters worse for the prime minister, coincidentally, an evening meeting held by UMNO Political Bureau today has decided to consider a withdrawal of support for the fragile 2-seat majority government of Muhyiddin – suggesting that Anwar did not lie at all when he told the monarch that the present regime was as good as game over.

Another sign that Muhyiddin is on his way to become the shortest serving prime minister in the history of the country was when the panicked premier abruptly hosted a live virtual press conference. During the conference, which was called at the eleventh hour, he shamelessly praised himself, claiming while Anwar was having an audience with the king, he was busy discussing Covid-19 related matters.

The PM’s self-praised drama included claims that his only focus is in managing Covid-19 pandemic and improving economy, despite the fact that it was him who created the “Minister Cluster” of Coronavirus in the first place. He was the hungry-power man behind Musa Aman’s “Sabah Coup” and was responsible for a new “Third Wave” of Covid-19 because his own ministers ignored health procedures.

Calling himself the most obedient person, the hypocrite prime minister also insisted during the virtual press conference that his regime does not practise double standards. He made the preposterous claim despite the fact that his arrogant minister – Khairuddin Aman Razali – is yet to be charged despite having skipped the 14-day mandatory quarantine upon his return from Turkey.

Both the King and Muhyiddin could just laugh off at Anwar’s attempt to topple the current government, but they didn’t. Instead, the monarch found it necessary to meet UMNO Tengku Razaleigh today with another appointment to meet DAP Lim Guan Eng tomorrow (and probably more to come). Muhyiddin, on the other hand, rushed to conduct a press conference to explain and praise himself.

Still, why did the Palace say that the PKR president must “respect the due process of the law”? Perhaps that statement should be read together with Anwar’s remark that the King should be given adequate time to look through all the documents presented to him as well as to meet party leaders within two or three days in order for the monarch to make a decision.

If the monarch is satisfied after interviewing various party leaders that Muhyiddin has lost majority support, the prime minister could be summoned to the Palace. The PM could either resign or advise King Sultan Abdullah to dissolve the Parliament for a nationwide election. Of course, the Agong could disagree to have an election and proceed to appoint a new prime minister instead.

The Palace’s statement could also mean that Prime Minister Muhyiddin cannot be sacked even by the Agong. Therefore, the King may be suggesting that a motion of no confidence be used to confirm that Muhyiddin has lost majority support in Parliament. This is precisely why Anwar did not reveal the name of the MPs claimed to support him – the fear of MPs being “neutralised”.

Either way, traitor Muhyiddin is trapped. He cannot instruct his hand-picked House Speaker Azhar Azizan Harun to bury any motion of no confidence if it’s requested by the King. If at least 3 MPs currently in the government choose to vote against the premier, he is toast. Anwar does not need to prove anything in the Parliament. That’s why the police was instructed – but failed – to stop Anwar from meeting Agong today.


  1. If the Agong does not appoint Anwar as PM it does not matter. Come next month the Twit of a Twat FM Tengku Zafrul must present the 2021 budget, and it will be the ultimate humiliation for Muhyiddin when it gets rejected, first time in history, and this would be a Vote of No Confidence.

    But if Muhyiddin asks the Agong to dissolve parliament and calls for GE15, the ensuing deaths as a result of yet another COVID-19 wave will surely fall squarely on him.

  2. the diff is conman reject umno n anwar embrace umno, so y finance twat so exciting?

  3. Like DAP Lims, I am very leery of Pakatan Harapan cooperating with UMNO cobras.
    The cobras can't help being venomous.
    If they are out of UMNO, they may still be deadly, as shown by the Sheraton move players, but not all.

    Anwar is , after all, ex-UMNO.

  4. The Twit of a Twat FM wants to re-introduce GST but this will be political suicide, go on Be a Hero, Just Do It, plus that genius Liew Chin Tong already explained GST is the wrong tool for the wrong people at the wrong time. We have 40% poor, 40% somewhat poor, 15% boleh tahan and only 5% wealthy. If want GST then apply to the top 20% of the population only, at 80% tax rate, ha ha ha....start with Jibby, he still owes LHDN 1.7 billion.

    But now the GST choir very quiet, no poop or peep, proving this is only a fair weather tax, when the going gets a little tough this tax is too painful. Thank You Guanee for thrashing GST, we owe you Big Time, otherwise with Covid19 , no job how to tahan pay GST...?

  5. bumi-non-malay, your comments on Ah Long, wakakaka, no can do lah
