
Saturday, October 10, 2020

Anwar To Meet King – Why Muhyiddin & His Gay Blue-Eyed Boy Azmin Are Game Over


Anwar To Meet King – Here’s Why Backdoor PM Muhyiddin & His Gay Blue-Eyed Boy Azmin Are Game Over

Opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim has finally secured an audience with the Malaysia’s monarch next Tuesday (Oct 13). Known as the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, King Sultan Abdullah has made the right decision, not that he has any choice, by not dragging his feet anymore. The matter needs a resolution after his discharge from the hospital on Oct 2 due to food poisoning and sports injuries.

To prevent public misconceptions, the king has to meet Anwar, one way or another. Ever since the monarch agreed to appoint traitor Muhyiddin Yassin as the 8th Prime Minister on March 1, the public perception is still that it was a mistake, even a “Royal Coup” as alleged by British newspaper The Guardian, due to suspicions that Muhyiddin did not have the simple majority from the beginning.

The proof is on the wall. On the eve of Muhyiddin’s swearing-in, Mahathir had claimed to have 114 votes. The former prime minister had even pre-emptively published the list of 114 MPs who supported him as the next prime minister, along with a letter to the Palace (more than 112 minimum seats required to form a simple-majority government in the 222-seat Parliament).

Muhyiddin, however, failed or refused to publish a list of Members of Parliaments allegedly supported him, but was sworn in by the monarch anyway. Hence, even if Anwar was bluffing, or has lost the support since his bombshell declaration on September 23 that he has in his possession the majority Member of Parliaments required to topple Muhyiddin, the king has to meet Anwar.

Both King Sultan Abdullah and Anwar Ibrahim’s reputation, credibility and integrity are on the line. Sultan Abdullah has to prove he was not corrupt, but an honourable, virtuous, wise, and fair king. Anwar has to prove he was not a liar, but a leader who indeed possesses integrity, influence and confidence of the majority of the MPs of the Parliament to form a stronger and more stable government.

It would be absolutely dumb for Anwar to bluff at the poker table now. His political career will be over. He will be mocked, laughed and ridiculed for a very long time. His Pakatan Harapan (Alliance of Hope) coalition – comprising his People’s Justice Party (PKR), the Democratic Action Party (DAP) and the National Trust Party – which currently held 91 seats will lose trust in him completely.

But 5 days is a long time in politics. Naturally, many are still sceptical over Anwar’s claim of having at least 112 MPs on his side, let alone convincing the monarch that he could form a new government. But 7 months is even a longer time in politics. Muhyiddin has not only failed to strengthen and improve the economy, but is fast losing control of his own razor-thin majority government.

For seven months, Muhyiddin’s hastily glued Perikatan Nasional coalition remains a very weak government with a pathetic 2-majority vote in the Parliament. In other words, the lame duck prime minister can no longer bribe more support than he already had. Heck, not only he could not buy support from the Opposition camp, he faces rebellion within his own allies.

Unlike 12 years ago, where Anwar cried wolf about having the numbers to form a new government, this time his claim is being supported by Ahmad Zahid Hamidi. Mr Zahid is the UMNO president and chairman of Barisan Nasional (National Front), which controls a substantial 42 MPs within Muhyiddin-led Perikatan Nasional (National Alliance) coalition.

With rebels like Zahid and former Prime Minister Najib Razak aiming to dethrone PM Muhyiddin, it’s not easy for King Sultan Abdullah to protect Muhyiddin, even if the monarch wants to. The question being asked was whether UMNO could work with bitter rival PKR, let alone Chinese-dominated DAP, to topple Muhyiddin and his blue-eyed boy – gay Senior Minister Azmin Ali.

At this stage, it doesn’t matter if UMNO works with Muhyiddin’s PPBM (Bersatu) or Anwar’s PKR. When Zahid and Najib first agreed to lend support to Muhyiddin in an attempt to betray his own Pakatan Harapan government, it came with conditions. Mr Muhyiddin betrayed Zahid and Najib by not honouring those promises – to free both crooks from criminal charges.

In actuality, Anwar could form a new Malay-Muslim government the same way Muhyiddin did – without ally DAP or Amanah. Anwar’s PKR (38 MPs), together with Barisan Nasional (42 MPs), PAS (18 MPs) and Sarawak-based GPS (Gabungan Parti Sarawak) who has 18 MPs, would have the necessary support to topple Muhyiddin regime – a 116 MPs to form a new government.

That explains why Anwar said the majority of the MPs who support him were Malay-Muslim MPs when he made the explosive claims on Sept 23. But would PAS support Anwar as the new prime minister? Well, under Hadi Awang leadership, PAS Islamist party has become an incredible corrupt party that will support whoever that could provide them with power and position, and of course, Mercedes Benz.

Alternatively, without PAS, Anwar’s powerful Pakatan Harapan coalition’s 91 MPs could work with Barisan Nasional’s 42 MPs to form a government with a “formidable” 133 majority. But under such configuration, could UMNO really work with enemy DAP? Well, based on Zahid and Najib’s desperation, as long as they could get rid of Muhyiddin, they have nothing to lose and are willing to give it a try.

Get real, UMNO is not stupid. The configuration of PKR-DAP-Amanah-UMNO makes more sense than the existing alliance of PPBM-UMNO-PAS, which saw never-ending fighting and backstabbing in the recent Sabah state election. In the next 15th General Election, there will be more clashes in seat allocation as PPBM-UMNO-PAS will all fight for the same limited Malay-majority seats.

Sure, UMNO is currently divided into two major factions – one faction, bribed with ministership and chairmanships, supports Muhyiddin while another faction without any government portfolios wanted the party to quit the Perikatan Nasional coalition. To exit “en bloc”, UMNO top leadership can always argue that the grassroots wanted the party to teach the bully PPBM a lesson.

Besides, UMNO president Zahid Hamidi can also argue that a new alliance with Anwar Ibrahim is worth to explore as it’s just based on a temporary basis. UMNO can always pull out its support for Anwar to force a snap election at a later stage when the Covid-19 pandemic is under control. The immediate goal is just to punish the arrogant PPBM for bullying big brother UMNO.

When the 15th General Election arrives, UMNO and PKR can go separate ways if things don’t work out, but for now, they have a common enemy – PPBM. In addition, UMNO leadership is deeply concerned that their supposedly Muafakat Nasional ally, PAS Islamist party, has increasingly demonstrated its interest toward working with PPBM more than with UMNO.

PM-in-waiting Anwar could throw an extra bonus – a deputy prime minister post for UMNO, something that PM Muhyiddin has greedily reserved for his most trusted lieutenant Senior Minister Azmin Ali. But Anwar could also create three deputy prime minister posts – one each for UMNO, Sabah-based Warisan and Sarawak-based GPS to fish for their support.

Sources say the Palace has set several conditions for a power grab, including a minimum majority of 118 MPs in the Dewan Rakyat (Lower House of Parliament), to justify an audience with the King. Therefore, for an audience to be granted to Anwar, he appears to have the necessary numbers to snatch the throne from backdoor PM Muhyiddin.

Of course, the audience might be a trap set up by UMNO to force a nationwide snap election. During a possible one-to-one interview with the monarch to verify support for Anwar, UMNO MPs could change their story by pledging their support for neither Muhyiddin nor Anwar – creating a “hung parliament”. But based on the current Coronavirus situation, the king will not approve a snap election.

Whether Anwar agrees to rescue Najib or Zahid in exchange for UMNO’s support is another story. Likewise, PAS might change its loyalty to Muhyiddin at the eleventh hour. It’s also possible that DAP might not join Anwar’s new government but remains as a friendly ally – temporarily. Either way, traitor Muhyiddin, and homosexual Azmin for that matter, is screwed and pretty much game over.


  1. Nobody should mess around with someone who pandai dan selalu masuk pintu belakang....ha ha ha.....

    1. Tun Dr M - Bapa kemerosotan Malu-Sial thought he can screw everyone left right and centre......Good he does not realise that the UMNO-PAS-PBS-STAR MPs are now wanting to SCREW HIM BACK Left Right and Centre...PROPER before he dies and let his children and grand children and Agong-Sultan enjoy the moment....This is the UMNO Thermo Nuke Solution....Frankly this Tun Elephant in the ROOM thinks he is God of Malaysian....Screw HIM Proper!! We need to send Him to the After Life with a knowledge that he wasted his 2nd Chance to ALLOW HIMSELF TO BE SCREWED.....Its Obvious that he was the Puppet Master by the manner and speed he QUIT without any discussion with Harapan. Even Muhyiddin without the MPs support can drag on for months Fooling Malaysian with Agong Approval!!...think about it!!

  2. The DAP Lims are not supportive of Anwar. They have already openly stated they will not work with those from UMNO.

    Funny, but they are 200% behind Atuk.

    1. This is something not unexpected of the evangelical party.

  3. i concur with stupid twat, we close both eyes on pencuri, perombak penyamun n peculik, the enemy now is pengkhianat, a malay govt under anwar is fine, a chinese malay unity govt under anwar is a bonus. me now support anwar as long as the king no more go ijn, or else i revert to berjuang demi bangsa.

    1. Wakakakakaka…

      Ain't u proving once for all that u r truly one hell of a yellowed katak with forged tongue!

      Mmmm… maybe somewhere along that genetic line there was a forged tongued ular there!

    2. i now share stupid twat n dap stance u tak happy pula. odd.

    3. Whatever farts u have leaked only reflect yr true inner self!

      Doggie katak has to be tembak kaux2.

    4. there is rare moment i agree with what u said n perhaps this is the one, or last one, as long as one do it in consistent manner n not selective.

    5. Consistent manner?


      Mfer, like to in our 南魔萬England definitions!

    6. yes, go google if got comprehension deficiency.

    7. 犬养mfer, haven't u forgotten that my replies ain't for yr understanding?

      U r too deeply f*cked to be rededicated!

      Besides, why should I do yr work of distributing yr air biscuit?
