
Thursday, September 24, 2020

Why Some In Umno Are Angry With Muhyiddin And Might Support Anwar


The Reason Why Some In Umno Are Angry With Muhyiddin And Might Support Anwar

By Raja Petra Kamarudin


Raja Petra Kamarudin

What is the reason why some in Umno are angry with Muhyiddin and might support Anwar?

Simple. Some in Umno are upset that Najib Tun Razak was convicted — instead of the charges being dropped — while the case against Ahmad Zahid Hamidi is proceeding and the charges are also not being dropped — plus they feel Rosmah Mansor may also face a conviction and jail sentence.

These Umno people had expected Muhyiddin Yassin to arrange for the charges against Najib, Zahid, Rosmah, etc., to be dropped as balasan for Umno’s support in making him the Prime Minister or PM8. Instead, Muhyiddin did not “repay” the support Umno gave him.

The second and equally important reason is Umno was not given enough or more Cabinet posts. Considering Umno has more seats than Parti Pribumi Bersatu, they should be the “big brother” and Bersatu the “little brother”, instead of the other way around.

Since 1951, Umno has always been the “big brother” in the Alliance Party and later in Barisan Nasional. Today, Umno has to play “second fiddle” to Bersatu, and many in Umno do not like that.

Many in Umno want to see the collapse of Perikatan Nasional

Umno itself is facing a “mild” internal power-struggle with the Najib BossKu faction, the Zahid Hamidi faction, the Tok Mat faction, and the Hishammuddin Tun Hussein faction — with some in Umno in favour of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, some in favour of Muhyiddin Yassin and some in favour of Anwar Ibrahim (and some in favour of Najib coming back as Prime Minister).

Then there are those in Umno who do not really care which side wins as long as they “get something”. These people just want to support the winner — just like DAP who announced they support Mahathir, and/or Mahathir’s proxy Shafie Apdal, but are prepared to switch their support to Anwar if he gets the majority.

In other words, just like DAP, these Umno people will support whoever happens to be the winner, never mind who.

Many feel Umno should be the “big brother” and Bersatu the “little brother”, not the other way around

Many in Umno feel if Parliament is dissolved and a snap election is held, Pakatan Harapan, in particular Bersatu, will be wiped out and Barisan Nasional is going to bounce back into power. So, they want Perikatan Nasional to collapse so that Parliament can be dissolved and a snap election can be held.

The bottom line is, many Umno people cannot stand being number two and in Perikatan Nasional they feel they are number two with Bersatu being number one. And they feel if GE15 is held, Umno-Barisan Nasional can win enough seats to form the government and become number one again, with or without PAS.


kt notes:

UMNO doesn't feel too comfy with PAS seemingly gaining the role of King-Maker and also demanding exclusive electoral dominance over the 'crescent' states of Kelantan, Terengganu (two potentially powerful oil-producing states) and Kedah (the nation's rice-bowl).

Don't forget, PAS has also long been the No 1 enemy of UMNO, so the current Muafakat Nasional coalition is a BS convenience to frustrate Muhyiddin's PPBM - it works both ways, for PAS as well as UMNO's individual benefits.


  1. Stupid Raja Petra Peddling Lies Defending his Stupid Fraud and Fake Rulers Whatever it Takes....when THE REAL DEAL IS AGONG-SULTAN GOING RATE FOR ROYAL PARDON IS ABOUT $50-70 Million Ringgit after spending 10- 18 Months in Prison..... trying to Pint Rulers as God is another Supremacist Islam Fraud and Stupid Ideology Force onto Arab Malay supremacist Kids....see RPK....They are all Pembelot and Pengkhianat as Correctly spelt out in their Quran!!....Ever Wonder!!No Morals, No Dignity...Lie to gain Power is OK!!

  2. Parti UNITED (?) Malays National Organization pecah lagi....ha ha ha....saya happy happy.

    MCA boleh tinggal di BN, kerjasama dengan PAS dan habuk UMNO/Bersatu; Wee KHAT Siong boleh terus buat ECRL dari Port Klang sampai Kota Bharu, buat airport kat Kulim, HSR dari KL ke SGP melalui Ayer Hitam dan tangkap semua minum Carlsberg. Itu kerja dia, bukan bantu kaum Cina.

  3. All said, manmanlai is a desperado compromiser.

    At this stage of his last mile political career he would go to the extreme to achieve his presumed pmship entitlement.

    Thus any katak r welcome into his fold irrespective of their crimes committed.

    This might mean that kleptomaniacs like rosmanajib would be freed from serious legal prosecutions. Same with those other umno big sharks currently facing various charges.

    This mom lier's fart could be interpreted in two ways.

    1) how manmanlai achieves to attractions katak

    2) 'advised' moo to quickly checkmate manmanlai's political compromises with the umno katak with better & prompt solutions to the umno sharks currently swimming in dire straits.

    All based on the real inner working mannerism of these melayu warlords - honour my foot, self saving/prosperous by all means!

  4. Anwar sebagai PM boleh lantik Toonsie sebagai MenHEN, Menteri Hal Ehwal Najib ha ha ha.....Jibby's nightmare will come true....

    Saya Happy Happy....

  5. It is not Anwar's life fate to be PM - ever.
    If he actually has the numbers to get the majority in Parliament, Moo will ask the Agong to dissolve Parliament and trigger a Snap Election.
    At the current situation, what's left of PH will lose, because the Race / Religious demographics still Zombie-like wants a Melayu government.

  6. This Malay Unity thingy is pure Bullshit, period

  7. RPuKi cannot write anything critical of his ketuanan moolayoo without taking a swipe at the Chinese, in this case, it is DAP la. Just like the majority Malays, if Najib is sentenced to 12 years ( with more to come ), then a Chinese must also go to jail....balanced mah, this is 'fairness' according to such Ketuanan mentality, hehe. So LGE is currently the 'right' Chinese to about this BALANCE, LOL

    RPuki deliberately left out that MooMoo is such a two-faced snake with DAP, see how he stabbed his former coalition partner in the back kau kau. So what's wrong with DAP wanting to take back power by supporting the winner. Anwar never lacks strong and loyal support from DAP, right from the very beginning 22 years ago, but since Anwar just simply won't face reality that he doesn't have the numbers, then DAP has to wake him up. When you get backstabbed and pushed out into the cold, you should at least have the wherewithal to look for another winner to help you get back the seat since the previous old supposed-winner has voluntarily opted out just because he can't be king.

    Now that Anwar has cobbled together what he said is a strong majority to form a new government, shall we pretend that he didn't also will accept anyone, even those from Umno, to be in the driving seat ? Anwar too wouldn't mind bringing into the fold those from PAS and GPS, (anyone will do !) except that PAS and GPS are firmly against Anwar.

  8. if umno so confident to win, y they wanna support anwar? under anwar they become no1? tulis macam budak lukis kartun.

  9. Umno supporters want a win.

    But umno warlords want safe passages out of the current mess that trapped them.

    GE15 win can't ensure their speedy acquittals.

    Manmanlai's compromised solution is their best beat!

    Umno supporters r meant to be damned - left, right, centre, front & back. But they like that betrayal just for the continuing song of ketuanan.
