
Thursday, September 03, 2020

Samka accuses RPDR-PKPP of kerbau


Samka: RPDR-PKPP's claim about durian farms does not hold water

This Aug 27 file pic shows Save Musang King Alliance (Samka) members staging a protest in Raub 

RAUB: Barely two days after Royal Pahang Durian Resources-PKPP Sdn Bhd (RPDR-PKPP) attempted to set the record straight on the durian farm legalisation scheme proposal in Raub, farmers here have now accused them of lying.

On Tuesday, RPDR-PKPP issued a "detailed statement" to answer all the allegations raised by Save Musang King Alliance (Samka) hoping to put the matter to rest but it appears that the durian farmers here have other ideas.

Samka, in a statement today, said claims that some 300 farmers were prepared to register with RPDR-PKPP and 133 farmers had paid the earnest money (deposit) of RM1,000 was untrue.

"These are farmers who attended RPDR-PKPP briefing and registered themselves before the briefing began. The so-called "payment" was not to sign the contract but purchase an entry permit to their farms.

"RPDR-PKPP told the farmers only those who purchased the "entry permit" will be allowed to enter their farms after Aug 24. Due to immense pressure, some farmers purchased the entry permit, not because they had agreed to the terms and that they were ready to sign the contract," read the statement.

Samka, a group comprising durian farmers without permits in Raub, claimed that when the farmers made the payment (deposit), RPDR-PKPP promised that full reimbursement will be given if they decide not to sign the contract.

An access permit or entry permit issued by Royal Pahang Durian Resources-PKPP Sdn Bhd for farmers to enter their farms. Farmers claim they only paid for the permit and did not sign any agreement. -NSTP/Courtesy of Samka

However, Samka said RPDR-PKPP shocked many when they told the media that farmers had agreed to the terms in the contract, despite the fact that farmers had only paid for entry permits.

"It appears that RPDR-PKPP is trying to mislead the public into believing that the farmers had agreed to the deal. Samka is now calling upon the private company to reimburse all payments for the entry permits in order to prevent farmers from being further exploited," it read.

On the one-off RM6,000 per acre (0.4ha) levy for this year, Samka claimed that RPDR-PKPP had failed to explain the reason for imposing such fee as it is seen as a rent-seeking strategy to gain profit from the farmers.

Musang King Durian (Export Grade) @ Sinnaco Durian Specialist, PJ

"Imposing such unreasonable fee this year reflects that the corporation is facing a financial crisis and therefore has to impose an exorbitant levy to survive.

"Claims that the production cost of durians is about RM8 per kg is baseless.

"Is RPDR-PKPP aware that it would take up to 10 years for a durian seed to grow into a matured tree? The farmers' profit or losses will be determined by various factors including weather. It appears that the corporation has zero knowledge in durian farming and knows little about the hardship of the farmers," it read.

Musang King Durian Prices to Increase Soon

Samka said if the Pahang government was genuine in protecting the environment, it should engage the farmers and hold a dialogue instead of choosing a private corporation as a middleman that allegedly offered an unequal contract to the farmers.

A recent joint venture deal between RPDR-PKPP had upset durian farmers in Raub who claimed that the deal would result in small-scale farmers incurring loses.

Yesterday, the farmers said they were prepared to work with the Pahang government to solve the issues involving unlicensed farms, on the condition that RPDR-PKPP ceased their involvement in the scheme.

6 Easy Tips For Malaysians to Identify a Musang King Durian - WORLD OF BUZZ


  1. Replies
    1. Totally agreed...bully dan tipu dan rampas, sebiji macam syaitan AmeriKKKa, hehehehe. Now how does it feel to sneak attack your idol sham democracy AmeriKKKa at every opportune moment ? wa ka ka ka

      Ayam loving it...

  2. There does not seem to be any lawyer representing SAMKA.

    I believe it is most important to engage a lawyer to advise them in this unequal fight.

    1. Steven, I reckon it's better to work on 'connections' where the royal house has already been involved, someone who has kamcheng with tuanku, umno and 'VIPs' - no one wants to 'lose face' nor should the farmers make any vip lose face - then official resistance will set in

      the aim is not only to gently discard the troublesome money-gouging 'middleman' but to enable the farmers to own or at least lease the land

    2. KT, what you said is possibly is good to be prudent.

      However, I foresee the odds are stacked against SAMKA and without legal advice, the farmers may find themselves in a big hole.

      I am not a lawyer but I think signing the entry permit gives some legal acceptance of the position of RPDR-PKPP vis-a-SAMKA (as evidenced by the use of the entry permit by RPDR-PKPP; even if it was misused)

    3. rule of law does not apply to perombak la. feed them, as if we do charity when feeding begger.

    4. Thus said the promoter of don't-spook-the-melayu-sensitivities gang!

      What a veiled effort of misinformation.

      Most beggers ain't exist by choice & neither is a true altruistic charity!

      Yr perombak r rent-seekers, acting on their own free will to feed on the public, using their preceded ketuanan narrative entitlement!

      Yr presumed charity is just a disguised front for yr promoted melayu spookism!

      犬养mfer, u r been bursted!

  3. Yes, if cannot give the land to durian farmers sewa is a good idea, but must be good landlord.

    Not like the Bully landlord give 156 year lease for a wasteland that nobody wanted, tenant happy happy, build house, grow fruit trees, then when lease expires, landlord sign tenancy agreement, allow tenant to stay under same conditions for another 50 years. But after 23 years landlord change mind, want to add conditions.....tambah sini potong sana, want to rampas everything, tenant must pay extra tax to monopoly middle-men for the durians, fix price etc....etc

    Of course tenant very angry, why give all the renovated property and fruiting durian trees to landlord for free? It was tenant's money and hard work over decades. Now tenant want to chop the trees and take down the renovations. I don't blame them.

    1. Blurred mfer, when have u rewritten the history of that 'wasteland' on yr own fantasy?

      That 'waste land' has ALWAYS been the bridgehead for pommie influences. Right from opium trades to overcome the hugely trade unbalanced caused by the tea & porcelain exports to pommie political expansionism!


      What kind of lease r u farting about?

      It's a colony obtained via military might w/o any inputs from the hk locals. The colonial pommies built hk, using the locals as serf, to advance their bloodsucking exploitations.

      'change mind'!!!

      Don't just fart & fitnah. Show concrete proofs from the signed sino-british agreement lah. Katak croaking is so easy when it's been fed shit!

      But what do u know!

      U only read & follow what the demoNcratic history written by CCP bashers & capitalistic biasness. All those infos r gospels to u to propagate & nothing else!

      Have u check what's 骨气 meant yet?

      Or it's yr understanding of unreserved panegyric supports for yr masters!

    2. Very obvious you telan bulat bulat AmeriKKKa and the West's propaganda...mesti la ada giant udang belakang batu, hehehe

      Yellow skinned OCBC makan muntah orang putih....mmm...sedap sampai jilat jari, wa ka ka ka
