
Sunday, September 20, 2020

Mahathir a pathetic hypocrite scorned by Sarawakians & Sabahans


Mahathir seen to be a hypocrite over ‘equal partner’ talk

A file photograph of Dr Mahathir Mohamad in Sarawak. He said recently that Sabah and Sarawak should have equal status with West Malaysia

(Bernama pic)

KUCHING: Former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad has come under fire, and described as a hypocrite, for his recent remarks in favour of Sabah and Sarawak being treated as equal partners with West Malaysia.

Political analyst Jeniri Amir said Mahathir was a hypocrite for failing to right the wrong in his two stints as prime minister.

“When he was the prime minister for 22 months under the Pakatan Harapan (PH) government, he failed to do anything but instead, he put pressure on Sarawak.

“Mahathir only spoke about “equal partnership” and fighting for Sabah and Sarawak rights when he was no longer in power. He (Mahathir) is like a “tragic hero”,” said Jeniri.

Jeniri Amir

SUPP youth chief Michael Tiang concurred. He said: “Mahathir should have done something since he was there from the very beginning when Malaysia was formed. He knew everything very well. Malaysia was formed when he was 38 years old. He knows the original spirit of the formation of Malaysia but why didn’t he do anything when he was in power?”

Tiang said Sabah and Sarawak together held less than one-third of the seats in the Dewan Rakyat, unlike in 1963. Sarawak currently has 31 parliamentary seats and Sabah 25 in the 222-seat house

Michael Tiang

With less than one-third of parliamentary seats, West Malaysian politicians could simply amend the Federal Constitution, and take away Sabah and Sarawak’s special rights, he said.

“We cannot stop them. So, are we considered equal partners? No way,” he added.

Tiang said Mahathir was very powerful as the fourth prime minister and was even asked to return to become the seventh prime minister.

Voon Lee Shan

“Don’t tell me he’s (Mahathir) powerless. He had the chance to right the wrong when he was in power as the prime minister. There is no excuse. I am not trying to discredit him but it is indeed a shameful thing,” he said.

Voon Lee Shan, president of opposition party, Parti Bumi Kenyalang, also questioned why Mahathir did not do anything to restore the equal partnership between the peninsula, Sabah and Sarawak.

“When he made a comeback under the (PH government), he could have easily done it by a stroke of a pen in Parliament to repeal the Petroleum Development Act 1974,The Territorial Seas Act and Continental Shelf Act without amending the Federal Constitution but why did he sit on it?” Voon said.
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  1. Fact Check

    “When he was the prime minister for 22 months under the Pakatan Harapan (PH) government, he failed to do anything but instead, he put pressure on Sarawak.

    Not True.

    Why have new Cabinet panel on MA63 rights when a committee already exists, asks DAP MP
    FMT Reporters
    September 17, 2020

    KUCHING: Bandar Kuching MP Dr Kelvin Yii today said there was no need for the government to set up another special Cabinet committee to study the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63).

    “Yesterday, Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin came all the way to Sarawak to announce the formation of another committee to study our rights lost under the agreement.

    “But, there is already a special Cabinet committee formed under the Pakatan Harapan (PH) government which consisted of the chief ministers of Sabah and Sarawak and leaders from states, legal experts, academicians and activists.

    “Out of the 21 outstanding issues, 17 have already been agreed upon and ready for implementation,” he said in a statement.

    Yii said if the Perikatan Nasional government was sincere in returning Sarawak’s autonomous rights, which had been eroded over the years, it should reveal what the previous Cabinet committee on MA63 had achieved so far in Parliament.

    “Why keep this under the Official Secrets Act? It is about our rights, we should be allowed to monitor and scrutinise what has been discussed and agreed upon. We should not allow the mistakes of the past where our rights were taken away without consultation with the people.”

    Yii said the government had also decided not to form a proposed bipartisan parliamentary select committee to monitor the implementation of MA63, although this was agreed upon under PH.

    “This shows they are not serious about returning our rights but are seeking to delay them and make this issue a sweet promise before the next election,” Yii said.

    Muhyiddin said the Cabinet meeting on Sept 9 had agreed to form a special committee on MA63, which he will chair. The members will include the chief ministers of Sabah and Sarawak, while federal ministers and other members will be appointed according to their suitability, qualification and expertise.

    This special committee would be assisted by existing committees set up at the ministerial and federal agency level, based on relevant issues, he said in his speech at the Malaysia Day 2020 celebration at the Sibu Indoor Stadium.

  2. SUPP was and is part of the problem, though it is politically expedient currently to attack Mahathir on the issue.

  3. Knowing that his days on this earth are numbered, Mahathir is now hoping by voicing his wish for equal partnership for Sabah and Sarawak, Sabahans and Sarawakians will forget his betrayal and call him a hero.

    On the contrary, I suspect the queue for those who want to spit on his grave (figuratively speaking) when he is dead will be very long.

    He has transitioned into irrelevance and that really bothers him.

    I remember when the late LKY came to Malaysia on a familiarisation trip, LKY did not deem it important to call on him (Mahathir). Even Rosmah rated a special visit.

    It must have really grated on him (Mahathir) and deservingly so.

  4. at least he propose a east msian as pm, he now berjuang for malay n east msian, we must sokong.
