
Monday, September 28, 2020

Kerbau-ish Frog-Slayer may end up embracing frogs (as it did in 2018)


Speculation mounts about defections to Warisan


Warisan and allies won 32 seats in the state assembly elections, five short of a simple majority

KOTA KINABALU: A group of newly-elected state assembly members from Gabungan Rakyat Sabah are believed to be at a late-night meeting with Warisan president Shafie Apdal tonight, amid mounting speculation about defections to the former ruling coalition.

“Yes, for sure, they are all gathering at Shafie’s house,” according to a Warisan source, referring to the GRS members as well as Warisan leaders.

The purported meeting comes hours after PBS indirectly accused Warisan of attempting to entice PBS assembly members to defect, after Warisan failed to secure a majority at the state elections.

The PBS statement said offers of money and position had been made.

Earlier in the day, PBS information chief Joniston Bangkuai denied allegations that the party would now join forces with Warisan Plus to form a new state government.

Former prime minister Najib Razak also questioned whether Warisan had resorted to money politics after having campaigned against political corruption. “Is the ship party now playing money politics to create political frogs after losing the state elections?,” he said.

GRS comprising the Perikatan Nasional, Barisan Nasional and PBS won a total of 38 seats in the state elections. Warisan Plus won 32, five short of a majority, while three more seats were won by independent candidates.


  1. GRS was "formed" after a one night stand, kiss kiss cuddle cuddle, a few days before the elections. No akad nikah, no wedding papers signed. It is not registered as a coalition. Is the rakyat supposed to trust this "verbal agreement"? Is the Gabenor supposed to believe them?

    Remember Toonsie's famous "Manifesto is not a Bible" remark? Even with a document signed between married people rakyat can be cheated.

    The Gabenor is right to be cautious. If he appoints a CM from GRS the lovers may have a quarrel the following day and cerai. Sabahans will suffer again.

    On the other hand Warisan Plus - Warisan, DAP and PKR are all registered parties, and they are formally members of the Harapan coalition, which is registered with ROS, sudah kahwin, lesen ada, anak cucu pun sudah ada... ha ha ha...tried and tested. DAP even campaigned under the Warisan logo. See how united and committed they are to each other.

    The Gabenor should now test the support of Warisan Plus and GRS. Not just cakap cakap claim this claim that.

    First invite the leader of the party which won the most number of seats, ie Warisan, to form a government. If he cannot find the required number of assemblymen to get majority, then the Gabenor should invite the leader of the party with the second highest seats won etc etc. Ini-lah cara betul.

  2. There is a "Mexican standoff" between Bung and Hajiji as to who should get to form the State Government.

    It is not necessarily an unreasonable or immoral solution to offer it to some other 3rd person, if the person can get the support of the majority in the House.

  3. LATEST 11 AM 29 September 2020!!

    Bung-Hamidi says drop ALL Charges Now by Corrupted AG - Idrus Harun, like Idrus did conveniently to Musa Aman before I give in to Hajijik-kotor lalat Pariah Katan to be MB......then AGAIN BUNG CAN LIE LIKE ANY MUSLIM MALAY ARAB SUPREMACIST BECAUSE ITS OK IN QURAN...DO AN UMRAH...KOW TIM!!

    Muhyiddin -Azmin-Hamzah Tun Dr M being SH*T on by UMNO-PAS Muafakat Pariah - Katan...with some UMNO MP and Bersatu MP may even Join Anwar to sack Corrupted Tainted Musa Aman Muhyiddin-Azmin Idrus Harun, Speaker Harun....

    PBS-STAR says - why do we need to be running Dog of Muhyiddin-Pariah Katan Khat Jawi Islam Bangsat Negara Back Stabbers when we can be Chief Minister or Govenor and rotate among ourselves every 5 years...and ask Shafie Apdal to be DPM when Anwar gets a Chance to see Agong Skit IJN rubbish....WHY Bother sticking with Khat BM PN Gabungan BODOH Sabah when we can ENGLISH-KAN SABAH And People FROM MALAYA SEND THEIR CHILDREN TO SABAH ENGLISH UNIVERSITY AND SCHOOLS.....SH*T...WHY THAT MEANS MORE PEOPLE WHO WANTS ENGLISH CAN MIGRATE TO SABAH AND LEAVE SH*T HOLE KELANTAN STYLE MUD WATER MALAYA!!

    Shafie Apdal MUST eat humble pie as he lost BIG...and move on to give Non ISLAM to Lead Sabah OUT OF MALAYA WITH MA63....with English as was the case since 1963....Since BM Khat made its way with project IC...its BEEN SH8T all the way to 2020...Bankrupt and Corrupted MB....

    Opportunity to go BACK to ENGLISH with PBS-STAR_WARISAN-DAP and achieve MA63 , sack Malaya or the SAME SH*T with Gabungan Bodohkan Sabah, PN, BN Bangsat Negara???????...You want a Bung or Musa Aman or Hajijik as Govenor like Taib Bangsat of Sarawak.....Time to DRAIN THE SWAMP.....During Tun Time there will be Sulu, Abu Sayaf shooting and killing to declare emergengy and pintu belakang power like in times of PBS...Now we Weaponise Covid 20 Against these Islam Supremacist terrorist....time to SH*T back on Tun Dr M and HIS Hybrid Corrupted DNA Ideology inUMNO-BARU PN GBS GPS Bangsat as a BIG TIME farewell gift!! wa ka ka!!

    Why be a RUNNING DOG or Office Boy when we can be Chief Minister and Govenor??? STAR - PBS??

    PENIPUAN Allah by Christian Prince


    Ayat ini memberitahu orang Islam agar tidak mengambil orang

    yang tidak beriman sebagai sahabat, sambil mengabaikan mereka

    yang beriman, kerana sesiapa yang berbuat demikian tidak

    dilindungi Allah, melainkan anda mengambil mereka sebagai rakan

    demi langkah keselamatan diri anda. Allah sendiri memberi amaran

    kepada anda, dan bagi Allah semua ini adalah perintahperintahnya.

    Akhir kata, seperti penerangan yang telah dilihat, orang Islam tidak

    boleh berkawan dengan orang bukan Islam.

    Orang Islam Boleh Berbohong Walaupun Ketika Mengangkat Sumpah

    Al-Quran 2:225 (Muhammad Habib Shakir):

  4. the thing about dirty local politics is if you play like a gentleman you get fook like a whore, najib your soul mate is an expert, but here he is, speaking like a saint

    1. That MaluApa Soon-to-be-Jailbird should just STFU ! Betul betul tak malu la !

  5. i support shafie, frog welcome, the more the better.
