
Sunday, August 02, 2020

The Umno-Bersatu Gangrenous Wounds

Extracts (only) from Malaysia-Today's The Umno-Bersatu Wounds Will Take Time To Heal:

The Umno grassroots hate PPBM so the Perikatan Nasional relationship is very fragile

And, of course, it is even more difficult for the five-month old Umno-PPBM marriage — a.k.a. Perikatan Nasional. The hatred, currently at least, by the Umno grassroots for PPBM is far worse than their hatred for PAS.

So, this Umno-PAS-PPBM orgy is actually an Umno-PAS-PPBM hate-fest. Of course, the three may be sleeping together in the same bed. But its only for sex. There is absolutely no love involved in this threesome.

The Sabah state elections is going to be the acid test. If Perikatan Nasional can settle their internal differences (especially on the seat distribution issue) and survive Sabah, then they can make it to GE15, whenever that may be.

And there are going to be many people who will try to sabotage the Sabah state election seat negotiations to see three or more corner contests and the resulting collapse of Perikatan Nasional.

PAS may have to play the “pacifier” in the Umno-PPBM relationship to keep Perikatan Nasional together

Who of those many loose mouths are just being stupid and who are actually saboteurs? Not sure, but whatever the case may be, both are damaging Perikatan Nasional solidarity.

Politicians love talking about korban or sacrifice, especially in this season of Hari Raya Haji. But no one practices that so-called korban (they want us, not themselves, to korban). They cannot even korban their ego and they keep talking as if they are so tera and are Allah’s anugerah to humankind.


kaytee notes:

I agree with RPK in that UMNO hates Bersatu with a vengeance.

Bersatu is of course Parti Pribumi or PPBM, a.k.a UMNO Baru-er, Mahathir's 3rd UMNO and the 2nd he forges himself though he appears to have lost control of it now, BUT his cosy relationship with Ass-binte makes us wonder whether his resignation and undeniable consequential loss of the PH government to the Malay Dignity consortium has in fact been a deep deep deep conspiracy of highly convoluted Machiavellian-ism - we bear in mind Mahathir's not too recent remarks was his detestation for both Anwar and the DAP.

Parti Pribumi (PPBM) or UMNO III

But Machiavellian-ism  or not, UMNO grassroots remember all too vividly the unexpected loss of their presumed "perpetually-in-power" UMNO (II) has been coincidental with Parti Pribumi's participation in Paktan Harapan. Of course many inclduing Malaysiakini's P Gunasegaram and yours truly believe (and still do) that Pakatan Harapan was already on the cusp of victory in May 2018, Mahathir with them or otherwise.

The Old Man went into PH gnam gnam to claim credit for the PH victory, even though his Parti Pribumi won a measly 13 seats out of 52 allocated, whereas PKR won 47 out of 71, DAP 42 out of 47, Amanah 11 out of 34. The victory gave him 113 seats to claim majority rule in Malaysia.

But Mahathir's Parti Pribumi's paltry wins showed that his support in the Heartland was abysmal, and it was only the incorrect strategy of UMNO and PAS in splitting votes that saw PH scrapped through.

Overall PH won only 45.68% of the total votes counted - PKR winning 16.94%, DAP 18.92%, Amanah 5.43% and Parti Pribumi a pitiful 5.95%. OTOH, UMNO won 20.9% whilst PAS secured 16.82%.

Pathetic old man | Robin Staal | Flickr

As if that was not enough treachery by the founder of UMNO II (the loser of GE14) to eff his old party into opposition, he commenced his frogology by sucking more frogs out of UMNO II, with the aim of making his Parti Pribumi more strong than PKR or the DAP, wakakaka, even if it would be by 'crook' rather than by 'hook', to wit, the people's choice.

UMNO-ites thus hate Parti Pribumi, whether the original Atuk-founded or the Mark II version headed (not helm please) by Muhyiddin and aided by Sembu-nyi.

They're gonna to eff him and his Parti Pribumi whichever whatever whenever way.

Nowadays, shunned by his former over-trusting and over-naive colleagues he preaches nonsense which he didn't doesn't nor will ever practise himself. It carries no credibility but incurs only more wrath. I feel sorry for the inevitable animosity his children will experience.

Euripides quote: The gods visit the sins of the fathers upon the...


  1. hopefully guna is right, anwar can lead ph to a ge15 great victory without conman. my view is diff, only way ph can win is when umno split, or in the current scenario, pn split.

  2. Why KT give megahorn to a wanted runaway who simply defame Guanee, such a ridiculous accusation because he offered no defence, didn't make apology or even show up in court....?

    Lim Guan Eng to testify in damages assessment hearing of his suit
    01 JUL 2020

    KUALA LUMPUR: Former Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng will testify in the hearing of assessment of damages in his defamation suit against blogger Raja Petra Raja Kamarudin over allegation of corruption in the RM6.3 billion Penang undersea tunnel project.

    Lim’s counsel, Simon Murali told reporters that the assessment of damages is regarding the judgment in default awarded by the High Court to Lim on Feb 28.

    “The court has set Aug 21 for hearing and we told the court that so far only one plaintiff’s witness will testify and that is Lim himself,” he said after the case management before Judge Datin Rohani Ismail in chambers today.

    On Feb 28, Lim, who is also former Penang Chief Minister, obtained a judgment in default against Raja Petra as the blogger did not contest the suit.

    Lim filed the suit on Sept 6 last year over a series of From the MACC Files articles, in both English and Bahasa Malaysia versions, carried on Raja Petra’s online news portal, Malaysia Today, between Feb 24 to March 15, 2019.

    The purported defamatory articles are with regards to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission’s (MACC) investigation into the issue of alleged corruption in the infrastructure project.

    Lim had sought exemplary damages on grounds that Raja Petra had profited from the huge volume of readership on all the articles.

    He had also, among others, sought a front-page apology, and an injunction to prevent the blogger from repeating his allegations.

    The DAP secretary-general filed an application for a judgment in default after Raja Petra failed to respond to the notice of the suit that Lim placed in three newspapers this year.

    Lim had also attempted to serve the writ and statement of claim to Raja Petra by personal service at the blogger’s last known address which was obtained from the National Registration Department and the Election Commission but was unsuccessful. — Bernama

  3. Mahathir has beaten the "Machiavellian" and brought it to a new level "Mahatiuvellian".
