
Wednesday, August 05, 2020

Thais "playing with fire"

Focus Malaysia:

Thai protesters openly criticise monarchy

SPEAKERS at a Thai anti-government protest demanded reforms to the monarchy of King Maha Vajiralongkorn last night, calling for its powers to be curbed in unusually frank public comments.

Defaming the monarchy is punishable by up to 15 years in prison under Thailand’s lese majeste laws.

Police did not stop the six speakers, but said that any suspected offences would be investigated.

Many of the 200 protesters were dressed like the fictional wizard Harry Potter and other characters in what they said was a reference to vanquishing injustices under the military-backed government.

Lawyer Anon Nampa, 34, accused the palace of taking on increasing powers that undermined democracy and of inaction in the face of attacks on opponents of the government of Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha, a former junta leader.

After the king took the throne in 2016, the palace required revisions to a new constitution that gave him greater emergency powers.

He has since taken personal control over some army units and palace assets worth tens of billions of dollars.

Meanwhile, some Thai activists complain of harassment by authorities, saying that at least nine opposition figures living abroad have disappeared. Two were later found dead.

Reuters has not independently confirmed what happened to these opposition figures.

“Talking about this is not an act to topple the monarchy, but to allow the monarchy to exist in Thai society in the right way and legitimately under a democratic and a constitutional monarchy,” Anon told the group of around 200 at Bangkok’s Democracy Monument.

Two student groups then read out demands that started with: “Cancelling and reforming the laws that expand the power of the monarch and that could impinge on democracy where the king is the head of state.”

The Royal Palace did not answer phone calls seeking comment on the criticism.

Deputy government spokeswoman Ratchada Thanadirek said it was up to police whether to act against the protesters

“The government wants the young protesters to observe the laws so that they can continue to exercise their rights to make their demands and the country can stay peaceful,” she said.

The students from Mahanakorn and Kaset universities also called on the authorities to listen to the protesters and to reform the lese majeste laws that ban criticism of the monarchy.

Student protests to demand the resignation of Prayuth’s government and a new constitution now happen almost daily. While some placards have made veiled criticism of the monarchy, this is the first time it has been open.

Police officer Surapong Thammapitak said: “We cannot yet determine what offences have been committed… Any offences under any laws will be processed for the investigators.”

Prayuth said in a speech in June that there have been no prosecutions under the lese majeste laws recently, at the king’s request, but warned against criticising the monarchy.

Criticism was exceedingly rare under the king’s father, King Bhumibol Adulyadej, whose 70-year reign ended with his death in 2016.

“Such open criticism of Thailand’s monarch by non-elites at a public place within Thailand – with the police simply standing by – is the first of its kind in Thai history,” said Paul Chambers, who teaches international affairs at Thailand’s Naresuan University. – Aug 4, 2020, Reuters


  1. Don't Spook the Monarchy....

  2. That's why DAP shouldn't play with fire over Jawi signage in Pahang, this was the Order of the Sultan/Agong.

    Captain Thaya-Pandai and KT please take note.

  3. i still dun understand how a human being cannot criticise another human being, sound like living under a ccp regime.

    1. "sound like living under a ccp regime"


      R u working hand in glove with those democratized 公知,who r currently running foul mouthpieces in China w/o fear?

      Or u buat tak tau, just to con unknowing readers?

      Or u r more likely projecting those DemoNcratic practices inside yr fart filled well!

    2. Everything you don't understand, you lump it to "ccp regime" LOL

      That's why I said you just simply can't fix stupid, hehehe

      You three blind mice are getting too cozy in that Western echo chamber....too much lazy fuckism, merely parroting endlessly and hardly dare to step out from years of cooped up in that box.

    3. can one criticise emperor xiin ccp china? show me. is criticizing leader or royal a bad thing? tell me.

    4. Jangan criticize Head Bully. Nanti Masuk Penjara.

      Nah, tengok...

      6 Jul 2020
      China arrests law professor who criticised Xi over coronavirus

      Chinese authorities have arrested a law professor who published essays strongly criticising President Xi Jinping over the coronavirus pandemic and accusing him of ruling "tyrannically", according to his friends and colleagues.

      Xu Zhangrun, a rare outspoken critic of the government in China's heavily censored academia, was taken from his home in suburban Beijing on Monday morning by more than 20 policemen, one of his friends said on condition of anonymity.

      According to a text message circulated among Xu's friends, police also searched his house and confiscated his computer.

    5. R u criticizing or u r just doing fitnah?

      Do shout out from under yr fart filled well!

      There r many people doing criticizing within/without China. All of them r still safely living & running despite yr lies of otherwise.

      So, which thing is bad - criticising based on facts or fabricating lies?

    6. Blurred mfer, DON'T just quote western media lah!

      Get someone (definitely not that 犬养 mfer &/or 台毒水炮)to translate what this Xu Zhangrun has been saying (criticizing?) about Xi from the Chinese medias.

      Even those demoNcratic 公知,who r running a series of concerted blackmouthing efforts using Chinese social medias r praising Xu - for daring to fabricating lies against Xi openly!

      In yr demoNcratic mode of operation, Xu would be sued until his last pants via long winding defamation lawsuit. In China, much quicker - just prove yr libel in court pronto!

      Blurred mfer, has c&p on news negative of China, yr free past time now?

      So easy, no need to verify - just fart!

    7. i asked u to show me, u can try globaltimes or people daily, or any website within great wall oso can, but must stated emperor xi full name clearly like how american did to trump, ok?

    8. Wakakakakaka…

      Katak with a dickhead can't u read?

      Yr blurred pal has put up a good show by one Xu Zhangrun's case for u to digest ler!

      Remember that Xu Zhangrun is a rare outspoken critic of the chinese government.

      "(He was arrested) for published essays strongly criticising President Xi Jinping over the coronavirus pandemic and accusing him of ruling "tyrannically""

      According to that unnamed quoted source.

      Rare! Outspoken!

      What does that convey to u?

      What make him so special that he can last for so long until now to be attested by a dictatorial govt, whom according to dickheads like u CAN'T allow anyone to criticize the leadership?

      Or u r going to fart about this is his first time to name Xi jinping directly & openly!

      How about he went overboard with fabricated fitnah?

      Or yr 南魔萬 England comprehension is on show AGAIN?

      Have u suddenly lost yr appetite to search any Chinese medias inside China for story detrimental to the Chinese govt or President Xi Jinping?

      Or could it be bcoz u CAN'T find any decent one with supporting facts in China.

      Yr demoNcratic 公知 have all now go tongue tight bcoz they r all now under attacks by the Chinese public for their published lies!

      Enough for now!

      Now back to u.

    9. Toldja...blind mice is very adept with his underhand SOP of 'Quote' and 'Unquote' all sans the crucial naming of source. Slippery snake trying to pool wool over eyes, hehehe.

    10. y write panjang lebar, just cite one never get arrested or go missing one will do. can?

    11. CK, I urge you to go panjang lebar....hantam that crazy dumb bat to kingdom come, LOLOLOL. Stupid can't take the heat, hehe

    12. panjang lebar?

      Not for u lah, 犬养 mfer, u forget!

      No anyone have yr level of England comprehensive capability ler, again u forget!

      Yr auntie 方方 & her gang of demoNcratic 公知, UNTIL now r still never get arrested or go missing one. They have tuned down NOT bcoz of govt threats but been drown out by the voluminous rebuttals from the Chinese public.

      Or anything/anyone no mentioned by those 台毒水炮 r not under yr consideration?

    13. fangfang critisize hubei party secretary, not emperor xi, she dare meh? i know u didnt read her diary.

      one more chance, show me one, one enough, i am waiting.

    14. Wakakakakaka…

      What chance?

      Did u ACTUALLY read what the diarrhea that has been vomited by 方方?& many of her gangs?

      Or u just scan 方方日记 ONLY?

  4. The Current Thai King is a very different Animal from the revered late King Bhumipol.

    Emphasis on the key word "Animal"....wakakakaka...

  5. No underhand, here is the source, same as the one Saifuddin wants to shut down...

    China arrests law professor who criticised Xi over coronavirus
    Xu Zhangrun, who wrote articles critical of the government, taken from Beijing home by policemen, his friends say.

    1. What underhand?

      U just quote/unquote a foreign source w/o further clarification!

      Ooop… u never trust any sources from within China. Even though that 犬养 mfer has just claimed he trusted those diarrhea from demoNcratic 公知 like Xu Zhangrun.

      Next time when pinklips is been confirmed to a long long holiday in bamboo resort, u should quote/unquote sources from within jibby's pact of admirers about the injustice done to him.

      Similar approach mah!

    2. Wasn't it Aljazeera that produced a 25 minutes long report quoting that rapture-ready evangelical wanker Adrian Zenz chapter and verse, this extremist who posed as a German "researcher" and apparaently interviewed just exactly 8 Uyghurs to then extrapolated from this small number that 1 million to 1.5 million Uyghurs were imprisoned in "concentration camps" ?

      Aljazeera started off showing a group of handcuffed men in blue prison garb blindfolded with shaven heads and guarded by prison guards, and asking the Chinese ambassador to UK, Liu Xiaming why are Uyghurs are treated in this manner.

      Subsequent investigation revealed that these group of shackled men were Han Chinese caught and found guilty of cheating a huge number of people via online fraud schemes. They were finally caught after operating for a number of years. Of course the Chinese ambassador was flabbergasted and was lost for words when such a question and video was sprung on on earth was he, in London, be able to tell what this video was all about and he did asked correctly " are you sure these are Uyghurs "?

      Read more about this crazy moron Adrian Zenz here, the very same moron that the US Congress deemed fit to have him to present his 'facts' for their review wrt to Xinjiang Uyghurs

      Aljazeera's credibility is shit here
