
Wednesday, August 05, 2020

Is the RMN only a sampan force?


PAC urged to probe non-delivery of warships

A littoral combat ship similar to the ones supposed to have been delivered by Boustead Naval Shipyard. (Facebook pic) (Facebook pic)

PETALING JAYA: A defence analyst has called for a Public Accounts Committee (PAC) probe into the delay in Boustead Naval Shipyard’s delivery of six warships for Malaysia’s defence.

Lam Choong Wah, formerly a fellow at Refsa (Research for Social Advancement), told FMT an in-depth investigation by the parliamentary body would be appropriate because of the company’s accountability to taxpayers.

He said PAC must find out the reasons for the Boustead Holdings unit’s failure to fulfil its obligation and added that the company needed to go through a holistic revamp to resolve the issues of wastage, inefficiencies and corruption.

The project, worth more than RM9 billion, was awarded in 2014 and the order was for six littoral combat ships (LCS) to be constructed. The first ship should have been delivered in April 2019, but not one ship has been built although the government has paid the company RM6 billion.

Defence Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob said recently that Putrajaya was considering one of three courses of action: salvage the construction of at least two ships by Boustead, allow Naval Group France to build the two vessels through a deed of assignment or terminate the contract with Boustead and find other ways to save the project.

Lam criticised the options, saying the first two would see the government shortchanged and the third would see it bailing out the project.

“This is the first time the defence ministry has acknowledged that the LCS programme had encountered a big problem and potential corruption,” he remarked.

“According to the minister’s revelation in Parliament, the main problem lies with the contractor, Boustead, and the government is hesitating to bail out the programme.”

He said the government needed to strike a balance between its financial concerns and the nation’s defence needs, adding that the country’s defence would be struck a “fatal blow” if the arrangement with Boustead were to fail.

He urged Putrajaya to establish a review committee composed of representatives of the defence and finance ministries as well as shipbuilding experts and said the entire programme should be restructured.

Aruna Gopinath, who has retired from the National Defence University, noted that navy veterans last year lodged a report concerning the project with the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC).

She said a decision on whether to terminate the contract could be made only after completion of the MACC probe.

“But MACC will have to investigate the interests of all of the shareholders,” she told FMT.


kaytee notes:

I'm just tired of stories of the non-stop looting of the Defence budget. Mahathir tok-kok on "Malay Dignity" when we can't even build littoral combat ships (LCS), whilst our lil' red-dot neighbour has built 5 La Fayette class frigates.

Its first frigate, RSS Formidable, was built by DCN France, while the remaining 5 frigates were constructed by Singapore Technologies Marine and modified to incorporate their own weapon systems.


  1. Welcome to Malaysia Truly Asia!

  2. It is the same players - DCNS France and Boustead, who were involved in the Scorpene scandal....the scandal KT avoids mentioning like the plague, except to megaphone Jibby's statement putting the blame on Toonsie...


    The Scorpene submarine deal was actually mooted by PM-4 (Dr Mahathir Mohamad). It was also approved and signed during his time. It was not my project.

    Jibby's Logic: Not My Project because Toonsie signed the contract.

    So using this same logic who was the person who signed the Littoral ships contract?

    The PM when this contract was signed (2014) was Jibby and the Defence Minister was his cousin Hishamuddin.

    So why again KT needs to drag Toonsie's name into this scandal...? Did Toonsie sign...?

  3. Senior Defence Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob's three options:
    1. salvage the construction of at least two ships by Boustead,
    2. allow Naval Group France to build the two vessels through a deed of assignment or
    3. terminate the contract with Boustead and find other ways to save the project.

    What about the 6 billion already paid.....?


  4. This modus operandi, money paid in advance for little or no work done is so common during Jibby's tenure as PM; is KT sick and tired of this non-stop looting too...?

    Guan Eng: RM8.25b payments made by previous govt for two gas pipeline projects, despite only 13% of work completed
    Supriya Surendran /
    June 05, 2018

    KUALA LUMPUR: Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng revealed today that the previous Barisan Nasional government had made payments amounting to RM8.25 billion for the multi-product pipeline (MPP) and the Trans-Sabah Gas Pipeline (TSGP) projects, despite only 13% of work completed for both projects.

    These payments — representing 87.7% of the total project value for both projects of RM9.41 billion — were made despite an average completion rate of only 13%, with another two years of the contracts to go, the minister in a statement today.

  5. KT must put in a good word of support in this humoungously influential blog to support Tony in his quest to recover 1MDB, SRC and why not, even Navy assets....go on KT, it's good for the soul...ha ha ha...

    P/S. Note that Tony speaks with authority. In GE14 he won his Damansara parliamentary seat by a majority of 106,903, which is more than 4 Defence Ministers put together ie Saabri Yaakub (2,311), Hishamuddin (6,662), Zahid Hamidi (5,073), Jibby (20,859) and still have enough votes leftover (71,998) to surpass the majorities of three PMs: Muhyiddin (6,927), Toonsie (8,893) and count Jibby's majority again (20,859)....and guess what Tony still have 35,319 leftover votes to spare...he is amazing, like Superman...ha ha ha...

    Pua submits motion for PSC on recovery of 1MDB, SRC assets
    Yasmin Ramlan

    Lawmaker Tony Pua (Harapan-Damansara) has submitted a motion to set up a Parliament Select Committee (PSC) to monitor and evaluate the government's actions in recovering cash and assets linked to 1MDB and SRC International.

    1. amazing I didn't know you aren't aware of gerrymandering where all DAP voters were sardine-ised into TP's constituency so that DAP gets only 1 MP instead of 3 - you must be dumbo lah, wakakaka, to praise TP for getting so many votes

    2. That is why KT must put aside his hate for Tony and give support lah...for democracy sake....even Guanee and LKS can put aside their differences with Toonsie, even though he had them both jailed....ha ha ha...

    3. So besides having a bigger voice than 4 Defence Ministers and 3 PMs, using KT's gerrymandering logic he confirms Tony does the job of 3 MPs. Truly Amazing....Tony really must be Superman....ha ha ha....

  6. again very ccp, china only found out even a indian army flying stone can crash their armoured car, i guess ccp qc done only when there is a war.

    1. Wakakakakaka…

      犬养mfer, now u r spice favouring the curry puffer!

      Yr 台毒 dickhead mates have run out headline story for u to fart, right?

    2. i rarely read/watch anything taiwan, i always refer news from mainlander, the one that dont share ccp authoritarian rule. taiwanese know very little abt ccp, they r not ccp lover.

    3. Wakakakakakaka…

      So u r a fan of those demoNcratized 公知, who used to run wild in the Chinese social medias!

      Then, what the farts r u complaining about

      "only xi can do like hitler, no number no debate no proposal, no reference, no sound, hails our great ccp hitler"

      "ccp lover lyric is nothing more than emperor xi wansui, ccp wansui"

      "tok3tok4tokskytokearth about choose to live near emperor xi sister n cousin, hopefully being a revolutionary offspring, they dun live in a multi million upscale mansion"

      "The three gorges dam causing the current floods down in Hunan, Hebei"

      Ain't these r the common regurgitated diarrheas coming out from 台毒水炮?Haven't u just claimed that "taiwanese know very little abt ccp, they r not ccp lover."?

      Thus, all those fabricated lies going round that whole island like wild fire!

      Indeed, u rarely read/watch anything taiwan. But u r high on those coming out from those 水炮.

  7. Another corrupt deal made under The Thief auspices.
    But as usual Ktemoc makes not a single mention of accountability under Thief.
