
Monday, August 17, 2020

Huawei suddenly deemed clean "temporarily" for Hypocrite's defense needs

Defense News:

Pentagon wins brief waiver from government’s Huawei ban

Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment Ellen M. Lord holds a press briefing to update media on acquisition, reform and innovation, at the Pentagon, Washington, D.C., Aug. 26, 2019

(DoD photo by U.S. Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class James K. Lee)

WASHINGTON ― The Trump administration is granting the Pentagon a temporary waiver of government-wide ban on contractors using Huawei and other Chinese-made telecommunications equipment, according to a memo obtained by Defense News.

The move offers a weeks-long reprieve, until Sept. 30, for firms doing business with the Department of Defense. The firms are among those still reeling from the economic effects of the coronavirus pandemic and who lobbied for more time to comply with new far-reaching regulations.

The original provision was to take effect Aug. 13. The administration had been finalizing regulations that would prohibit government contracting with companies whose supply chains contain products from five Chinese companies including Huawei, as mandated under of Section 889 of the 2019 National Defense Authorization Act.

The administration, confronting China on trade and a host of issues, has deemed Huawei an espionage threat.

Citing U.S. national security interests, Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe granted the Pentagon a temporary waiver to further assess a broader waiver request from DoD. The action came in a memo to Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment Ellen Lord.

The temporary waiver Lord sought was so DoD could continue to execute procurement actions that would, in part, equip and feed troops.

“You stated that DoD’s statutory requirement to provide for the military forces needed to deter war and protect the security of out country is critically important to national security,” Ratcliffe said. “Therefore, the procurement of goods and services in support of DoD’s statutory mission is also in the national security interests of the United States.”

While considering the broader waiver, Ratcliffe asked Lord share more information about potential increased risks, mitigation measures and a plan to contract with alternatives to the banned Chinese companies.

Contractors had been confused over an interim acquisition rule, agencies cannot award new contracts, task orders or modify existing contracts to any vendor who doesn’t self-certify that they are not using products from Chinese companies like ZTE and Huawei, the Federal News Network reported this week.

Ratcliffe’s memo is a win, albeit a temporary one, for defense contractors and trade associations representing them. They had hoped for a legislative fix in a new pandemic relief package ― but larger bipartisan talks had broken down.

The leaders of the National Defense Industrial Association and the Professional Services Council had called for the deadline for 889 implementation to move. They argued the focus should be on recovering from the fallout caused by the COVID-19 crisis. And citing the far-reaching implications of the government’s rules, NDIA said companies should get a yearlong extension.

In May, Lord told lawmakers that contractors needed more time to comply with the government-wide ban or risk throwing the defense industrial base into disarray.

“The thought that somebody in six or seven levels down in the supply chain could have one camera in a parking lot and that would invalidate one of our major primes being able to do business with us gives us a bit of pause,” Lord testified at a House Armed Services Committee hearing.


  1. I find it Very Satisfyingly ironic that for all the effort and energy you expend to defend and promote CCP, your blog is blocked by the Great CCP Tempurung , other than for foreigners with foreign VPN accounts.

    1. Old moneyed mfer farting through his blurred understanding, more likely been led through the nose ring by demoNcratic propagandas, about how social media platforms r been managed in China!


      "other than for foreigners with foreign VPN accounts"


      Quick, do some more c&p trashy articles/news to justify yr fart!

    2. use vpn is against ccp shitty law.

    3. What a ton of lies!


      1)how to subscribed to a VPN in China?

      Wakakakaka… secretly asking/pleading someone outside that great firewall to link u! Possible?

      2)if VPN is illegal in china, how is it able to advertise itself for sale in China?

      Wakakakaka… words of mouth? Flyers on mailbox?

      3)how does VPN operates in China? How to access its server, wherever it is?

      Through ms windows? Google chrome? Apple whatsoever fart os?

      Wakakakakaka… through those farted cloud os u guys r using, right?

      4)ain't u dickheads claimed that the laws in China r so tight that nobody (??) dare to violate this severe punishable info escapism?

      Wakakakaka… many Chinese, within that great info firewall can still access outside Info's via VPN, or other internet media. The CCP info chief must be sleeping on his/her job!

      5)maybe subscribing to VPN in China is just like buying sweet in a candy store that no CCP authority cares about?

      Wakakakaka… no worry - as far as it's NOT subversive to national security (uncle Sam's Golden standard of draconian rule)!

      All others infos(lies, fitnah shit entertainments) r tolerable as many Chinese now r knowledgeable about farts, lies, misinfos spreading by demoNcratized 公知,paid turncoats & toads croaking under the fart filled well.

      Pacts after pacts of shitty lies to fitnsh through yr nose-ringed mouth! Must work harder with better info fabricating tools lah.

      For what?

      Genuflecting under yr demoNcratic masters for crumbs?

      Or just syiok-sendirism?

      More likely, BOTH!

    4. 1) There are many legitimate business uses of VPN, in China as well as the outside world. In fact, some Corporate applications can ONLY be accessed through VPN, regardless where in the world.
      So CCP would be shooting itself in the face if it actually blocks the VPN access ports.
      Note the VPN Access Port is not the same thing as the VPN Service Provider's website.

      2) Foreign VPN works in CCP, if you have already subscribed to a VPN service.
      They are either paid or free services, or both on offer.
      To subscribe, you need to access the VPN Service's website, to register and pay for it (if it is a paid service)
      All VPN Websites that I know of a blocked by the Great CCP Tempurung.
      That means Registration and subscribing can only be done by foreigners when they are outside CCP, or by CCP nationals who travel beyond the CCP firewall.

      3) VPN s are technically illegal in CCP. But I have never heard of any CCP-national being prosecuted.
      4) VPNs are advertised in CCP....lots of illegal or dodgy products and services are openly advertised in CCP....I am not surprised.

    5. ahlong oso advertise everywhere.

    6. Wakakakakakaka…

      Especially those along stickers on the Formosa island. Worst than all those along labels sighted all over kl!

      Did u earn yr extra income doing that, when yr master forgets to lay out yr crumbs?

    7. Wakakakakaka…

      What a lousy research u have done on VPN!

      1)legitimate business uses of VPN?

      What LEGITIMATE business uses VPN anywhere in the world?

      Trafficking drugs? Selling high-end girly/boyish services?

      "some Corporate applications can ONLY be accessed through VPN, regardless where in the world."


      All reputed business entities WOULD use secured private link, which is 100% different from VPN, for their subscribed corporate applications.

      Old moneyed mfer, u use HTTP as if its HTTPS!

      2) what an oxymoron fart on techie issue u know zilch about!

      "To subscribe, you need to access the VPN Service's website, to register and pay for it (if it is a paid service)

      All VPN Websites that I know of a blocked by the Great CCP Tempurung."


      "Registration and subscribing can only be done by foreigners when they are outside CCP, or by CCP nationals who travel beyond the CCP firewall."

      If VPN Websites r blocked by the Great CCP firewall, then how to access these VPN sites inside China, never mind about who/how/where they r been subscribe to?

      Ooop… access them in yr wet dream or they r NEVER been banned in the first place in China!

      3)VPNs are advertised in China, bcoz the Chinese governing authority closes its camera/firewall/enforcement on them!

      Lots of illegal or dodgy products and services are openly advertised in anywhere in the world... & yet u picked on CCP China!

      Well for a demoNcratic dickheak, like u,I am least surprised.

    8. pity la ccp zombie, not only live within great wall, got fire wall somemore, even ahlong dun wan go there.

    9. Bcoz all the known ahlongs r working their trades in Formosa mah!

      Who dare to do it in CCP China?

    10. Nombor Satu TrumpAss Kisser know nuts about tech stuff but still want to ply his half baked knowledge as long as he can take a punch at the evil CCP, LOL. He actually wanted to say "It is a known fact and was known throughout the whole world" but since he was mocked out, alas, he can't use that lame line anymore, hehehe

  2. Trump is an incorrigible liar and his National Security is like the Chipsmore cookies slogan : Now you see it, now you don't !
