
Wednesday, July 29, 2020

US stirring the pot in South China Sea


It’s the US stirring the pot in South China Sea

Manila and Beijing want to normalise relations, but Washington is standing in the way

Alex Lo

This month, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo castigated China for not respecting a ruling by an international tribunal under the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), which found in favour of the Philippines over claims in the South China Sea in 2016.

And, in the past year, Washington has claimed China has breached the Sino-British Joint Declaration over Hong Kong and is threatening punishment.

Let us ignore here Washington’s questionable interpretations of the UNCLOS ruling and the Joint Declaration. Don’t people find it bizarre that the US thinks it can sit in judgment over other countries’ disputes? It seems a rather transparent attempt to hijack those disputes to further Pompeo’s own not-so-hidden agenda.

Why is Pompeo citing the UNCLOS? The US has no standing with the convention because it has never ratified it, unlike China and the Philippines. Anyway, Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has just said he will not confront Beijing over the ruling. The “plaintiff” doesn’t want to pursue the case, so why is the US making so much noise?

In his annual State of the Nation Address, Duterte said diplomacy was the best approach because the alternative was to go to war and he could not afford it.

Despite the uncertain status of the Visiting Forces Agreement with the United States – he had earlier ordered it cancelled but then suspended his order – Duterte has ruled out allowing the Americans to set up bases in the Philippines again. He warned: “If war breaks out there will be atomic arsenals [which would] ensure the extinction of the Filipino race.”

The Chinese are just learning from the US playbook. In 1986, the International Court of Justice ruled against the US for supporting the terroristic and drug-smuggling Contras fighting against the socialist Sandinistas in Nicaragua and mining its harbours. Washington first denied the court had jurisdiction, then ignored the ruling. When a compliant and US-friendly government returned to Nicaragua, all was forgotten.

If you think I am drawing a false historical analogy, consider who Manila hired back in 2016 as its lead lawyer: Paul Reichler. It was the same guy who represented the Sandinista government in 1986.

Paul Reichler | Foley Hoag

Paul Reichler 

Former Philippine president Benigno Aquino, who launched the case against China at The Hague, was pro-American. Duterte has tilted his country towards China from day one.

It’s clear Manila and Beijing want to normalise relations, but Washington just wants to stir the pot.

Duterte threatens to shut down Philippine broadcaster ABS-CBN ...


  1. alex lo tokkok. duterte clearly said he hv no ball to fight n rather kowtow to the bully no2. everyone dare whack bully1 but not bully2, that tell who is the real bully.

    1. Which bully has started more wars outside his border throughout the world?


      The 南魔萬 katak under that fart filled well!

    2. thats y still bully no2, historically quantitative speaking. but its a real one that used to disguise like a lovely winnie pooh, which now everyone know a man eating wolf. malukan peace loving chinese.

    3. U know peace loving based on yr historically quantitative speaking fart!

      犬养 under, do u honestly understand that phrase u have just quoted?

      Or, u just c&p to spice up yr fart?


      犬养 mfer, u got it wrong AGAIN.

      Winnie the Pooh is a bear. & there r bears that can palpitate any man eating wolf or can tear apart paper tiger, masquerading as bully #1 WHEN BEEN PROVOKED. No disguise needed!

      Malulah, hypocrite nonchinese!

      U r ONLY a known croaking toad doing irrational sounds when yr breeder shouts!

      That's known as meme-ed cognitive dissonance

  2. It's perfectly normal for two bullies to be fren fren. Duterte the local Bully and and Xi the Global One. Then they can divide the spoils (Southern Seas) between them.

  3. Ah Lo, the UK-China Joint Declaration on Hong Kong signed in 1984 was between Bully and UK but why do you think so many countries upset now with Bully when the agreement had nothing to do with them? Answer: because Bully broke the Agreement.

    You see, when a Bully treats others badly it is the responsibility of others to put him in his place, even if they are not the victim.

  4. 500 year old Bully signed but never ratified UNCLOS. But they expect others to obey it.

    5,000 year old Bully signed and ratified it, but refused to recognize it's ruling in 2016 which was in favour of Philippines.

    So which Bully is better behaved?

  5. China claims James Shoal, just 46 km from the coast of Sarawak

    Who is stirring the pot ?

    1. Never mind, GPS can claim oil royalty from Bullyland.

    2. i hear ccp is going to start up a immigration in bintulu, to facilitate our nelayan to chop their passport in case wanna fishing in south sea, on the condition that they hv visa.

    3. Haven't u forgotten that yr 蔡妹妹 Formosa is also claiming territory rights withins the SouthChinaSea under the Nine Dash Lines?

      U r mistaken that cultural outpost in Bintulu.! It's a disguised visa outlet operated by Taiwan - there r many in this part of the world.

  6. Aaahhh so Local Bully is only being nice to Global Bully because he wants access to the Covid-19 vaccine....something Ah Lo "forgot" to mention...sounds like blackmail.....

    China appreciates Duterte's remarks on South China Sea
    Wednesday, 29 Jul 2020
    Wang Wenbin. - Reuters

    BEIJING (Xinhua): China appreciated the remarks of Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte on the South China Sea issue and stood ready to properly resolve maritime disputes with the Philippines through friendly consultations, a Foreign Ministry spokesperson said here on Tuesday (July 28).

    It was reported that President Duterte said on Monday in his annual State of the Nation Address that the Philippines would continue upholding an independent foreign policy, would not pick sides between China and the United States, would not agree to allow US troops back to military bases in the country, and would not confront China over the South China Sea.

    He also expressed hope for priority access once China successfully develops a Covid-19 vaccine......

    ....Since the outbreak of Covid-19, China and the Philippines have been standing together with mutual assistance, turning anti-epidemic cooperation a new highlight in bilateral relations, he said.

    "The Philippines is a friendly close neighbour and we will give priority to its needs once we succeed in developing a vaccine," the spokesperson said. - Xinhua

  7. 5,000 year old Bully is shameless. Capitalizing on a global pandemic to twist the arms of poor countries. Another version of Belt You Down My Road.

    This so-called 1 billion "loan" is actually money that these poor countries have to borrow from Chinese banks like ICBC and has to be paid to the Chinese companies that are developing these vaccines anyway. Like the Japanese "Development Aid" of yester-years for infrastructure projects in poor countries; the contracts all went to Japanese companies so the money all went back to Japan.


    China offers $1 billion loan to Latin America and the Caribbean for access to its Covid-19 vaccine
    By Karol Suarez
    July 24, 2020

    Mexico City (CNN). Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi announced a $1 billion loan to Latin America and the Caribbean for Covid-19 vaccine access during a virtual gathering with his Latin American counterparts on Wednesday, according to a statement released by the Mexican Foreign Affairs Ministry.

    "China's Foreign Minister said that the vaccine developed in his country will be a public benefit of universal access, and that his country will designate a loan of $1 billion to support access [to the vaccine] for the nations of the region," the statement said.

  8. Ah Lo talks about historical analogies; the Rampas of Hongkong (before 50 years) is exactly the same as the Rampas of Tibet.

    Bully is very clever in telling Bull(y)shit.

    08 Jul 2020

    NEW DELHI: Hong Kong is heading toward the same fate as Tibet after China imposed a new security law that criminalises calls for independence, the leader of the exiled Tibetan government has told AFP.

    Lobsang Sangay said China was deceiving Hong Kong the same way it cheated Tibetan people in 1951 when it promised autonomy.

    Sangay said China promised to uphold the will of the Tibetan people under a 17-point agreement signed seven decades ago but instead unleashed an oppressive rule, undermining the former Himalayan kingdom's freedoms.

    "If you follow the Chinese occupation of Tibet and (events) thereafter you see it is being replicated in Hong Kong," the 51-year-old told AFP from Dharamsala, India where the exiled government is based and Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama has his home.

    "One country, two systems was promised to Tibet .... But right after signature of Tibetan officials, under duress, each of the provisions of the 17-point agreement was violated.

    "So that's what you see in Hong Kong. Basic law was promised to people in Hong Kong but what you see is a violation of all the provisions that were promised."

    The Harvard-educated leader also criticised the security law which China enacted last week for the semi-autonomous city of around 7.5 million people.

    The legislation, which has faced international criticism, criminalises dissenting opinions such as calls for independence or autonomy.

    Sangay said Beijing unleashed similar security measures in Tibet to throttle independent voices. The Dalai Lama fled in 1959 after an uprising against Chinese rule.

    "People in Hong Kong are pursuing what is rightfully theirs - basic human rights and democracy," he said.

    "What you see (in Hong Kong) already took place in Tibet. We have been victims of a national security law. Unfortunately, it is being introduced and implemented in Hong Kong."

    Source: AFP/nh

    1. Blurred mfer, simply just c&p w/o proper research & verifications!

      "One country, two systems was promised to Tibet ..." - Lobsang Sangay

      This self declared Sikyong (President) of the Tibetan-government-in-exile has farted kau2. & this mfer just bought the whole load of it!

      1C2Y was only formulated & offered as an interim compromised political solution to go by Deng Xiaoping in early 1980s.

      If u have done just a little research then u would have discovered that the 17-point agreement was not based on 1C2S format & predated it!

      Obviously u know fart about what this 17-point agreement have done to Tibet.

      Mfer, google 农奴 - a agrarian serf for life & owned by the high ranking lama (喇嘛). See how 17-point agreement executed by the CCP China has eliminated that hateful system that not even Dalai Lama dares to removed!

      This Harvard 'educated' lawyer isn't even born in Tibet & know nuts about Tibet!

      No surprise! If Bush Jr can be trained by Harvard what's more another coconut with big dream.

  9. Walau-eh!! The infamous blurred/blinded mice r parading their led-through-the-nose China bashing chants.

    1) "normal for two bullies to be fren fren. Duterte the local Bully and and Xi the Global One. Then they can divide the spoils (Southern Seas) between them."

    Wakakakakaka… blurred mfer, who got the sovereign right in the SouthChinaSea?

    Divide the spoil?

    U know nothing about mutual benefit between countries. All that u have known so far & wide r confined within a tiny but deep fart filled well.

    2) blurred mfer, have u read any pages of the UK-China Joint Declaration on Hong Kong signed in 1984?

    Who broke that Declaration w/o altering a word/phrase within that document?

    Many countries upset now!

    How many, besides that abang-adik 5eyes?

    They sing the chorus of using broken agreement against China, as dictated by their taiko.

    U obviously c&p this

    "when a Bully treats others badly it is the responsibility of others to put him in his place, even if they are not the victim."

    from somewhere/someone. Understanding the intrinsic message is secondary as usual.

    Blurred mfer, do use this words of yrs to placate the marginalised Palestinians in that holy land where yr uncle Sam plays favour with the Zionists!

    Have u been arm-twisted & by whom?

    Yr double standard in judging bully, right?

    3) "better behaved" wrt

    A) signed but never ratified UNCLOS. But they expect others to obey it.

    B) signed and ratified it, but refused to recognize its ruling in 2016 which was in favour of Philippines.


    Wakakakaka… u DON'T know that the UNCLOS ruling in 2016 which was in favour of Philippines was not a legal proceeding! Besides, even in that illegal setting, the sovereignty of China vis-a-vis the claimed islets WASN'T in doubt!

    Just shoot, ooop… fart first, no?

    4) "Duterte wants access to the Covid-19 vaccine"

    "1 billion "loan" is actually money that these poor countries have to borrow from Chinese banks … has to be paid to the Chinese companies that are developing these vaccines anyway."


    Obviously u have never read about Chinese President Xi Jinping pledged to make any coronavirus vaccine universally available once it’s developed.

    R news under yr fart filled well been twisted/censored or just like YouTube/Facebook, r playing biased selectivity against things China?

    Do u understand about ensuring vaccine accessibility and affordability in developing countries? Understand user pay? How much? When?


    Haven't u noticed that yr uncle Sam has started to corner the possible workable vaccines developed with billions of fund, printed by him to those uni/pharmaceutical companies?

    "Capitalizing on a global pandemic to twist the arms of poor countries"

    Right! In yr farted mind, all u can understand is yr uncle Sam's me-first, pay-through-the-nose vaccine scams that that r been concocted NOW.

    5) old moneyed mfer, the Chinese has a name - Zēngmǔ Ànshā (曾母暗沙), long before that out of nowhere James shoal appears on any map!

    It is lying about 45 nautical miles (83 km) northwest of Bintulu, Malaysia on the Continental shelf of Borneo, the shoal is 80 kilometres (50 mi) from the Malaysian coast and about 1,800 kilometres from the Chinese mainland.

    Using yr hinted fart based on proximity, then what the fart r u complaining about HK & Taiwan been part of China?

    The local inhabitants?

    So u want to use historical link!

    Then there is NO issue about this shoal been Chinese territory as the Chinese had/has been using it for temp shelter & navigation marker since time immemorial!

    U guys r pathetically psychopath in bashing China!

    Know nothing. Read nothing. Yet willingly been led by the nose via those urban legends/propagandas/farts!

    Many novel punks like to hook a ring around their nose for gimmicky showoff. What r yr nose rings for?

    Show of meme-ed obedience?

  10. Taiwan - population 23+ M. Taiwanese have the perfect right to claim Taiwan belongs to ...Taiwanese.

    James Shoal...just off the Sarawak coast...CCP is a big bully to claim it , when the nearest legal Chinese land, Hainan island is 1,700 km away.

    Who is really stirring the pot in South China Sea ? (the name does not mean it belongs to China)

    1. Old moneyed mfer, u used PROXIMITY to justify bolihland claiming 曾母暗沙 as within its 200 nautical mile EEZ.

      M'sia's claim on the shoal is based on the newly established continental shelf principle, on the basis that M'sia is the only country whose continental shelf covers James Shoal.

      International law defines continental shelf as a natural extension of a country’s landmass to a distance of 200 nautical miles (maximum 350 nautical miles).

      This UNCLO clause IS in disputed by many signatory countries bcoz it DOESN'T take into account of HISTORICAL legacy of founder retains the ownership!

      Based on the proximity clause & historical fact NOW u want to fart about Taiwan belongs to Taiwanese!

      This fact is fine in name BUT for a clear fact that Taiwan is a province of China. Taiwan isn't an independent country, recognized by any other countries on earth, on her own.

      Just like Johore belongs to Johoreans BUT it's part of M'sia! Ditto Penang Penangites!

      Old moneyed mfer, reread from the beginning of this post & fart again lah!

      The name does mean it belongs to China. It predated all yr auntie pommie's blatant disregard for native rights when her fleets roamed the open sea as a mighty pirate gang! She claimed what she wanted even when she came last!

      Ain't that yr often chanted definition of bully?

      Perhaps not. Domesticated cur has no inborn nature to challenge the master mah. That's what I termed meme-ed obedience.

  11. CK, these blind mice macam tin kosong, now quoting CNN and reports from India ! Like empty cans, making the loudest noise with zero substance.

    If CNN, BBC, FOX or similar channels are the source of your main news diet, then you believed the so-called “China Threat” they have been spreading, and even unknowingly echoed their criticism. This is the West’s style: Do as we say, but don’t you dare do as we do.

    With regards to the SCS, how credible is the PCA ( Permanent Court of Arbitration, of the Hague ) ? We know it’s been reported that it costs the Philippines USD 30 million (most likely paid for by the US for obvious reasons) to get that ruling in its favour, but in actuality, it is worth less than a piece of used toilet paper!

    Some facts for you to consider: First the facts....
    The Tai Ping Island, the biggest island in the Spratlys(南沙群岛), has an airport, a hospital; it also has fresh water and vegetation and even
    animal farms to support a staff of well over a hundred men, permanently stationed on the island SINCE 1945. For a consideration of the USD30 million, the PCA audaciously declared this island a “rock”, whereas it shamelessly dared to rule a 9 square meter Japanese rocks in the Pacific an island, thereby Japan can enjoy the 200 nm of EEZ. Just wondering how much Japan paid for such a ruling !
    How credible is PCA? And how worthy are their rulings?

    Now the history : We all know that China was the only country in Asia in ancient times that possessed the technological know-hows and had the resources to explore the seas; China invented the compass in the Han dynasty, and by the time of Yuan and Song Dynasty, China was the world leader in ship building and seafaring.

    Sufficient documentation supported the early expeditions to many of these islands and far beyond, and as a result of the findings of these explorations, thousands upon thousands of Chinese fishermen were able to earn a living around these waters FOR CENTURIES. In the early Ming Dynasty (1403-1433), China’s navy was larger than the rest of the worlds’ combined; by comparison, the ship, Santa Maria (60 feet in length) that got credit for the “discovery” of America (more than half a century later in 1492) by Christopher Columbus, could be comfortably stored inside the hulk of Admiral Zheng’s flag ship, the “Bao Chuan” ( 宝船 has 4 decks, 9 masts and more than 400 feet in length!).

    But let’s for the moment put these ancient historical capabilities and claims aside and just concentrate on the more recent events:

    During WWII, most of these islands were occupied by the Japanese Imperial Navy to facilitate the transportation of the raw materials it had plundered from those conquered countries throughout South East Asia. But upon its defeat in 1945, and in accordance with the stipulations of Potsdam and Cairo Declarations, and the Japanese Instrument of Unconditional Surrender, all territories that Japan acquired by force are returned to their rightful owners. China lawfully and rightfully claimed these islands. NOTE : there were NO OTHER claimants at that point in time, the ONLY claimant was China.

    China's position by then, assaulted by Japan for 14 long years, was in dire financial straits, thus unable even to have any sea worthy vessel to travel the distance to mark the boundaries on these islands. In November 1945, these 4 US Navy vessels brought Chinese officials to erect the boundary stones (all vessels were later donated to China, and China named 4 of these islands in memory of these "charity" vessels, Chinese names are in brackets):

    (1) USS Decker (太平舰)
    (2) USS LST-1056(永业舰)
    (3) USS Embattle(永兴舰)
    (4) USS LST-716(中建舰)

    It would do well to pay special attention to the date (November 1945)...this will explain why the the other johnny-come-lately claimants has no locus standi


  12. After the US defeated Spain in a war in 1898, the Philippines became a US colony until their declaration of independence on July 4, 1946, and at that time, the US expressly reminded the Philippines that the Spratlys(南沙群岛)and the Paracels(西沙群岛) WERE NOT part of the Philippines, simply because after its defeat, Spain ceded Philippines to the US in the Treaty of Paris (1898), and in the treaty, these islands were NOT listed as part of the Philippines. If any of these islands DID belong to the Philippines prior to this independence date, do you think the US Navy would bring Chinese officials to erect China’s boundary stones?

    The US knew that the Chinese claim to the Spratlys and the Paracels was absolutely legitimate. But as Pompeo had smugly and cheerfully admitted : we lie, we cheat and we steal.

    Other countries started claiming or occupied some of these islands/reefs were MUCH later in the 70s when an abundance of oil and gas reserves were discovered and these new claimants include Vietnam, the Philippines or Malaysia. I will leave out Taiwan as it belongs to China.

    So wake up, you moronic blind mice...stop your lazy fuckism, hehe. Just merely repeating bully bully bully and quoting non credible sources would only show you incorrigible indoctrinated sucker-up of the imperialist West, trapped forever in their echo chamber, parroting their propaganda lies and smears blindly.

  13. "Numerous major media outlets, from Reuters....have claimed that the United Nations has reports that the Chinese government is holding as many as 1 million Uighur Muslims in “internment camps.” But a close examination of these news stories, and of the evidence behind them — or the lack thereof — demonstrates that the extraordinary claim is simply not true.

    A blatant falsehood introduced by Reuters and echoed across mainstream media "

    Read the full report here :

    1. JJ, these demoNcratic dickheads only read what they wanted to read. & been told to read so too.

      Otherwise, FACTS r irrelevant to them!

    2. You nailed it, CK. Dickheads from the Blind Mice Club willfully filter out any facts that contradict their indoctrinated belief and will only carry on relentlessly with their usual China bashing. Shameless creatures with not an ounce of integrity.
