
Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Teoh BH case - Guan Eng, why blindly protect Mahathir but only blame Muhyiddin?

We know that it's difficult if not impossible to get a Malay-dominated government like BN or Muafakat Nasional or Perikatan to have a REAL look into the death (or murder) of Teoh Beng Hock, but what did the Pakatan Harapan government do during its period of rule?

I have never belittled Teoh Beng Hock's family, says Muhyiddin ...

perished cruelly on the day of his wedding

Here's what readers of Malaysiakini, most of whom are PH supporters, say:


‘Harapan shared blame for failure to probe Beng Hock’s death’

YOURSAY | ‘What were DAP, Amanah, PKR doing when they comprised the majority in the previous cabinet?’

Guan Eng: 'Under Harapan, Muhyiddin had no intention to reinvestigate Beng Hock's death'.

Annonymous: DAP leader Lim Guan Eng should blame Pakatan Harapan – after all, DAP, PKR and Amanah had a powerful majority in the previous cabinet - for not giving priority to seeking justice for the rakyat.

DAP politicians, with the exception of Sungai Pelek assemblyperson Ronnie Liu, have proven yet again that they have no principles, zero integrity, zero courage and only in the cabinet to enjoy their ministerial perks as well as kissing the boots of former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

'Tuk, may I go to the toilet for 5 minutes? 

That was the root cause of the Harapan government’s downfall - they allowed Mahathir and his Bersatu gang total freedom to do what they pleased.

Why are you now blindly protecting Mahathir and only put the blame on then home minister and current Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin? Why did your then PM (Mahathir) ignore DAP and deny justice to the many victims of various injustices?

It is not only about Teoh Beng Hock’s murder. What about the suffering of Indira Gandhi and her plea to be reunited with her kidnapped daughter?

Manoharan Malayalam: Indeed, DAP got all their priorities wrong when they were in power.

Teoh’s case should have been on their top 10 list of things to get done in their first 100 days in power, together with the disappearance of Indira’s child.

Lim has forgotten about collective responsibility.

Buy I Am An Accountant To Save Time Let's Just Assume That I Am ...

How can he now blame Muhyiddin when he (Lim) slept on the cases and missed the boat, bus, caravan and everything?

AnonLone1945: Good story, Lim. When the party is down and on the way out, you quickly jump on the Teoh Beng Hock wagon to resurrect your fortunes.

As a matter of principle, the entire lot of DAP ministers and deputy ministers should have resigned once it was clear that neither the sitting PM nor the home minister was going to seriously reopen the case.

Clearly, Teoh's family has called your bluff. If you are not sure, re-read the last part of this article.

Quote Pictures I am never wrong

Muhibah 76: Actually, there is no excuse, Lim. Either you were royally played or you were negligent in ignoring all these types of things, like Teoh’s case.

Maybe you were naive, I don’t know. But now it’s water under the bridge, you lost your opportunity. I wish you were more assertive and stood your ground.

But you didn’t, and our confidence in you is shaken but not stirred. So stop whining and get on with being a strong opposition.

Anonymous_15897060865429524: I feel sorry for Indira and the families of Teoh, pastor Raymond Koh and Amri Che Mat.

Before GE14, they were ignored by BN and used by Pakatan Harapan to win votes. Then when Harapan had power, they were ignored.

Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black?

Now, they are ignored by Perikatan Nasional and being used again by Harapan.

Our politicians on both sides have failed them.

Bobby0: Whether an investigation is made or not, those responsible for his death or those responsible for covering it up will have to answer to the Creator.

An innocent life has been lost and the Creator is the one responsible for breathing life into him. They have to answer to Him and all these false excuses are not going to work with Him.

It has been years since Teoh’s death and up to now, there has been no urgency by any part of the justice system to seek the truth.

Insurers playing god with business viability | MyBusiness

UPDATED] How the Teoh family successfully sued the gomen for their ...

Malaysian police behind pastor and activist disappearance: Human ...

So where was God then?


  1. KT just simply won't tell the FACTS. How does KT know the Malaysiakini commenters are not cyber-troopers?

    Since KT keep repeating the blame on DAP, it is my duty (not paid but my duty ha ha ha) to repeat the defence....

    DAP successfully pressured the PH government to re-open the TBH case in 2019, after years and years of inaction by the previous government under Jibby.

    Probe into Teoh Beng Hock's death reopens
    By Dawn Chan - November 18, 2019

    SHAH ALAM: A special investigation team, set up by the Selangor police’s criminal investigation department and its Bukit Aman counterpart, has summoned five people, including several politicians, to have their statements recorded as the probe into the 2009 death of political aide Teoh Beng Hock reopens.

    Selangor police chief Datuk Noor Azam Jamaludin said those called included Seri Kembangan state assemblyman Ean Yong Hian Wah as well as lawyer and former Kota Alam Shah state assemblyman M. Manoharan.

    “We will also be calling up Tricia Yeoh, who had raised issues in an article titled “Seeking Fresh Leads To Teoh Beng Hock’s Death” which appeared in the New Straits Times on July 17 this year to assist in investigations.

    “We will also call several public witnesses including the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) to have their statements recorded and further assist us in this case,” said Noor Azam.

    Yeoh is a contributor with the New Straits Times.

    Noor Azam said this following a July 16 order by Attorney-General Tan Sri Tommy Thomas to reopen the case, which was classified as a Sudden Death Report, to be re-investigated under Section 342 of the Penal Code (Wrongful Confinement).

    The special investigation team, added Noor Azam, would be tasked with conducting investigations following the ruling by the Court of Appeal that Teoh’s death was a criminal offence; that he had fallen from a building due to an unlawful act; his death was driven by someone or several unknown persons including a MACC officer and that he had been detained in a constructive manner.

    Noor Azam said the investigation paper would be referred to the Attorney-General’s Chambers for further action from time to time.

    Teoh served as political secretary to Ean Yong, who was then a Selangor executive council member.

    Teoh was found dead on the fifth floor corridor of Plaza Masalam in Shah Alam, Selangor, on July 16, 2009, after giving a statement at the former MACC office located on the 14th floor of the same building.

    On Jan 5, 2011, the coroner’s court ruled that Teoh’s death was neither suicide nor homicide.

    This led to Teoh’s brother, Meng Kee, filing an appeal against the open verdict, which was dismissed by the High Court on Dec 1.

    Meng Kee filed a second appeal to the Court of Appeal on Feb 10, 2012.

    The Court of Appeal‎, had on Sept 5, 2014, set aside the coroner’s open verdict.

    A three-man panel, chaired by judge (then Datuk) Tan Sri Mohamad Ariff Md Yusof, ruled that‎ Teoh’s death was caused by multiple injuries from a fall from the 14th floor of Plaza Masalam due to or accelerated by unlawful acts by unknown persons inclusive of the MACC officers involved in his investigation.

  2. Why Tommy Thomas re-classify TBH case as Sudden Death/Wrongful Confinement and not Murder? Here he explains, as I am sure KT won't....ha ha ha...

    Now tell me what the previous AG under Jibby did.

    AG on Beng Hock case: Classification procedural, evidence not yet sufficient
    Published 17 Jul 2019

    Attorney-General Tommy Thomas explained that the classification of Teoh Beng Hock's case as wrongful confinement instead of culpable homicide was merely an administrative procedure.

    In a letter to lawyer Ramkarpal Singh, who is representing Teoh's family, Thomas explained there was still insufficient evidence to proffer a culpable homicide charge but added that this will not stop investigators from gathering more evidence.

    "The instruction from this Chambers to the police to open an investigation paper classified under Section 342 of the Penal Code is merely an administrative procedure.

    "This decision was necessary because despite numerous rounds of scrutiny by officers in Chambers, most recently in March 2019, of the evidence collected from investigation into possible homicide following the Court of Appeal's finding, the present state of evidence is insufficient to proffer a charge under Section 304 or 304A of the Penal Code.

    "This recent classification does not however in any way prevent investigators from looking into the truth or as to who were involved in his death," he said.

    Section 342 concerns wrongful confinement, which carries a prison term of up to a year, or RM2,000 fine or both.

    Section 304 concerns culpable homicide which carries a prison term of up to 30 years and a fine if done with the intention to cause death or up to 10 years, or a fine or both if done with the intention of causing bodily harm that is likely to cause death but not to the extent of having intention to cause death.

    Section 304A concerns causing death by negligence which carries a punishment of up to two years, a fine or both.

    Thomas, in the letter dated July 8, said an investigation under Section 342 is consistent with the Court of Appeal's finding that "Teoh was not free to leave MACC's premise although he was never placed under arrest".

    He also assured that the case could be reclassified if and when new evidence comes to light.

    "Please be assured that should there be sufficient evidence uncovered by the police, the public prosecutor is not prevented by reason of such an administrative classification from bringing a charge under culpable homicide or any other suitable charge in order to bring those responsible to justice," he said.

    Teoh was found dead at Selangor MACC headquarters in July 2019 after being questioned by MACC officers as a witness.

    The Coroner's Court gave an open verdict after it could not establish whether Teoh was murdered or committed suicide.

    The Court of Appeal, in September 2014, set aside the open verdict and concluded that a person or persons were responsible for Teoh's death.

    In a consent judgment at the Kuala Lumpur High Court, the government also agreed to pay Teoh's family RM600,000 for negligence.

    However, Teoh's family is refusing to back down as the MACC officers, who are allegedly responsible for his death, have yet to face action.

    Ramkarpal, who is also the Bukit Gelugor MP, had in a letter on June 28 asked if the classification of Teoh's case as wrongful confinement meant that the AGC was ruling out homicide.

  3. Guanee is following KT's advice - move on from Toonsie, since he is no longer in power.

    KT needs to re-read his own posting:

    That is why Guanee goes after Muhyiddin, who is now the back-door PM and was Home Minister during PH days.

    1. Because Guan Eng did fuck-all when he was a cabinet minister - Useless balls carrier for Mahathir only
